how does daniel know lola fear the walking dead

Daniel doesn't believe him. Strand stands his gun while Daniel orders he hand over the gun. He thinks it is a walker until the man uses a nail and hammer to put down a walker. Lola and Efran distribute water to a crowd. Efran stops their work to say a prayer before driving a nail into an Infected's skull. Outside the dam, Daniel is escorted around the community. When no one answers, they beat Daniel up and Virginia decides to kill Grace. Daniel and the others race over and discover that someone set off some dynamite. Daniel and the rest of the caravan keep traveling in search of a permanent home. After Ofelia was shot by Andrew, Liza did everything she could to medically help his daughter and assured him that she would get better. Daniel, who has fallen asleep under the car, awakens to the sound of a growling Infected next to the car. In a flashback, young Daniel looks at the pool of dead bodies and notices one of the men is still alive. Wes shoots Daniel in the left shoulder, disarming him, but Daniel's attack gives Alicia the chance to grab one of the Rangers' guns and enter into a standoff with Wes. He grabs a hammer for his next act. Strand admits he secretly kept a gun but insists he didn't take the other weapons. Daniel and Lola discusses their plans now that Dante is dead. Daniel covers him with a blanket and leaves on the rainy night. Are you sure?Daniel to Luciana after the latter lies to him about Strand having Ofelia. They ditch their trucks and make the journey on foot. In Daniel's case, Charlie needs him to be there for her. "Don't force me," Daniel says before standing up and taking his coat off. "She's alive, Daniel," Madison tells him. She hints at her disapproval of his water distribution system. "It was Jake," Nick said. Dante questions who is helping Efran. As the helicopter flies off, Daniel thanks Luciana for believing in him. Lola tell Daniel that if he does not believe in what she is doing, then he should go. After hearing his accent, Dante realizes that Daniel is from El Salvador. Daniel is now a barber and was cutting Virginia's hair as Strand and Alicia watched. Daniel asks Lola to be forgiven, then hands over his gun to her and kneels before her. Dakota runs up and says she recalls Virginia saying that the enemy went underground. In the woods, Strand tells Daniel they should consider joining Virginia, but Daniel reminds him she's not giving them a choice and that's all they need to know. When Daniel's wife was taken away, Daniel was extremely worried, but presumably rested a little easier knowing that Liza was with her at the medical facility. Only when he returned and betray them did she see his true colors. Daniel and the rest of the group clear the tunnel for Alicia, but Josiah warns her that they can't be sure that the tunnel will be stable for long. Daniel fires a couple of shots into the air, insisting Strand to leave now. Daniel tells Madison to keep talking to Vida as a distraction as he attempts to loose the binds. Strand helps Efran treat Everado's wound. Nothing is known about Wes before the apocalypse. After Episode 15 of Fear the Walking Dead aired, several clips were released in the lead-up to the Season 6 finale. Daniel sits in a jail cell and performs a cognitive test. Later, Madison talks with Lola. He also wants to get his hands on the weapons that . Together they sing the chorus of "End of the Line". He later appears fishing by himself. Strand plays dumb saying, "Whatever it is, if it benefits both of us, I'll look the other way. He pulls up in an old truck as everyone focuses their guns on him. In the old world, Lola Guerrero worked for the water utility Poragua, responsible for water treatment in the Gonzalez Dam outside of Tijuana and water distribution throughout the city and its environs. Lola elects they will deal with them later. Dante notices the commotion and grills Daniel about his background. Liza reunites with the group, trying and succeeding to unlock the doors with her key card. Daniel tells Madison about how naive he found his father to be and why he mistrusts governments, and then asks Madison to promise to look after Ofelia if for any reason they do not return. They take Daniel to Lola, who works at the dam. Although reluctant, Daniel agrees to the change in plan. A while later, Daniel reunites with the rest of the group and Althea shows them the bodies of the people Virginia killed. Daniel is still not trusting Strand as he promises to take them to the hotel. Grace then reveals she wishes she could help Morgan more but Daniel assures her she already has. Daniel stops the truck and tells Charlie to drive the truck back to Strand to give him the instruments while he deals with the walkers. Daniel unlocks the weapons depot and discovers that someone took all the weapons during the explosion. Later, as Wes prepares to execute a captured Strand and Alicia, Daniel suddenly appears and kills Wes' two guards. Alicia explains that Daniel isn't well and Strand orders Daniel taken to the basement, reassuring Alicia that if he was going to kill Daniel, he'd have had him taken to the roof instead of putting him "on a little time out." Cause of Death Later on, they arrive at the gulch but see that it is completely overrun with walkers. After a while, Dwight arrives with some horses and explains if they're alive then there must be water nearby. Strand reveals his plans and turns the gun to Daniel who tells him he's not a killer, he's a con man. Daniel yells out for water. Daniel worries that the area is too hostile, but Lola argues that giving the residents water will help avoid further resentment. Daniel reveals to Luciana that Strand had tried to convince him that Charlie is Ofelia and continue what Luciana had started. The Entire Fear The Walking Dead Timeline Explained. Daniel finds Celia praying near a monument with the same symbol on it as Luis' pendant. Alicia is forced by Reed to bind Daniel. At night, Daniel notices more infected have gotten in. of Episodes 16 Main Cast; Character Actor Madison Clark . Daniel thinks they can still make it to the coordinates. Lola is shot in the back and in the head by Proctor John. Daniel and J.C. patrol the streets in search of the water thief. Jorge unties Daniel to give him some food. Later, Daniel and the others rest on the side of the road before Morgan tells the group they should continue and Janis says it's what Tom would have wanted. He grabs the pendant and throws it overboard. The group enters the two remaining vehicles and heads east, Daniel in the back of the truck with Liza and Ofelia. "Our camp is running out of water but we have resources that can benefit you," she says. Daniel reaches the group and starts shooting more of John's men. Daniel packs his things and decides to leave Valley Town. "This is the price," he says in Spanish. Daniel seems to be a fan of English-American superband Traveling Wilburys, as he has played their music several times. Finally, Nick covers for Troy by claiming that Jake Otto was the one who lead the herd to the ranch, to which Daniel finally lets him go, despite not believing him. Lola is down there, now. Efran takes Daniel to a dry water fountain. The basement is infested with walkers, so they have to find another place to shelter at. Daniel later finds Dante interrogating Efran. At night, Daniel and the rest of the group reunite in their camp to dine together. Lola deeply cares about Efran and confesses to routing water to the fountain to stop his torture at Daniel's hands. Daniel completes some psychological tests for June. The two survivors entered through the main entrance of the building to find only blood, there were no people around. Daniel slowly rises up with a bullet hole in his cheek, spitting blood and teeth from his mouth. She promises to read more about his condition and return. Daniel tells his interrogator that anyone could have been a traitor. After Daniel himself proves to be responsible, Daniel decides to leave Valley Town to return to his warehouse, but to Daniel's surprise, Strand offers to take him in at Lawton for Ofelia's sake. A humble man who keeps to himself and shelters his family. After Victor saves his life from a herd, Daniel appears to finally forgive him and tells Victor he's no longer going to shoot him in the face. While under the leadership of Dante Esquivel, he briefly re-embraces his cruel nature, but ultimately turns on Dante and his men, saving his allies from certain death, demonstrating that he will never harm the innocent again and that he is ready to kill a threat without any hesitation. Daniel's military expertise has him made one of Dante's operatives, and he betrays Efrain and later tortures him - but Lola exposes her complicity in water thefts to stop it. Daniel writes down a number. Alicia, Chris and Alex help Daniel fight off the herd, but are quickly getting cornered. He insists when they find her, though, there will be nothing they can do. Strand insists Lola has it taken care of. (S3E10). Later on, Daniel is suspicious when the servants working for Celia confiscate the group's weapons. Dante and J.C. take Efran, Lola, Strand and Pablito to the dam catwalk for execution. Daniel laps up the water. "If you come back, the next one will be in your face," he tells him. Nick finally says that Jake led the herd to the ranch after learning that Nick killed his father. The group manages to get inside of the Tower as the walkers rush it, but Strand betrays Alicia when he realizes that she won't ever forgive him and the fight between them sets the Tower on fire. Daniel sensed Strand's nervousness, working out that he hasn't a clue where Ofelia is. Andrew reappears and threatens Daniel with a gun. Dante obliges, but implores Daniel to stay here, promising to take care of him. However, Daniel doesn't believe him and claims Strand just wants the plane for himself because he is always self-serving. Daniel senses Nick is lying and locks the door to the room. Daniel watches Strand's increasing stress to get the filtration system up and running. J.C. tells him someone is robbing them. He goes on to give Strand water. Daniel forces him to reveal that he had tricked Daniel about Ofelia, preventing him from finding his daughter until it was too late. He is also revealed to be the lookout for the caravan alongside Dwight, whom he has formed a close bond and spends time playing chess. A truck pulls up and rescues them from the angry mob. "Fear the Walking Dead season 3: Meet the cast and characters", She has the least appearances of any main character in the, Lola is the last main character to die in, She is also the second main character who dies in a season finale. Daniel meets Morgan and smiles when Alicia runs up to hug him. And, sure enough, some people lived,. . Image Gallery. To Daniel's dismay, Walker tells him she is a soldier. He then shoot another guard and another before shooting Dante. Daniel says all but, "I told you so." However, Wes threatens to kill Alicia if he does and Daniel is forced to watch as Alicia tries and fails to talk Wes down before Strand kills Wes with his sword, convinced that Wes wasn't going to stand down. Daniel joins the rest of Morgan's group in traveling to the beached sub near Galveston, Texas in order to stop the Doomsday Cult's plans to launch the Pennsylvania's compliment of nuclear missiles. Dante pushes Pablito over the edge despite his pleas of innocence. They are welcoming new people to the community. Lola is disappointed, saying this place is perfect for him. While fending off Walkers, Daniel falls into the sewers leading to the Gonzalez Dam, where he is spared death by Lola Guerrero, one of Dante's workers. "Take the gun, Daniel," a man tells him. Madison realizes that theyre done and walks away. Daniel then tells Dwight he wants to cut his hair, claiming it will make him look more presentable. Fear the Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC. Daniel continues to deny knowing her. When they get there and Victor reveals that he lied, Daniel leaves him to die by zombies. He gives him a necklace that belonged to his wife. I fought, I fought, and I got out. Efran hands him some liquor to swig before she starts scraping off the burns, while singing to him. Their relationship is seemingly over when the two are separated during the Abigail Estate fire, however when the two are reunited after Ofelia's death, Daniel harbors a great amount of rage towards Madison, and even points his gun at her. Luciana asks Riley if Rollie was really a traitor, and the latter confirms, stating that Rollie lost his fate when he saw them turn on each other at the dam. Daniel insists that he will go with Griselda, to which Bethany readily agrees. Daniel explains that Rollie was a cult member, and that this was how the cult found out they were coming to the sub. They order him to stop and threaten to shoot, but he advises them to spare their ammunition, a puzzling statement that is shortly clarified when the infected from the arena are seen following him. Lola criticizes Daniel for having killed. Proctor John, portrayed by Ray McKinnon, is the leader of the gang known as the Proctors. Lola distributes water to desperate people in the streets while Daniel stays on the lookout for threats to her safety. from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. "No, she wouldn't, but she's dead," Daniel said. Later when the two board the Abigail, their trust was at an all time high when the two shared an immense amount of distrust in Victor Strand. However, he can now, having made peace with her loss finally. Daniel is carrying guilt of killing 96 people to be specific. Efrain brought Daniel to Lola, who runs the maintenance crew for Dante's dam. Daniel has questions about Ofelia's death. She climbs up the ladder and leaves. He knows that Adams is a good person and tells him that the deeper he goes, the more sensitive the nerve becomes, resulting in more pain. Daniel comes in and looks around. [Warning: This story contains spoilers from Sunday's episode of Fear the Walking Dead, "VIP."]. Their discussion is interrupted by Rangers opening fire on the group from the roof, forcing them to take cover, while the herd closes in from the other side. She asks about Ofelia. A beaten Efran is begged to confess. from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. He has good news and bad news. With a smile, Daniel suggests that he still might not be, causing Sarah to laugh. Dakota recalls Virginia saying that the enemy was laying low. After Luciana sees him at his worst and still expresses understanding towards him, an emotional Daniel declares that no matter what, they are now family. They take Daniel to Lola, who works at the Gonzalez Dam. Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. By now, many people know about serial liar Rep. George . Efran hands Lola, who is the doctor, a blade and Daniel knows what she is about to do. "By taking others," Daniel says. Daniel orders them to leave, but is persuaded by his wife Griselda to keep them inside due to the riot outside. Daniel escorts her to the edge where Dante orders him to toss her. Alicia explains that Luciana had lied to Daniel that Ofelia is in the Tower, but Strand already knows because Wes had told him. She manages to take Grace hostage and Hill grabs Daniel hostage and the pair back their way to a station wagon where Hill is ordered to take the captives to a rendezvous. Efran loads Daniel into a rickshaw and peddles through town, expertly dodging Infected along the way. The group debates their next move. In "The Beginning", Luciana at first doubts Daniel about the coordinates on the radio due to his ongoing psychological problems. Daniel, Grace, Sarah, Luciana, June, and Wes were rounded up by the rangers and held in the Lawton town jail as bargaining chips for Virginia as she attempts to get her sister back. I don't know how but I got out." Daniel and Madison catch up. He later witness the aftermath of the attack on a sailing boat, and stands on guard with the shotgun in hand again. Daniel awakens as Lola is pulling out a knife. He snaps out of his daze when Ofelia arrives, and together they escort Reed out of the room to deliver to Connor's Pirates to save Alicia and Travis. Daniel himself reveals that he killed around 96 people in El Salvador and still suffers the trauma of his actions. Daniel appears with his family. Madison agrees to provide them with the required arrangements in exchange for 10,000 gallons of water a week until the rains come. He also found and adopted a cat naming him Skidmark. Lola first appears when the group evaluates Daniel, a newcomer, with Lola ruling he is going to lose his leg. He asks her to look after Charlie if anything ever happens to him, and she agrees. Daniel talks with Adams about the war in the 80s and what he did to keep both himself and Griselda alive. Later, Virginia orders Hill over the radio to surrender and bring Grace and Daniel back to Lawton. While there he plays a cassette on the boombox. Strand approaches with a gun drawn and orders her to step away. He sees Victor Strand getting tackled at the gate, watching with a smirk, and seeing Dante approach. Occupation Actor Walker lowers his first. Right then, Sarah finishes her repairs. She tells them they've come for water. People are heard chanting at the dam as they approach. Charlie helps Daniel look for the weapons inside everyone's tents. With that, they drive off towards the marked destination. In the headquarters of the dam, Lola and Daniel debate plans for preparing for attacks. Daniel is highly suspicious that Strand is responsible for the missing weapons in Valley Town and goes so far as to threaten to torture him to get the weapons back. Daniel questions Chris on how he learned how to fish with him explaining he used to do it when he was younger. She is ready to fight against that. Daniel and Liza always got along when seen together. She describes the last location that Virginia sent scouts to look for the enemy. He is not happy to see him, but Madison emerges and asks Daniel to lower the gun. Daniel is devastated. They hide as a vehicle of armed men drive by. She needs him and is worried his hope will only lead to heartbreak. Madison tells Lola it is impossible to do right by everyone and walks off. He tells his enforcer he was picking a fight with a killer. She notes that they ran out of antibiotics and Daniel sternly tells her not to tell Madison insisting that they have to care for one another. Strand guns them down. He does argue with her once in a while over their decisions, as when she suggests to go with Travis and his group, he declines and says they'll be staying in here until his cousin comes to pick them up. He asks if Madison was with her when she died and if she said anything. Daniel and the rest of the caravan survivors rest along the outskirts of Humbug's Gulch as Morgan contacts with Virginia for help. While on patrol, Daniel is armed and watching the door. Griselda tells Ofelia that even though his decisions may seem wrong, he has always guided them the right way, such as surviving the grim Salvadoran civil war in the 80's by joining the ranks of junta. Since the outbreak, she's distributed water to the surrounding areas. Sherry calls it an inside job. Daniel is shocked that Strand would do such a thing given their history, but Strand tells Daniel that he's doing it for Ofelia. Daniel suggests they post guards at the dam's entryways and use the explosives as a bargaining chip, threatening to blow up the dam if the Proctors don't negotiate with them. They take Daniel to Lola, who works at the dam. Lola is one of five main characters in Fear to die in the season they were introduced, the others being. When Nick refuses to talk, Daniel warns him to not force his hand, hinting that he is willing to torture Nick for answers. Hair As they reach the island Daniel with his M9 beretta in hand tells everyone to remain in eye length with one an another. His name may be a homage to Miguel Salazar, a soldier who suffered from an emotional and mental breakdown in George Romero's Day of the Dead (1985). Later, Daniel finds Lola's body on the bridge. The next day, Daniel helps split up the water. During a conversation with his daughter later that night, he said he remained on the boat because he was not "invited" into the house by the Geary family, which seemed strange to Ofelia. He punches Efran repeatedly and commands him to confess. He leaves Victor behind and his words echo as Victor watches him speed away: "Let's see how you get out of this one.". Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. She insists she needs more janitors to help keep the water clean. She was portrayed by Lisandra Tena. Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. The good news: Daniel Salazar . That night, Daniel hears Skidmark meowing at a hiding Charlie, send by Strand to steal his plane, and investigates. Daniel calls a group meeting so that everyone can share what they know about the enemy. Lola also demands that Ofelia show up at the exchange. She's seen his boxes and wants his help. The only thing he can offer Efran is a proper haircut. Daniel rummages through luggage in search of antibiotics for Ofelia. Just then, Rollie and Wes rush to the scene, having captured Riley. A man accuses them of controlling the dam for personal gain and scolds them for killing Dante and his group. After heading inside Travis' house, they are attacked by an undead Peter Dawson. Charlie asks if she can come along but he says her friends need her more. Daniel, Charlie and Skidmark rush back into the car and slowly drive away. Upon the beginning of apocalypse, Lola stayed at her post and supported nearby communities as best as she could, providing medications and water to the needed. She's caught in a vice -- until a ghost arrives to rescue the saint. He then frees Lola from her ties and hands her the gun. Madison assures Walker, Daniel will help them. That night, they finish setting the lights on the tarmac as the plane gets closer. When Lola saw this, she then started cooperating with street vagabond Efran Morales and supplying water to the people secretly at 5 p.m. on every Tuesday. Lola is next up to be executed, but Daniel has a different plan. Charlie offers a suggestion on how to avoid the trap based on her own experiences and Daniel explains that the man he inherited the warehouse from set the trap and agrees to her plan. She says that he lied to her, but Daniel challenges this by stating that he was protecting her. Both of them were shocked as Daniel claimed he doesn't remember them. "Down with the water queen!" Daniel guesses Strand had an accomplice. . Daniel insists they are going to find Efran and Lola and kill them. Daniel is angry and skeptical that the water will come, but at exactly 5 PM, water begins to flow. Later, Daniel and the group camp as Dwight kills a walker from one of the original western towns and John suggests that could be the settlement they've been searching for. Episodes: 85+ eps. He sings along with Grace at the end of the ceremony. However, Strand contacts Daniel and tries to talk him out of his plan. Lola Guerrero was a major character in the third season. Morgan invites everyone to join his community. Al then asks the group what each want, with Daniel hoping to become a dad Ofelia would be proud of. He also found and adopted a cat naming him Skidmark. Later, while the dam is exploding, Daniel locates Nick and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder as they watch the destruction unfold. They hear gunfire outside. When searching for supplies in the crash site of Flight 462, he shows Daniel what to grab in order to treat Ofelia's gunshot wound, which he appreciates. Daniel finds Ofelia and hugs her fiercely. He threatens Strand. At Strand's house, Daniel is instructed by Liza to change Ofelia's bandages regularly and told that the wound is clotting. "We have no water to spare," she tells Madison. Daniel finds Dante interrogating Efran. Daniel remains very protective of Ofelia and constantly worries about her gun shot injury. Daniel was absent when Liza died, but heard the gunshot that ended her life. An Infected attacks Daniel, and he is nearly overpowered, but he is saved when a bolt of lightning strikes the Infected. When Reed turns after death. In a flashback, residents of Valley Town work in harmony to build the community. So fans and other FTWD characters wondered what happened to Daniel in Season 6's "Welcome to the Club" when it seemed like Rubn Blades' character had lost his memory. Daniel stabs Reed and pins him to a wall, leaving him alive. Back at his warehouse, he puts away the rations, tears off a day from his calendar, and cooks dinner with Skidmark. When more arrive, Morgan is forced to move everyone across. Daniel works with his cat, Skidmark, to lure the dead away from a store. Lola, however, is completely disinterested. Sometime later, Daniel and the group formed a convoy to travel throughout Texas to help others and invite them to join their community, while establishing additional outposts to recruit the survivors reaching out to them over the radio. She tells Daniel their conversation and he says she only saw the real man for a moment. Daniel finally gets the urgency of the situation across and as everyone moves inside, he orders June to see to Charlie first before patching him up. As she gets up, she sees Strand in one of the security cameras and runs off. Tom trips while recording as the truck falls through the bridge. Daniel does his best to comfort Ofelia as she starts crying. Nick asks if torture is what Ofelia would want. Later on, Celia brings food to Daniel, who is tied up in a storage room, and urges him to seek forgiveness from his Dead. Madison suggests they make the first trade in five days at the trading post in Mexicali. She insists she needs more janitors to help keep the water clean. Daniel and Chris have a stable relationship. After Madison escapes the Safe Zone for a brief venture out into the Dead Zone, she openly confides in Daniel what she saw. Alicia goes downstairs and recognizes one of the men's voices as Jack from the radio she was talking to. Late 20s to Early 30s Daniel tells Lola that he led J.C. to Efran's hideout because J.C. was about to discover the fountain. Dante is impressed by Daniel's background and welcomes him as a guest to his table. But then I found my true calling," replies Efran, shaking his flask of alcohol. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) Daniel joins the rest of the Tower residents and Morgan's Group in preparing to flee the area by raft as the Tower fire will release the radiation from the radioactive walkers into the air. Daniel then is radioed back by Strand, who begs him to bring the instruments back. Unknown to Strand, he takes some instruments of the plane along. He takes out some shaves, which Adams immediately recognizes as a torture attempt and discloses her location in an attempt to avoid being tortured. He escaped the 80's civil war and moved to Los Angeles with his wife. Daniel calls Strand and Madison over so the crew can fix the fence. Madison ignores his advice. Daniel, Efran and an injured Everado race down the road in a water tanker with an angry mob in pursuit. Daniel says he doesn't know if he burned his daughter alive and begs forgiveness from Efran. Daniel and Victor meet at the dam, and Victor claims to know where Ofelia is. As a child, he witnessed the brutal nature of civil war in El Salvador, and was present when many members of his village were forcefully abducted by the military, later to be murdered with their corpses being washed up a river. And smiles when Alicia runs up to be forgiven, then hands over his gun to her, Daniel! 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Has played their music several times Strand plays dumb saying, `` Whatever it is impossible to do by. And adopted a cat naming him Skidmark the shotgun in hand again also demands that Ofelia is tells... Dante and his group as a distraction as he attempts to loose binds!

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how does daniel know lola fear the walking dead