mcgregor's theory x corresponds to

McGregor's management theory involves the idea that there are two types of managers Theory X and Theory Y. This practice is most closely associated with: In managing his employees, he is most likely to: Your email address will not be published. 5. 4. 1. Under appropriate conditions, the human being, on average, leans towards not only accepting but also looking for responsibilities. The first part of McGregors theory is Theory X. 3. There is a theory also working for employee motivation called - Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory. Create the work environment and culture of respect and dignity among all the department. Theory X-based cultures will fail to retain the best talent for the simple fact that knowledge workers cannot tolerate systems based on command and control, micromanagement, and a management style of the last century. E. the average worker does not like to be directed. 26. option C is correct. ________ involves changing behavior and encouraging appropriate actions by relating the consequences of behavior to the behavior itself. 1. a four-day or shorter period in which employees work 40 hours. Motivation Douglas McGregor wrote about Theory X and Theory Y In the late 1950s and early 1960s. Douglas McGregor has developed two sets of assumptions about human behaviour; labelling these as Theory 'X' and Theory 'Y'. Each assumes that the manager's role is to organize resources, including people, to best benefit the company. In his 1960 book, The Human Side of Enterprise, McGregor proposed two theories by which managers perceive and address employee motivation. Allowing some employees to work at home part-time is: This led them to use rewards and punishment as their primary means to motivate employees. An inner drive that directs a person's behavior toward goals is called motivation Theory X In this system, people are basically reduced to what they produce and their performance indicators. Employees in lack ambition and responsibility towards their work. Students prefer to have the instructor direct their learning and not take on that responsibility themselves. Jobs are more satisfying when employees are provided with greater perks. Theory X managers focus on self-actualization needs, while Theory Y managers only focus on physiological and security needs. Expectancy theory. 3. by incorporating motivational factors, such as opportunity for achievement Like Maslow, he believed the greatest reward for Employees and Team Members was Self-Actualization, in other words, achieving their full-potential. IvyPanda. McGregor encouraged organizations to adopt more of a Theory Y leadership style. "Maslow's Hierarchy and McGregor's X and Y Theory." The hard approach results in hostility, purposely low output, and extreme union demands. And for the first 12 weeks after signing up, you'll receive each week a new step toward happiness at work with actions and experiments you can take to the office right away. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. McGregor created Theory X and Theory Y of human work motivation and explained two styles of management known as authoritarian (Theory X) and participative (Theory Y). When workers are motivated they tend towards higher productivity in that they will produce more for a given level of resources than poorly motivated workers will. O. C. Ferrell. 4. job rotation. On the other hand, managers who adopt Theory Y assumptions shape systems where trust in people is one of the central pillars. Abraham Maslow. Further relevant points of information presented by candidates are marked and . If multiverse theory is true you sent that message in an infinite amount of parallel universes. 5. The Situational Leadership Theory by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, who says that there is no single best leadership style, was published in 1969. The Three Needs Theory, also known as need theory, is the best-known theory of David McClelland,, Read More McClellands Three Needs Theory: Power, Achievement, and AffiliationContinue, Victor Vroom at the Yale School of Management was the first to put forward the Expectancy, Read More Expectancy Theory of MotivationContinue, Businesses and organizations have long sought for answers on how to boost employee production, and therefore,, Read More Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory: Two-factorContinue. Employees are belonging to theory X who hate work and have to be motivated or pushed to work. 4. workers are not capable of self-control. Educators who believe in Theory X would agree with the following statements: Educators who believe in Theory Y would have different assumptions: While it may seem like McGregors Theories of X and Y are outdated, they can actually still be applied in many business settings today. McGregor showedat a time when labor-management relations were becoming more adversarialthat there was another way to view workers and leadership. As part of this theory, managers must be able to motivate employees. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Job enhancement. Theory X provides high power to the superiors; it is biased as it does not consider employee recognition and development. Which of the following options is likely to be most effective for retaining employees who are trying to juggle their work duties with other responsibilities and needs? Which management theory does Freedom Clothing follow? McGregor's Theory Y corresponds to the humanistic view of management The field of human relations has become increasingly important over the years as businesses strive to understand how to do all of the following EXCEPT boost company sales. Ideal for all companies Using either theory is an extreme style of management. It is based on the assumption that self-direction, self-control, and maturity control motivation. 3. reward is the sole motivator for workers. If the previous management style is not working out, it is best to change it for better results. Since every employee is unique, following generic Theory X or Theory Y will not work. They led to companies providing better physical work Theory Z Douglas McGregor. The managers of Sweet Treats & Eats Baker believe that the average person will avoid work when possible. Theory X managers focus on physiological and security Average humans do not detest their work but like or dislike it according to temporary situations that can be improved. Businessballs has been used by over 120 million people over the last 10 years. It is much more decentralized and requires more participation from the managers, but assumes that workers would also be committed to the long-term goals of the company. B. a Theory Y manager according to McGregor. Theory X is the negative theory that focuses on supervision, and Theory Y is the positive theory that focuses on rewards and recognition. 5. 4. Because our behavior tends to be consistent with our assumptions, attempts to influence others often reveal some indications, often subtle and not necessarily noticeable or aware, that those assumptions are. Douglas McGregor related Maslow's ideas about personal needs to management. All of the following are benefits of this type of scheduling except it: Theory Y does no better than Theory X. Employees prefer making decisions themselves and also solving problems creatively. However, employees can be most productive when their work goals align with their higher-level needs. candidate's answer in order to merit the assigned marks. Avoiding confrontation (unless you are genuinely being bullied, which is a different matter) and delivering results are key tactics. This enables them to modify their leadership style accordingly and create systems that motivate their workers. B. the humanistic view of management.C. His major writings are cited along with two volumes which were actually published several years after his death by Bennis, Caroline McGregor, and Schein. This has in turn led to the adoption of different theories on employees and leadership such as the Maslow Hierarchy and McGregors Theory X and Y among others. McGregor's Theory Y corresponds to: A. the traditional view of management. These problems have to the motivation of employees in the organizations by mobilizing the staff efforts towards achieving their set goals and objectives with less cost as well as production of quality products. 3. Herzberg's two-factor theory. First, all managers have a theory of human work motivation. Teachers with a Theory Y perspective (students naturally want to learn) provide increased motivation for students and promote more active learning than Theory X-style teachers who . 2. her subordinates avoid responsibilities. Maslow's Hierarchy and McGregor's X and Y Theory. Did you know:McGregor was a student of Abraham Maslow and contributed a lot to management and motivation theories. Theory X managers believe that workers like to work, while Theory Y managers believe that the average worker dislikes work and will avoid it when possible. 3. a compressed workweek. 2. All of the following are ways to retain good employees except: 5. ignore the physiological needs of his employees. The organizational culture is everyones responsibility, but HR must be the great driver and guardian of this new corporate environments values, principles, and assumptions that genuinely prioritize people. The Theory X and Theory Y created by Douglas McGregor in 1950s and developed later in the 1960s. We utilize security vendors that protect and Which of the following is an unethical or illegal behavior Kelsey may exhibit to equalize the situation? Authoritarian management style is applied by the management, where the managers closely monitor and supervise each employee. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. According to McGregor, Theory X managementassumes the following: Essentially, Theory X assumes that the primary source of employee motivation is monetary, with security as a strong second. Most people are gullible and unintelligent. The theory can lead to managers becoming lazy, as they can delegate and decentralize all work to their subordinates in the name of transferring authority. Businessballs Ltd assumes no responsibility for any errors or damages arising as a result of use. McGregor's theory, also known as Theory X and Theory Y, is a management approach proposed by Douglas McGregor in his 1960 book "The Human Side of Enterprise." The theory proposes two contrasting views of human behavior at work: Theory X assumes that employees are inherently unmotivated and need to be closely monitored and controlled in order to . This theory was first introduced in his book, "The Human Side of Enterprise." It generally highlights two different management styles such as - Authoritarian (Theory X) Participative (Theory Y) McGregor recognized that some people may not have reached the level of maturity assumed by Theory Y and may initially need tighter controlsthat can be relaxed as the employee develops. Assume that a manager has a team of 10 employees, and 8 of them are not motivated and rarely complete their tasks on time. this t. B. the humanistic view of management. Managers who practice Theory X have a strong inclination towards systems that favor command and control, authoritarianism, micromanagement, and high degrees of supervision to ensure that people do what needs to be done. E. William Ouchi. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website and provide a relevant marketing for you. The main reason for this is that just as consumers seek higher-purpose relationships with brands, teams also pursue higher-purpose relationships with their employers. Managers assume that employee demotivation can be solved through a decentralized method in which collaboration, trust, and team relationships are enhanced. 4. job enlargement. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a1155d291d2925622a07c4cb35dcd7be" );document.getElementById("jcdce23a82").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Encumbrance: Definition, Types & Examples, Easement: Definition, Meaning, Types & Example. He referred to these opposing motivational methods as Theory X and Theory Y management. 2. increase in productivity regardless of physical conditions 1. 2. flextime. Douglas McGregor spent the end of the 1950s and the early 1960s working on his motivation theory. Which of the following is stated by the expectancy theory? 1. Which need is Diego trying to meet? . 4. Theory Y holds that employees should be trusted and empowered. Identify which of McGregor's Theory X or Theory Y corresponds with the following statement: 1. It is the managers responsibility to identify team members requirements and select the right management style. 3. The company usesmonetary rewards and benefits to satisfy employees lower-level needs. Theory Y is McGregor's other modem view of the nature of man. 4. Theory X and Theory Y was first proposed in 1960, by Douglas Mcgregor. This theory cannot be used with experienced professionals. Employees are motivated by self-control and not external control. 2. reduces driving in rush hour traffic. 2. C. Herzberg's hygiene factors. Fig. 2. salary If you are of the belief that your team members dislike their work and have little motivation towards their work, then your style of management is most likely to be authoritarian. He subscribes to Theory X. Commitment to objectives is a function of rewards associated with their achievement. Read this article to learn about McGregor's Theory of 'X' and Theory 'Y'. 1. Theory X and Theory Y were proposed by management theorist Douglas McGregor. C. people will seek and accept responsibility. Therefore, it often cannot push employees to perform better. Instead, self-actualization, self-esteem, and social needs must be fulfilled to motivate the team members. According to Maslow's hierarchy, Aaron will strive to satisfy esteem needs next. Herzberg's hygiene factors. The average person dislikes work and will avoid it if he/she can. Douglas McGregor is a social psychologist and applied two sets of assumptions to the organizational structure called Theory X and Theory Y. A compressed workweek is: Theory Y clarifies that through the right organizational environment, the development of human resources is much more optimized and can be better used. The Theory X management style is based on a pessimistic view of human nature and assumes the following: The average person dislikes work and will avoid it if possible. Operant conditioning Work is a factor in peoples achievement, not just a way of survival; it is not just to pay the bills. Aliyah, a senior public relations manager, follows McGregor's Theory Y approach to management so she maintains a low level of control and supervision over her employees. 3. Increase instances of virtual teams, Which of the following options is likely to be most effective for retaining employees who are trying to juggle their work duties with other responsibilities and needs? The soft approach results in a growingdesire for greater reward in exchange for diminished work output. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Abraham Maslow on the other hand developed the hierarchy of needs of a human being. Theory Z was developed by William Ouchi, in his book 1981 'Theory Z: How American Business can meet the Japanese Challenge '. He established the two contrasting theories to understand a managers beliefs regarding employee motivation and its effect on management style. It is acknowledged as one of the most influential management books of the twentieth century and many academics have attempted variations to the theories in order to enhance or modernise McGregor's work. This is an incorrect collective assumption., IvyPanda. A goal 5. by ensuring that rewards are distributed on the basis of performance, According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs do people strive to satisfy first? McGregor himself pointed out that there are situations in which Theory X might be an alternative in some situations, just as Theory Y might not be a good choice in others. Behavior modification. Job sharing 3. In industry, the intellectual potential of the average person is only partly utilised. T or F. Theory Z is more participative and encourages lifelong employee commitment more than Theories X and Y. Theory Y. Rosalyn is a social media manager. Theory Xmanagement hinders the satisfaction of higher-level needs because it doesnt acknowledge that those needs are relevant in the workplace. 3. a compressed workweek. Necessary rewards upon task completion can be given to keep employees motivated. He believed that by following Theory Y, supervisors could motivate their workers to achieve their highest potential. Under Theory X, one can take a hard or soft approach to getting results. 5. 3. uses workstations and facilities better by staggering employee use. Please note, that they were not created by McGregor. 4. Theory X and Theory Y describe two very different attitudes toward workforce motivation. 3. achievement Theory X and Theory Y are still referred to commonly in the field of management and motivation, and whilst more recent studies have questioned the rigidity of the model, Mcgregor's X-Y Theory remains a valid basic principle from which to develop positive management style and techniques. 5. The higher-level needs of esteem and self-actualization are ongoingneeds that, for most people, are never completely satisfied. D. Herzberg's motivational factors.E. 5. 1. job sharing. Theory X management assumes most people will attempt to avoid work whereas Theory Y managers trust their people to take ownership of their work. Workers do not need to be micromanaged; they are self-directed. D. Herz berg's motivational factors. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Maslows Hierarchy and McGregors X and Y Theory, Hillcrest Memorial Hospital: Employee Motivation and Empowerment, Empowerment of Workers in Hospitality Organizations, An Overview Of the Work Done By Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor, The evolution of McGregors Theory X and Theory Y in relation to the development of management theory, The X and Y Theories by D. McGregor for PPD Company, Mobilizing Talent - Human Resources Management. McGregor's X and Y Theories are contrasting theories that depict two different aspects of human behavior at work. Application of Vroom's Theory of Expectancy, Theory X - 'Authoritarian Management' Style, Theory Y - 'Participative Management' Style, Tools for Teaching, Understanding and Evaluating XY Theory Factors, McClelland's Achievement-Based Motivational Theory and Models, 2. McGregor felt that organizations and their managers followed one or the other approach: Theory X Once a given level of needs is . 1. by offering flextime to all employees In a strict environment with little autonomy, workers were indeed unhappy and lacking ambition. Need a custom Coursework sample written from scratch by Employees often think about quitting their jobs as their dislike of the work amplifies. He instills fear among employees by threatening to cancel bonuses if deadlines are not met. Managers should watch these employees, threaten and guide them to complete the job on time. Instead of motivating workers with the fear of being fired, McGregor said Theory Y workplaces should encourage people to take initiative and pursue their individual goals. ADVERTISEMENTS: Douglas McGregor spent the end of the 1950's and the early 1960's working on his motivation theory. In addition, competition has compelled all organizations to come up with plans on how to increase production at the least cost possible. Most people avoid responsibility and need constant direction. Employees under this theory are self-motivated and enjoy ownership of work. Which of the following is a hallmark of the Hawthorne effect? Typically characteristics of an X-Theory manager are most or all of these: Working for an X-theory boss isn't easy - some extreme X-Theory managers make extremely unpleasant managers, but there are ways of managing these people upwards. This leads to more collaborative, participatory environments where decisions are shared and a greater sense of purpose is shared. Anderson 3PL, a logistics company, allows employees to work on a flextime schedule. B. Frederick llerzberg. Under these conditions, people will seek responsibility. The purpose of this paper is therefore to offer to business and management readers a clear overview of McGregor's ideas, their use, critique, and contribution to . Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Aliyah is likely to assume that: They believe that the following statements are true of workers: 1. IvyPanda. By managing the system and not the people, trusting them to achieve better results, we materialize the assumptions of this theory. Douglas McGregor work is established in motivation theory. The average human being prefers to be directed, wishing to avoid responsibility. However, McGregor asserts that neither approach is appropriate, since the basic assumptionsof Theory X are incorrect. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up now and be the first to hear about new practices and games, awesome workshops, activities, and giveaways, all dedicated to increasing employee engagement. His work is isolating, so he decides to join the knitting club that meets in the breakroom to make friends. Students are naturally predisposed to learn. 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. Theory Y. McGregor's Theory X/Y (1957; 1960/1985; 1966; 1967), one of the most famous theories of motivation and leadership, has had a profound effect on managerial thinking over the past fifty years. The common motivation methods in the healthcare industry include monetary rewards, training, off duties, and leaves just to mention a few. McGregor believed that a managers assumptions about their employees determined their leadership style in the workplace. 2. extrinsic need It allows two people to do one job. McGregors Theory X and Y, although from 1960, is still highly relevant to bring reflections on how assumptions about people and their relationship with work shape our leadership style and our organizational culture. Work is inherently distasteful to most people, and they will attempt to avoid work whenever possible. The instructor is responsible for actively sharing their knowledge with the students. Herzberg's hygiene factors. As Jim Collins puts it in Built to Last,the right people will do the right thing regardless of the bonus or reward.. A. physiological and security needs B. security and social needs C. social and esteem needs D. esteem and self-actualization needs E. physiological and esteem needs Theory X and Theory Y are most closely associated. Influencing such major management gurus such as Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis, McGregor's revolutionary Theory Y-which contends that individuals are self-motivated and self-directed-and Theory X-in which employees must be commanded and controlled-has been widely taught in business schools, industrial relations schools, psychology departments . 5. ideal for all companies. Most people have little aptitude for creativity in solving organizational problems. Work is inherently distasteful to most people, and they will attempt to avoid work whenever possible. 1. This site is developed by Dr. Serhat Kurt. Introduction I decided to explore the concept of McGregor's X and Y theory, also known as Theory X and Theory Y, which was developed by Douglas McGregor in his 1960 book "The Human Side of . Herzberg's motivational factors. 2. 5. flextime. 4. improves the company's ability to recruit and retain workers who wish to balance work and home life. McGregor's Theory X perspective. An example of job enlargement The use of this material is free for self-development, developing others, research, and organizational improvement. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. They led managers to believe that it is impossible to understand workers' needs, beliefs, and expectations. (2022, May 11). Intrinsic motivations gain greater relevance in work environments, but they do not exclude the need, in some situations, for extrinsic motivations. This arrangement is called: (2022, May 11). McGregor's Theory X corresponds to: A. the traditional view of management. Workers need consistent rewards and punishments to ensure their task is completed. Moving Motivators, for example, suggests meaningful reflections on what motivates people and how context changes influence what motivates us most. McGregor has ignored this aspect of human behaviour. E. the equity theory. Production per employee has been low and hence the managers are trying to understand what has led to this decrease in production per employee and the organizations. Employees self-confidence may be impeded if they are punished publicly. are not intrinsically motivated. It improves the ability to recruit and retain workers who wish to balance work and home life. Hygiene factors of the two-factor theory The next part of McGregors theory is Theory Y. May 11, 2022. Managers follow their team members until they complete the task. In this situation, one would expect employees to dislike their work, avoid responsibility, have no interest in organizational goals, resist change, etc.creating, in effect, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Freedom Clothing has several locations in Dallas and Houston. 4. social needs And how does Management 3.0 come into play? A person who does not believe that he or she is likely to get something is likely to go against all odds. It takes into consideration, the pessimistic behaviour of an average human being, who is less ambitious and inherently lazy. McGregor's 1960 book, . Employees need to be involved in all aspects of company decision making to keep them motivated. Theory X and Theory Y was an idea devised by Douglas McGregor (see article) in his 1960 book "The Human Side of Enterprise".It encapsulated a fundamental distinction between management styles . McGregor's Theory X corresponds to: A)the traditional view of management. The hard approach to motivation relies on coercion, implicit threats, micromanagement, and tight controls essentially an environment of command and control. 1. While McGregors theory was developed to improve motivation in the workplace, it has been recently used in the school system. 2. flextime. Theory X is the negative theory that focuses on supervision, and Theory Y is the positive theory that focuses on rewards and recognition. Student motivation is correlated with learning. This coursework on Maslows Hierarchy and McGregors X and Y Theory was written and submitted by your fellow Anand believes that he can force his subordinates to work extra hours through close supervision. Theory X and Theory Y suggest two aspects of human behavior at work. External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means of arousing efforts towards organizational goals. Workers are happy to contribute and feel internally satisfied. 1. a system that allows employees to choose their starting and ending times as long as they are at work during a specified core time. Employees will avoid responsibility and seek to receive formal orders whenever possible. Workers do not have a desire to grow or achieve personal or professional goals. Theory X, Theory Y. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. Theory X managers only focus on self-actualization needs, while Theory Y managers focus on all the other types of needs. Elton Mayo. Anderson 3PL, a logistics company, allows employees to work on a flextime schedule. Some employees require guidance and are not comfortable with undefined working boundaries. 5. Consider the same example discussed above, assuming the same manager now follows McGregors Theory Y of motivation and believes in decentralization. McGregor argued that the employees of an organization could be broadly classified into two groups. 4. D. a manager who meets Maslow's esteem needs of employees. Is there an internal conflict between team members? Douglas McGregor (1957) developed a philosophical view of humankind with his Theory X and Theory Y two opposing perceptions about how people view human behavior at work and organizational life. They can only be made to get results at work by the application of coercive methods and by direction. In fact, there are very few persons who exactly correspond with Theory 'X' or Theory 'Y' assumptions. Maslow indicated that when a need is not satisfied, then it needs motivation. Although new theories and practices have emerged regarding the theme, the foundations and principles of motivation are from a long time ago. 4. the traditional view of management. Be involved in all aspects of company decision making to keep employees motivated period in which work. For most people will attempt to avoid mcgregor's theory x corresponds to to recruit and retain workers who wish to have the direct! Japanese Challenge ' in some situations, for example, suggests meaningful reflections on what motivates people and how management! Are key tactics average worker does not believe that the following statements are true of workers: 1 classified two... That: they believe that he or she is likely to assume that employee demotivation can most... 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mcgregor's theory x corresponds to