naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction

I think in stories context matters. But they continued weekly after I got out of the hospital. After being imprisoned in the aftermath of Pein's attack Naruto and Kurama become one what follows is the creation of a being more powerful then any before. There aren't many stories with them as a pairing. A human was used, but not just any human, a newborn child. She wont be weak. Everyone looked surprised to see Sasuke standing between them holding onto Sakura's fist. She is not the fragile flower the world wants her to roll over and be without a complaint. With a new resolve and a promise to fulfill.He will finally accept the demons that plague him that will set him on the path to greatness. Did he expect me to hate him because of that?' Naruto is not the only Academy graduate without clan heritage, but he is the only ninja in years to graduate without any talent. ", Arashi smiled widely and jumped around like a certain blonde would have done. Im very interested in reading this. "Here's one." "It's my hymen since I never done this before. "I do have one good thing from the furball. "What thought I was gay because of me never accepting any offer my fan girls give me?" Haku got up and rushed to her clothes and put the on in a rush with Naruto not to far behind her. "Hey, what's up? "I'm sorry; I was looking for Naruto and wasn't expecting to find something like this happening. "Aren't you supposed to be guarding Tazuna? Soooo yeah for those of you who love the fact that we have both you're welcome I begged in reviews lol and author-san was super kind to grant us the non-yaoi version (: I'm writing on a story with Naruto x Haku If I ever post it, I'll send you the link. A woman, outwardly able to present as such, respected, powerful, not persecuted for her bloodline - but accepted. "Well I better go train with teme or he'll get worried, even if he doesn't show it.". I like them if well written. maybe going down the same path as orochimaru. ", Haku smiled at him. He brought his head towards her slit and licked the little nub making Haku moan loud enough that he was sure someone had to hear it. Orochimaru know the formula idiot dead last, attention starved orphan= seal master, cocky arrogant and power hungry genius=ninjutsu architect/ master. The two mouths closed in and locked lips and started to lightly kiss. I wouldn't have any problem reading one if it's well written. Tony Stark is the lews therin telamon of the MCU, Or, surprisingly enough, this might end up having, yeah imagine there roles reversed at the VotE. It was memories I thought I've berried long ago.". It was finally the day of the attack and Naruto was currently dreaming about Haku and their short time together. 37. r/NarutoFanfiction. Kakashi's eyes widen remembering it as Kyuubi's and looked down to Naruto, expecting it to be coming from him, but was stunned when it wasn't. "Um, Haku. It was suppose to be me. They broke their kiss to get a breath of air before continuing their tongue war. A few of them might become fics later on if I like them enough and there is enough to build on. There is certainly plenty of room to play around with gender if you ever want to. "Yes, it would be helpful. ", Haku sighed knowing that would be his response before placing her mask back on. It's just those girls are ravenous and don't really care for me as a person but a plaything. No! I will be messaging you on 2019-12-27 19:27:53 UTC to remind you of this link. ", It all clicked in Haku's head as she heard this. Oh, joy. Haku realized where she was heading and tried to change course but could as she neared the clearing she met Naruto earlier the mourning. Within minutes the two were asleep in each others arms. Her father found out that both his wife and Haku were hiding their abilities, a brought a bunch of men to kill Haku's mother in front of her, then kill Haku. Yes please! Immediately, my first thought was: If Sasuke changes and not Naruto, then Naruto would remain a prankster because that aspect of Naruto disappeared sometime around . That means it was a memory' She took a deep breath to calm herself down before speaking. Her chance to just be some random girl in her alone time. It wasn't sadness for him, but sadness for herself as she was remembering something. Naru walks along the path of light, taking everyone she meets along with her. Naruto got up and stretched his legs. "Please stop it hurts what did I do to deserve this". Tags. As Kakashi's Raikiri came closer to Haku, Naruto began to get a tunnel vision and suddenly felt much fast than he ever been before. Child of the Touketsu Jurin 12. "Why are you out here? He loved her with all of his being. "I was out here training so I can become stronger. Naruto looked curious as to why someone would worry about having one since they seem to gain you instant respect in Konoha. Fem!Haku: Oh hey, I lie about my gender being a male so that I don't get unwanted attention from guys but I'm so stupid because I actually make myself look like girly, so at the end of the day, people "mistake" me for a girl and I end up getting the unwanted attention I was hoping to avoid in the first place. Seeing the look on his face confirmed it and his next words did as well. He made it a law that anyone that were to talk about Kyuubi would be counted as treason and be thrown in jail. Now Naruto is forced to cope without the one thing everyone takes for granted the most. Shaking his head, he noticed the light blush on Haku's face when she mentioned the boy. Though he soon found he couldn't seeing as Haku still had her head on his chest and seemed to have snuggled up even closer to him seeing as she even had entangled their legs sometime over the night. I don't even want to know. A good tool exists only for its master. Patting herself on the back for managing to swallow it all, Haku started to hum lightly like the praised orange book said. "Youre a terrible liar you know that right. "Ow! However, a single injury shattered her career as a skater and in a blink of an eye, she lost everything. Which brings us to the Naruto moment. Trained by the best the dead have to offer, Naruto returns to life as an a a Naruto x fem Haku story. She gasped hearing that and nearly threw up as it was sickening to hear of something like that happening. There is a lot between canon and the beginning of the fic that I hope will be explored, otherwise it's really hard to stay immersed on the story. hi. Do you smell something that smells like honey and fish?". Just as she was about to reach them a blue and white blur appeared between the two and grabbed the girl's fist. I've been getting beat by a girl! ", As he finished speaking an arrow lodged itself in front of him. "What were you dreaming of this mourning that made you reacted so violently?" To me is very fitting and poetic that when the mirrors shatter, when the physical mask breaks, when those two lives are exposed to the only other person that has seen both sides of that character - that is the moment she makes the first emotional decision we see from her, making her more than just a heartless weapon/tool. Haku walked towards him. "Right, then this is going to hurt then.". Kurotsuchi grows her hair out as well so look up long hair Kurotsuchi Naruto on google, Side note I forgot the Anime changed her eye color from the manga (Similar to Kushina purple to blue) she was supposed to have pink eyes but they swapped it to dark brown, A bride of ice and steel by Storylover Vodhr. As their climaxes receded both slumped to the ground and cuddled against each other, using the tree as support. Troo_Fst 3 yr. ago "You don't have to be formal with me. She will create new seals, and become something feared. As realization dawned on her and as Sasuke released her hand, she spoke to them. To achieve his dream, he must train, fight and prove himself again and againall without the blessings and curses of a jinchuriki. "Well in the history books it said that Kyuubi was killed by the Yondaime, but that is false. What the hell? As he raced towards the bridge he noticed something odd. "M2J"- The advocate for bash-less fics since Aug'08. Naruto's anger started to grow hearing this and was already hating the man more and more as red youki started to leak into his system. ", This of course woke Haku up as well and both looked towards the direction of a flushed Sasuke. She wrapped her legs around Naruto's waist and started to slowly move her hips. ", Naruto blinked as the information sunk in. While dealing with her various acquaintances trying to make her into a typical denizen of Electric Town Akihabara Yuusuke Senju is gifted with another life. The most progressive and crossdressing accepting dude in the whole series!". I love this pairing. Naruto moaned loudly as he felt the warm of Haku's mouth around his little soldier and tried to buck his hips, but were held down by Haku who had abandoned massaging his sack. Haku turned around to see Sasuke biting his lip as a black haired girl with a purple ribbon in her hair stood next to him. The three of them rolled their eyes as they head off, as Arashi gave one last glance at the invisible one in the tree. Naruto was feeling immense pleasure before hand, but when she took his soldier into her throat nearly made him lose it. So: I like it, and if it offers more NaruHaku content I'm gonna read it, as your writing style is good! "Naruto". "What, the reason you didn't bring any food?" Sakura raised an eyebrow and Naruto's face fell. The place to come for fanfiction stories that take place in or use characters from the Naruto universe. ", Haku sighed as she figured much, especially if they succeed. She becomes their hope, their guide, their sunshine. Toggle navigation. "Well after Kyuubi was sealed within me the council and villagers demanded my head at once, but Hokage-ojij used his power and silenced the council with the threat of execution if they tried anything. Until he disappears for ten years only to come back stronger than before to prove OPMxNaruto Naruto had a pleasant feeling spread through him like none other before as he felt his sack was on a fire, which was odd because fire normally hurt. Now with knowledge of his past life and limitless potential. My kaa-san was one of those that managed to escape and hide herself from them while most others were not as fortunate. Why not do it? Naruto coughed up more blood as his eyes started to close. ", Haku purposely left out the he was Zabuza, but Naruto didn't need to know that but she knew he would ask. Language: English Words: 232,851 Chapters: 55 /? Or "How I became the most powerful shinobi in the world, resurrected my clan and got some beautiful wives along the way. "Since our money ticket is gone, I guess we'll kill all of you and raid the town for its money now. And with that said Naruto rushed out of the house and headed towards the bridge in a hurry, missing the two guys with swords walking towards the house. The HORROR. "Otooji! "Wait it's you. There, the people hate bloodlines with an extreme passion saying they are yajuus." ", She nodded in understanding. Most ninja are blessed with talent from spirit animals who will eventually become their summons, and greatly decrease the amount of effort it takes for them to learn new skills. "Sasuke, but why? if yes then without the whole 'precious person' speech for him to go on i could see him going a bit darker. ", (A/N: This is just a summary of what happened as the same as cannon). Any FanFiction where Naruto is Haku's Master or something like that? Figuring she was ready, Naruto gripped her waist and slowly thrusted in. Having a hard life in The Village because of being alone and hated by the Village. "You eyes say it all, but if you don't want to say anything about to me it's alright. Work Search: She toyed with the idea of taking care of him so he wouldn't interfere with their plans, but was too kind hearted to do so. The time has come, and he will fall. I enjoy the ship as well. "What took you so long? Naruto sniffed the air as he caught the scent of something weird. "Well anyways, get to work on the healing herbs.". ", Haku's blood went cold as she remembered him saying that as both Kakashi and Zabuza's eyes widened hearing that. After a few moments later they separated lips to get some air before locking lips once more in a much deeper and more passionate kiss. After the quick mental battle between her loyalty to Zabuza and her wanting to get what was on her mind out she decided to tell him, some but not all. Haku instantly was at his side with tears falling from her eyes. ", Haku knew all of this before and was starting to wonder were this was all going, but she did have a bad feeling in her stomach and it was never wrong. We just made out." ", She could only nod as it was the truth. naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction. I really should but after our little conversation I feel strangely connected to you and it would feel right to betray you after spilling we spilled our hearts out to each other. Pretty close to canon. So she was surprised to see a massive amount of orange jumpsuit wearing Naruto's being randomly destroyed by Naruto. Haku jumped down into it as it started to clear and came face to face with Naruto. "NANI! ", Haku took off her mask and looked down sadly. Not every female character is the same. ", The girl's heart dropped as she heard that. "Um, how did you know? I will do more than one for Yugito and Haku since they are my favorite female characters and are the best fits for Naruto, in my opinion anyways. So in order to please him she made it look like I was a boy with a minor genjutsu that was easy to hold. ", Sakura eyes widen and rushed towards the house. I ran to the house to see him covered in my kaa-san's blood. "Haku. Naruto's eyes widen and cursed his luck knowing only a miracle could get him out of this. "What do you think you're doing? But all good things must come to an end. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto.". Sasuke slumped to the ground but Naruto caught him before he fell. Scooping around the inside once more with his tongue he flicked across a spot that made Haku scream in pleasure. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. colors infinity lyngsat. Knowing he was about to release, she slipped it out of her throat, wanting a taste to see if it as good as all those erotic books said it was. A New Generation, A New Team 8. Is really good, I have already read this, but thanks anyway :-), Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara's plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. He saved me and gave me a purpose. "So your jounin instructor one of your precious people. Kakashi smiled lightly at the scene. It continued this way until he came and rescued me. A young girl wearing a pink kimono was walking through the forest looking for herbs to help her precious person recover. Murdered by vengeful villagers, Naruto discovers startling facts about life and the afterlife. There are infinite histories throughout the infinite timelines, and Fu is a bored dimensional traveler; he wants to change the course of history from one of the countless worlds he has explored. Read to follow along his journey. Except without being killed though. ", Sasuke shook his head before he was tackled by a blonde blur. This. I only let her train to be my weapon and never let her do the things that normal girls her age would do.' How What if Naruto had three other personalities? Sasuke rolled his eyes at her before starting to walk back towards where he was when Naruto stopped him. Lowering his head to get a better look at her womanhood, Naruto had a desire to repay her for what she did to him. ", As soon as she heard this, Haku sweat dropped as she heard this. brainy, top of her class bookworm=medic nin. The pain, sorrow and fear, all hid behind her beautiful smile and loving aura. After finally calming down enough Naruto let go and pushed himself back against the tree. Idle thoughtwhat if Sakura gets corrupted by the cursed seal, but Inner Sakura. She went out to find Naruto feeling a little bad after hearing what Kakashi had said Naruto's life had been. ", Sasuke rolled his eyes at her before shaking his head. They can be pretty good if done well. He is more interested in training Sasuke-teme and Sakura over me. Once the pleasant dream finished, he woke up and dressed himself before heading down stairs to see Tsunami washing the dishes. And with that said she disappeared in a swirl of flames. Haku nodded as she had not moved from her spot. So they came after me and gave me a beating I have never quite experienced before. came from a slightly pissed Sasuke. Naruto curled up into a ball and started to rock back and forth as he shivered. Naruto nodded his head. Those jerks!". tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. I'm not blushing! Not you!". "No! But why the fuck do this while you making yourself look so girly to the point someone "mistakes" you for being a girl? Bumping into one of the very shinobi she'd be fighting the moment Zabuza recovers was not on her day's agenda. In the case of a certain blond hyperactive ninja, Naruto was figuring out how to best carry out Haku's last request. They both moaned loudly in pleasure as the two kept up their pace and kissed each other deeply as the burning sensations were reaching there peaks once more. "So you consider Zabuza precious to you then." Work Search: ", Arashi smiled at his mother and asked excitedly. or did she, as she wakes up in the modern day district of Akihabara, finding herself getting involved with the confusing nature of Club SEGA, Dance Dance Revolution and the evil pastel-coloured spawn of Satan known as Sanrio. ", Naruto smirked and tapped his nose. Perhaps searching can help. She mentioned the boy I could see him covered in my kaa-san 's blood over me is more interested training. Their tongue war in jail do to deserve this '' deep breath to calm herself down speaking! Much, especially if they succeed her bloodline - but accepted it and his next words did Well... 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naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction