may his favor be upon you scripture

The first time I heard this song it was evident that it was almost scripture verbatim, which I very much appreciated and enjoyed the way it was presented through the music and melody. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Oh my goodness. it does require some explanation in a church service so that congregations dont think that singing God loves me and wants to bless me is enough. Written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes Hence I feel you might have been far too generous with your score under the What message does the song communicate criteria. Its good in your work and training to help you build muscle memory, but vain repetition of words is definitely bad. Well said! Maybe this song will get the worlds attention and since when is Gods own words nauseating repetition? For instance, in Psalm 25, David begs God to Remember, Lord, Your great mercy and love remember me (Psalm 25:6-7). I dont think so, not any more than I believe the purity, sacrificial, food and drink, or cultural laws apply to us. I think only believers receive the type of blessings they are proclaiming and would sing amen. So I assume theyre addressing believers, but it could be unclear. Its not just the music but sermons as well that talk about all the benefits we have who are IN Christ and many lost people hear these things and think they assume that the words apply to them as well. I enjoy this song but as a worship leader I have a responsibility to use songs in church services that give praise and worship to God. Check out the New Zealand Version The Blessing Aoteorea. [21] I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. Having a copyright gives the author some level of control to keep their work from being misused (for example, from being used to promote some event or product that the author believes runs counter to his/her intent with the work). BTW. Yet, if I were a betting man (and Im usually not), Id wager that the Me that you see before you and the Me in heaven, with my spiritual body, would be like night and day. Again no, He doesnt. Hebrews says it well in Ch13, offering UP to God spiritual sacrifices. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations Your family and your children And their children, and their children. May you all receive His Blessings so that His way may be known on earth, and Hus salvation among all nations. It inspires unity and adds another language to break the repetition. Remember me, O LORD, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people: O visit me with thy salvation; In case you are wondering, in the Hebrew the word for remember is, zakar, It means, surprisingly enough, to remember. I think part of the lyrics in Bridge 2 are taken from or allude to St. Patricks prayer. This is a question that transcends this song. Psalm 118:25 Save now, I beseech thee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseech thee, send now prosperity. If they did, they would be blessed to the thousandth generation (Deut. The epistle of 1 Peter is addressed to "pilgrims" ( 1 Peter 1:1 )Christians who had been called out of the world to be set apart as God's special . Pastors should pay more attention to instilling the fear of God again, within a world that only seeks to want the nice, gentle & good side of God such as this song ! These are beautiful words to remind me of how loving our Father is and how willing He is to rain down blessings on us, our children, their children, and their childrens children. At first I just listened with reflection. We have a staff member, who will break into tongues and sobs uncontrollably when they play that song. Nope. The songs title summarizes the entire song. May the Lord bless you and protect you. It is the elevation of self or self blessing. He sees all and knows all. No judgment, this is a comment from a believer struggling with this songs place in worship. I guess Holy Holy Holy could be cited as repetitious too? When Jesus died on the cross, he ended the need for Temple worship (hence, the curtain was torn). Well said ..repetition has a place in laying emphasis on truth and yes drowning out other negative information overloads. Fails. Not all of us are called, or privileged, to have children, but consider that your powerful witness and testimony may carry out Gods favor and blessing upon generations and generations. I did appreciate the quote from Spurgeon on discernment. It has no echo of repentance or obedience. [20] The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly. Treasury of Scripture The LORD make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you: the Lord Psalm 21:6 For thou hast made him most blessed for ever: thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance. Yesss! God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. I think this has been to the detriment of the world today and especially the church. God loves you more than you can fathom. It is nice to hear someone presenting an analytical approach to worship music. May His favor be upon you. The current generation is emotionally starved in history. Thank you for your comments and question! I believe the comment in the conclusion saying Despite its overreliance on as nauseum refrains is unfair and a detriment to the beauty of this song and as such should be removed from the analysis and besides, it seems that most people love the repetition. The words declare a blessing from our heavenly Father. Satan is always 90% right and 10% wrong think about the deception of Eve in the garden. But I can almost assure you that Feat. And their children, and their children. I know what its like to lose a son. Scriptures On God's Favor And his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand. Read Chapter All Versions. It was freely given to you as a gift from God so why now do you claim it as yours with a copyright! In effect, there are two ways to pay for operating expenses: charge tickets or ask for donations. I realize this was an emotional reaction to the song, but this is still significant. Robert, I am very sorry for your loss. There were those that ministered to the house of God (the people) and there were the wonderful sons of Zadok, who were permitted to minister to God to Him, not to them or us. Hi, I am new to your sight, and I first would like to say thank you for doing this work. It is a blessing offered to believers. Start FREE. As I have asked before on other topics, if the Holy Spirit, when writing Psalm 23 through David, did not see fit to explain the blessings, love, and care that God has, is it fair to hold the songwriter to a higher standard? Bible Scriptures. Read Ezekiel Ch44. Worship ( talking to God the word you is commonly used) 3. The shining of God's face upon the people of Israel celebrates God's saving power and deliverance in times of trouble. No, He isnt. . Perhaps its because we arent trying to sell them as our own work? This song is a beautiful, simultaneous pronouncement of blessing over the corporate church and the individual believer. Happy birthday to you! I understand it might not fit nicely into a church service but if the point is to glorify God, as your review seems concerned with, then I dont think being repetitive is something Hes concerned with. I also understand the pricing situation. As a believer, if you read the Bible every day, you never know when you'll find a verse that makes you take notice. Psalm 30:5 (NIV) "For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.". if this is so then the blessing is for us too. Cody Carnes & Kari Jobe). CCLI #: 7147007. I simply love this song. Keep up the great work. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, OT Poetry: Psalm 90:17 Let the favor of the Lord our (Psalm Ps Psa. 2. Watch on. Ruth 3:10 Verse Concepts Then he said, "May you be blessed of the Lord, my daughter. It has been used continuously in Jewish and Christian worship for over 3300 years as a blessing for Gods people. This song is a classic example of well-meaning believers taking scripture out of context and forcing it to apply to the Church. Something more to chew on! We may never know or see, on this side of Heaven, the specific impact of our life on Kingdom, but if you do ever get a glimpse, it will catalyze your faith like nothing else; I had that happen once back in my college day, in which my interaction with someone, which at the time for for purely personal reasons, was used by God to further His Kingdom I came to find out that this person saw the love and grace of Christ in me, despite me, and gave their life to Him. Several songs have used his words. In the morning, in the evening It is unfortunate to consider but I would venture to guess that a large majority of the songs audience falsely believe the blessings promised by this song are material or emotional blessings simply because that is the current focus of society and the most popular reason many seek God. Cody Carnes & Kari Jobe) The Blessing. Gods remembering brought the Holy Spirit on one, and His wrath upon another. Vince I think your response is very well said. ALWAYS APPLY QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. How many times did God say fear not, and yet we are fearful of so much in this world. And dont forget, it is the famous saying of the embodiment of the devil, that repeating a lie a hundred times makes it a truth. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! Second, in my review, I worded However, they will also be lead astray, thinking that God is with, within, and for them without repentance or faith. poorly. It is a series of blessings offered to those who listen, containing several elements: Side Note: This song relies heavily on repetition: All the blessings contained in this song are either directly quoted from Scripture or inspired by it. How can He bless? Guessing from the ads, its voluntary work. Youve given me a lot to think about. That being said. When this blessing is offered in Numbers, its after a bunch of laws have been brought forth, and even after the Nazarite vow! God put me in the right place to hear it. Waddya think? But surprise, this song actually uses biblical language and concepts which are common to the old testament covenant and the new testament gospel to remind us that God has been at work building relationships with people from the very beginning of His creation even when we choose to ignore or reject Him. Gods message of the blessing through Moses was given to His people, not to outsiders. Songs that are emotional like this one, produced by these outfits, only escalate the problem (looking at the comments some may disagree and that is OK by me) There is a lot of GREAT contemporary christian music out there.. Getty music, City Alight, Sovereign Grace etc.. This is worship ministering to God. I had become known as something of a healing pastor. Ive been using a format within, I think, the last year or so, where I end the review with my recommendation for corporate worship. Hey, God, can we do a different song? Secondly, the Bereans were noted for testing the Gospel against the scriptures (which at the time consisted only the Old Testament). This song is really beautiful despite the lyrical repetition because it is scripture, AND it is scripture written to Gds people: Israel. The truly humble are not those who care for the vulnerable, or NHS workers (by means of paid work or voluntary service), but those who acknowledge their sin and turn to God. The live video thats out there was performed just days after they wrote the song. NO,EAT HEALTHY! And behind you, and beside you eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it. & Luke 10:27 And He answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.. Gods steadfast love extends to those who love him, and keep his commandments, but he will repay those who hate him by destroying them. I just felt last year that it was a bit of a pathetic reflection of where our Christian society is at so ready to seek out Gods favour and blessing but oh so slow to come back to His word, to repent, to truly seek His face and not just sing songs Im making a sweeping generalisation but thats what I see amidst our churches in the western world who perhaps have idols of safety, comfort, and convenience and very little desire truly get to know Him and love Him and serve Him!! Asaph pleaded with the Lord to Remember the nation You purchased long ago, the people of Your inheritance and deliver them (Psalm 74:2). What you said pierced my soul and broke my heart. What you are doing here is very important in todays world where there is so much noise and confusion in and around Christian music. (Principles remain love your neighbors, dont be a pagan, theres only one God.). Make His face shine upon you. This is the way I view all these type songs but if I were to say this to the average professing Christian I would get hung at high noon. Praise Jesus! Gods favor and blessings go beyond us, far exceeding our wildest imaginations! or 2) that we should *not be analyzing the music presented to the church / used by Christians at all, because that can *only be done in a way that is judgmental/hypocritical/unrighteous/etcBasically, who are we to question how someone else worships God. holy, holy, holy is highly acceptable, not to mention Biblical! This. God's blessings will overtake you. [sarcasm sound familiar] Ridiculously puffed up we all are, too often not for our own good. And now the song is just on repeat.I picked up my church directory and sang along over each one listed there. The repetition of the phrase He is for you has caused me to understand, with new clarity, what i thought i knew. Strength to Live for God: An Example of God's Favor. Jews are not THE chosen people; they are A chosen people, the first of several monotheistic religions. Yes, they used scripture to write the song. (Deut 7:1-5) God is going to bring the Israelites into the promised land. Lets first get there, before we claim the spoils Similar in the way this song claiming every Blessing under the sun, without much in the way of pre-requisites! And we can trust Him. Even in some of our older hymns they had some poetic privilege. We will all experience hardship, struggles, persecution even from a society that has deteriorate and moved away from Gods standards. I think it has great harmonies that are catchy and make peoples voices sound good and THATS why people like it. Your answer is essentially no, they wont interpret it that way. When it finally get from your head to your heart that you, an individual, are being given this blessing. This canvas is built with a solid face to prevent sagging or warping but is light as feather and offers easy hassle free installation with the included hanging hardware. Naaman, leader of the Syrian army and pagan, for example, was healed of leprosy by God. Because we belong to Him. If we take our cue from the psalms, the answer would be a resounding no. The Blessing was one of several songs which have become part of my personal healing. Under How much of the lyrics line up with Scripture Agreed all of them in vague sense & I feel it does not deserve a mark at most higher than 5/10 for lyrics solely focussed on what man can gain from A Lord, with excluding the measure within the Christian texts you supplied indicating mans responsibility of i.e those that love Me & keep My commandments / fear Him / keep His covenant / remember His precepts etc to receive such Blessing. Since God is so generous with His enemies, then we should be as well. 1. It was specifically meant for his church, I believe. Id love to hear what Scripture backs this up as a worship song (not the lyrics being from the Bible, but this actually being a worship song). May it continue to grow and provide you with God pleasing conversation and connections as well as a good reason to keep on searching scripture. Michael Negru & Matt Hickok I feel more closely associated with your overall thoughts hereto, not that others have not raised some good points as well.Michael 100% correct about these songs playing to the emotional side of people in wanting to work themselves up into a frenzy with the repeating lyrics and musical crescendo, tones, drums & lightshow galore.This is for the most part false worship & false spiritual feelings. Lyrical examination seemed like a good fit to use my talents, especially since there are very few websites dedicated to it. Far more and better than we can in our human frailty. Isnt He God? This falls behind Bible study, Prayer, Meditation & selected personal worship singing songs / hymns. And your family and your children. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations And your family and your children And their children, and their children May His presence go before you And behind you, and beside you All around you, and within you He is with you, He is with you In the morning, in the evening In your coming, and your going In your weeping, and rejoicing In short, this song, while well intended, is out of context for the Church. I agree with you, except for the well intended part. Who is there who has visited His heavenly abode, there to learn His purposes? Thank you for your review and listing of all the scripture that went into making this song. May His presence go before you And behind you, and . Deuteronomy 28:2, ESV And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the LORD your God.Read More: Bible Verses about Obedience and Disobedience Matthew 6:33, NLT Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously . Reply. If you mean the 2nd, I think Eph. Romans 2:4 (KJV) tells us that Gods goodness leads us to repentance. Yet Moses had to remind Him of His promise when He wanted to wipe Israel out after they created the golden calf. Hello, if i may at my church we divide Christian songs into 4 categories. Place me in a position to succeed. Artists work hard to produce music and lyrics. To give a really silly example of where Im coming from God used one of The Twilight series movies to speak to me. However, if they just heard this song without any context to it, will some think its about them and be led astray? May His presence go before you. I especially loved Roberts heart in grieving about greed. If this Happens, Gods anger will be kindled against the Israelites Psalm 50:2 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined. Yes, too much emotionalism can be harmful. If you Google the blessing critiquehis is one of the first pages that come up. Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell., Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.. But you & I both know that people from that audience, a large majority though; is not living right & this forms part of the emergent stuff He has done tremendous work in exposing false worship & this video as well as many more on his youtube channel, is well worth some of everybodys time People will also do well to look up the kundalini spirit & repetitive style there-off. This song being mostly scripture, repetition is good. I have listened to this song at least a dozen times, all 12 minutes of it, and I have wept every time. Thank you! Ive come on this site for the first time thank you for helpful comments. Its not just about prosperity. While browsing the internet to find out which Scripture this song was taken from, I saw your website. Take a look at Exodus 32:11-18. The LORD is stated at the beginning and end of the first Verse. 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for lhe maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust, From I agree this is a beautiful song and brings me to tears every time I listen to it. However, the bigger issue is, will an unbeliever interpret Psalm 23 as applicable to them? Repeating it. after a conclusion When i listen to it Ill be taking the lyrics and the word directly to my heart. What gives them a right to copyright their work? [18] For who hath stood in the counsel of the LORD, and hath perceived and heard his word? May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us yes, establish the work of our hands. Pertaining towards your referring to This is a common blessing given at the end of church services. And, years later, hearing the Hebrews cries for rescue, God remembered His covenant with their ancestors and rescued them. We are still children of the age of rationalism. For example, the book of Romans was for the Christians in Rome exclusively, thus it is not for modern day Christians and the books of Luke and Acts are for Theophilus, not for modern Christians, etc. He will simply think whoever this Lord is being sung about, seems good. Chris Brown) What I See, Elevation Worship (Feat. If we are blessed, we must be a blessing to others and not just to those around us, but to the nations. I acknowledge that some songs served up to the body might be better applied in a private, personal time of worship but at the same time the church needs to grow not in endurance but true passion and devotion. If we think, having heard the words once through, we get it perhaps we havent perhaps to go deeper takes time, perhaps seeking takes time and yes repetition until the truth of the scripture really captivates our spirit beyond our mind.. (e.g. As I said, it is important, which is why my review contains a Resources link for anyone who wants to learn more about Elevations theology. I appreciate reading from your perspective about repetition. Out of context is intentional. The Lord bless you And keep you Make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you The Lord turn His Face toward you And give you peace. It seems that the masses like it! KJ21. Worship songs have God as the intended target; this song is clearly a blessing upon the congregation, which is fine, but its not directed at God. God made both the intellectual AND the emotional within us. The LORD make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you: Psalm 21:6 For thou hast made him most blessed for ever: thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance. I agree its not a song that worships God. A second Biblical example of God's grace or favor can be found in 2 Timothy 2:1, where the Apostle Paul told his student Timothy, "You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." Here, and in many other places in the Scriptures, God's grace gave the beneficiary the ability or strength to do something they . this song is completely a blessing for not just any church but for each individual soul listening to it. We connect with her in a way we don't connect with everyone. Its important to consider Gods precedent in Jeremiah: 7 And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the LORD for it; for in its peace you will have peace. And I find it very much a good help to encourage quieting my mind and focusing on Jesus. From your head to your sight, and yet we are still children of the age of rationalism God can! Worship singing songs / hymns the lyrics in Bridge 2 are taken from or allude St.. Help you build muscle memory, but vain repetition of words is definitely bad blessing Aoteorea salvation all... To wipe Israel out after they wrote the song tears every time i listen to.! How many times did God say fear not, and His wrath upon another time! Time i listen to it may his favor be upon you scripture over each one listed there the Israelites into the promised land Eve in counsel! Continuously in Jewish and Christian worship for over 3300 years as a blessing from our heavenly Father copyright their?. 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may his favor be upon you scripture