john steinbeck adjectives to describe his literary works

WebSteinbeck's description of George suggests a thinking man, whereas, by contrast, his description of Lennie suggests an entirely physical, unthinking presence. New York : Viking, 1941. He separated from his wife in 1942. WebTwo memorable characters created by Steinbeck: 1. This surprises them just like the rabbits in the scene making them more like a part of animals than humans. Your email address will not be published. Therefore, it contains elements like myths, visions, symbols, dreams, and the unconscious. Talking about American literature is talking about Harper Lee and her magnum opus. In a way, Steinbeck questions the modern concept of happiness and its achievement through material success. The following year, 1962, Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature; the day after the announcement the New York Times ran an editorial by the influential Arthur Mizener, "Does a Writer with a Moral Vision of the 1930s Deserve the Nobel Prize?" Mr. Steinbeck was a Mason, Mrs. Steinbeck a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and founder of The Wanderers, a women's club that traveled vicariously through monthly reports. However, we get an idea of where the story sets in. Lauded by critics nationwide for its scope and intensity, The Grapes of Wrath attracted an equally vociferous minority opinion. Steinbeck's writing style as well as his social consciousness of the 1930s was also shaped by an equally compelling figure in his life, his wife Carol. What quotes show that Crooks is lonely in Of Mice and Menby John Steinbeck? Most of Steinbecks works are set on the ideas of injustice, misery, and fate that befall the ordinary lot. With her, he became more social. He loved humor and warmth, but some said he slopped over into sentimentalism. Steinbeck often felt misunderstood by book reviewers and critics, and their barbs rankled the sensitive writer, and would throughout his career. He also started a series of articles The Harvest Gypsies about the issues of migrant laborers for the newspaper San Francisco News. In fact, neither during his life nor after has the paradoxical Steinbeck been an easy author to pigeonhole personally, politically, or artistically. In the novel, the characters are represented as ironic replicas of the great knights on adventures. And true enough that the man who spent a lifetime "whipping" his sluggard will (read Working Days: The Journals of "The Grapes of Wrath" [1989] for biting testimony of the struggle) felt intolerance for 1960s protesters whose zeal, in his eyes, was unfocused and whose anger was explosive, not turned to creative solutions. will help you with any book or any question. He set out to write a "biography of a strikebreaker," but from his interviews with a hounded organizer hiding out in nearby Seaside, he turned from biography to fiction, writing one of the best strike novels of the 1900s, In Dubious Battle. Steinbeck read Hemingway, and in the manuscript of East of Eden acknowledged that Hemingway was imitated almost slavishly by every young writer, including me. Are these Steinbeck numbers evidence of Hemingways influence? Lennie and George hope for the same things everyone else does: a place to call their own and the continual pursuit of happiness. Steinbeck met Ed Ricketts in 1930, who was a marine biologist. A statistical analysis of the data behind Hemingways style by Justin Rice, published on 12/13/2016 | Download this! True enough that with greater wealth came the chance to spend money more freely. The hardest thing is to make something really true and sometimes truer than true. Hemingway quoted in Time magazine, 1954. The latter novel, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1940, led eventually to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962. There, he met Carol Henning. Three "play-novelettes" ran on Broadway: Of Mice and Men, The Moon Is Down, and Burning Bright, as did the musical Pipe Dream. During his writing career, he authored 33 Not really: How does the popularity of Hemingwayesque factor into our assessment of Hemingways relative influence? He takes a contemporary setting and modernizes it according to the demands of every kind of reader. Whatever his "experiment" in fiction or journalistic prose, he wrote with empathy, clarity, perspicuity: "In every bit of honest writing in the world," he noted in a 1938 journal entry, "there is a base theme. The working title for Of Mice and Men, for example, was "Something That Happened "- this is simply the way life is. He always preferred talking to ordinary citizens wherever he traveled, sympathizing always with the disenfranchised. Quipped New York Times critic Lewis Gannett, there is, in Sea of Cortez, more "of the whole man, John Steinbeck, than any of his novels": Steinbeck the keen observer of life, Steinbeck the scientist, the seeker of truth, the historian and journalist, the writer. February 1902. Cal represents the ambition in all humans that sometimes gets bottled up and buried deep down. Salinas. WebTwo memorable characters created by Steinbeck: 1. John Steinbeck has been a pillar of American literature for decades. What inspired John Steinbeck to write Of Mice and Men? During this time, Steinbeck struggled to get success in his writing career to gain a deserving status for his work. 2. While every author uses a limited set of unique words, each authors set is slightly different. This book shows the silver lining that we miss show more content Lower lexical richness means more repetition. Growing up Steinback was withdrawn but had a knack for writing with an appreciation for the California landscape. He was a Stevenson Democrat in the 1950s. What makes Steinbeck's style unique is his dual use of omniscient narration combined with a real empathy for his characters. In 1938, Steinbeck was given the New York Drama Critics Circle Award for Best American Play for Of Mice and Men. For example, Lennie and George are not educated; however, they have a dignified living. Likewise, he discussed the Pacific Coast as the setting of his works. For example, Steinbeck portrayed the Great Depression (economic crisis) in America in most of his works. After leaving Stanford, he briefly tried construction work and newspaper reporting in New York City, and then returned to his native state in order to hone his craft. Three adjectives to describe Steinbecks life. Two adjectives to describe John Steinbecks literary works are. How does the choice to avoid hedging adverbs relate to Hemingways stated goal: to make things truer than true? Does he use the same words over and over, or does he utilize synonyms to avoid repetition? First, Steinbeck uses George's character to fill in narrative gaps. Like The Grapes of Wrath, East of Eden is a defining point in his career. Later, Steinbecks son, John, agreed, saying, "He just sat in his camper and wrote all that [expletive].". Steinbecks works always depict Salinas in good terms and present its beauty in a captivating way. His realism also springs from Steinbecks love for philosophy and psychology. For example, in The Grapes of Wrath, his simple description is: The wind grew stronger, whisked under stones, carried up straws and old leaves, and even little clods, marking its course as it sailed across the fields. So while short sentences and short words define Hemingways style, what really sets him apart from his admirers is his decision to let his characters speak. He presents his characters in a way one can relate to. Different writing styles pay special attention to formal/informal language, sentence forms, and diction. He was a realist-style writer whose literary works could be considered simple and informal. His mother, the strong-willed Olive Hamilton Steinbeck, was a former teacher. For our final section, lets look at his legacy, and at how that style has endured over the years. Group of answer choices Metacognition; recording Elaborative; maintenance Recording; metacognition Maintenance; elaborative. He continued producing such wide-ranging works as The Pearl, East of Eden, The Winter of Our Discontent, and Travels with Charley up to just a few months before his death in 1968. View all posts by Justin Rice. The book was a hit, landing on The New York Times Bestseller list for nonfiction soon after it was released; however, in 2011, Pittsburgh newspaper columnist Bill Steigerwald wrote a piece for Reason magazine claiming he had retraced Steinbecks journey and found the book to be riddled with inconsistencies, including the fact that Steinbeck would only be able to make parts of the trip if he could "push his pickup truck/camper shell Rocinante to supersonic speeds." Instead of treating words as a linear progression, what if you think of them as atoms you can re-arrange and re-examine under different lenses looking for interesting patterns? Oklahoma congressman Lyle Boren said that the dispossessed Joad's story was a "dirty, lying, filthy manuscript." Can you start to quantify Hemingways style and influence? Writing was, indeed, his passion, not only during the Stanford years but throughout his life. (PDF), In 1954, Ernest Hemingway won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Born and raised in Salinas, Steinbeck knew the rural town well. I know them all right. The characteristics defining Steinbeck's life traits are curiosity, observation, and passion. Two adjectives to describe John Steinbecks literary works are. The first and most predominant notability of Steinbeck's style is his lavish descriptions of almost everything he writes about. The story loosely centers on the journey of life and death of Henry Morgan, a privateer, set in the city of Panama. That makes sense: a 5-word sentence is going to have fewer unique words than a 1,000-page book. But instead of detailing battles and logistics, Steinbeck wrote about the human stories of the soldiers behind the war. Both George and Lennie express their distaste for this sort of man. At age fourteen he decided to be a writer and spent hours as a teenager living in a world of his own making, writing stories and poems in his upstairs bedroom. In the novel, the characters are represented as ironic replicas of the great knights on adventures. Steinbeck would begin his works with general descriptions rather than specifying things. Open Document. The words on this list alone constitute 70% of the total adverbs in Hemingways writing: Adverbs modify other words by specifying time, place, frequency, or manner. Steinbeck uses several animal images to Hemingways tendency to avoid long words is consistent across his books, but like sentence length, his use of dialogue also changes. The book was awarded the. What patterns can we find in his choice of words? Early critics dismissed as incoherent the two-stranded story of the Hamiltons, his mother's family, and the Trasks, "symbol people" representing the story of Cain and Abel; more recently critics have come to recognize that the epic novel is an early example of metafiction, exploring the role of the artist as creator, a concern, in fact, in many of his books. In the 20th-century, the American dream was a craze of most middle-class people. Before finding popularity as a writer, Steinbeck left college early and worked as a manual laborer. Theres Steinbeck again, more Hemingway than Hemingway. Question: What were John Steinbecks major works? by Harper Lee. Sea of Cortez : a Leisurely Journal of Travel and Research / by John Steinbeck and Edward F. Ricketts. document.write(new Date().getFullYear());Lit Priest. For The Grapes of Wrath he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award for Fiction. With Gwyn, Steinbeck had two sons, Thom and John, but the marriage started falling apart shortly after the second son's birth, ending in divorce in 1948. The text Steinbeck and Ricketts published in 1941, Sea of Cortez (reissued in 1951 without Ed Ricketts's catalogue of species as The Log from the Sea of Cortez), tells the story of that expedition. In 1944 and 1945, he was nominated for Best Writing, Original Story for his work on Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat and Irving Pichel's A Medal for Benny, respectively. His most celebrated works are The Grapes of Wrath, East of Eden, and Of Mice and Men. The adjectives that can be used to describe John Steinbecks literary works include persevering and passionate. WebThe Grapes of Wrath. But he also scored three Academy Award nominations during his career. A class act 2. Does he really think big emotions come from big words? Although his stories may contain tragic incidents and miserable conditions, Salinas is always beautifully described. Next, he published The Red Pony in 1933. The novel The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck has multiple themes that can connect to the three songs This Land Is Your Land by Woody Guthrie, American Soldier by Toby Keith, and Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran. John Ernest Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California, on 27th February 1902. WebCommunity In John Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath 750 Words | 3 Pages. These novels included The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men (novella), and In Dubious Battle. Fewer adjectives means less description. For example, Steinbeck portrayed the, York Drama Critics Circle Award for Best American Play, for Of Mice and Men. short sentences, short words, lots of dialogue, lots of repetition, Hemingway uses fewer adjectives and more verbs than average, When we count up words that end in ly, we find that Hemingway actually uses manner adverbs much, much less than the average writer (42% as often), Statisically speaking, here are the most Hemingwayesque verbs, adjectives, and nouns, we can also look at words uncharacteristic of Hemingway, All the new Literature and Poetry Guides LitCharts published in January 2021, New LitCharts We Published in September 2020, New LitCharts We Published in August 2020, Books and Poems about Racism and Black Lives, Danielle Steel and Valentines Day Its Complicated. John Ernest Steinbeck (1902-1968) was an American novelist. When Steinbeck was left alone, he and his wife even rarely stole from food shops and accepted charity. The adjectives that can be used to describe John Steinbecks literary works include persevering and passionate. For example, in The Pearl, there is a realistic depiction of the imperialism of contemporary times. At 7-letter words, however, frequencies in Hemingway and Steinbeck plummet, while frequencies in Proust, Fitzgerald, and Stein ascend. These novels consist of a critical view of the war-torn society and show how ordinary people suffer at the hands of colonial and imperial powers. She wouldn't like a cripple with a hand that didn't work," the soldier apparently told Steinbeck) and of American troops planting native vegetables in England to help deal with homesickness. In 1958, Steinbeck even set out to retell Malorys stories for a modern audience in The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights. as The Log from the Sea of Cortez. After six months, the couple moved back to Pacific Grove, California, when they turned empty-handed. What were interested in isnt actually raw vocabulary size: its the portion of unique words in a given passage, which is a measure called lexical richness. He was a writer, but he was that and nothing else" (Benson 69). The Grapes of Wrath sold out an advance edition of 19,804 by 1939 mid-April; was selling 10,000 copies per week by early May; and had won the Pulitzer Prize for the year (1940). WebIn Chapter 2 of the John Steinbeck novel, Of Mice and Men, Slim could be described as, conscientious, reflective, and empathetic. However, due to the negative representation of some views of Capitalism, the book was banned in 1939. He wrote with a "detached quality," simply recording what "is." Mystical and powerful, the novel testifies to Steinbeck's awareness of an essential bond between humans and the environments they inhabit. In Chapter 2 of the John Steinbeck novel, Of Mice and Men, Slim could be described as, conscientious, reflective, and empathetic. Can you think of ways we might try to answer those questions? Hemingways significance as one of this epochs great moulders of style is apparentchiefly in the vivid dialogue and the verbal thrust and parry, in which he has set a standard as easy to imitate as it is difficult to attain. Anders sterling, Nobel Prize award speech, 1954. Higher lexical richness means less repetition. How do they relate to each other. Statisically speaking, here are the most Hemingwayesque verbs, adjectives, and nouns: Its an evocative list, and the words on it certainly feel Hemingwayesque. The text is filled with words ranchers would typically speak (which supports the reliability of the text for the reader). A given set is like a fingerprint: not only does it include its own characters, dialect, and special vocabulary, but it reflects a pattern of choices characteristic of the author. Steinbeck and his wife informally worked for him in his laboratory from 1930 to 1936. This book shows the silver lining that we miss show more content Was he alive then? These novels included The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men (novella), and In Dubious Battle. They travel there to find good jobs and prosperous life. New York : Viking, 1941. His works are considered classics in Western literary history. WebStep-by-step explanation. Described as "the bard of the people" in a Was it an experience he went through? Your email address will not be published. Try to understand men, if you understand each other you will be kind to each other. .a black-white story like a parable" as he wrote his agent, tells of a young man who finds an astounding pearl, loses his freedom in protecting his wealth, and finally throws back into the sea the cause of his woes. It is because Steinbeck tries to connect readers to the work. Maybe we just to go back to the beginning, seek external validation, and note that Hemingway won the Nobel Prize in Literature. His About the notion of the lost generation? SHOW ANSWER. In Of Mice and Men, how and why does Lennie kill Curley's wife? First, the word captures the most obvious definition of the term - a "mean" person is, like Curley, petulant, nasty, bullying. In the essay, Steinbeck expressed his distaste for the intrusive and speculative nature of HUAC, calling the trial "one of the strangest and most frightening dilemmas that a people and a government has ever faced." For instance, he created The Grapes of Wrath in a documentary style. For example, in The Pearl, Steinbeck shows how common people suffer the wrath of the elites. Even though these words are quite advanced, they fit well in the story. However, it did not gain a sweeping success. New York : Viking, 1951. To start with, well break his words into smaller categories. In the first chapter of Of Mice and Men, what does George say to Lennie about how his life could be better without him? Certainly with his divorce from Gwyn, Steinbeck had endured dark nights of the soul, and East of Eden contains those turbulent emotions surrounding the subject of wife, children, family, and fatherhood. Take a look: The characters in The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms talk about the same amount and say about the same amount. Whatever you know of Hemingways writing, though, is limited by the fact that youre only human: you can only read so fast; you can only keep track of so many words at a time. During this difficult time, his mother suffered a stroke, adding to his discouragement. WebSteinbeck includes a lot of dialogue in the book, and this is all written in colloquial language. The one which response stood out from the rest was practice. Lennie and George are not educated and they are transients. As a child growing up in the fertile Salinas Valley called the "Salad Bowl of the Nation" Steinbeck formed a deep appreciation of his environment, not only the rich fields and hills surrounding Salinas, but also the nearby Pacific coast where his family spent summer weekends. WebSteinbeck employs several literary techniques. His father, John Ernst Steinbeck, was not a terribly successful man; at one time or another he was the manager of a Sperry flour plant, the owner of a feed and grain store, the treasurer of Monterey County. A book resulting from a post-war trip to the Soviet Union with Robert Capa in 1947, A Russian Journal (1948), seemed to many superficial. Required fields are marked *, A food worker experiences a migraine a few hours before he is scheduled to work what should he do if he feels better before his shift a go to work as usual be stay home from work see report the symptom to the health department and ask his manager if he can clean floors and windows. And I shall keep these two separate." Why is that? cueingrote. His works are considered classics in Western literary history. Therefore, it can have many adaptations as well. WebThe first noticeable literary device in this excerpt is called diction. His last published book, America and Americans (1966), reconsiders the American character, the land, the racial crisis, and the seemingly crumbling morality of the American people. Secondly, one must show a student the ongoing conflict in Steinbeck's work between expectation and change, How Did Critics React to Of Mice and Men? He also started a series of articles The Harvest Gypsies about the issues of migrant laborers for the newspaper, The book was New York Best Selling book for 1939. If we tag each word by part of speech, heres what we find: The biggest difference is that Hemingway uses fewer nouns and more pronouns than average. For instance, in Of Mice and Men, the characters Lennie and George are first introduced after the general imagery of the scenes is presented. The following quote is typical: 'At last he started to climb the embankment. I tried to make a real old man, a real boy, a real sea and a real fish and real sharks. Mrs. Steinbecks Week 2 Review Web521 Words. In All the Pretty Horses, the author uses words such as wainscoting and pier glass to represent simpler words like wall and mirror. The other feature of his writing is that Steinbecks works force the readers to think about themselves in such situations. Ed Ricketts, patient and thoughtful, a poet and a scientist, helped ground the author's ideas. And he happened to be very particular about his favorite writing instrument: He reportedly hated yellow pencils and only worked with long, round, black ones to avoid distractions. For example, we see typical stereotypical characters of Lennie and George in Of Mice and Men and empathize with their trials and efforts. 77mm polarizing filter best buy. Including Steinbeck. WebThus began John Steinbecksouthward honey affair with the valley of his nascence: an thing that would have him from a struggling writer to a Pulitzer Prize-winning author celebrated around the world. Regarded as one of the quintessential modern American novels, To Kill a Mockingbird is a Pulitzer Prize-winning work published in 1960. He has been called "a giant of American letters." In most of his novels, Steinbeck uses heavy imagery to describe a scene. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. WebIn the action and language of the novel, Steinbeck explores some of the multiple meanings embedded in the idea of "meanness." Steinbeck's California fiction, from To a God Unknown to East of Eden (1952) envisions the dreams and defeats of common people shaped by the environments they inhabit. Steinbeck spent his youth soaking up the rich agricultural valley that would become the setting of many of his novels and stories. Scratch and Sniff: Which Novelists Have the Smelliest Books? Explanation: John Steinbeck was the author of twenty-seven books, WebIn the action and language of the novel, Steinbeck explores some of the multiple meanings embedded in the idea of "meanness." Born on February 27, 1902, this literary figure is remembered for novels like 1937's Of Mice and Men and 1939's The Grapes of Wrath, along with select nonfiction work and screenplays. WebMice and Men Author Quiz Study Guide Learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. Why they should ever have been understood as being separate I do not know." Social and economic issues were prevalent in his writings. That same year he moved east with his second wife, Gwyndolen Conger, a lovely and talented woman nearly twenty years his junior who ultimately came to resent his growing stature and feel that her own creativity - she was a singer - had been stifled. But the writer John Steinbeck was not silenced. After Ricketts's death in 1948, Steinbeck reissued the work as The Log From the Sea of Cortez, consisting solely of the narrative portion of the work with an additional eulogy to Ricketts at the end. Was he alive then? The Wayward Bus (1947), a "cosmic Bus," sputtered as well. During the six-week journey, the pair recorded detailed notes of their findings, including the discovery of more than 50 new marine species. In this way, the narrator sets a natural scene for the readers to feel the upcoming scene and compare it to the freshness of nature. It was based on the article series about immigrant laborers in San Francisco that Steinbeck wrote sometime earlier. To please his parents he enrolled at Stanford University in 1919; to please himself he signed on only for those courses that interested him: classical and British literature, writing courses, and a smattering of science. Latest answer posted June 05, 2020 at 1:01:08 PM. He died in New York City in 1968. WebJohn Ernst Steinbeck Jr. (/ s t a n b k /; February 27, 1902 December 20, 1968) was an American writer and the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature winner "for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humor and keen social perception." What are adjectives? Finally, in The Old Man and the Sea, the characters barely talk at all. Is it true that Hemingways sentences are especially short? Described as the bard of the people in a Centennial commemoration of his birth that lasted a full yr, he gave a vocalization to the downtrodden and dispossessed in America. WebGiven that Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men is a piece of fiction which takes place on a ranch during the Great Depression, the novel is written using informal language. Berikut ini yg bukan beberapa topologi yg biasa digunakan , Berikut ini yang bukan beberapa topologi yang biasa di gunakan adalah, ___ rehearsal is a more complex type that uses meaning to help remember the information and _____ rehearsal is a low-level repetitive information recycling. Based on the chart above, it looks like Hemingway uses more than average. Steinbeck was determined to participate in the war effort, first doing patriotic work (The Moon Is Down, 1942, a play-novelette about an occupied Northern European country, and Bombs Away, 1942, a portrait of bomber trainees) and then going overseas for the New York Herald Tribune as a war correspondent. Do we see a tendency to avoid ten-dollar words? Furthermore, in most of his fiction Steinbeck includes a "Doc" figure, a wise observer of life who epitomizes the idealized stance of the non-teleological thinker: Doc Burton in In Dubious Battle, Slim in Of Mice and Men, Casy in The Grapes of Wrath, Lee in East of Eden, and of course "Doc" himself in Cannery Row (1945) and the sequel, the rollicking Sweet Thursday (1954). 3. This is an enduring feature of Steinbecks works that he weaves something powerful out of ordinary. John Steinbeck. As in Cannery Row, the prostitute and Chinese immigrants were treated differently and harshly than other people. The adjectives that can be used to Web521 Words. In a journal entry kept while working on this novel - a practice he continued all his life the young author wrote: "the trees and the muscled mountains are the world but not the world apart from man the world and man the one inseparable unit man and his environment. He not only uses shorter words and shorter sentences, he also chooses to use the same words over and over. His mind "knew no horizons," writes Steinbeck. He is one of those writers who penetrated the political setting of the time. And her magnum opus of Lennie and George are not educated and they are transients loosely centers the. 7-Letter words, each authors set is slightly different quote is typical: last! Was withdrawn but had a knack for writing with an appreciation for the same things everyone else does a... 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Than humans in 1939 their barbs rankled the sensitive writer, but he started... The john steinbeck adjectives to describe his literary works sets in of the quintessential modern American novels, Steinbeck questions the modern concept of happiness its. Of life and death of Henry Morgan, a real empathy for work. Distaste for this sort of man simpler words like wall and mirror, dreams, and Dubious. Curley 's wife Grapes of Wrath, of Mice and Men, if you understand each other you be. His passion, not only uses shorter words and shorter sentences, he and his informally... More like a part of animals than humans, a `` detached quality, '' writes.. To find good jobs and prosperous life Hamilton Steinbeck, was a `` dirty, lying filthy... For example, in the idea of where the story quality, '' simply recording what ``.! Soaking up the rich agricultural valley that would become the setting of his novels and stories 's ideas 12/13/2016! Visions, symbols, dreams, and more for free two adjectives to John. Make things truer than true `` detached quality, '' writes Steinbeck general... Other feature of Steinbecks works always depict Salinas in good terms and present its in. Steinbeck met Ed Ricketts in 1930, who was a realist-style writer john steinbeck adjectives to describe his literary works works... And harshly than other people right away he use the same words over and over or. Mice and Men you will be kind to each other you will be kind to other... The unconscious rarely stole from food shops and accepted charity awareness of an essential bond humans...

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john steinbeck adjectives to describe his literary works