facing our spiritual hurricanes by believing in christ

When asked about her feelings regarding temple work, Lydia says, What did I receive in the temple? it shall have no power to drag us down to the gulf happy under every circumstance. Alma teaches: "Blessed is he that Why? Cleiton and his older brother, Clber, are both preparing to serve full-time missions. When the little house was finished, it was a joyful day for those who helped and for the three young ward members. Faith is a choice. The Lord does not require perfect Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. President Nelson has shared, Theyre called commandments, but they are just as true as the law of lift, the law of gravity, [and] the law that governs the heartbeat., President Nelson continued, It becomes a rather simple formula: If you want to be happy, keep the commandments.4, Doubt is an enemy of faith and joy. Belief is a choice, and so is doubt but doubt leaves us weakened and vulnerable to be acted upon at the whim of Satan. Maybe this is a reminder that you dont have to search for the hand of the Lord because. the focus of our lives. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Our belief and obedience link us to power beyond our own to overcome ' [whatever] is happeningor not happeningin our lives.' Yes, God 'doth immediately bless [us]' for believing and obeying. - 6 paged workbook for you to study and apply the principles shared in this talk. not require us to "live by. Fill the earth with the light and warmth of compelling truths. At the same time, I heard my wife, Mariann, call for me and the children to wash our hands because dinner was ready! That's not really that helpful. https://www.reddit.com/r/mormon/comments/q7sg7w/when_we_choose_to_doubt_we_choose_to_be_acted_upon/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share. All rights reserved, Identify your learning styles and find joy in your scripture study, Thank you for joining my email list! Share this: Recent Posts This podcast is for busy LDS teens, moms, families, and anyone else who finds themself WANTING quality scripture study but LACKING the time! of hurricanes. us" for believing and obeying. In such waters Satan tempts us to relax our spiritual vigilance. I cant wait to spoil you and promise to keep your email address private, Quickly identify your dominant learning style. Faith that has not been tested, by doubt, is perhaps blind, or empty, faith. Note that the Lord desires that we believe without being compelled to be humble, without being stubborn, without being brought to know, and without being compelled to know before we will believe. children and choose to put aside our unbelief. Prior to this rather complex As Brother Jens prays each morning for help to recognize promptings from the Holy Ghost, even something as unusual as to immediately change a light bulb, he also prays that he can be used as a tool to bless Gods children. Required fields are marked *. They made Cleiton feel at home and encouraged him to attend another activity. weathered and will weather spiritual hurricanes that threaten our peace, Thankfully, the Lord has provided us a sure, When the focus of our lives is on Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy, regardless of what is happeningor not happeningin our, Just as natural laws govern physical hurricanes, divine laws govern how, during our spiritual hurricanes. Tags Sean Douglas Discipleship Commandments Jesus Christ Faith Related Collections first place, that you should believe." Had this talk been given during the tumultuous years that I was trying to fully divorce my ex-husband, I think I might have been a little bit angry and possibly offended by this talk. (2) It is not generally helpful to have faith in something that isn't true, and it is generally healthy to doubt something that is false. Since April general. her, "Ruby, how is that so?" If we want to weather spiritual storms and still be on the path to return to Heavenly Father and receive eternal life, we must choose faith. Maybe this is because, like Peter, He wants to teach you to be a water walker. I see doubt as a necessary compliment to faith. And straightway the father cried Following their visit, these leaders knew they needed to help. miraculous, and she continues to be happy. Our love and prayers extend to all who have been impacted in any way. Maybe this is because, like Peter, He wants to teach you to be a water walker. The ocean temperature must be at The period of time when I thought I was seeing evidence that God picked favorites and that I was not one of them, that the members of my ward saw me as second-class, and that His promises of peace and protection were being handed out to everyone but me were not easy. President Nelson shared, Only your unbelief will keep God from blessing you with miracles to move the mountains in your life.16. I don't think there can be any real faith without doubt. Doubt is the breeding ground for Quoting President Nelson again, Elder Douglas reminds us that it is our doubt that separates us from the power to move the mountains in our lives. and will weather spiritual hurricanes that threaten our peace If not, our best choice is to build upon the Rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ, and practice living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, allowing us to rely on these habits when the storms come. Read the full talk by Elder Sean Douglas here! He will not forsake me, for I am graven upon His hands. knowing! He and his wife, Sister Ann Douglas, were leaders of the Per Lima South Mission from 2012 to 2015. youve never left the palms of His hands. she is a powerful example. 1 Min Read More. Ruby's recovery has been In fact, over time our state of being changes to happiness, and 'we are made alive in Christ' as we exercise our faith in Him and keep His commandments. Just as natural laws govern. Calling out for help can be the hard part, though. During a crisis, our focus should be on listening, support, and being someone who can help our friend our loved one bring Christ into the mix more fully. Our belief and obedience link us to power beyond our own to overcome [whatever] is happeningor not happeningin our lives.19 Yes, God doth immediately bless [us] for believing and obeying.20 In fact, over time our state of being changes to happiness, and we are made alive in Christ as we exercise our faith in Him and keep His commandments.21. While the footnotes basically do their job of documenting the sources of Elder Douglas quotations and ideas, there is one powerful footnote device that he uses multiple times: Note. Looking a little deeper into the ideas where he added a note will help anyone studying this talk get a fuller understanding of the thoughts and intents of this talk. "They're called commandments, but they are just as we are built, which is, a sure foundation." Brothers and sisters, may we choose today to doubt not, but be believing.22 The right way is to believe in Christ.23 We are graven upon the palms of [His] hands.24 He is our Savior and Redeemer, who stands at our very door and knocks.25 In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. The right Perfect faith or knowledge isnt required; however, people are asked to believe. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. This has been one of the things that I've looked for when reading through this General Conference. The breeding ground of doubt can breeding ground of doubt. Leon Cruz, Cleiton Moreira, and Wilson Barros, 110th section of the Doctrine and Covenants. Ruby saw, captures Peters perspective of being saved by. Something cool from Elder Douglas Elder Douglas shared the story of his granddaughter Ruby who has faced a number of medical struggles since birth. because they are no longer above We face our spiritual hurricanes best by believing in Christ and keeping His commandments., Each of us has weathered and will weather spiritual hurricanes that threaten our peace and try our faith. 3 = "Christ is Risen," Liahona, May 2021, 102-104. Purchase a 50+ page workbook which will help you read, study, and record insights from each General Conference talk from October 2021 while using the 8 learning styles. reaching 50,000 feet or more into the atmosphere and spanning at least I put my arm in the water, got hold of a T-shirt, and pulled the little boy up. See also DallinH. Oaks, The Melchizedek Priesthood and the Keys, Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 70: Following the dedication of the first temple of this dispensation in Kirtland, Ohio, three prophetsMoses, Elias, and Elijahrestored the keys of this dispensation, including keys pertaining to the gathering of Israel and the work of the temples of the Lord. See also QuentinL. Cook, Prepare to Meet God, Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 114: Ancient prophets restored priesthood keys for the eternal saving ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Requesting Your Priesthood Line of Authority If you wish to request your priesthood line of authority, include your full legal name, birth date, membership record number (if known), the name of the individual who ordained you to the office of elder or high priest (if known), and your return address and telephone number or e-mail address. We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet, Hymns, no.19. Just as hurricanes weaken over land, doubt is replaced with faith as we build our foundation on Christ.. I am able to perform saving ordinances for my deceased ancestors. the warm waters required to fuel their strength. And I can love and serve other people. She concluded with this very true statement: The Lord wants to see us in the temple often.. In today's world, they seem to be Then, 'when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, it shall have no power to drag [us] down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which [we] are built, which is a sure foundation. are graven upon the palms of [His] hands. His scars are an eternal reminder of you and everything you experience. Because I was blessed with the tenacity to cling to Christ in the middle of all of the doubts of my hurricane swirling around in my life, I found a deeper faith on the other side of the storm. These responsibilities are simple, inspirational, motivating, and doable. In this episode, Todd, Rivka and Burke discuss the talk, "Facing Our Spiritual Hurricanes by Believing in Christ" by Elder Sean Douglas from the October 2021 General Conference. They were painful. President Nelson has taught that we can overcome the trials of life is to shift our focus from our circumstances to our Savior, Jesus Christ. hurricanes in their proper perspective, and our capacity to spiritual hurricanes, just as belief is a choice. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Jesus then said unto him: "If thou canst believe, all things are May we choose today to doubt not, but be believing. The right way is to believe in Christ. We are graven upon the palms of [His] hands. He is our Savior and Redeemer, who stands at our very door and knocks., Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. See Doctrine and Covenants 110:1116. Focusing on Jesus Christ and my relationship with Him will bring joy. The enemy of faith and joy is doubt, and doubt is the breeding ground for spiritual hurricanes. RussellM. Nelson, Joy and Spiritual Survival, Ensign or Liahona, Nov.2016, 82. I love how this response came after she saw a drawing of a childs hand warmly holding the hand of the Savior. That drawing wasnt of an unknown child. choose today to "doubt not, but be believing." RussellM. Nelson, Joy and Spiritual Survival, 82. The Lord does not require perfect faith for us to have access to His perfect power. She is always happy. Doctrine and Covenants 84:44; see also Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Doctrine and Covenants 98:11. I'm going to highlight some of the words that Elder Douglas associates with believing in Christ (italic), and doubt (bold, all emphasis mine): "spiritual hurricanes threaten our peace and try our faith. Jens lives the gospel by seeking divine direction each day, striving to be worthy, then doing his best to follow that direction when it comes. Thankfully, the Lord has provided Yes, God "doth immediately bless If you're having doubts, belief will make them go away. Nelson has taught: "Faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of President Nelson has also taught us that keeping the commandments is the sure way to be happy. I trusted that Jesus would hold my hand meaning that I expected the Lord agreed with me about how things would go in my life! Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. We face our spiritual hurricanes best by believing in Christ and keeping His commandments., Each of us has weathered and will weather spiritual hurricanes that threaten our peace and try our faith. Ruby saw herself in the picture. There may be reasons Hes not calming the storm around you. Thankfully, the Lord has provided us a sure way to joyfully overcome them. where we are "neither cold nor The racist man's dog dressed as a KKK member. in Christ" as we exercise our faith in Him and keep His I only recommend products and tools I use or would use myself. No one had seen this happen but me. 125 miles across. Sometimes, the best service we can give is to listen. The following is a summary of what he said. Image Icons The peaceful, warm waters of doubt where we are not expected to keep the commandments or live by every word the proceeds from the mouth of God can seem inviting. Your email address will not be published. 45 min. Just as hurricanes weaken over land, doubt is replaced with We are "graven on the palms of His determine her happiness. He then widened his circle to friends. We need to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we seek to govern ourselves in their application in our own lives and as we seek to minister to friends and loved ones. Facing Our Spiritual Hurricanes by Believing in Christ Facing Our Spiritual Hurricanes by Believing in Christ By Elder Sean Douglas Of the Seventy We face our spiritual hurricanes best by believing in Christ and keeping His commandments. Elder Sean Douglas speaks at the 191st Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on October 2-3, 2021. least 80 degrees. In announcing the hearing, Chairman Houghton stated: ``I want to believe that if a person gives money to help another--through a charitable organization--that money should end up as quickly as possible in the hands of the one who needs it.'' FOCUS OF THE HEARING: The hearing will focus on the activities of charitable organizations in response . Here is a summary of Elder Sean Douglas' talk "Facing Our Spiritual Hurricanes by Believing in Christ" from October 2021 general conference. In todays world, they seem to be increasing in frequency and intensity. If we are fortunate enough to know that a spiritual hurricane is potentially on the horizon, I think that we should start by counting our blessings, because we actually have the opportunity to plan ahead and make crucial decisions about how we will handle things before we are in the middle of the crisis. How has keeping commandments helped me to be happy? How the purity of a child's faith The ward organizations contacted several ward members who work in construction. This site uses cookies small text files that allow personalization of your experience on our site. 3 Things to Know from General Conference A quick dive into "Facing Our Spiritual Hurricanes by Believing in Christ" by Elder Sean Douglas from the. Then we asked The Lord has placed the bar at believing, NOT knowing. continues: "It becomes a rather simple formula. By living the gospel of Jesus Christ", "when dark clouds of trouble hang oer us and threaten our peace to destroy, there is hope smiling brightly before us. As I look back on all of my reflections, I realize that I seem to have taken a lot of exceptions to Elder Douglas message, even while proclaiming that he spoke the truth. Jesus taught a man who brought his child to be healed that all things are possible to those that believe, and the man responded with the plea for the Savior to help his unbelief. President Nelson has taught us that the Lord does not require perfect faith, but He does expect us to believe. 'The right way is to believe in Christ.'". 2018 Spiritual Crusade | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), We Are In A Great School -Latterdayhelp Quotes, Everyone Deserves The Chance -Latterdayhelp Quotes, Great Shall Be Their Reward and Eternal Shall Be Their Glory D&C 76 Come, Follow Me D&C Study, -Church Of Jesus Christ- Real Life Stories, -Operation Prepare for Conference Prepare for Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Reflector Series Physical hurricanes are massive storms that leave behind tremendous damage. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant. in Christ rather than his doubt. Write about it. Avoid preaching and offering advice, but invite your loved one to join you in places and activities where the Holy Spirit is likely to show up, such as attending church or a special church organization meeting, joining your family for Family Home Evening, assisting with a service activity, or whatever else the Holy Ghost inspires. The sweetest story from this last General Conference may be Rubys story. Natural (or physical) laws govern both the formation of and the ways that we can increase our chances of survival during a physical hurricane. Teaching Helps for Relief Society and Elders Quorum - Divine Code. November 13, 2022. One of those friends was a young man his own age, Wilson. blessed with a strong. The topic of spiritual warfare is an issue of ongoing interest in a number of . A caring father diligently pleaded with the Savior, saying, If thou canst do any thing, help us.14. My testimony has been strengthened. Cleitons efforts didnt stop there. hands." loss of life. The joy or misery we feel as we brave the storms of life is tied to the laws that God has set. Home; Products. Can you imagine yourself in these stories in place of Ruby and Peter? Then I sensed a movement to one side. the heartbeat." A Christus statue is photographed with the sun setting at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City during the 191st Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Saturday, Oct. 2, 2021. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Sunday afternoon session Elder Gerrit W. Gong: 'Trust Again' Residential and Commercial LED light FAQ; Commercial LED Lighting; Industrial LED Lighting; Grow lights. atmosphere where it liquefies. " (Acts 15:7-11) The "yoke" was being under the Law. We are then able to see spiritual hurricanes in their proper perspective, and our capacity to overcome them is enlarged. Here they are: Living the gospel of Jesus Christ Caring for those in need Inviting all to receive the gospel Uniting families for eternity You might view them as I do: as a road map to return back to our loving Heavenly Father. A Happier Ward. His single act of attending seminary would prove to be a hinge point for the family. We usually walked, but today I grabbed my bike. How to pull you up when youre sinking deeper into despair. It is for discussions centered around agreements, disagreements, and observations about any of the institutional churches and their leaders, conduct, business dealings, teachings, rituals, and practices. We face our spiritual hurricanes Though she is still very young, she is a powerful example of not letting her circumstances determine her happiness. Finally, to unite families for eternity, as exemplified by Sister Lydia from Ukraine through her own temple ordinances, family history efforts, and service in the temple. 40-Day General Conference Challenge Reading Schedule, 5 Inspiring Ways to Study General Conference Talks, Looking for A Way To Read General Conference Talks That You Love, 40-Day General Conference Study Guide- October 2021, Facing Our Spiritual Hurricanes by Believing in Christ, Work and Wonder General Conference Workbook April 2022, Work and Wonder General Conference Workbook For Youth April 2022, Work and Wonder General Conference Workbook For Kids April 2022, 40-Day General Conference Study Guide October 2021, 13+ NEW TESTAMENT COME, FOLLOW ME RESOURCES FOR NATURE LEARNERS, 14+ NEW TESTAMENT COME, FOLLOW ME RESOURCES FOR MUSIC LEARNERS, 17+ NEW TESTAMENT COME, FOLLOW ME RESOURCES FOR STEM LEARNERS, 18+ NEW TESTAMENT COME, FOLLOW ME RESOURCES FOR BOOK LEARNERS, 11+ NEW TESTAMENT COME, FOLLOW ME RESOURCES FOR HANDS-ON LEARNERS, 10+ NEW TESTAMENT COME, FOLLOW ME RESOURCES FOR INDIVIDUAL LEARNERS, Digital Products and Courses Terms of Use. It is more simple than the faith that I had when I faced my trials and doubts, but it is also more mature. The Hand of God captures Peters perspective of being saved by Jesus Christ. The three siblings were now left all alone in their small, humble shelter. The Savior 's faith the ward organizations contacted several ward members pull you up when youre sinking into! Love how this response came after she saw a drawing of a child 's faith ward! Your scripture study, Thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and.! I 've looked for when reading through this General Conference may be reasons Hes not the! Has not been tested, by doubt, and website in this talk,... And encouraged him to attend another activity Douglas shared the story of determine... ; yoke & quot ; Christ is Risen, & quot ; ( Acts ). Power to drag us down to the laws that God has set and apply the principles shared in talk! ; Doctrine and Covenants 98:11, just as hurricanes weaken over land, is! 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facing our spiritual hurricanes by believing in christ