battle of kings mountain roster

download r5890 deposition Clerk Jacob Foute, Judge Edward Scott. He escorted to Salisbury. Likely they were at BKM, too? Lawson, Moses, W5019, 24Aug1844, widow Capt Clouds Co to BKM. Adair, John Jr. s1158, son of entry taker who financed Sevier and Shelby for BKM expedition. Moss merged with Becknell. Black, John, R890, Under Col Clarke, Capt Joseph Nail Cusick, George Brewer, Ambrose, Moore County NC scout, probably not in BKM, maybe scouted to find Majors Gibbs and Ferguson movements. Man Who Shot Col. Ferguson at King's Mountain. Floyd, Andrew S21757 16Oct1832, age 83, York District (adjutant under Col Hambright) download S21757 deposition wit: Lewis Wo;ff and Jacob Hilsispeck Capt Wm Hall Finn, Peter S32244, Sevier, Sevier Colville, Andrew Captain CC FC FB WH V David) Pay/Ration List of Kings Mountain Militia 12 pensioners testified that they served under him. Cunningham, John R2425, Carroll Co TN, 23Jan 1843, widow Ann, age 80, wit: Thomas Alexander appeared in Williamson Co 10Aug1843, claimed that Ann was his sister. to near BKM. Carpenter, Benjamin, 03Sep1832 from Schuyler Co IL, under Capt Wm Harris, marched to Richmond to guard prisoners from BKM. Hardin, Benjamin Jr S32293, 07Jan1833, age 68, Independence Co, Territory of AR, Rutherford Co to Lincoln CH, Capt Benjamin Harden, Col George Davidson, reinforced McDowell, retreat to Nolichucky, then with Vols to BKM. met at Bundys Mill (Dunbys/Dungings?) Henry, Henry It was ), to BKM. WebBattle of Kings Mountain October 7, 1780 Battle of Cowpens January 17, 1781 Battle of Guilford Courthouse March 15, 1781 Battle of the Chesapeake September 5, 1781 Siege Love, Hezekiah, 12Mar1832, Roane Co TN, kk White p132 The Battle of Kings Mountain: Trail of History explores the Revolutionary War Battle of Kings Mountain and meets the people protecting the sacred battleground. Under Hawthorn and Lacey. Gilleland, John, , , , Col Sevier, wounded, blank first name on obelisk plaque (KK White spells Gilleland. Creswell, Andrew (CC Henry) WH FB, moved from Abingdon to Boyds Creek 1783, Aug1832 before John Pitner, Sevier Co TN, witness John McCroskey download s1948 deposition In a letter Dec 1832 to John Preston, Creswell described some battle details from his perspective in Dysarts company. Logan, Joseph, R6413, 06Oct1834, age 77, Morgan CO KY. Wilkes Co, Capt Thurman, Col Lenoir, to BKM, assisted guarding prisoners first 20 miles. Duncan, John (under Abram Trigg) But Trigg was not at BKM Ensign per Lewis Preston Summers. Brotherton, Thomas Erwin, Alexander, s31669, capt under McDowell per a few vets, retreat to Watauga Crockett, Joseph, Captain Lt Gist was serving in Maryland with his father during BKM. Busby, James 02Mar1835, Bourbon Co KY, under Tuffin Charles Armand, Marquis de la Roueire, a scattering of his troops under Col Shelby at BKM, download w2995 deposition Galbreath, Arthur Logan, James, Col Campbell, Capt McCullough, Summers See NC land grant for KIA. Endecott, Moses, R3348A, 12Mar1833, age 73, Harrison Co KY, Lead from Chiswell mines, tories stole horse, was foot soldier to BKM, missed battle. Cavin, John w4916 not BKM Hammonds, Obidiah, S2263, 22Sep1833, age 77, Knox Co KY, news of BKM during his tour But Ayers was wrong in his own deposition which he amended. Linn, Daniel Gilkey, Samuel R4019 29Jul1844, widow Elizabeth, Winston Co MS, BKM SC militia Col Brandon No mention elsewhere found of the other two. Ellison, John Pvt under Capt Samuel Newell and Lt James Jameison, then as sub for John Funkhouser in Spring and Summer before Fergusons defeat. Hutson, George S3516 with Samuel Weaver brother in law And all correspondence from vistors to this website who Gammon, Harris Harrison, Gideon S2602, 23Aug1832, age 70, Rutherford Co TN, Capt James Wilson, Col Sevier, BKM then Boyds Creek Grimes, James Estill, Benjamin Cole, Walter King, R13238, not BKM download S9288 deposition A patriot from Rowan (Iredell) county. He called his rifle Sweet Lips, which was the same thing he Houser, John, W9650, widow Hannah, Stokes Co, guarded BKM prisoners, maybe brother of George? Brown, Isaiah Houston, James, Ensign, S1914, 10Aug1832, age 75, Blount Co TN, Ensign under Capt Edmondson, Col Campbell, to BKM. William Hill find a grave Was in WCSB 1 p 289 land owner. Crockett, William, Lieutenant, BKM, brother of John and Robert Casewell, Zadrack Jones, James Costner, Thomas, W18856, Lincoln County, did not mention BKM in FPA Hardman, Charles Ninety Six District, Capt McCall, about 40 went to NC mtns, BKM no details. Campbell, Jeremiah S3131 on 14Aug1832 from CarterCo TN, aptain Valentine Sevier, Col John Sevier download s3131 deposition Dunn, Samuel Hannah, William, S13795,,,, Col Cleveland, Capt Minor Smith, mortally wounded per William Lowe. Inman, Abednego (w) Major way.. Actually sgt James Curry Benge, Obadiah M (w) Surry County R743 Carwile, Zachariah (Col Campbell) download s9310 deposition Lt Patrick Campbell on return after Edmondsons killed. Robert Crockett too old to witness. Click To read the Then prisoners to Camden. Henderson, Andrew DB WCSB p287 Kelso, Alexander (Captain George Maxwell, Isaac Shelby) w9493, 01Nov1832, age 75, Morgan Co IN. Alexander, William WH V Crossland, John, S18784 27Nov1819, Abbeville District, wit John Bowie, 1850, son wants dependent pension. Barnes, Alexander, Captain, V Dixon, John Crockett, Anthony, S10492, 17Dec1832, age 76, Franklin Co, KY, From Botetourt Co VA to Long Island, TN River to MS River, to Kaskasia, Vincennes w/ GR Clark, 1st Lt under Capt Jesse Evans, Clark sent home to recruit. peek at FPA s31104 Greer, Andrew, trapper and trader from Watauga, probably not BKM Callahan, John, Captain Hill, David, R11867, 28May1855, age 87, Coffee Co TN, widow Polly. Got sick in Burke Co and went home. Kell, Robert, S32355, 11Dec1833, age 79, Rabun Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Williams to BKM. battle that got him. Gillespie, Thomas to Moravian Towns guarding prisoners. The Battle of Kings Mountain, October 7, 1780. Horton, Abraham, (Surry Co, Captain Cox, Shelby, d Dec 1841, Lawrence Co AL, Widow Aditha ) download w7778 deposition With Lieutenant Stonecypher and Captain Robert Cleveland toward Guilford CH, another excuse. Witness Jacob Vanhook S9509. Harrell, John (?) Bowman, Sparkling Handley, Samuel, Captain, S1911, 07Sep1832, age 80, Franklin Co TN. Henson, Robert (w) R4902, 17Mar1846, age 95, Fauquier Co VA. Brothers Charles and James Capt Slaughter to BKM. Frazer, Daniel Hubbard, James Dysart, James, Captain (w) V CC PC D download Beattie/Dysart info (pronounce DEE surt? Glenn, James, S21768, 16Oct1832, age 73, York District, Capt Malcolm Henry, Col William Graham, from Lincoln Co NC, John Clarke and Robert Berry to confirm. WebBelow is a compilation of major events that occured on the days leading up to the Battle at Kings Mountain where the Overmountain Men of 1780 won a decisive battle that preserved Americas independence from England. Wit: George Salmon W9640, John Young W1976, 06Jul1833 appeared again. Pronounce DIE surt? Love, Robert Holeman, Joseph Denman, John Christie, Colonel (Nickname of Col Wm Christian used by several soldiers, but not at BKM) A typo on the 1909 plaque. Elmore, William Darnell, Lawrence Page 309 Thomas Hobbs, assignee of Joel & Joab Hobbs & c 150 ac treasury warrant 50 ac by warrant #13221 dated August 3, 1782 and 100 ac by warrant #1247 dated December 29, 1780 on both sides of Mokison Creek and joining the lines of the place he now lives on corner to Christopher Huston March 9, 1786 Kerr, William, R5891, 07Aub1832, age 73, Bradley Co TN, Capt John Thompson, Col John Moffett. Fraley, James R3736 Jun1834, Age 75, Floyd Co KY. Washington Co VA, Frontier scout (spy), Lt Cowan, Capt Snoddy, Col Campbell, 1780, Indians skinned Buffalo in Floyd Co. Col Campbell killed and Col Henry Smith took his place. Hall, Thomas Griffin, Ralph, S16389, 14May1833, age 79, Jefferson Co IN. Hughes, David In what is now rural Cherokee County, South Lankford, John Hoffman, John brother of Hardin. Collins, James Hobbs Thomas V King, James, S4477, 14Aug1833, age 76, Henderson Co TN, From Sullivan Co TN Capt Gilbert Christian, George Maxwell, Col Evan (?) Childress, Thomas Aiken, Alexander, AA2179 Holloway, Charles Gibson, John From Saluda River militia, Capt John Walters, Col Beard. Indians around Cumberland Gap, but not BKM) Gilliespie, William, Captain Dolberry, Lytton Benge, David (from Clay Co KY 27Apr1834, age 74, Wilkes Co, Capt Joseph Lewis and Micajah Lewis, to BKM, with the wounded to Dr Dobson in Burke Co 5 or 6 months. Fox, John Oct1832, age 69, Burke Co NC. Gist, Benjamin, , , , Col Sevier, Captain (see Guest, Benj) to BKM. Fleenor, Michael w7288 26Mar1833, age 76, Washington Co VA (under Captain Andrew Colville, Kentucky Road, got sick on the way to BKM and missed the action. Haas, John Bullen, Philip (w) V Draper heard from Samuel Newell that Philip Bullen was wounded. Hopper, THomas, R5222, lived on Kings Creek near Kings Mountain, not in BKM. download w68 deposition Carter, Ephraim, S8152 15Feb1833 from Surry Co NC, age 72, Capt Richard Allen, Col Cleveland, 21Nov1829? BKM as calendar pointer. Wounded, treated by British doctor, taken in a wagon by Col Johnson to George Wilfongs in Lincoln Co to recover. Davis, Jonathan, R2722 16Feb1839, age 79, White Co TN. fumbled trying to pronounce Botetourt. Seems I saw one deposition claiming 1994 to 1996 actions against Indians. Harris, James, per KK White, under Col. Sevier Beeler, Jacob (From Sullivan Co TN 22Aug1833, Frederick Co to Holston 1770, Capt John Pemberton, Col Shelby, to BKM, marched prisoners to Salisbury, disch by Shelby) download s5277 deposition Lyle, Henry Greenlee, Samuel, 4th Sheriff of Burke Co, Graduate of Liberty Hall. Clark, John, r1999 around Charlotte, but not BKM Bean, George Casey, Levi The patriarch of the Edmiston clan in SW VA, William Edmiston, settled in 1763, was the last to spell his name that way. Bullin, Isaac (Eutaw and Guilford, not BKM) BKM but no details. Higgenbottom, Robert Blackburn, John CC FC WH V Hollingsworth, Benjamin, under Col Williams, Major Young. Clerk of Giles Co signed. widow Polly from Charlotte Co VA said Thomas was in NC militia at BKM. Arbuckle, Mathew KK White says that it was said that Matthew Arbuckle was at BKM. (see last 937 prisoners. Colonel, Draper, in charge of Hills troops Details. Hodge, George, W4234, Oct1832, age 72, Burke Co NC, Capt Woods, Col Chas McDowell not at battle, wound from Ramsours not healed, stayed with horses at BKM. Boyer, Thomas (k) Buchanan, William, Captain (Probably Robert or Samuel was the Buchanan who saved Col Clevelands life from a friendly fire accident with big Charles Bowens tomahawk. Ellison, John, S6820, 25Oct1832, Rutherford Co NC, age 70+/-, Was patrolling around Cumberland Gap in Capt Samuel Newells Company during BKM. 725 prisoners able bodied to footmen. Harvey, Joel, R4709, not BKM Bryan, Robert Cook, George, S31627, Elbert Co GA 20Jan1834, age 69, Wilkes Co, Capt Lenoir, gaurded BKM prisoners at Moravian Town. Kennedy, John CC Burney, William V Dobson, John, W19187 Capt killed at Ramsours Mill. Caruthers, Andrew, Lieutenant Connelly, John, Captain (Burke County, NC) Johnson, John, Captain, 27Apr1846, age 84, Pickens Co AL, Wilkes CH, Lt Garrett Smithey, Capt Abram De Moss, Col Benjamin Cleveland. Hammon, John, S9559, 06Oct1835, age 75, Hamilton Co OH. Hillen, George, S7006, 15Mar1834, age 72, Warren Co KY, Capt Abraham DeMoss, Col Cleveland, to BKM. He went home. Lane, Charles Smith, Col Joseph Williams, to BKM. Hamilton, Joshua, S2608, 22aug1832, age 72, Sullivan Co TN, (Hambleton), Capt Warring, Col Shelby, to BKM. Elliott, James, sc Gresham, George, W2933, 23Oct1832, age 72, Philadelphis, BKM as calendar pointer WebThe Battle of Kings Mountain was an engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, Bledsoe, Thomas, from Hawkins Co TN, under Captain John Sawyer, Col Shelby, home gaurd, Long Island, not BKM download w68 deposition Duncan, Benjamin, w7052, not bkm Veterans Administration apparently began assigning file numbers by categories, S for soldiers, W for widows and orphans, R for rejected. Hale, Lewis Boyds Creek, Captain Davis wounded S of French Broad. Lyle, Samuel Jones, Henry DB Love, Charles, R6466, 24Oct1843, age 78, Beaufort District, At age 15 in Mecklenburg Co joined Capt Magrath, Col Davidson to BKM. Culton, Joseph (Montgomery Co to Washington Co VA under Wm Edmonson) download s16742 deposition not in Summers list Cobb, John, w20902, was home guard for Nolichucky during BKM. Gaines, James Sr. Beattie, William Captain WH V Holyfield, Valentine, W19822, 06May1841, widow Susanna, Surry Co NC, Wit: Elihu Ayers R335, under Capt Underwood to BKM and prisoners to Bethabara. $50/yr 610. WebCol Isaac Shelby brought about 240 from Squabble State, Long Island, and Evan Shelbys Fort. Beattie, Joseph Student at Liberty Hall, not listed among alumni. Clayborn, John (mentioned Capt Newell of Col Blufords Rgt. In Henrys Company, but Lincoln County folksdo not list the Carrolls.) Jameson, John, S4427, 19Nov1832, age 69, Barren Co KY, BKM as calendar pointer. have sent documentation of their ancestor's participation in the Battle of Faris, Martin Benge, Obadiahs Brother, killed R743 Davis, Andrew, Lieutenant Clayton, Coleman W6692, 19Sep1832, Person Co NC, Capt John Douglass, Col Williams, to BKM the prisoners to Salem. Henniger, Conrad Ingle, John Isbell, Godfrey, Captain Curry, James, Sgt, KIA DB (Curey) Dysarts Co per Summers. for grand sons dependents benefits. Grider, Martin (see Gryder) Maybe Boyds Creek. Bowen, William Captain V was sick, so Reese took his command Barton, Joshua Dobson, Joseph Sr. Carter, Giles Landon, r1765 26Jun1858, age 75 or 80 widow Seda Carter, Knox Co TN, BKM Rutherford Co, died 1856, Roane Co. Brooks, David Hager, Simon Duncan, Benjamin, W7052 12Jun1841, Widow Mary, Anderson Co TN, age 85, wit: Thomas Davis. To Moravian Towns with prisoners. To BKM back to Moravian Towns, disch by Shelby and Campbell. Long, William Page 433 John Russell, assignee of MIcajah Frost 60 ac treasury warrant #2482 on Talleys Branch on the south side of the north fork of Holstein River near to a line on the east side of said Russells land -crossing Russells spring branch February 3, 1795 He fired and killed him. Farrow, Samuel Shoot him!" James, Marlin Armstrong, Robert, widow Nancy said they lived near Kings Mountain, but not that Robert was in BMK r259 transfer pension from Maury Co GA. Ewart, Robert Grier, James Crab Orchard KY where Campbells thumb was shot off by Indians abt 1794. Goforth, Preston,,,, Col Hampton, (k) Good read in Draper Davidson, William, Col Campbell, Capt Andrew Colville, Draper Fletcher, Thomas Forest, James S1663, 03Oct1832, age 82, Smith Co TN, Captain Johnston, Col Bell, guarded prisoners from BKM. Hughey, George, S21306, 02Sep1834, age 76, Spartanburg District, Capt James Withrow Dobkins, Jacob Then in 1778 to Harrodsburg Gapt George Adams, Lt George Maxfield, then Capt George Maxfield to Thicketty Fort, then Captain Caldwell, Col Sevier to BKM, then Captain Martin to Boyds Creek. Cusick, John CC FC FB WH V Vols is used to mean the units of Cols William Campbell, John Sevier and Isaac Shelby collectively. Glascock, Jesse Davis, William, W8657 08Oct1832, Hopkins Co KY, under Capt Joel Lewis, Major Micajah Lewis, Col Cleveland to BKM. Gilbert, Charles S31057 12Dec1833, age 77, Graves Co OH. Logan, Joseph, NC Patriots by J.D. Gamble, Josiah CC Gist, Thomas Baldridge, John, a captain in Lincoln Co per Abraham Forney w3976 Cleveland W18824, lived on Yadkin River by Thomas Biecknell upstream from Wilkes/Surry line They lived south of Glade Spring west of Friendship and east of Liberty Hall, the name given to an early school. Hayter, Israel, (w) Draper,,,, Col Campbell, Capt Dysart, wounded, helped home by John Scott Cleveland, Benjamin Colonel, Wilkes County Denham, David, W27540 o1Dec1834, age 80, Hawkins Co TN, Guilford Courthouse under Col Holston to Long Island, joined Sevier under Capt Elijah Witt. Ayers, Nathaniel, mentioned BKM in r336, but not there Lt under Col Wm Graham at BKM. Johnson, James, W9088, 23Jul1846, Widow Mary, Chester District, Lt, Capt, and Adj under Col Lacey. Kendricks, Solomon Fear, Edmond, Captain, s15305, under McDowell, arrived when Tories stacked arms Bowen, John V According to the historical account in the book The Overmountain Men by Pat Alderman, the list of Officers on page 127 lists William Sherrill, Captain. peek at r7046 Summers lists as soldier, but not BKM Ireland, Hans Farewell, John Diviny, Aaron, S8321 Captain, captured by Fergusons spies and missed BKM. Crumbless, Thomas Davis, Charles, S6785 14Sep1832, age 80, Stokes Co NC, Gilford Co NC, Capt John Halbert, sent to Moravian Town to guard BKM prisoners. Gilbreath, Alexander Hughes, Francis, S3075, 21Jul1833, age 74, Greene Co TN, From Nolichucky, Col Sevier to BKM. Lytle, Micajah Remained on frontier and did not go to BKM. She forgot to state if the one who said it also said Notre Dame would beat Alabam in the 2013 BCS Championship. Henry, Joseph, R4382, , , , brother of Moses and John, NC Patriots by J.D. Kincannon, Mathew At Moravian Towns, Capt Joseph Cloud, volunteered under Campbell and Shelby. Was the only commander of horses at the battle. Burns, Andrew S30296 from Perry Co KY, Capt Herd (Jesse Heard) of Henry Co VA, neat shallow ford of Yadkin (10 mi W of Winston Salem), met soldiers returning from BKM with prisoners) Alexander, John Creed, Colby S32194 13Nov1832, age 74, Morgan Co IL, Surry Co, Capt James Giddings, joined Col Cleveland, captured by Tories and taken prisoner to Ferguson. Arrived at BKM day after battle. details to BKM download w9493 deposition Lane, Tidence Charles, Oliver, Ensign S12895 under Major Winston, Capt Minor Smith, Lt Samuel Houston Coop, Horatio Adams, William He received 12 lb tobacco per day as sgt while privates received 10 lb. Denham, Hardin (In Guilford Co when BKM happened) s30985 Baker, Absolam (witness John Brannon and William Hall) download s35181 deposition Missed BKM. Hanslev, Robert S4323 (Hensley, Hinsley) 01Apr1834, age 75, Hawkins Co TN, Capt George Maxwell, Col Shelby, BKM then prisoners to Salisbury. Hawkins, Thomas, S10796, 20Mar1833, age 90, Coneeuh Co AL, Capt George Avery, Col Ed Lacey Jons, Thomas, R5735, 01Sep1845, Bartholemew Co IN. Sister of Wm McCord. Wit: William Walling S1935, Henry Blevins (Blevens) W1703, william Cloud Conner, Isaac, S10465 25Dec1832, Pendleton Co KY, Capt Samuel Miller, Major Joseph McDowell at BKM, earlier was with Elijah Clarke Brashear or Bradshear, Robert, Captain Good, William, (Goad) W1413, 20Aug1833, age 77, Sullivan Co TN, Capt Benjamin Clark, Col Sevier, assembled at Buffalo in Carter Co, to BKM, prisoners to Salisbury, took them as far as Shallow Ford, a recruit from VA took charge of prisoners, returned home, called again, Col Sevier to Boyds Creek. Leeper, Samuel Erwin, Arthur, per McCall Jones, Darling (one of several credited with shooting Col. Craig, Robert, Captain CC The Battle of Kings Mountain was a military engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, resulting in a decisive victory for the Patriots. Blackwood, Joseph, buried at Long Creek Presbyterian, Bessemer City, NC 22Oct1780. Hicks, John, (w), under Col Williams SC AA3586 Fortune, William, R20370 13Jun1834, age 86 Sampson Co KY. Captain John Morris, Col Gunbay, Boundbrook Co MD 7th Ret. Fleenor, Joel Lewis, William Terrill, Wilkes County witness for Thomas Biecknells widow Gibson, Thomas Becknel, Thomas (from Madison Co KY 01Oct1832, Wileks Co, Capt Larkin Benjamin, Major Jesse Walton, to BKM, guarding baggage wagons at time of battle.) Blackburn, William, Lieutenant (K) CC FC FB WH D V Inglis, Michael Leonard, Frederick Foster, Anthony 07Feb1833, age 74, Wilkes Co. (under Captain John Robbins, Col Cleveland, infantry following horseman, rejoined after BKM) download s2561 deposition Hamilton, Alexander Daniels, James, s7245, under Col Clarke, with Capt Josiah Dunn Crabtree, Jacob, R2420, Lee County VA, 22Jan1833, age 73, foot soldier under Captain Dysart Fox, Allen Under Benjamin Lincoln before BKM. Hays, Charles download Bowens men roster Douglass, John, Captain (named by VanHook S9509) 27May1833, Halifax Co VA. From Caswell Co under Col James Williams, Thomas Neely Lieutenant, John Barnett Ensign to BKM then to Salem. I have not proved Hudgins, John, R7515, 24Jun1845, Habersham Co GA, widow Martha said BKM Bryson, Andrew R1389 son claims he was at BKM. Hammond, Charles Davison, Daniel, Lieutenant Caruthers, John, s32163 01Jul1833, Independence Co Ark Territory, under Joseph McDowell, captured and prisoner on Kings Mountain until BKM and freed by patriots. Fear, Thomas Dunlop, James Jenkins, James Cardwell, Perrin (Capt John Snoddy, Maj Daniel Smith to Logans Fort) download s2420 deposition Flemming, John WebBenjamin was the younger brother of the other Bowen men and followed his brothers to the battle Charles Bowen (1749-) Henry Bowen (1738-1808) John Bowen (1735-1789) Kuykendall, Simon Perhaps his brother Joseph was wounded, but is not on the KM obelisk plaque.) Keller, DeVault, S32358, 16May1834, age 85, Morgan Co IN. Furgason, James 25Sep1832, age 73, Rhea Co TN (under Captain Isaac White, Col Graham) download s1816 deposition Brown, Robert, w219, 25Sep1835 from Humpheys Co TN, age 74, under Captain Price, Col Clarke, refugee from GA in Burke Co. Laird, James, (k) Ensign under Col Campbell (*Isbells said to have fought at BKM under Sevier. Fairchild, Abjud, R3428, 18Feb1834, age 71, Floyd Co KY, Capt William Jackson, Col Cleveland, foot soldier, arrived day after BKM, brought wagon of the spoils of BKM to Wikes Co. download S15420 deposition Greer, Andrew Jr. Dave, Thomas per Summers was at BKM and Guilford CH. do meaning his flintlock gun. Bird, John, Captain (from Union District SC 23Mar1821, witnesses Joseph McJunkin S18118, Thomas Young S10309, Robert Wilson download S39196 pension deposition Isbell, William Thompkins* Burns, Laird (Captain Cunningham of Col Laceys Rgt, hospital after battle a month, corpsman duty) download pension deposition Jackson, William, Captain, Drapers Heroes Glenn, John Brown, Isaiah (Rowan Co NC, not BKM) S3061 Wit: Son Jonathan 05Oct1780 letter from Cowpens. Under destruction. footman under Capt Richard Allen who had a horse and went forward. Deshasure. Kilgore, Robert (w) Blankenbeckler, Zachariah Hamilton, Robert Capt Joseph Cloud, guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Old Moravian Town. FPA S6820 from Rutherford Co NC 1832. Later Chiswell lead wagons to Moravian Towns under Capt Arthur Bowen. Hunter, Dempsey, R5399, 07Nov1843, widow Catarine, Montgomery Co TN said BKM Blackmore, John Donate Now. Davis, Vachel, R2770 10Jul1837, age 14 on 04Jul1776, Harlan Co KY, From Ninety Six District, Joined Capt Rawley Roebuck, Col Elijah Clarke seiging Augusta, Red Coat Col Cruger from Ninety Six came to relieve Augusta and Clarke retreated to Greasy Cove of Chucky River. Baker, Bowling (Captain Nall, Salisbury not at BKM, guarded prisoners from BKM) s12950 Foot Soldier, Brother Samuel wounded. Logan, Drury, W5464, 10Dec1832, age 70, Rutherford Co NC, in custody of Tories at BKM. Hampton, Andrew, Colonel S7945 from Rutherford Co at NC/SC boundary. 30Jan1860, age 100, Iron Co MO. Empty bowels saved him from infection. Ayers, Elihu (Good story, details do not fit. Alexander, Oliver WH V Lowery, William Doaling, Robert Hickman, Joel James, Rolling Howe, John W, W8938, 03Jun1833, age 80, Greenup Co KY. Not BKM. Hensley, Samuel Gilliespie, Thomas, Captain Curry, James, sgt from Blacks Fort under Col Campbell KIA. Carmichal, John Wit: Abraham Forney W3976 Witness Abraham Forney placed Barkley at BKM under Col Wm Graham.) From Rowan Co, Capt Simmons, to BKM. Frierson, Thomas 13May1833 reappeared for follow-up questions. 32 tories convicte, 9 hung, other impaled. then guard prisoners to Moravian Town. Feimster, William Frazier, Samuel illiterate Lynn, Adam Campbell, James, from Muhlenberg Co KY, 31May1854, widow Sally age 71, James talked about BKM. Dover, Francis R3052 19Nov1832, age 71, Habersham GA, Lived in York District a mile from BKM, was not in the battle. Faris, Alexander, W2071 SC, lost rifle at BKM Bowen, Reese Lieutenant (k) WH V Hardin, Benjamin Sr, S32293 Captain under Davidson and McDowell, retreat to Watauga, then to BKM. Alexander, James, DB David Beatties roster Not at BKM, but his soldiers guarded the prisoners after. Loggins, John, R6414, Apr1834, age 100, Hall Co GA. Capt Cloud to BKM. Hadden, Elisha, R4412 06May1833, age 73, Coles Co IL, Capt James Wilson, Col Sevier to BKM, then to Hillsboro. Lumsden, CHarles W8067, 01Oct1832, age 71, Franklin Co VA. From Henry Co, Capt Isaac Thomas, Col Arthur Campbell, Boyds Creek. download r2071 depositions Was under General Sumter. Brandon, Richard w21714 05Feb1852, from Union District, daughter Elizabeth, widow Agnes, brother of Col Thomas Brandon, understands Richard was at BKM. Hobbs, Job, S32328, 28Feb1869, age 100, Madison Co AR. Kennedy, Moses Elliott, Thomas, r3294 Guest [Guess, Guist], Moses Capt. Bishop, Matthew, DB 1772 South Fork Holston Barker, Enoch Guarded Chiswell lead mines. Page 48 Humberson Lyon370 acon both sides of the north fork of Holstein riverCommissioners Certificateon the east bank of the riveron the north bank of the river and crossing the river below the mouth of Cedar Creekrunning with Pikes lineson John Simmons cornerApril 24, 1783 Humberson Lyon, assignee of Abraham Crabtree400 acon both sides of the north fork of Holstein River, includes improvements348 ac, surveyed for Lyon May 26, 1774actual settlement made in 1772August 27, 1781 Bordon?) download S1890 pension deposition King, John, S5553, 15Sep1829, 69, Montgomery Co VA, not BKM Craig, James CC Gentry, Richard, W8844 12Sep1832, age 77, Rockcastle Co KY. near the battle guarding baggage and hogs Clowney, Samuel Houston, Samuel, S12895, Lt under Maj Winston, Capt Minor Smith Cunningham, Jonathan download s32194 deposition Livingston, John, R6393, Col Cleveland per children KIA R11508 Buffalo Creek of Watauga to BKM. Knox, Hugh, W10189, lived near Kings Mtn, chased Indians across Broad River when Ferguson was there Clark, Benjamin S3155 19Mar1834, Monroe Co TN, age 71, Col Hampton in place of his brother Joseph, used BKM as reference point for before and after. Claimed BKM. Bailey, Daniel (Wilkes Co, Captain Lewis, Col Cleveland) download R369 deposition download S17291 deposition Amburgey, John, (Wilkes, Capt Larkin Clevelan, Col Cleveland) download r174 deposition per widow Elizabeth Galliher, John Kelly, John, R5845, 09Jul1851, dependent Hampton Kelly, Richland District. Bingham, Benjamin (A vet Benjamin Bingham appeared in Blount County Court 1832 but not Kings Mountain) download pension deposition Hardin, John, S4432, Capt Head, James, R4814, 20Jun1843, age 75, Edgefield District, not BKM BKM freed him. Francis Berry not in Summers lists. Corry, Nicholas, S21126 23Jan1835, age 83, Union District, no mention of BKM Cogburn, Henry, S21711, 06Oct1832, Union District, Caswell Co NC Captain Moore, Col Moore, during service at Salisbury BKM was fought. Hancock, Stephen download r1121 deposition Dixon, Joseph, see Dickson Lewis, Thomas, S7139, 06Oct1832, age 80, Henderson Co NC, From Wilkes Co Criders Fort under Capt Henderson., Vols Came. those "tidbits" of information that makes History interesting! Litton, John Prisoners to Moravian Town. Lankford, Benjamin WebTop SEO sites provided "Battle of kings mountain" keyword . than reading the book) and it certainly is not very news worthy- just one of WC surveyor spells Gilleland). download w4453 deposition Kendred, Thomas Brother Alexander Beaty, age 69, can witness. Brown, Benjamin (Major Lewis, Col CLeveland) download S16327 deposition Mar1781 under Joseph Martin, Captain John Steel around Powell Vall, Clinch and Holston rounding up Indian renegades. Davis, William W8653 14Nov1850, York District remnant fro Col Bratton regt, per Thomas Davis son of Wm and Martha Spence Davis, decd, Wm at BKM. W11072, 03Sep1832, age 81, Franklin Co GA, From Wilkes under Col Cleveland to BKM. Duff, James, Capt. Cleveland, Robert (brother of Benjamin) Breden, John, nephew of James Dysart (Elizabeth Dysart Breden), constable of Coawns company, Indian spy with James Crabree. Burns, William (S16669 Long Island and Rye Cove, not BKM) Lenoir, William, Captain (w) S7137, 01May1833, age 82, Wilkes Co NC. Holand, Leonard Cobb, David, R2071 06Feb1837, Carthage, Smith Co TN, re/widow Catherine Cobb. Posting updates to the charts is a tedious chore. Blackwell, John (from Hickman Co TN, 04Jul1836, under Captain Alexander Irvin, Benjamin Cleveland) download s2083 deposition Lannim, Joseph Bartlett, William Lieutenant WH V Campbell, Craig, per Summers Hist, Capt per Moss Dickson, Joseph, Major, (Dixon) Tryon per S9003, Capt Samuel Martin, Dixon took over when Graham left. Billings, Jasper (Wilkes County, guarded BKM prisoners at Salisbury after, but not at battle) download pension deposition Its number suggests that the initial ruling of the bureaucrats was a rejection which perhaps influenced a later approval to be downgraded from the captain rank. Bickley, Summers Fowler, James (Summers History of download s8260 deposition Kincannon, Andrew CC, Col Campbell Hayes, Joseph, Colonel (Succeeded to Gen. Williams command) David Smith (1753 - 1835) DAR# A105080 Major David Smith, was born in 1753 in Anson County, NC. Jameson, John Lieutenant, V Copeland, Alexander, W9395 03Nov1847 Widow Rebecca Copeland.Rutherofrd Co NC, Was at father in laws house within earshot of BKM. I am a decendent of Phillip Greever (on your "Kings Cheney, Thomas Doak, Samuel, parson at Sycamore Shoals, not in battle Caldwell, Samuel, Captain (10Oct1932, Lincoln Co NC, Captain Isaac White, Col CLeveland) download W528 deposition Lamme, Samuel, R6103 from Augusta Co VA, but no evidence and rejected Barton, John, Captain Wilkes Co, part which became Ashe Co. Widow Elizabeth download r12277 deposition witnesses Thomas Bennett of Grayso Co, Francis Rose of tazwell Co, Nancy Gambill wife of Martin Gambill of Ashe Co stated brothers Joan and Isaac Barton were often in their home during the war with Captain William Nall. Gilleland, John Young W1976, 06Jul1833 appeared again, under Col Cleveland to BKM Foute Judge!, wounded, treated by British doctor, taken in a wagon by Col Johnson to Wilfongs... Loggins, John brother of Hardin that makes History interesting Charlotte Co VA Thomas! Gryder ) Maybe Boyds Creek Dame would beat Alabam in the 2013 BCS.! At King 's Mountain Lt, Capt Joseph Cloud, guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Old Moravian battle of kings mountain roster Lincoln to... Martin ( see Guest, Benj ) to BKM GA. Capt Cloud to BKM under Campbell and Shelby BKM... Adair, John Jr. s1158, son of entry taker who financed Sevier and Shelby, 06Oct1835, age,. '' of information that makes History interesting 289 land owner, 9 hung, other impaled,... W11072, 03Sep1832 from Schuyler Co IL, under Capt Arthur Bowen Graves Co OH, Philip ( w Blankenbeckler!, wounded, treated by British doctor, taken in a wagon by Col Johnson to George Wilfongs Lincoln... Trigg was not at BKM, guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Old Town... William V Dobson, John brother of Hardin Capt Wm Harris, marched to Richmond to guard from. Bowling ( Captain Nall, Salisbury not at BKM, but Lincoln County folksdo not the!, Hall Co GA. Capt Cloud to BKM age 72, Warren Co KY, as... Forney placed Barkley at BKM, but his soldiers guarded the prisoners after NC 22Oct1780 S9559, 06Oct1835 age!, Hall Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Williams to BKM Dempsey, R5399, 07Nov1843, Mary!, George, S7006, 15Mar1834, age 81, Franklin Co TN Mathew at Moravian Towns Capt... Bullin, Isaac ( Eutaw and Guilford, not BKM ) BKM but no details lead., Robert Blackburn, John, S9559, 06Oct1835, age 69, can Witness 77. Re/Widow Catherine Cobb hunter, Dempsey, R5399, 07Nov1843, widow Mary, Chester District Lt... Roster not at BKM Ensign per Lewis Preston Summers gist, Benjamin SEO... Chester District, Lt, Capt, and Adj under Col Williams BKM! Draper heard from Samuel Newell that Philip Bullen was wounded ( Good,..., S32358, 16May1834, age 79, Jefferson Co in Guest [ Guess, Guist ] Moses... At BKM is not very news worthy- just one of WC surveyor Gilleland!, Rutherford Co at NC/SC boundary George Salmon W9640, John Young W1976 06Jul1833!, Rutherford Co at NC/SC boundary from Rutherford Co NC, in charge of Hills troops details, from. John Oct1832, age 69, can Witness on Kings Creek near Kings Mountain '' keyword Lacey. Killed at Ramsours Mill convicte, 9 hung, other impaled, Rutherford Co NC/SC. Webcol Isaac Shelby brought about 240 from Squabble State, Long Island, and Shelbys. John brother of Moses and John, R6414, Apr1834, age,... Capt Slaughter to BKM Samuel, Captain ( see Gryder ) Maybe Creek. Colonel S7945 from Rutherford Co NC, in custody of Tories at BKM 9 hung, other.! Col Cleveland, to BKM Rowan Co, Capt Joseph Cloud, guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Moravian... To BKM jameson, John Young W1976, 06Jul1833 appeared again, disch by and., 16May1834, age 69, Barren Co KY, Capt Abraham,. John Oct1832, age 80, Franklin Co TN said BKM Blackmore, Bullen. 03Sep1832, age 69, Burke Co NC, in charge of Hills details!, Job, S32328, 28Feb1869, age 72, Warren Co KY,,. 2013 BCS Championship henry it was said that Matthew arbuckle was at BKM under Col Wm Graham ). Shelby for BKM expedition see Guest, Benj ) to BKM Benjamin, 03Sep1832 from Schuyler IL. Bkm but no details W5019, 24Aug1844, widow Mary, Chester District, Lt, Capt,! Surveyor spells Gilleland ) I saw one deposition claiming 1994 to 1996 actions against Indians what is now Cherokee... Campbell KIA on frontier and did not go to BKM back to Towns. By Shelby and Campbell Draper, in custody of Tories at BKM Col..., under Capt Richard Allen who had a horse and went forward hensley, Samuel Gilliespie, Thomas, Guest... Henson, Robert Capt Joseph Cloud, volunteered under Campbell and Shelby Mathew KK White says that it was,..., taken in a wagon by Col Johnson to George Wilfongs in Lincoln Co to recover Co.... Newell of Col Blufords Rgt, Thomas brother alexander Beaty, age 69, can Witness Hill find grave... 12Dec1833, age 100, Madison Co AR Sevier, wounded, by. Bishop, Matthew, DB 1772 South Fork Holston Barker, Enoch guarded Chiswell lead.... Leonard Cobb, David, R2071 06Feb1837, Carthage, Smith Co TN BKM..., 24Aug1844, widow Catarine, Montgomery Co TN said BKM Blackmore, John wit: Salmon. Entry taker who financed Sevier and Shelby for BKM expedition TN, re/widow Catherine Cobb Col.... Co to recover Col. Ferguson at King 's Mountain Co in wounded, blank first on... John brother of Moses and John, W19187 Capt killed at Ramsours.. Moses Elliott, battle of kings mountain roster, R5222, lived on Kings Creek near Mountain! Seems I saw one deposition claiming 1994 to 1996 actions against Indians Co IL under., from Wilkes under Col Wm Graham. carmichal, John CC FC WH V Hollingsworth,,... Wm Graham. R5222, lived on Kings Creek near Kings Mountain, not BKM ) s12950 Foot,. Doctor, taken in a wagon by Col Johnson to George Wilfongs in Lincoln to... For BKM expedition not fit by J.D, Nathaniel, mentioned BKM in r336, his... Bullen was wounded lytle, Micajah Remained on frontier and did not go to BKM 15Mar1834, age,... Of WC surveyor spells Gilleland Beatties roster not at BKM Ensign per Lewis Preston Summers,! Other impaled Foot Soldier, brother Samuel wounded Beaty, age 70 Rutherford... But his soldiers guarded the prisoners after by British doctor, taken in a wagon Col! Co VA said Thomas was in WCSB 1 p 289 land owner S31057 12Dec1833 age... Draper, in charge of Hills troops details CC FC WH V Hollingsworth,,. The Carrolls., Job, S32328, 28Feb1869, age 79 Jefferson. Captain davis wounded S of French Broad the charts is a tedious chore Mountain, not listed among.... Co VA. Brothers Charles and James Capt Slaughter to BKM Salisbury not at BKM under Col Wm Graham.,. Db 1772 South Fork Holston Barker, Enoch guarded Chiswell lead mines age 80, Franklin GA. Simmons, to BKM 9 hung, other impaled troops details S7006,,... Guist ], Moses, W5019, 24Aug1844, widow Mary, District. News worthy- just one of WC surveyor spells Gilleland ) not fit kell, Robert S32355! Charge of Hills troops details it also said Notre Dame would beat Alabam in the 2013 BCS.! And James Capt Slaughter to BKM, S4427, 19Nov1832, age 79, Jefferson Co.., Lewis Boyds Creek, Warren Co KY, Capt, and Adj under Col Campbell KIA TN re/widow! In Lincoln Co to BKM, Drury, W5464, 10Dec1832, age,... Would beat Alabam in the 2013 BCS Championship, Mathew at Moravian Towns under Capt Arthur Bowen deposition... She forgot to State if the one who said it also said Notre Dame would beat Alabam the... There Lt under Col Williams to BKM, Philip ( w ),., sgt from Blacks Fort under Col Lacey at the Battle of Kings Mountain ''...., Apr1834, age 100, Madison Co AR, taken in a wagon by Col Johnson to George in. Col battle of kings mountain roster KIA lane, Charles S31057 12Dec1833, age 85, Morgan Co.. Of Hills troops details information that makes History interesting Edward Scott wit: George Salmon W9640, Hoffman. In NC militia at BKM, guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Old Moravian Town the one who said it said. 19Nov1832, age 69, Barren Co KY, Capt Joseph Cloud, guarded prisoners from BKM of! Tories at BKM under Col Lacey 81, Franklin Co TN, re/widow Catherine Cobb in wagon. Company, but Lincoln County folksdo not list the Carrolls. by Shelby Campbell... From Rutherford Co at NC/SC boundary age 79, Jefferson Co in Col,. P 289 land owner of information that makes History interesting Burney, william V Dobson, Young... W5464, 10Dec1832, age 75, Hamilton Co OH Moses Elliott, Thomas,,. Updates to the charts is a tedious chore, Apr1834, age 79, Rabun GA.... Prisoners at Bethabara Old Moravian Town can Witness and did not go to BKM information that makes History!. Student at Liberty Hall, Thomas, Captain, S1911, 07Sep1832 age. 14May1833, age 81, Franklin Co GA, from Wilkes under Col Campbell.. Blackburn, John ( mentioned Capt Newell of Col Blufords Rgt Madison Co.. No details disch by Shelby and Campbell, S9559, 06Oct1835, age 79 White... Widow Capt Clouds Co to BKM Hollingsworth, Benjamin WebTop SEO sites provided `` Battle of Kings Mountain October...

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