how many trees are cut down each year

The United States is the worlds largest consumer (and second largest producer, after Canada) of forest products. Share of deforestation that is driven by domestic consumption, Annual CO emissions from deforestation for food production, trade-adjusted. How many trees are chopped down for Christmas? The annual change is now positive. Nicolas-Jacques Cont, an officer in Napoleon's army, invented the modern pencil by combining graphite and clay for lead durability. You will notice in the chart that this was not only expanding into previously forested land, but also other land uses such as wild grasslands and shrubbery. This demand for resources and land is not always driven by domestic markets. The number of trees cut down in the Brazilian Amazon in January far exceeded deforestation for the same month last year, according to government satellite data. Our World in Data is free and accessible for everyone. Cutting them down disrupts or destroys established, species-rich ecosystems. In the first half of the 20th century, temperate forests reached their peak loss at 34 million hectares per decade, and by 1990 they had passed the forest transition point. Web42 million trees are cut down each day. The other issue that arises is that tree loss or forest loss data collected by satellite imagery often doesnt match the official statistics reported by governments in their land use inventories. For example, the US imported 64,000 hectares of deforested land, but increased its domestic forest area by 275,000 hectares. Many forests utilize the sustained-yield management, which means that more trees are planted than logged every year. Since 2016, an average of 28 million hectares have been cut down every year. Since international demand is driving one-third of deforestation emissions, we have some opportunity to reduce emissions through global consumers and supply chains. It was predominantly temperate forests that were being lost at this time. Thats an area 1.5-times the size of the United States. We see massive differences in how important each driver is across the world. In contrast, most forest degradation two-thirds of it occurs in temperate countries. We see one such transition in the chart: the forest loss in the temperate regions shown as the green part of the bars peaked much earlier than the global forest loss. Deforestation was therefore responsible for [2.6 / 40.2 * 100 = 6.5%]. To quote them, they wanted to prevent a common misperception that any tree cover loss shown on the map represents deforestation. (2017). These countries might have high levels of afforestation at home, but theyre still having a net negative impact on the size of the worlds forests. As mentioned above, about 15 billion trees are cut down each year. A new study published in Nature estimates the planet has 3.04 trillion trees. An assessment of deforestation and forest degradation drivers in developing countries. Forests, biodiversity and people. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Forest Resources Assessment estimates global deforestation, averaged over the five-year period from 2015 to 2020 was 10 million hectares per year. [4] Forests cover 4.06 billion hectares (just less than 31%) of Whats surprising is how consistent the pattern of change is across so many countries; as weve seen they all seem to follow a U-shaped curve. According to the Environmental Paper Network, an estimated 30% of felled trees are used for paper products. There are two reasons that we cut down forests: Our demand for both of these initially increases as populations grow and poor people get richer. As we covered in a previous article, 60% of tropical deforestation is driven by beef, soybean and palm oil production. Today thats just 34%. Tree density in primary forests varies from 50,000-100,000 trees per square km, so the math would put this number at 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees cut down each year. The study also finds that human activity negatively affects tree abundance from the boreal forests to the equator. If we sum countries imported deforestation by World Bank income group, we find that high-income countries were responsible for 40% of imported deforestation; upper-middle income for 25%; lower-middle income for 20%; and low income for 5%. Deforestation, reforestation, and development, Forest transitions: towards a global understanding of land use change, Economic development and forest cover: evidence from satellite data, Deforestation displaced: trade in forest-risk commodities and the prospects for a global forest transition, Classifying drivers of global forest loss, What we know and dont know about Earths missing biodiversity, Biodiversity: The ravages of guns, nets and bulldozers, Tropical forests and the changing earth system, Types and rates of forest disturbance in Brazilian Legal Amazon, 20002013, Agricultural and forestry trade drives large share of tropical deforestation emissions, Environmental impacts of food consumption in Europe. The amount of land per person that was needed to produce enough food was not small in fact, it was much larger than today. Imagine some temperate country was responsible for the deforestation of 25,000 hectares in tropical countries but was restoring its own forests at a rate of 50,000 hectares per year. They first lose lots of forest, but reach a turning point and begin to regain it again. Forest loss or tree loss captures two fundamental impacts on forest cover: deforestation and forest degradation. Forestry production and wildfires usually result in forest degradation the forest experiences short-term disturbance but if left alone is likely to regrow. It might seem odd to argue that we should focus our efforts on tackling this quarter of forest loss (rather than the other 73%). Healthy environment: One hundred mature trees catch about 139,000 gallons of rainwater per year. These are big numbers, and important ones to track: forest loss creates a number of negative impacts, ranging from carbon emissions to species extinctions and biodiversity loss. 27% of forest loss results from commodity-driven deforestation cutting down forests to grow crops such as soy, palm oil, cocoa, to raise livestock on pasture, and mining operations. In a study published in Global Environmental Change, Florence Pendrill and colleagues investigated where tropical deforestation was occurring; what products were driving this; and, using global trade models, they traced where these products were going in international supply chains.34, They found that tropical deforestation given as the annual average between 2010 and 2014 was responsible for 2.6 billion tonnes of CO2 per year. The fact that the per capita emissions after trade are very high means that a lot of their food products are consumed by people in Brazil and Indonesia. We should not only look at where these foods are produced, but also where the consumer demand is coming from. There is a geographical argument (why the tropics?) The grey line marks where the area of domestic regrowth of forests is exactly equal to imported deforestation. Americans cut down 15,094,678 Christmas trees in 2017, according to the most recent year of data from the U.S. Agriculture Department. An area the size of the United States. How many trees are cut down each year in the Amazon rainforest? Approximately 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees are being cut each year according to a report referenced on the Rainforest Action Networks website (RAN) and other publications. (2018), published in Science.20, Commodity-driven deforestation and urbanization are deforestation: the forested land is completely cleared and converted into another land use a farm, mining site, or city. 2020. An assessment of deforestation and forest degradation drivers in developing countries. Africas emissions are high because people are clearing forests to produce more food. It results in a permanent conversion of forest into an alternative land use. Since year-to-year changes in forest cover can be volatile, the UN FAO provide this annual data averaged over five-year periods. Because people are starting to see how climate change affects trees. Approximately 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees are being cut each year according to a report referenced on the Rainforest Action Networks website (RAN) and other publications. Given the current estimate of the total tree cover on the planet, that could equate to about 0.11% of trees being cut each year. Without reliable metrics that capture all of these differences, we will have to stick with total changes in forest area for now. But by studying how forests have changed over time, theres good reason to think that a way forward is possible. The trees are not expected to regrow. Thats more than the countrys CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, which are around 2.2 tonnes per person. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Rome. When it comes to the worlds forests, two of the commonly asked questions are How many trees are on Earth? and How many trees are cut down each year? Rural Sociology, 63(4), 533-552. Explore long-term changes in deforestation, and deforestation rates across the world today. It also estimates that 46% of the worlds trees have been cleared over the past 12,000 years. Some countries within this group are still far behind peak deforestation: without concerted effort to protect these forests it could be many decades before forests in those countries approach the transition point [as we show in a related post].10. Lewis, S. L. (2006). Global deforestation peaked in the 1980s. Humanitys biggest footprint is due to what we eat, not where we live. WebEvery year from 2011-2015 about 20 million hectares of forest was cut down. Most of todays richest countries all of Europe, North America, Japan, South Korea have passed the turning point and are now regaining forest. Nature, 525(7568), 201-205. More than 7 million hectares of forest, or 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees, are cut down every year because of deforestation. England is similar: in the late 11th century, 15% of the country was forested, and over the following centuries two-thirds were cut down. We therefore look at them both individually in more detail, to better understand what we can do about it. This emphasises two important points. That depends on who you ask, but we do know that around 47 million hectares of primary forest were lost between 2000 and 2020. How many trees are cut down each year?. The number of trees cut down in the Brazilian Amazon in January far exceeded deforestation for the same month last year, according to government satellite data. To reconstruct this change I have brought together the data from a number of different sources.7 Weve also differentiated between temperate forests (the sum of boreal and temperate areas), shown in green, and tropical forests (the sum of tropical and subtropical areas), shown in brown. Increasing human dominance of tropical forests. Most deforestation occurs for the production of goods that are consumed within domestic markets. Stage 1 The Pre-Transition phase is defined by having high levels of forest cover and no or only very slow losses over time. Tyukavina, A., Hansen, M. C., Potapov, P. V., Stehman, S. V., Smith-Rodriguez, K., Okpa, C., & Aguilar, R. (2017). Meanwhile, the global population increased by 147% from 3.1 to 7.6 billion.4 This means that agricultural land per person more than halved, from 1.45 to 0.63 hectares. The data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. Global deforestation reached its peak in the 1980s. Rather than looking at total figures by country [if youre interested, we have mapped them here] we have calculated the per capita footprint. How much deforestation happens every day? Since 2016, an average of 28 million hectares have been cut down every year. But the solution is not so simple. Forestry Commission. But it was then that England reached its transition point and since then, forests have doubled in size. University of Chicago Press.FAO (2020). That depends on who you ask, but we do know that around 47 million hectares of primary forest were lost between 2000 and 2020. The data used in this chart comes from several sources. The research says 15.3 billion trees are chopped down every year. In the chart we see deforestation emissions per person, measured in tonnes of CO2 per year. Tropical forests are also large carbon sinks, and can store a lot of carbon per unit area.26. In fact, the world may have already passed peak agricultural land [we will look at this in more detail in an upcoming post]. Across temperate forests the world gained 6 million hectares in the last decade. There is some bad news, though: that number is likely to increase by 20% by 2023. Then things started to speed up. We see this in the chart. The Asia-Pacific region predominantly Indonesia and Malaysia export a higher share: 44%. Some of the worlds poorest countries are still in the pre-transition phase. There is a marked divide in the state of the worlds forests. This gives us an indication of the impact of the average persons diet. Just over one-quarter of global forest loss is driven by deforestation. But not all of it is to produce products for local markets. What this showed was that although humans have been deforesting the planet for millennia, the rate of forest loss accelerated rapidly in the last few centuries. An assessment of deforestation and forest degradation drivers in developing countries. The remaining 73% came from the three drivers of forest degradation: logging of forestry products from plantations (26%); shifting, local agriculture (24%); and wildfires (23%). This rapid swapping of green for gray is harmful to the people living in these spaces, and it sets cities up for long-term environmental decline, according to the scientists. Web42 million trees are cut down each day. How many trees are cut down each year in the Amazon rainforest? Given the current estimate of the total tree cover on the planet, that could equate to about 0.11% of trees being cut each year. The global population at this time was small and growing very slowly there were fewer than 50 million people in the world. And its not just in forests eitherits also happening on farms, in cities, and on private property. Deforestation and forest degradation are responsible for around 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Net forest loss is not the same as deforestation it measures deforestation plus any gains in forest over a given period. This means interventions at the national-level will be key: this can include a range of solutions including policies such as Brazils soy moratorium, the REDD+ programme to compensate for the opportunity costs of preserving these forests, and improvements in agricultural productivity so countries can continue to produce more food on less land. Given the current estimate of the total tree cover on the planet, that could equate to about 0.11% of trees being cut each year. How do these two measures compare? The breakdown of deforestation by region is shown in the chart. It feeds into the popular idea that eating local is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Many countries have not only ended deforestation, but actually achieved substantial reforestation. And, we might place more value on preserving primary, native forests that havent yet been deforested over regrowing forests that have lost their previous ecosystems. There is some bad news, though: that number is likely to increase by 20% by 2023. When it comes to assessing the worlds forests, two questions need to be answered: How many trees are on Earth? and. How many trees have been cut down? WebThe United States has more trees today than we had 100 years ago (and a global study even found that the number of trees on Earth is around 3.04 trillion, a much higher number than previously believed.) and an argument for why deforestation is worse than degradation. Forest Transitions: why do we lose then regain forests? [1] That's 15.3 billion every year. How many trees have been cut down? 15 billion trees are cut down every year.19 The Global Forest Watch project using satellite imagery estimates that global tree loss in 2019 was 24 million hectares. But, the fact that forest transitions are possible should give us confidence that a positive future is possible. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, 753-765. If we sum countries imported deforestation by World Bank income group, we find that high-income countries were responsible for 40% of imported deforestation; upper-middle income for 25%; lower-middle income for 20%; and low income for 5%.We then get high-income countries share of deforestation as: [40% of the 29% that is traded], which is equal to 12%. In a previous article I showed that the types of food you eat matter much more for your carbon footprint than where it comes from this is because transport usually makes up a small percentage of your foods emissions, even if it comes from the other side of the world. Tropical forests, on aggregate, have also passed peak deforestation in the 1980s the longest of all bars but have not passed the transition to reforestation. People cut down 15 billion trees each year and the global tree count has fallen by 46% since the beginning of human civilization. How many trees does IKEA cut down a (2020). 1000 years ago, 20% of Scotlands land was covered by forest. When we think of the growing pressures on land from modern populations we often picture sprawling megacities. Most deforestation today occurs in low-to-middle income countries. are added every year. Imagine over 100 large harvesters working non-stop. How many trees are cut down each year? Types and rates of forest disturbance in Brazilian Legal Amazon, 20002013. How many trees are chopped down for Christmas? Deforestation also results in larger losses of biodiversity and carbon relative to degradation. Why? How many trees are cut down each year?. Centuries ago it was mainly temperate regions that were driving global deforestation [we take a look at this longer history of deforestation in a related article]. According to the Environmental Paper Network, an estimated 30% of felled trees are used for paper products. Our World In Data is a project of the Global Change Data Lab, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1186433). 95% of this occurs in the tropics. The United States is the worlds largest consumer (and second largest producer, after Canada) of forest products. People cut down 15 billion trees each year and the global tree count has fallen by 46% since the beginning of human civilization. Please consult our full legal disclaimer. In the article we will look at the reasons we lose forest; how these can be differentiated in a useful way; and what this means for understanding our priorities in tackling forest loss. Us confidence that a way forward is possible billion to 7 billion trees are for. Also where the consumer demand is driving one-third of deforestation and forest degradation forest! 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how many trees are cut down each year