how american industry won world war ii quizlet

Just because among upper middle and upper class Americans, women were confined to "huswifery" for several decades doesn't mean that was always the case for all women in all places. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1985. Introduction. They often faced discrimination in the job market prior to World War II. Last, the commission facilitated mass production by choosing to build many standardized vessels like the ugly, slow, and ubiquitous Liberty ship. D. stagnated sales in the auto and consumer goods industries after 1926. Why did Incan rulers insist that all conquered peoples be taught the Quechua language? "Coming just two decades after World War I and its almost 38 million casualties, the 1939-1945 hostilities convinced world leaders that the mutual carnage had to stop." (Paragraph 3) "The EU aims to promote common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries, regional development, and a free movement of people, goods, services, and capital." Lichtenstein, Nelson. Chapter 15- Absolutism and Constitutionalism. the name of the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, on Aug. 6, 1945. 2 (February 1992): 1-34. Responsible for monstrous atrocities, including genocide, his evil life and deeds have made him one of the most infamous and tyrannical dictators in history. Commander of the Axis forces/ Afrika Korps in North Africa; esteemed Nazi general who tried to assassinate Hitler; Feb, 1942, signed by FDR and authorized the exclusion of more than 112,000 Japanese --> internment camps. The ringing of the doorbell might mean that someone might be there with a telegram saying that someone had died in battle. Workers resented wage ceilings because much of their increased income went to pay taxes and was earned by working overtime rather than through higher hourly rates. The planning and conduct of war in 1914 were crucially influenced by the invention of new weapons and the improvement of existing types since the Franco-German War of 1870-71. Black nurses were only permitted to attend to black soldiers. opponent in 1940 (from indiana), Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII. Social commentators worried that when men returned from military service there would be no jobs available for them, and admonished women to return to their "rightful place" in the home as soon as victory was at hand. To cover the other $167.2 billion, the Treasury Department also expanded its bond program, creating the famous war bonds hawked by celebrities and purchased in vast numbers and enormous values by Americans. Anticipating war, Roosevelt and his advisers had been able to develop and execute some plans for military expansion, but public opinion prohibited large-scale appropriations for armament and defense. Nelson, Donald M. Arsenal of Democracy: The Story of American War Production. Why were Anabaptists considered by both Catholics and Protestants to be dangerous radicals? With this rapid rise in power and influence, the United States had to take on new responsibilities, signaling the beginning of the "American era." October 23, 2020. Rosie the Riveter Revisited: Women, the War, and Social Change. Soviets blocked land routes to Western Germany. Make a list of all the plants mentioned in the story: trees, flowers, and grasses. Which of the jobs available to women during wartime would you have wanted, and why? The Navy and Industrial Mobilization in World War II. Stephen Ambrose calls D-Day "the greatest achievement of the American Republic in the first half of the 20th Century." Although the armed forces continued to practice segregation, as did Red Cross blood banks, Roosevelt, under pressure from Blacks, who were outraged by the refusal of defense industries to integrate their labour forces, signed Executive Order 8802 on June 25, 1941. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1946. }}greedruled. Koistinen, Paul A.C. Arsenal of World War II: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1940-1945. It was the largest and most sustained bombing campaign yet attempted. How does FDR communicate with the American people and why is it important? As Table 2 shows, output in many American manufacturing sectors increased spectacularly from 1939 to 1944, the height of war production in many industries. All the initial belligerents in World War I were self-sufficient in food except Great Britain and Germany.Great Britain's industrial establishment was slightly superior to Germany's (17 percent of world trade in 1913 as compared with 12 percent for Germany), but Germany's diversified chemical industry facilitated the production of ersatz, or substitute, materials, which compensated for . He therefore created the War Production Board in January 1942 to coordinate mobilization, and in 1943 an Office of War Mobilization was established to supervise the host of defense agencies that had sprung up in Washington, D.C. Gradually, a priorities system was devised to supply defense plants with raw materials; a synthetic rubber industry was developed from scratch; rationing conserved scarce resources; and the Office of Price Administration kept inflation under control. Instead, the military services enjoyed almost-unchecked control over their enormous appetites for equipment and personnel. Freedom from fear, Hitler's plan to kill all the Jews in Europe, Invaded and occupied by Germany until Allies came to the rescue: D-day. This was a war, Ribbentrop ruefully concluded,. 1945 Meeting between Allied leaders; FDR, Churchill, and Stalin during WWII to plan for post-war, signs that US Britain feared future Communist expansion. (Night of the Broken Glass) November 9, 1938, when mobs throughout Germany destroyed Jewish property and terrorized Jews. On what two cities were the atomic bombs dropped during WWII? Improvement in the standard of living was not ubiquitous, however. April 1993. The role of women in U.S. society became an issue of particular interest in the post-war years, with marriage and feminine domesticity depicted as the primary goal for the American woman. In 1939, when World War II erupted in Europe with Germanys invasion of Poland, numerous economic indicators suggested that the United States was still deeply mired in the depression. As observers during the war and ever since have recognized, scientific and technological innovations were a key aspect in the American war effort and an important economic factor in the Allies victory. After World War I most Americans concluded that participating in international affairs had been a mistake. Agriculture hit an all-time high and the farmers with their new state of the art machines and there was suddenly a great demand for anything the farmers could push out. In particular, World War II led many women to take jobs in defense plants and factories around the country. To organize the growing economy and to ensure that it produced the goods needed for war, the federal government spawned an array of mobilization agencies which not only often purchased goods (or arranged their purchase by the Army and Navy), but which in practice closely directed those goods manufacture and heavily influenced the operation of private companies and whole industries. How did employment change for African-Americans during the war? The gross national product of the U.S., as measured in constant dollars, grew from $88.6 billion in 1939 while the country was still suffering from the depression to $135 billion in 1944. This caused a very high national debt. Despite both this increase in income and a no-strike pledge given by trade union leaders after Pearl Harbor, there were numerous labour actions. The formal declarations of war by the United States on Japan and Germany made plain, once and for all, that the American economy would now need to be transformed into what President Roosevelt had called the Arsenal of Democracy a full year before, in December 1940. A great power that other nations respected and whose enemies were wary of their power. As the American military was still segregated for the majority of World War II, African American women served in black-only units. Chinese American women also found a place in the defense industry. Timeline Below are important moments during World War II that were crucial to African American contributions in the Armed Forces. Upon being returned to office, Roosevelt moved quickly to aid the Allies. There was also the prevalent idea that the rightful place of a woman was in the house. Moreover, the New Deal had accustomed Americans to a national government which played a prominent role in national affairs and which, at least under Roosevelts leadership, often chose to lead, not follow, private enterprise and to use new capacities to plan and administer large-scale endeavors. Any talk of weapons that won World War II begins and ends with the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945. Deal between Roosevelt and Churchill where Roosevelt gave Britain 50 old destroyers for the right to build bases in British territory in the Americas. Payments losers make to winners after wars. America had won the war and defeated the forces of evil in the world. Should the United States continue its use of drone strikes abroad? \underline{\text{are sitting in a tavern. What might the ringing of the doorbell mean? To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. The federal government spent about $350 billion during World War II or twice as much as it had spent in total for the entire history of the U.S. government up to that point. At the peak of its war effort, in late 1943 and early 1944, the United States was manufacturing almost as many munitions as all of its allies and enemies combined. Nelson understood immediately that the staggeringly complex problem of administering the war economy could be reduced to one key issue: balancing the needs of civilians especially the workers whose efforts sustained the economy against the needs of the military especially those of servicemen and women but also their military and civilian leaders. In a bold surprise attack, Japanese aircraft destroyed or damaged 18 ships of war at Pearl Harbor, including the entire battleship force, and 347 planes. This left many of the civilian and military. The average income tax rate peaked in 1944 at 20.9 percent (Fact Sheet: Taxes). While all of the major belligerents were able to tap their scientific and technological resources to develop weapons and other tools of war, the American experience was impressive in that scientific and technological change positively affected virtually every facet of the war economy. The industry that was transformed into war production in only nine months was the American Automobile industry. (transcribe). Responsible for monstrous atrocities, including genocide, his evil life and deeds have made him one of the most infamous and tyrannical dictators in history. Did they ever serve with the Marine Corps or Coast Guard? Beginning in 1940, the government extended the income tax to virtually all Americans and began collecting the tax via the now-familiar method of continuous withholdings from paychecks (rather than lump-sum payments after the fact). Congress finally began to heed President Roosevelt's warnings and appropriated billions of dollars for defense and passed this act in 1940. Minority women also endured discrimination and dislocation during the war years. A great power that other nations respected and whose enemies were wary of their power. These laws barred the transportation or sale of arms to warring nations and banned loans to nations at war outside the Western Hemisphere. Germany's systematic genocide (ethnic cleansing) of various ethnic, religious, national, and secular groups during WWII, starting in 1941 and continuing through 1945. Was this the beginning of women not only being housewives. All told, taxes provided about $136.8 billion of the wars total cost of $304 billion (Kennedy, 625). E. careless. What was the state of the American military and the American economy in the years leading up to WWII? Roosevelt extended a much larger loan to China and in December embargoed iron ore, pig iron, and a variety of other products. In May 1942, the United States of Mexico declared war on the Axis alliance. What were Japanese Americans who were born in the US called? The hardships of the previous fifteen years of war and depression were replaced by rising living standards, increased opportunities, and a newly emerging American culture confident of its future and place in the world. 1 (March 1981): 123-28. Field, Alexander J. }}theoldmanwas. he nominative pronoun who is used as the subject of a clause. the gathering of resources and preparation for war. Women faced challenges in overcoming cultural stereotypes against working women, as well as finding adequate childcare during working hours. Direct link to edie's post If america was at war , w, Posted 5 years ago. Research on identical twins has fueled whatscientistscallthe"heredityversusenvironment"debate\underline{\text{{what scientists call the "heredity versus environment" debate}}}whatscientistscallthe"heredityversusenvironment"debate. Though initially rejected by car-company executives and many federal officials, the Reuther Plan effectively called the publics attention to Americas lagging preparedness for war. C. legendary. Though neither Nelson nor other high-ranking civilians ever fully resolved this issue, Nelson did realize several key economic goals. American lives. As it waxed and waned between 1933 and 1940, Roosevelts New Deal mitigated some effects of the Great Depression, but did not end the economic crisis. Labor unions and their members benefited especially. A. To Nanos appetite seems to increase every time he visits. The American propaganda portrays the Germans and the Japanese by acting like they are cockroaches and trying to exterminate all of them or removed. In fact, as late as August 12, 1941, the House of Representatives extended the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 by a vote of only 203 to 202. In parallel to but never commensurate with the Army and Navy, a succession of top-level civilian mobilization agencies sought to influence Army and Navy procurement of manufactured goods like tanks, planes, and ships, raw materials like steel and aluminum, and even personnel. Ships for Victory: A History of Shipbuilding under the U.S. Maritime Commission in World War II. led the Nationalists to form its own government. This would also come at a cost when Russia and America being to have their cold war. American family watching TV in 1958, photo by Evert F. Baumgardnerfor National Archives and Records Administration. Hopefully there will never be ANY fighter pilots in the Space Force. They chose dishonor. Household manufacturing was almost universal in colonial days, with local craftsmen providing for their communities. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1976. A Reassessment of the U.S. Economy in the 1940s. Journal of Economic History 52, no. On March 5, 1933, the German parliament voted him the power he needed to launch Germany on a program of conquest in central and eastern Europe. American techno-scientific innovations mattered most dramatically in high-tech sectors which were often hidden from public view by wartime secrecy. The Recovery from the Depression of the 1930s. 2002. The post-war baby boom embraced the role of women as caretakers and homemakers. led the Free French and backed the underground Resistance movement in France. Peter Jenning says that because Americans actually came together to help the war end. Minority women faced particular difficulties during the World War II era. In February, 1945, this meeting of the Allied leaders took place, at which they agreed on how to occupy Germany after the war and the Soviets promised help against Japan, in return for various secret agreements. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987. He ordered the War and Navy departments to resupply British divisions that had been rescued at Dunkirk minus their weaponry, and in September he agreed to exchange 50 obsolescent destroyers for 99-year leases on eight British naval and air bases in the Western Hemisphere. Over that same period, federal tax revenue grew from about 8 percent of GDP to more than 20 percent. A third wartime socioeconomic trend was somewhat ironic, given the reduction in the supply of civilian goods: rapid increases in many Americans personal incomes. Milkman, Ruth. Five million women entered the workforce between 1940-1945. Direct link to schlaff, steven's post when they let women be fi, Posted a month ago. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995. Lingeman, Richard P. Dont You Know Theres a War On? Explain the "patriotism" women felt when working in the factories. Stronger legislation followed the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, in effect penalizing the Spanish government, whose fascist enemies were receiving strong support from Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. For instance, as Table 4 shows, the population of the three Pacific Coast states grew by a third between 1940 and 1945, permanently altering their demographics and economies. Women would leave their household duties to help with the needs of the war. After initial snarls and never-ending disputes, by the beginning of 1944 production was reaching astronomical totalsdouble those of all the enemy countries combined. African Americans in World War II Explore profiles, oral histories, photographs, and artifacts honoring African American contributions to World War II from the Museum's collection. In January 1942, as part of another effort to mesh civilian and military needs, President Roosevelt established a new mobilization agency, the War Production Board, and placed it under the direction of Donald Nelson, a former Sears Roebuck executive. To oversee this growth, President Roosevelt created a number of preparedness agencies beginning in 1939, including the Office for Emergency Management and its key sub-organization, the National Defense Advisory Commission; the Office of Production Management; and the Supply Priorities Allocation Board. Great Britain, Soviet Union, United States. For example, during WWII, some politicians gave in to aggressors' demands for territory, making the aggressors more likely to push for more and, more importantly, giving the aggressors time to rebuild their armies. Because Pearl Harbor had united the nation, few people were prosecuted for disloyalty or sedition, unlike during World War I. Or was she a symbol that women had to retain beauty standards during the war? During World War II, in addition to turning out several million military vehicles, American automobile manufacturers made some seventy-five essential military items, most of them unrelated. }}aresittinginatavern. The 15 million Americans who joined the military who, that is, became employees of the military all moved to and between military bases; 11.25 million ended up overseas. But their importance to the Allied effort was much greater than a handful of pilots and airplanes. Believing that Japan intended to attack the East Indies, the United States stopped exporting oil to Japan at the end of the summer. Air Force History Support Office. Later, his status as a successful leader during World War II helped him become President of the United States. American aid to Europe ($13 billion via the Economic Recovery Program (ERP) or Marshall Plan, 1947-1951) and Japan ($1.8 billion, 1946-1952) furthered this goal by tying the economic reconstruction of West Germany, France, Great Britain, and Japan to American import and export needs, among other factors. A Statistical Summary of Shipbuilding under the U.S. Maritime Commission during World War II. Rockoff, Hugh. (That's part of why childbirth is known as labor). So, too, did about 10.5 million Americans who either could not then have had jobs (the 3.25 million youths who came of age after Pearl Harbor) or who would not have then sought employment (3.5 million women, for instance). "He chuckled aloud with astonishment at his own temerity so that Raghu came out of the hedge". Then draw a vertical line between the Britain and France could buy goods from the United States if they paid in full and transported them. Minority women, like minority men, served in the war effort as well, though the Navy did not allow black women into its ranks until 1944. Goldin, Claudia and Robert A. Margo. By all accounts, Lend-Lease was crucial to enabling Great Britain and the Soviet Union to fight the Axis, not least before the United States formally entered the war in December 1941. Thus, when Pearl Harbor was attacked, the United States had some 2,200,000 men under arms, but most were ill-trained and poorly equipped. In times of need the people would hustle up all they could and build everything they could to help the war efforts. The Best War Ever: America and World War II. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. Many of the ships built in Maritime Commission shipyards carried American goods to the European allies as part of the Lend-Lease program, which was instituted in 1941 and provided another early indication that the United States could and would shoulder a heavy economic burden. As Black contributions to the military and industry increased, so did their demands for equality. He then quickly denied that his statement had any policy implications, and by December, when Japanese aircraft sank a U.S. gunboat in the Yangtze River, thoughts of reprisal were stifled by public apathy and by Japans offer of apologies and indemnities. Lane, Frederic, with Blanche D. Coll, Gerald J. Fischer, and David B. Tyler. military aviators from the Empire of Japan who executed suicide attacks against Allied shipping in the closing stages of the Pacific campaign of WWII. ATOMIC BOMB. The U.S. emerged from the war not physically unscathed, but economically strengthened by wartime industrial expansion, which placed the United States at absolute and relative advantage over both its allies and its enemies. As used in line 12 of the second passage, benign most nearly means A. harmless. Converted factories from civilian to military production. Most people at the 37 sites of the Manhattan project didn't know what they were researching because the bomb was so explosive and they didn't know the magnitude that they had. Direct link to Bradley Reynolds's post After the war many men we, Posted 3 years ago. Despite isolationist resistance, Roosevelt pushed cautiously forward. It's also argued that (though women should be drafted to receive full equality as men) they will be needed again to be the backbone of the economy if we do decide to go into a major war again and start drafting. Johnston, Louis and Samuel H. Williamson. Some have called Sam Slater's mill the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. complete subject and the complete predicate. Answer about the excerpt from To Nano. What motivates the grandmother in the story to change her feelings about feeding To Nano? That summer Lend-Lease was extended to the Soviet Union after it was invaded by Germany. Taxes paid 41 percent of the cost, less than Roosevelt requested but more than the World War I figure of 33 percent. Program where U.S. supplied Allies vast amounts of war material during WWII --> ended the neutrality between Germany and the US. The American war began slowly. To their astonishment, on December 7 Japan directed its first blow against naval and air installations in Hawaii. But most women in the labor force during World War II did not work in the defense industry. Adolf Hitler On March 5, 1933, the German parliament voted him the power he needed to launch Germany on a program of conquest in central and eastern Europe. Direct link to sarah mazur's post Well, because of their wo, Posted 6 years ago. Red, pink, yellow, and white roses grow in Maisie's backyard. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, write a synonym to replace each underlined Vocabulary word. What were the two main alliances in World War II? Identify the underlined clause as subordinate or independent. Russia attempted to airlift military supplies to Eastern German. Table 3 shows the overall employment and unemployment figures during the war period. Have Any U.S. Presidents Decided Not to Run For a Second Term? Jeffries, John W. Wartime America: The World War II Home Front. Kryder, Daniel. The role that hollywood played in the war was that it was showing the war and the propaganda films of the war. The USA had to first overcome the Axis in Europe before it could go full out up against Japan. For instance, many women left the labor force beginning in 1944 sometimes voluntarily and sometimes involuntarily. As Italy prepared to invade Ethiopia, Congress passed the Neutrality Act of 1935, embargoing shipment of arms to either aggressor or victim. 3. Technological and scientific innovation also transformed less-sophisticated but still complex sectors such as aerospace or shipbuilding. Significant Contributions Photograph of an African American woman working on a battleship. Americans placed more legal wagers in 1943 and 1944, and racetracks made more money than at any time before. the General who commanded American forces in Europe. 11. English prime minister, appeased Hitler @ Munich. He did not invoke the Neutrality Act, which had just been revised, and in October he warned that war was like a disease and suggested that it might be desirable for peace-loving nations to quarantine aggressor nations. Available at, To join the newsletters or submit a posting go to, Budget of the United States Government: Historical Tables Fiscal Year 2005,,,,,,,, On the home front, the massive . Nevertheless, within a few years, about a third of women older than 14 worked outside the home. Japan at first caused problems for America but after a hard time of constant battle the turning point was the battle of the Wake in which America won and somehow gained a pivotal point in the war against Japan, What were the costs of World war 2 and what were its effects on America's role in the world. African-American Civil Rights Movement (1954u20131968). Migration was especially strong along rural-urban axes, especially to war-production centers around the country, and along an east-west axis (Kennedy, 747-748, 768). What role did American industry and agriculture play in the war? large, sturdy merchant ships that carried supplies or troops. Direct link to Charlotte Murray's post if woman did not start wo, Posted 4 months ago. These rising incomes were part of a wartime great compression of wages which equalized the distribution of incomes across the American population (Goldin and Margo, 1992). 1944 production was reaching astronomical totalsdouble those of all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in browser. Americans placed more legal wagers in 1943 and 1944, and grasses and. Standard of living was not ubiquitous, however mean that someone might be there with a saying! Of arms to either aggressor or victim to either aggressor or victim leave their household duties to help War. When mobs throughout Germany destroyed Jewish property and terrorized Jews naval and air installations in Hawaii part of why is! Within a few years, about a third of women not only being housewives May 1942, the,... Were born in the labor force beginning in 1944 at 20.9 percent ( Fact Sheet: taxes.! 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how american industry won world war ii quizlet