an octoroon themes

BJJ is focused on a play, The Octoroon, but runs into issues staging it because the white actors quit, so he applies whiteface in order to play them himself. This wish to use preexisting material to simultaneously move past these experiences because of the multiple levels of the plays presentation and humor. This led Jacobs-Jenkins to see doubles and pairs in Boucicault's play, through relationships between characters e.g. Tonis diatribes may be more unrelenting than Violets in August: Osage County, but the two matriarchal figures engage in similarly vitriolic attacks against members of their family. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. By opening up the old form of the minstrel show, Jacobs-Jenkins exposes old meanings and layers new ones onto them. Eventually, Zoe takes the poison and runs off. In the plays final sequence, representing an indeterminate period of time marked by stylized blackouts followed immediately by the lights coming up again, the audience bears witness as the house, established by now as a representation of America, is casually inhabited by various strangers and literally falls apart. [24] Jacobs-Jenkins quoted in Margaret Gray, Spotlight Shines Brighter on Appropriate Playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, Los Angeles Times, 24 September 2015. (accessed 27 April 2017). [9] Hutcheon, A Theory of Adaptation, xvii, 6, 21. The Graduate Center CUNY Graduate Center In fact, Jacobs-Jenkins hits on so many ideas per minute, you'll wish you had a little more time to catch your breath. Also, it's incredibly funny. I will discuss the three plays separately in order to bring out their distinctive qualities as intrageneric dramatic adaptations. Caught up into his act, Jim is like a hurricane unleashed, the most incredible thing you have ever seen in your entire life, even though he also shares characteristics with his minstrel forebearseyes bugged out, limbs loose, moving, dancing, mo coon than a little bit (288). The Cambridge Companion to Sam Shepard (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 112. This place has historyour history.[25] If the plantation clearly symbolizes Americas history, the members of the Lafayette family represent its contemporary cultural geography. And neither do you.". Try it today! Most of the black works we have read that touch on race have been incredibly serious dramas, but Jacobs-Jenkins is able to depict racial issues while still giving the reader a good laugh. At the beginning the incessant chatter of cicadas fills and sweeps the theater in pulsing pitch-black waves (13), assaulting the audiences senses in an almost Artaudian manner for what seems like an unbearably long time; at the end alternating darkness and light represent the passing of many years as the house falls apart and the cicadas fall silent. Jacobs-Jenkins reframes Boucicault's play using its original characters and plot, speaking much of Boucicault's dialogue, and critiques its portrayal of race using Brechtian devices. In the first lecture Richard explores the origin of tragedy in our lives, suggesting that it comes from choices we have made in the past that haunt us deep into our very present (240). The effect, according to the stage directions, is supposed to be absolutely nothing less than utter, utter transcendence (310). To Dora's consternation, however, George is in love with Zoe (Amber Grey), the octoroon ( black) daughter of the Judge and one of his slaves. That sense of uncertainty is part of the fun. [7] Grard Genette, Palimpsests: Literature in the Second Degree, translated by Channa Newman and Claude Doubinsky (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1997). [42] On nineteenth-century American melodrama, including its depiction of slavery, see Rosa Schneider, Anyway, the Whole Point of This Was to Make You Feel Something: Branden Jacobs-Jenkins and the Reconstruction of Melodrama, Journal of American Drama and Theatre 31, no. Asserting that he was not afraid of black images that would generally be found offensive, in the earliest play in the trilogy, Neighbors (2010), Jacobs-Jenkins adopts tropes from the nineteenth-century blackface minstrel show that are uncomfortably crude and undeniably racist. The audience is catapulted into a space that plays to their stereotypes and questions our society's relationship to humanity and our history. Already a member? Its all too easy to slip into a pratfall. [37] Thomas P. Adler, Repetition and Regression in Curse of the Starving Class and Buried Child, in Matthew Roudan, ed. publication in traditional print. Zoe heads out to the slave quarters to ask Dido for poison. . Checking on the audiences reactions is a whimsical giant Brer Rabbit (clearly an authorial figure and originally played by Jacobs-Jenkins himself) who wanders through the show at will, staring at the spectators (much as the Crows stare at their audience at the end of Neighbors). Brooks' idea is that melodrama is about binaries and opposites, where there is always good and bad with no gray area. [28] In the end Bo is prevented from selling the photos because Franz feels called to cleanse himself and his family by jumping into the nearby lake, taking the photos with him: I took everythingall my pain, all Daddys pain, this familys pain, the picturesand I left it there. This cultural stratigraphy is especially apparent in the sequence late in the play in which the Crows encourage Jim not to be nervous in the upcoming show because, Mammy says, the audience luvs evathang we does (317). Pete, George, and Dora acquaint themselves when Zoe enters to meet George. For his research into Boucicaults aesthetic principles and into melodrama see Foster, Meta-melodrama, 286, 290, 293 and Schneider, Anyway, the Whole Point of This Was to Make You Feel Something.. So B J J puts on whiteface, the better to portray both the hero (the idealistic young heir to a plantation) and villain (a wicked, lust-ridden, newly rich overseer). [7][8] It was originally directed by Gavin Quinn of the Irish theatre company Pan Pan, but Jacobs-Jenkins took over the role after Quinn quit several weeks into rehearsals. ", The book is about a "Tragic Mulatta" character, a stereotype used by 19th-century American authors to explore racial miscegenation. [54] Because Jacobs-Jenkins appreciates the works and genres he adapts even at some level the black minstrelsy of Neighbors[55]he encourages audiences similarly to appreciate and to enjoy his own versions of them. Though she is legally a slave and the property of Mr. Peyton, she has not been treated as one; he tried to free her, not realizing that a legal loophole prevented it. Daniel OConnell, Frederick Douglass, and Intersectionality, Public vs. Mr. Bloomingdale, Rhoda's first suitor, a white man, Dr. Olney, Mrs. Meredith's physician and Rhoda's eventual suitor, a white man, Mrs. Meredith, Rhoda's aunt, a white woman, This page was last edited on 23 January 2023, at 21:41. Through Brechtian elements such as direct address, Jacobs-Jenkins explores "the idea that you could feel something and then be aware that youre feeling it". "[2] This examination of race as a social construct is also in Appropriate and Neighbors. Yet as the production keeps switching approaches, it also finds inklings of validity in each one, including that of Boucicaults original script. Zoe calls Dido Mammy, and she puts on a mammy character as they argue. The homecoming motif with which Appropriate opens quickly transforms into the airing of past grievances and the quarrel over inheritance, channeling such plays as Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Dividing the Estate. Moments later, he reveals, "Just kidding. "You're melodramatic," BJJ screams into a mirror. In his own defense, Jacobs-Jenkins writes in the stage direction, "I don't know what a real slave sounded like. Foster, Co-Editors: Naomi J. Stubbs and James F. Wilson [22] Isherwood, Caricatured Commentary.. Advisory Editor: David Savran [42] Jacobs-Jenkins retains most of Boucicaults main characters and substantial amounts of his dialogue as well as his plot. Though I cant remember any of them now. According to Jacobs-Jenkins, Toni represents the New South with its feeling of being betrayed by the rest of the country; the West represents new possibilities, enabling Franz to reinvent himself; and New York connects Bo (with his smart phone) to a bigger world and forward momentum.[26]. Over the course of the play the album is passed from one family member to another, eliciting various white responses (including shock, disgust, curiosity, fascination, disregard, aversion) as each of them has to try to find a way to deal with what it represents about their father, their family history, their own racial attitudesand whether or not they can sell the photos for a substantial sum as collectors items. By layering African-American history onto Greek myth, Richard constructs an alternative archeology of seeing to Topsysand Jacobs-Jenkinssexcavation of the minstrel show that is the plays main focus. BJJ clarifies that in the time of the play, a photograph was a novel/innovative/contemporary way for the plot to be resolved. An Imperative Duty Full text HTML version scanned from 1893 edition published by Harper . 3. In his second lectureon Euripidess Iphigenia at AulisRichard layers his own experience as a black man in America onto the story of Agamemnon and Iphigenia. (accessed 19 May 2017). Assistant announces that the boat explodes. In the auction scene he has to fight himself over Zoe. Austin Smith and Amber Gray in a scene from Branden Jacobs-Jenkinss play. [22], From May 18 to July 1, 2017 An Octoroon was performed at the Orange Tree Theatre in Richmond, London[23] in a production directed by Ned Bennett and designed by Georgia Lowe. An Obie award winner, it seemed to confirm the reputation of its author as one of this countrys most original and illuminating writers about race. Marvin Carlson, Director of Publications The two scream expletives at each other Marina- and Ulay-style before BJJ gives up and they begin the play in earnest. Richard believes that Agamemnon, a new breed of Achaean, should have resisted and saved hisRichard, distraught, slips and says, mydaughter (292, 293). England, England, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent 2020. Her publications include The Name and Nature of Tragicomedy, the edited collection Dramatic Revisions of Myths, Fairy Tales and Legends: Essays on Recent Plays, and numerous articles on early modern and modern drama. This strategy produces a general sense of familiarity that, as reviewer Erin Keene, observes, creates a comfort zone for audience members who are then periodically shocked out of their complacencywe know these people, we know this genreby the reemergence of the album.[32] The broadly familiar content of Appropriate is punctuated, too, by more precise allusions that Jacobs-Jenkins chooses to italicize and engage with in order to render visible within the parameters of the white American family play a discourse about blackness. The Octoroon was a controversial play when it debuted, given its focus on slavery when the pre-Civil War United States was engaged in a heated debate over the institution. Download the entire The Octoroon study guide as a printable PDF! For the details of this argument see Verna A. [31] Hutcheon, A Theory of Adaptation, 170. (depending presumably on the resources of the theatre). That, however, is only the bare outline of a work that is infinitely playful and deeply serious and which dazzlingly questions the nature of theatrical illusion. While An Octoroon revisits many of these themes, it does so in a more formally challenging way. There was excitement when it was announced that Theater for a New Audience would be restaging Ms. Bensons Soho Rep production, but also a certain apprehension. Stacy Wolf, Frank Hentschker, Executive Director The Crows have been on hiatusthe word is used repeatedly (231, 235, 242)after the death of Jim Crow, Sr. for an uncertain period of time, suggesting that they may have come literally from the nineteenth century, and are, like Pirandellos Six Characters, in search of their life on the stage in the form of their much-vaunted comeback (261). Alistair Toovey and Vivian Oparah in An Octoroon. I don't have a therapist. In this respect her role anticipates that of the authorial figure BJJ in An Octoroon, who teaches his audience about melodrama. The evening starts with a confrontation between the two authors. [45] Similarly, the old slave Pete (in blackface) clearly performs his role as loyal house slave. In play, the lovers, Zoe and the judge's prodigal nephew, George Peyton, are thwarted in their quest by race and the the evil maneuverings of a material-obsessed overseer named Jacob M'Closky. Your answer to that question may very well determine your decision to buy a ticket to the world premiere of Branden Jacobs-Jenkins'An Octoroon at Soho Rep. At the same time his plays push the boundaries of what adaptation can accomplish and offer further refinements to the current discourse on adaptation theory. George proposes to Dora, but Zoe confesses their love, which turns off Dora. This use of make-up reverses the nineteenth-century theatres casting of white actors in blackface to play the enslaved characters and comments ironically on racist stereotypes and the theatrical convention that perpetuated them. 2 (2017): 151. The production was critically acclaimed, winning an Obie Award for best new American play in 2014 (a tie with his previous play, Appropriate). The plantation is in dire financial straits, but could be saved if George were to marry Dora (Zo Winters), a wealthy young heiress from a neighboring estate. [46] In Definition Theatre Companys 2017 production of An Octoroon in Chicago, Pete and Paul were played by an African-American actress in blackface, producing an even more pointed Brechtian comment on the absurdity of Boucicaults racist and gendered characterizations. Jacobs-Jenkins developed his take on The Octoroon while he was a Dorothy Strelsin Fellow at Soho Rep in the 2009/10 season. Its even worse than the first time I got sold! And Minnie replies, Yeah, I didnt wake up thinkin this was where my day was gonna go (41). In creating his plays Branden Jacobs-Jenkins has repeatedly chosen to rewrite, adapt, or otherwise appropriate earlier theatrical styles or dramatic texts. The Art of Dramatic Composition: A Prologue, "Branden Jacobs-Jenkins: Feel That Thought", "The Great Work Continues: The 25 Best American Plays Since 'Angels in America', "Amber Gray on 'An Octoroon,' at Soho Rep", "The Octoroon Delayed Opens This Week at PS122", "Branden Jacobs-Jenkins Tries to Revive The Octoroon", "Disgruntled Cast Member Issues Invite to P.S.122's Troubled Octoroon", "Soho Rep Reading of Branden Jacobs-Jenkins' An Octoroon to Feature Saycon Sengbloh and William Jackson Harper | Playbill", "Review: 'An Octoroon,' a Branden Jacobs-Jenkins Comedy About Race", "BERKELEY REPERTORY THEATRE | An Octoroon", "Cast announced for An Octoroon at Orange Tree", "Review: An Octoroon (Orange Tree Theatre)", "An Octoroon is taboo ridden, but thoughtful (Shaw Festival)", "Georgia Southern Theatre & Performance to Present "An Octoroon", "2017 Results | Critics' Circle Theatre Awards", For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide / When the Rainbow Is Enuf, Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You, A Very Merry Unauthorized Children's Scientology Pageant,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox play with unknown parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 12 February 2023, at 11:33. Playwright taunts BJJ, and laments how theatre has changed since his death. Directed by Sarah Benson, in a style that perfectly matches its mutating content, "An Octoroon" is a shrewdly awkward riff on Dion Boucicault's "The Octoroon" (notice the change in article), a. date the date you are citing the material. And try to guess who that is dressed up as a Beatrix Potter-style rabbit. Study Guide! As the house slaves Minnie and Dido, the hilarious Jocelyn Bioh and Marsha Stephanie Blake provide much-needed comic relief from this sentimental and contrived plot. The audiences self-reflections that Jacobs-Jenkins so carefully constructs in response to all three of his plays constitute a further layer in his archeology of seeing.. About their apparently imminent sale, for example, Dido says, This is about the worst damn day of my life! 1 (New York: New Directions, 1971), 249, 377. Significantly, the character of Zoe loses the definite article she has in Boucicaults title to become simply an octoroon: one of many rather than a symbol of her race. [2] Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, quoted. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. DORA played by a white actress or an actress who can pass as white. Such plays, with their focus on family dysfunction and buried secrets,[23] include Eugene ONeills Long Days Journey into Night, Tennessee Williamss Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Sam Shepards Buried Child, Horton Footes Dividing the Estate, and Tracy Lettss August: Osage County. If there are three dates, the first date is the date of the original with Siobhan OFlynn (London and New York: Routledge, 2013), 170. He is able to perform only by becoming almost like a man possessed (288). Meanwhile Zip Coon suavely charms Jean, encouraging her to talk about herself and taking an interest in her poetry in contrast to Richards obsession with his own career and status. [23] Jacobs-Jenkins quoted in Amy Wegener, About Appropriate, Appropriate. Adaptation has increasingly become a major object of study by literary scholars. After setting a pile of leaves on fire with a cigarette, Mammy puts out the fire with milk spurting from her enormous breasts, with which she also feeds two white babies, twirling them around in the air from her appendages. Subsequent references are indicated in parentheses. Rhoda lived her whole life "passing" as a white person. [49] Merrill and Saxon, Replaying and Rediscovering The Octoroon, 152. An Imperative Duty is a short realist novel by William Dean Howells published in 1891. Note: When citing an online source, it is important to include all necessary dates. Minnie imagines coasting up and down the river, lookin fly, the wind whipping at our hair and our slave tunics and shit, being admired by the muscle-y men on the boat, and eating fresh fish instead of these fattening pig guts (42). The owner, Mr. Peyton . Dion Boucicault's The Octoroon, first presented in New York in 1859, bears more than a striking resemblance to its better-known stage sister, George Aiken's adaptation of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, which premiered in 1852. This leads to a hilarious scene in which he switches between the two characters engaged in a fight to the death. In Neighbors, Appropriate, and An Octoroon Jacobs-Jenkins puts his own adaptive versions of the minstrel show, the American family play, and Boucicaults melodrama into an edgy but productive dialogue with the forms that he excavates. Like many another melodrama of the period, The Octoroon presents its audi- ence with a dashing hero, a dastardly villain, a bumbling spokesman for goodness, and a woman who almost loses her family home. Sambo is chased repeatedly across the stage by a lawnmower, loses his grass skirt, and uses his long firehose penis to have sexual intercourse with a watermelon, which he then eats (273). Though Toni denies this accusation and is shocked when later Rhys refers to Rachael as the Jew bitch, her own unreflecting anti-Semitism is apparent when she thoughtlessly says that she is not some kind of shylock (77, 34). Maybe they giggle (319). Rachael makes a point of excusing both her father-in-laws anti-Semitism and what she sees as his racial prejudice because he cannot be held responsible for how he may have been brought up to feel or think about other people (40, 42). Paulwith the mailbagsstops to take a photo of himself with Georges camera. Zoe falls in love with George as well, though others are shocked that the two would wish to marry (it being, of course, illegal at the time). Underscoring the link, Toni sarcastically refers to her brother as Beauregarde Big Daddy Lafayette (35). Anyone can read what you share. in Ben Brantley, A Squabbling Family Kept in the Dark, New York Times, 16 March 2014. (accessed 12 August 2015). He is humiliated by what he has to do (285). From the get-go, Mr. Jacobs-Jenkins is cannily exploiting the assumption of false identity that is the starting point for theater, to make us question who is who or who is what. This is Terrebonne, a Louisiana plantation that George Peyton (Myers in whiteface) inherited after the death of his uncle, the Judge. In both plays the buried secrets are discovered to be dead bodies. The album is deeply embedded in the action of the play as the characters try to figure out what it means and what to do with it. Kevin Byrne Rhoda's father was Mrs. Meredith's brother, a white man, and Rhoda's mother was a southern woman of one-eighth black ancestry. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. f I say that this bizarrely brilliant play is the work of a 32-year-old black American dramatist called. [27] Kee-Yoon Nahm, Visibly White: Realism and Race in Appropriate and Straight White Men, Journal of American Drama and Theatre 27, no. In this finale Jacobs-Jenkins deprives his audience of their collectivity and requires them to question their own individual reactions to his play. Know what a real slave sounded like taunts BJJ, and Dora acquaint themselves when enters... By becoming almost like a man possessed ( 288 ) led Jacobs-Jenkins to see doubles pairs. As Beauregarde Big Daddy Lafayette ( 35 ) Terms Privacy |StageAgent 2020, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent.... Many of these themes, it does so in a more formally way! 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an octoroon themes