worm fanfiction godlike taylor

Exactly. Taylor. But I hope we can come up with something to give him a little comfort. Unlikely, the tall man muttered. We're marking you as busy until further notice. That was the first problem, insect senses are not at all like human ones. Id expect a Brute rating of some sort, Assault added. Shes dead. Were going to have to tell the Director, of course. Yes, I think so. She hesitated. Possibly more than everything else. Should have floored it, Barlett muttered, taking a sip of his coffee. I was admiring the design. You heard those pauses, right? Stung. Assault sat next to Miss Militia. The first couple of decades were very bad. Does the name Taylor Hebert ring any bells? Assault asked with a certain amount of malicious amusement in his voice. Ah retirement that mythical land where you get to relax and wile away your remaining years Taylor is not getting that on the other hand she can push back much harder than most of Earth Bet. The man standing on the other side of her desk nodded once. There was a Post-GM fic where Taylor became house-wife and rising a daughter in the world where she(Khepri) is worshipped like a god and her husband is a priest of this religion, An Idiot's Guide to the Underworld [Worm/Hades] short, I didn't enjoy Hades much cause its not my type of game, but that was incredibly enjoyable, Divine Administration - of Gods and Bureaucracy, https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/divine-administration-of-gods-and-bureaucracy-worm-exalted.13442/. Hope Through Overwhelming Forepower (Gunbuster!Taylor) gives her that level of power, but it takes time to get there. The invisibility was very impressive for something that was biologically based. Which adds a Stranger rating as well, of course, Miss Militia put in. Did you hear that? one of the men looking for her asked his friends. Certainly not on a world-wide basis. Colin raised his eyes from where hed been staring at his hands, thinking, to look at his best friend again. If what Assault has relayed to us from his conversation is even remotely correct the raw processing power behind her is truly awe inspiring. I have little doubt that she was truthful, Dragon put in helpfully. But thats only my guess at the moment. For example, if it's just a story where Taylor can control the Endbrings and fixes all the problems in the world in a couple of chapters, I won't be interested in that. She could here them poking around in the various possible hiding places, starting with the ones nearest the alley entrance. There was something about the voice that made him suspect the person beside him had gone through things that were beyond his understanding in many ways. Suddenly, the girl who she'd grown up with was practically her worst enemy. BBFD fire investigators have also come to the same conclusion, which is why they called us in the first place. Damn it, Piggot growled. Taylor in Theogony is a girl with strong powers that make fighting people pretty easy. Same again. So if you're not an alien, that leaves Trailing off, he eventually shrugged. It was obvious this was her doing. They all headed up the stairs, Lisa stopping dead in the doorway and looking around suspiciously. (Un)Fortunately, Taylor would rather live on the streets than go with them. Overall it didn't resemble normal power armor nearly as much as it did a giant, human sized insect exoskeleton, with the most amazing paint job hed ever seen. It was obvious from her voice that the lack of family had an unpleasant story behind it. She was fitting facts to the story we wanted to hear, not the one she was going to tell. Firebird Taylor becomes the Phoenix from Marvel, incomplete. Desperate to live beyond a life of isolation, she must learn to survive a planet without mankind while dodging predators, stall her starvation, and discover where the hell everyone went. You can't drop that bombshell on me and just walk off. Standing there for a moment he inspected it. A wise mans heart is seldom glad if hes truly wise" - The Poetic Edda. Theres one other thing that Ive been wondering about, but I dont have any proof yet. Energy generation ex nihilo sounds a lot like the [SOLUTION] though. Worried, yes, but also curious. While he placed a call to Director Piggot, he admitted to himself he felt the same. He twitched quite a lot, the sound taking him by surprise after the silence of the roof broken only by the hum of the air conditioner fans and a faint sound of traffic from the road ten stories below, muted due to the fact it was Sunday. I think Taylor's doing a pretty good job of retiring so far. The Director is not a bad woman at heart but shes a bit too inflexible for my liking, she replied, and her experiences at Ellisberg left her extremely biased against parahumans. I can't change what was. Basically everywhere. What sort of activity? Colin watched as she looked momentarily uncertain, not a common occurrence. Villain? No. The amusement was stronger. We have too much to lose right now. She loved reading, like her mother did, while her friend was more into slightly more girly things, but they had a lot of fun together. Now you dont Again, she vanished. And when Dragon revealed that the best, if not only way to save her, was adoption, well She would just have to learn how to be a good mother, wouldn't she? She held up a hand with another shake of her head. I don't think so, but I'll get back to you on that. One sting and She snapped her fingers. Oh, Jesus Christ, he breathed, putting it all together suddenly. You did it? I did. I mean she hasn't blown anything up or fought a dragon or pissed off Halbeard (god I love that name). Oh dear Lisa, hopefully Taylor can fix what you and your Shard have done to yourself. Yes, I suppose you could say that, Amy replied reluctantly. It had been pretty obvious for the last ten minutes that her status as Panacea, the Healer Super-hero, wasnt going to save her from what was at least a nasty mugging, if not something worse. And be quiet. Sullenly she folded her arms, a pithy comment coming to mind, but after another look at her superior decided for once to err on the side of caution and good sense. She knew she was going to die and her new powers tried to save her. If Sophia is involved and we can prove it, nail her ass to the wall. If we cant prove anything? Keep a close eye on her even then, Piggot said. Half-way there she heard the sound of the other capes wings, turning around to see she was gone. Sort of just so competent and sure of herself. It would be a massive coincidence if there was something else out there at the same time doing it. OK, weve got Thinker 9? Career satisfaction, crime, and Coil. Perpetuance Taylor is a black hole, short but good, incomplete. ", i second this. And apparently likes music as well. Again, they both fell silent, staring at each other. Her eyes, when she moved her head a little to look at the Rig directly, had thousands and thousands of tiny facets which made the sunlight refract into all the colors of the spectrum in various patterns, like looking at a DVD from an angle but even more spectacular. Small consolation to her father, but Trailing off he sighed minutely. About | Wiki Rules | Reply !Delete to remove | [Brackets] hide titles. Practically instant loss of voluntary muscle control. My instincts tell me your instincts are probably right, one way or another. What do we tell the father? Armsmaster asked, half-turning to the door as he spoke, then waiting. The beginnings of a story I started around mid-2015 in the Worm setting, but semi-abandoned when I started Taylor Varga. While shes here, talk to the rest of the Wards and find out whether they think she could be involved in bullying a fellow student. Director Piggot sighed, staring at the folder that detailed the last moments of a fifteen-year-old girls life in nauseating detail. Come on, let's order some chinese, and see if Mom and Dad want some." She could have fought back, of course, but a lot of the time the abuse was mental rather than physical, something teenaged girls are terrifyingly good at. Which is a good thing, overall, I suspect. You can control yourself that much? he asked in wonder. As close as Taylor was to her mom, she barely knew of her time with Lustrum. Looks like the plot is getting rolling with Lisa and the Crystals, too. It started out as a yellowjacket but I shrank it to make it less obvious and to raise the pitch of the wings enough that it wasnt very audible, and changed the color so it doesnt stand out. It was very complicated to come up with and like I said a while ago, it was only today that I finally worked out all the bugs. More or less all the evidence that could have led to a culprit was compromised by the extreme heat. I think Crystal dropped her voice to a bare murmur. Lack of emotional cues, certain trace pheromones, things like that. She looked at him with her head on one side. I'd recommend skipping over the chapter from the 'Emperor's' perspective, it delves too much into the AU 40k which isn't great and he's grating. Looking up for a moment she couldnt see any trace of her. There will be variation in how champions/runes/abilities interact with Taylor.). After a moment the danger seemed to pass. No cases at all. Its spread by mosquitoes, isnt it? Yes, the Anopheles genus. He thought for a moment. Peering around the side of the large metal container she could see in the flickering light given off by a single lamp mounted high on the wall three men, all looking very rough and scruffy, walk slowly into the yard and glance around. The storage capacity alone is just staggering. My normal mental speed is so much faster that it can get pretty boring waiting for something to happen. He shook his head, not taking his eyes off her. Im not saying there isnt some weird power or combination of powers that could kill me either, nothing is really immortal, but even if there was, the aftereffects would be bad enough to make using it pretty much impossible. Why?Assault asked, then hastily added, Not that Im saying I want to kill you. He got the impression she was more or less grinning at him for what hed said. It seemed impossible, shed seen the photos of what had been in that locker when the fire was finally put out and there was no way Hebert was still alive. What the hell is that? he muttered to himself. Ah. Somewhere. It was definitely Taylor Hebert, Im afraid. Poor kid, the Director of the ENE PRT muttered. Look, Im going to have to get back, Ive managed to miss most of my patrol. Yep. Master 8 at a minimum, he went on. Changer 7 to 8? How much more? he asked slowly. literally all the conflicts just get waved away on accident. Armsmaster frowned a little. Relaxing a little he put the phone down again. If you have enough examples to compare and enough background data you can start to make sense of the principles behind it. Youre certain it was her? she asked quietly. Good idea. She got powers, nothing particularly impressive on the face of it, although potentially fairly effective with a little thought. Why were you she began. Then, convulsively, he flung the pistol across the room and ran his hands over his face hard enough to hurt. It was strange. Her sister waited, while she thought, looking impatient. Taylor Hebert is dead, Assault. Really excited for this one. You really want to know? she asked after a long moment. Well, he began slowly, that's pretty much the only choices for a cape. What a limited view of the world you people have, she replied, sounding like she was smirking even though her alien visage betrayed no emotion he could read. It could. If nothing else the ecological side-effects of that would be horrific and very noticeable. Amy paused, then nodded. Did anyone else notice the Home Alone reference in Crystals section? It was very impressive and rather unnerving. You see, once upon a time there was a girl, she grew up over that way somewhere, she began, waving one arm vaguely towards the Docks area in general. I guess? Lacey and Kurt? Im everywhere. Then sighed sadly. She hoped. Even the bodies would stay around for longer because theres no insects to eat them. She gazed at him. I also wanted to tell you that Im putting up some wards around the house. Has a bit of power wank, but most of the conflict so far is people not having figured out Taylors stronger than they are. Dispatch, this is Assault, I'm just going off route to check something. Do you require backup, Assault? the voice of the dispatch officer asked briskly. They chased me for at least ten or twelve minutes, until I got trapped in some sort of loading area way off the main streets. Mental processing a couple of thousand times faster than a human? The two men looked around as well, as did Rachel as she pushed past her teammate with a grunt of irritation. The second story I started is this one. One day, her mother didn't come home. You can call me Hive. Wracking her brain, Amy couldnt recall any cape of that name. Taylor is a victim. After a moment, he added slowly, When did it start? A week before the insects stopped spreading disease, Dragon replied quietly. She is for all intents and purposes a biological supercomputer of a level I can scarcely comprehend. Not really. EDIT: sorry, God Girl is a one shot. It's all over one sleeve of my costume as well. She looked over at the offending item of clothing which was draped over the back of a chair where she'd dropped it. At first she dismissed it as imagination, but it got louder and louder, suddenly stopping somewhere above her and to the right. Amy shrugged slightly. The few times she did fight back, she was the one punished as no one believed her over her tormentors, who were well connected for various reasons. The moral, the strong, the pure, and the hedonists. Not any more, no. She was only about eleven at the time and it took a while for her to fully understand that her mother had died in a car accident and she'd never see her again. She glanced at him, then went back to staring out to sea. She slapped his hand away, still looking around. Muse is horrible so here is a dumping ground for whatever snippets it throws at me when i'm trying to write my ongoing fics. no knowledge of either setting is required. (No knowledge of LoL is needed, tho it would help. There are more insects in a square mile of countryside than there are humans alive on the entire planet. On. She has a vicious streak that we dont seem to have managed to do much about so far. They were both silent for a while, thinking about the incident. Hello, Tattletale, the thing said in a womans voice, a note of satisfaction in it. Fast acting. Something out there is learning everything it can, about everything. Then it copied her mind into it. Just a feeling. A feeling? he asked curiously. Much of the current understanding of physics is incomplete at best and completely wrong at worst, so I had to redo a lot of it from scratch. The readings were inconclusive and could arguably be caused by shock over the entire incident rather than deliberate lying. He shrugged slightly once more. Her powers affected her a lot in subtle ways but I think she was probably right on the edge in the first place. He noticed it had three slender claw-tipped fingers and apparently two thumbs, one on each side. Two and a half months ago when Winslow burned down. She got better, he said with a nasty grin. Nearly two hundred thousand times as many neural cells. Only the droning of her wings was audible, if barely, and even that faded into the background shortly thereafter. Victoria didn't seem to notice. It might have been meant as a horrible prank, but personally I think it was attempted murder on the part of at least one of the people involved. Two years of hell culminating in an event so bad that the girl who had kept going through it all basically broke. Im probably saner than almost anyone now. The healer gasped in amazement. It's a work of art. Is she a biotinker of some sort, then? I'm not sure, I guess she must be. A quick inner debate and a check of the time had him end up moving towards it while tapping his earpiece. They made a trap, filling a locker with biological waste, then managed to push the young woman into it and lock her in. Welcome to Godkiller everyone! Having lived thousands of years through the eyes of a hundred and more legends from another world, all in mere seconds, chosen through naught but mere happenstance during the death throes of a far distant reality, she found herself the bearer of uncountable beasts and monsters, men and women, abilities and spells, all borne from fantasy, yet far too real to ignore or pretend they did not once exist. Cape of that name ) started around mid-2015 in the doorway and looking around over the of! You 're not an alien, that leaves Trailing off he sighed minutely Im putting up some wards the. Droning of her voice, a note of satisfaction in it, both. Why they called us in the doorway and looking around have managed to much. It start hope we can come up with was practically her worst enemy if you 're an! 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worm fanfiction godlike taylor