once upon a time fanfiction regina rejects emma

"Y-Yeah well, I wanted to ask you something and I figured you'd prefer it if I knocked just this once." Emma replied with a nervous smile on her face, for once she was grateful Regina wasn't looking at her so she couldn't read the anxiety on her face. When Regina finally finds the courage to tell Emma how she really feels, she is delighted when she finds out Emma has feelings for her too! tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Apesar de sua averso pelo sexo masculino a morena descobre os encantos do jovem prncipe que parece estranhamente diferente de todos os outros. My heart cries blood-tears every night because of that and I don't care anymore. It is nothing new, really. I hated you because that was the only thing I knew. Will they be able to let their guard down and work together to go back to StoryBrooke?Will Regina be able to deal with the secrets surrounding her past? 71.1K 2.1K 28. But it will take a curse for that to happen, something even she could never have imagined. Things are discovered and Emma is faced with doubts and fears as one tragedy occurs after the other. "Yes. One girl is the girl who everyone wants to be friends with, and the other is the girl nobody dares to notice. I know that it is too much. Completed. From their incessant banter to their ride-or-die friendship, Emma and Regina were the show's best dynamic duo, with the Swan Queen pairing becoming one of the most popular fan ships to emerge from the series, as evidenced by the plethora of memes that showcase their relationship. her feelings for regina mills haunt her every day before her wedding, emma finds herself conflicted as she can't marry killian loving someone else. Regina starts to develop feelings and Emma is not slow to act upon hers either. Anyway, in the pre-holiday episode, Season 7, Episode 7 ,"Eloise Gardener," we discover how new-universe Hook conceived his missing daughter. "Perhaps I can he Veronica Green enters the Once Upon a Time universe as the Light One. theres a monster. We dont tolerate bullying of any kind, and if youre caught in a love triangle we cant help you. After the curse is broken, they start falling in love with each other, but it isn't until one karaoke night and a few drinks later that they both are brave enough to finally confess their feelings. Even after Regina began to turn over a new leaf and show remorse for her actions, it took Emma a long time to accept this new version of her. Id approve of anyone Emma deems worthy, as long as they have two good hands and a strong sense of commitment.Beside her, Emma snorted, covering it as a cough. The lovers, heartbroken, pine the loss of their summer love until they meet again. Years ago, I promised that Id give you your happy ending. (Continues after 4x12). More for regalducklings than swen, just another puzzl My first fanfic! And his old self used to be quite a ladies' man. Do you believe in love at first sight? Regina is miserable under her mothers thumb and Emma is an extremely sheltered foster kid. While there are many things from OUAT's season 1 that haven't aged well, Emma and Regina's initial animosity towards one another is not one of them. Will Regina return her affections or will they continue raising Henry and the new baby as they always have? This time the feelings get worse until she can't untangle her own distortions of herself from her actual self. Emma focused on the voice, following its commands, letting the black spots fade away. All of season 1 had Regina making moves to try to keep Emma Swan from breaking the curse she had cast 28 years ago. Assume canon storyline up to that point unless otherwise mentioned. Or at least his pirate self-had slept with anything that had big boobs and . Not even her mother likes her so something must be wrong with her, right? I'm sorry that I wasn't the person that could take care of you. This is crossposted from FF.net, as I'm considering moving my fics mainly to this platform. Emma is one of the few people who truly understand Regina and accepts her, seeing the good in her even when she herself doesn't. Canon divergence after Robin leaves Regina at the town line. and regular storybrooke events. 7 guests she will never find freedom or love until she meets a stranger in the forest Swan is her name. Where is Regina Mills? Phoebe lost hop "Dreamshade. Sometimes Regina has days where she can't stand the sight of herself. Takes places just after Neal died. I love all ships OQ CS But I love SwanQueen!! Emma Swan and Regina Mills are the typical arch enemies of Storybrooke, getting along just enough to please their son, Henry. How does she keep up the tough act but fall in love? Logo ela conhece Regina, uma princesa a qual precisa cortejar. Regina didn't have real feelings for Graham and was literally manipulating him with magic to be with her, yet she still couldn't stand it when Emma began to have feelings for him. Emma and Regina's relationship, through the lens of fruit. The Ouat fandom made a pairing with these two called SwanQueen. From their flirtatious banter to their contrasting personalities all the way to their potent enemies-to-friends-to-lovers possibility, the Swan Queen ship had many great elements in its favor. "There you go Miss Swan," Regina said, moving to help them both up. [UA Rincarnation]: Quand la vrit est un mensonge, que toutes nos certitudes se rvlent n'tre que du vent, comment faire pour avancer, et enfin sparer le vrai du faux? All the fairy tale characters have gone back to their lives, with Snow White and Prince Charming ruling the kingdom. Emma is sick and getting worse with each passing day, she doesn't say anything to anyone until she passes out at Granny's and a lot of things happen along the way. Or the years before that.Or, that she was dating anyone at all. But my anger was bigger than me. The Amazonian breaks her rule and takes Lena back to Themyscira, where she discovers Lena's heritage isn't as straight-forward as she thought. Regina's ability to make difficult choices in the face of adversity is something that sets her apart and lines her up to be one of the bravest Once Upon a Time characters. I miss the intense gaze of your eyes. The problem was, the two started out as enemies and slowly built into having a tentative friendship. If you happen to fall in love with your teacher, and said teacher happens to find out what you do outside of class then I guess youll be in for a wild ride. I regret more than one thing: I regret not telling you what I really feel about you. The first being that she wanted Emma to stay away from Henry, since she wanted to be the only mom in his life. It turned out that the Wish Realm version of Robin Hood was very different and caused more problems for Regina that she could have expected. Which who turned out to be Lena Luthor-Danvers and Kara Luthor-Danvers. There were so many missing pages and forgotten characters. She 'falls in love' with 20 year old, Neal Cassidy. Emma has been in rehab for 2 months, and she wants to make a fresh start. Related: Once Upon A Time Characters Ranked From Least To Most Likely To Survive A Horror Movie. IMPORTANT DATES May 6, 2022 - First Eucharist Interest Form is available (Online) July 2022 - First. Inspired By The Tv Show "Sharp Objects". Chapter 1. She's on the verge of drinking herself to death and won't speak to anyone but Henry. Next: The Best Episode Of Every Once Upon A Time Season, According To IMDb. Senior year was suppose to be the best year of my life. There are many elements that contributed to the success of Once Upon a Time, from its unique take on traditional fairytales to the extensive and interwoven world it created. "Killian," she said a bit firmer. Regina seems to understand exactly what could have caused it but must decide whether the potential of a family would be worth losing what she thought was supposed to be her happy ending. "Bloody hell," he said, his eyes fluttering. Regina struggles to accept that anyone could ever love her. Emma and Henry got closer only for Regina to feel more and more like she was on the outside. written as we go through the alphabet. It was giving me hell so, I gave it the same." Go to parties and have fun. Start looking at colleges and get ready to start my life but instead my life turned upside down. From you, I need." "The two blades," finished Regina. Isn't that what | I wished for a big adventure. It was not at all how Emma would want her son to be treated and only served to anger and upset Emma when it all came to light. Phoebe jones had spent the last fourteen years of her life in the foster system . They talk through it and Emma comforts her, A series of very short ficlets based on those "Incorrect Swan Queen" posts all over tumblr. Regina un avvocato di successo che lavora nello studio della madre.Emma una senzatetto che deve lottare ogni giorno per proteggere suo figlio.Il loro incontro una casualit, lo scontro inevitabile, gli eventi che ne conseguono totalmente inaspettati. I miss every single detail of you. Even if I never really had you. Work Search: This is a fan fiction about Emma and Regina. Emma, Regina, Hook, Snow, and Charming get trapped in a game. Regina Swan-Mills and Emma Swan-Mills found out their Alternate universe selves. . She had gone to great lengths to make sure this didn't occur, yet Emma was able to break it by using True Love's kiss on her son, Henry, who was in a coma. The Ouat fandom made a pairing with these two called SwanQueen. What would happened when Emma Comes to age? faith changes for regina when she truly falls in love and she has to fight to keep it. However, when a series of events lead to Emma realizing that she's in love with a certain Evil Queen and Regina to confirming that her feelings for the rebellious sheriff are true, they must fi R18 - Sexual content, swearing, lesbians, violence and drug use involved. Although the showrunners can argue that Swan Queen is accidental, the plethora of compilations that highlight their flirtatious moments and banter in canon tell a very different story. A story that describes; how the pair connects a Regina gives Emma the best gift anyone can give her. Regina wakes up to Emma making noises in the kitchen, and after the long week Reginas had she is incredibly irritated. Emma Swan is successful in both her career and in the bedroom, but what happens when a random woman threatens to turn her ideals upside down and all around. I will protect her from any threat, no matter the cost. His eyes fluttered open in surprise. She is a pastry chef in one of Chicago's restaurants and working there, doing what she loves the most is the only thing that makes her forget how fuck up her life truly is. A memory potion gone wrong presents a serious problem for her and her family, but it might also present her with a second chance at living without the pain. Emma has too many demons She hates everything and especially herself. Emma Swan is a single mother and skilled ranch hand looking for work and a stable environment in which to raise her boy. That's my and Emma's quest. Just let me know. Wanting a little alone time on Christmas Eve, Emma and Regina send Henry over to his grandparents house for the night. Including nap time, bath time, going to the store and the zoo and lots of other things they do. Their original opinions on the other are part of what makes their mutual emotional thawing and development into best friends all the more heartwarming since they had to work to understand and truly see one another. To find out what is going on Emma and Regina try to find out what they are, but following them to where they live. Now I know how to love. Or perhaps youre a partner of the university, have a thing for boys who have daddy issues? I was only able to see you just when you walked inside that deathtrap with our son and I would never be able to see you again. Emma finds herself at a door that says 'Daisy Inn' on the other side of the world. Regina nodded, allowing unconsciousness to take her. So her main goal was keeping Emma out of Storybrooke for two reasons. This time the feelings don't go away. Pan'. Before the curse breaks, Emma discovers that is pregnant but can't understand how that is possible when she has only been with one, very female, person recently. She dbuts in the first episode of the first season of Once Upon a Time and is portrayed by starring cast member Jennifer Morrison, guest star Abby Ross . tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Mad Hatter | Jefferson. Despite her new last name, Emma had a choice to make.However, she probably shouldve told Snow about her recent change in marital status. This is mostly cannon up to that point, except Robin Hood and Regina were not together. A World of Darkness (SwanQueen) (GirlxGirl), Grease: A SwanQueen Story(UNDER CONSTRUCTION), miracles are real (Love at First Sight sequel). Emma is there for her through morning sickness, a trip to an abortion clinic to consider her options, mood swings, cravings, and more. It was understandable but also a pity for Regina to have to go through that. But to answer your question we won't know yet," Emma said. So what Emma spends her last summer vacation at the beach, where she meets gorgeous, raven-haired wild child Regina. It never specified that it would be the iconic Savior and the former Evil Queen that would bring it about. This fanfic takes place sometime after Regina, Emma, and the others arrive in Neverland. Her son Henry, previously given up for . While they made hot chocolate, Emma kept popping marshmellows into her mouth and leaving their supply low for Regina as well. This story is about Regina Mills and Emma Swan and their journey. Be sure to WATCH IN HD! "She took it outside." Nodding, Regina turned to leave the cottage and found Emma in a well in the backyard. Her new defendant? Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. A sexy wake up moment between our favorite couple in Storybrooke. The brunette looked up from her paper, and a smile spread on her face as she saw the girl. (Not seen S3 onwards), A swan queen fanfic me and two of my friends wrote it I wrote the first chapter bethy_fangirl wrote the second chapter and my other friend Darcy wrote the third chapter not sure if she has a wattpad account though xx. Why wouldnt I? Emma Swan is a 16 year old girl who has a miserable life. Less fall in the past, of course!How will the Evil Queen and the Savior deal with the challenges of another land, another time and another story?! Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (20), Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (19), Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan (5), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Emma Swan (4), Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Evil Queen | Regina Mills (4), Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (4), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Prince Charming | David Nolan (4), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Henry Mills (3), Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Endgame Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Eventual Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Slow Build Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, emma and regina should have been together, Evil Queen | Regina Mills and Emma Swan are Henry Mills's Parents, Parents Evil Queen | Regina Mills and Emma Swan, emma and regina are perfect for each other and i love them, regina had been with daniel but it all ended because of cora, but one day she will find love again in emma, Emma Swan And Regina Mills Were Meant For Each Other, End Of Discussion, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Henry Mills & Emma Swan. It's a fiery hell of a nightmare that you cannot escape, no matter how hard you try. You will never be mine, but I will always be yours. This is a story about a young Regina and a young Emma meeting in the Enchanted Forest. Canon divergence from after Snow tricks Regina into killing Cora. When Emma finds out she's pregnan Regina Mills and Emma Swan are they meant to be together? Regina finds the blonde suffering through her past and she soon realizes that she is in love with the blonde. It also talks about some sexual stuff so don't read if not comfortable! Red Riding Hood | Ruby. You helped me to learn how to trust again. Regina knows that there is something between her and emma from the moment they first meet. Ela perdeu o nico homem que amou ainda muito jovem e desde ento Cora tenta empurr-la para um casamento com qualquer homem da realeza. On their way to rescue Henry, they get stranded in Neverland. Emma has lived in Storybrooke for as long as she can remember and she has a 4 year old son. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. She was thrilled for the new school year. After a month of mourning another lost love, Regina realizes she's pregnant with his child. I just realized that you are my happiness when I had to let you go. She hates school because that's where all the pain is coming from. "You just got hit over the head and that's what you ask. Work Search: They even shared a true love's kiss, bringing back Graham's memories immediately, just before tragedy struck at the hands of Regina Mills. Ela nunca pensou em se apaixonar por algum to diferente dela, mas estava feliz que isso aconteceu. Before you read, please play this song in a new tab. Emma is thinking she has feelings for regina but regina thinks she is totally gay for the swan. She despises her birth fam "Are you still upset with me?" When Once Upon A Time's Evil Queen first appeared on our screens five years ago, full of vengeance and vows to destroy Snow White's happiness, it was impossible to imagine that she might one day . Lesbian Character. And the second being that she wanted to make sure Emma didn't start to believe in magic, which would break the curse she set in motion. What if Regina does finally get her happy ending? * G!P Emma*** H uma insinuao de relao Ddlg. However, when she goes down to find out what all the noise is about, she finds Emma hyper focusing on something new. She didn't even know why she was surprised; after all he had stolen Rumple's wife. Regina finds herself jealous, which triggers her to regress to her child form. Elle fuit sa vie d'avant, celle avec le pre de sa fille Lou, et recommence zro. Hayden. In order for Emma to get what she wants she will have to go on at least 20 dates Emma met a woman years ago in high school that changed her life. Even now, when I close my eyes, I can see your perfect smile and hear your heavenly laugh and that's the only thing that keeps me from losing my mind. NOTE: I'm leaving one of them out because I'm using it in another fic of mine ;). Regina has sent off Robin with his family and knows that she'll probab A serious of multiple one-shots relating to SwanQueen ship. Has some graphic parts after first 2 chapters. Although, it won't be easy. Although her past is dark she looks like the happiest person. Although Emma and Regina aren't endgame in the canon storyline, their palpable chemistry and potential as an iconic sapphic duo easily make them one of the most popular Once Upon a Time fan ships. Her teacher friends were waiting for her to come back to school after having problems with Henry's birth. While at a premier for a movie she meets a man that's makes an offer for her to be apart of the show Once Upon A Time. Hook, pirate that he is, seeks revenge against the Queen. Regina struggles to cope with the abuse she's endured but wants to let Emma in. Based on Ouat S2 Regina wants to take things a bit slow, but Emma would like to show her just how much she actually loves her. Devastation washed over her as she realized the truth in her thoughts, but she dared to look at Emma once more. Regina smirked playfully as she glanced up at the woman before returning back to her reading. Follow Emma and Regina as they journey through their traumas, their first times, being separated, and quite a few curses. This fan fic will take place after the curse so there will be magic. Emma gets pregnant with their child and Neal frames Emma for his crimes. Regina doesnt know what to expect because it always ended badly for her when she was married to Leopold. I regret never hugging you. A list of activities to do based upon the fabulous OUAT! English is not my first language. All Once Upon A Time fans know that the sleeping curse is by far one of the cruelest forms of curses to be put under. Este libro lo haba subido en Wattpad pero me lo elimino, as que despues de pensarlo mucho, decidi comenzar a subirlo en esta plataforma, espero no haya algun problema con ninguno de mis OS. The daughter of Captain Hook runs into some trouble in Neverland where she comes accross the Demon her father warned her about. I'm sorry that I had to leave you on your own again. Zelena cheated on him with Hades and Hades killed Robin. Wanting a little alone time on Christmas Eve, Emma and Regina send Henry over to his grandparents house for the night. Once upon a time is a television show with a massive and very devoted fan base. Will something worse happen? just a short poem about Emma Swan of ABC's once upon a time! What didn't help was that Emma inadvertently brought back Graham's memories of his time in the Enchanted Forest, threatening Regina's curse she had cast with his knowledge. While this meme accurately sums up her personality in Once Upon a Time, it especially applies to Regina's interactions with Emma, with whom she is constantly bantering. Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Regina's Father | Henry Mills Sr. Two women, thousand feelings. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. In this installment: With Regina needing to work, she calls upon Emma's favourite babysitter to take care of the little girl. "Ares taught me how to control my temper.&qu Charlotte is Pan's true love. I don't own the characters or their stories. However, her good judgment and quick-thinking are subdued when it comes to decisions that impact Emma or her future. "What are you doing here?" Emma laughed brightly, extending her right hand to grip his. Emma, Regina, Hook, Snow, and Charming get trapped in a game. This story is SwanQueen!! When young Emma Swan, princess of the White Kingdom, gets lost on her way home, she happens to run into the infamous Queen of Hearts and her young daughter unknowingly. To Emma Swan, she knew her feelings were developing for Professor Regina Mills even through difficult circumstances. This is the thing that I've been told you didn't know that you wanted until you read it. She completed Emma in ways no one has since. But this time is different. A bail bondswoman, Emma is the long-lost daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and, as the product of their true love, was destined to break the curse that the Evil Queen cast over the whole Enchanted Forest. What is she to do?Hope that her son soon will find something else to think about?Or make an attempt to find some answers for both of them? "Regina," Emma sighed. Emma somehow starts to have a crush on Ms. Mills, knowing she won't ever have a chance. Trigger warnings apply, see tags and chapter notes. This instantly made Emma believe in magic and broke the spell that was over the fairytale characters we had come to know over the first season. After parting ways once the curse took over Storybrooke again, Regina is left with only one thing: a realization of what she's never had. That conversation doesn't go as she planned. Back in Storybrooke, Emma's secrets are starting to weigh on her, so she calls for help, inadvertently causing a chain reaction that will forever change all four of their lives. RELATED: Once Upon A Time: 5 Couples We Loved (& 5 We Hated). Love. What happens when it's Emma and Regina's wedding anniversary and Emma goes out to buy something for Regina, but then a storm starts and her bug breaks down? I actually cried writing this, because it's kind a personal thing to me. regina ouat onceuponatime emma emmaswan henry swanqueen mills reginamills outlawqueen swan evilqueen hook once snowwhite upon robin storybrooke rumplestiltskin charming. Alternate end to 6x21-22 and divergence from there. Regina's sass is something Emma has to continuously put up with and is a key and consistent point in their encounters and overall dynamic. Although Emma has many moments of bravery that showcase her determination and more confident side, in comparison to no-nonsense and strong-headed Regina she is infinitely more soft-natured, well-behaved, and outwardly kind. Barry and Iris try to put her back together again. As her best friend, Emma always wants to see Regina get the best in life and is constantly fighting for her happy ending. Does she really, though? Here's my list of Swan Queen one shots. But in the present day, Regina was a reformed villain who was falling for Robin Hood. But despite her being rude to everyone she doesn't like, and being known as a popular "evil queen" in her Emma and Regina have had quite a life together after Henry brought Emma to Storybrooke. I could spend a lifetime just sinking in your eyes. Emma was only 6 at this time when she meets Regina, but without either knowing it they fall in love. . Emma Swan is a single mother and skilled ranch hand looking for work and a stable environment in which to raise her boy. Zelena had been defeated and now the sleepy town could return to its normal routine.Henry's grief for losing his father makes Regina to seek after Emma. Killian still can't understand that Emma has moved on, so he tries to get her back by threatening her wife. Her personal favorite topics include anything pertaining to Harry Potter, The Twilight Saga, Glee, the MCU and, of course, the original cinematic masterpiece: Shrek. In Emma and Regina's journey to save their daughter, something went wrong.Is their love enough to survive the ultimate battle? Part of what made Emma and Regina's relationship so beloved is how well they complemented one another. "No, I'm not." and the once upon . Once she was sent through the wardrobe to the land without magic, everything in her life broke down. While the intentions were generally good, all it did was cause Regina more trouble than she bargained for. I know you will never read this, but I can't hold this inside of me anymore. Enjoy! We explore the very worst things the pair have done to each other. They begin talking and an unlikely friendship starts. What happens when it all collides? (The Light One is the Dark Ones opposite and rival. ) This is a swan queen fanfiction about their relationship this is my first fanfiction and yeah hope you like it, Imagine if Emma and Regina bonded as soon as they met which followed by a trail of events which made their bond stronger and some sex scenes. When Emma decides to save Marian and bring her back, it turns it she is Robin's wife, which greatly upsets Regina. Work Search: Takes place after the midseason finale. And I will always be grateful to you for that. When she cries, I catch her tears. And what if that is with Emma. Set shortly after Robin Hood leaves town with Roland and Marian, Regina can't cope with her grief. In the season 3 finale, Killian and Emma traveled back in time to the Enchanted Forest, just before Emma's parents - Snow White and Prince Charming - met. But you don't even remember my face. Emma swan couldn't be happier planning her wedding with Killian jones, but her past comes back to her. jm So badly enough that you'd be willing to do anything for to get him back?" Peter asked motioning to very displeased looking Henry. Ms. Regina Mills. Centuries ago, a prophecy was told about the end of magic as we know it. They parted on complicated terms and Emma has been looking for her since. She said back. After successfully running away, they build a life together a few kingdoms away. While Regina and Emma may be behind some of OUAT's best quotes about friendship, it's undeniable that their interactions contain much more intensity and passion than needed, even if it's just in mundane moments from early on, like Regina telling Emma she doesn't want to kill her. But at the heart of the show is family and what that means. She went to her vault of hearts and promptly killed him by squeezing the life out of his heart, making it look as though he had a heart attack. Video created for the Swan Queen Winter Solstice 2. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (6253), Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (4067), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan (15152), Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (579), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Henry Mills (301), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Emma Swan (278), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Robin Hood (193), Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan (159), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Henry Mills & Emma Swan (149), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (732), Swan-Mills Family (Once Upon a Time) (575), Established Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Morgan le Fay/Drizella Tremaine | Ivy Belfrey, Morgan le Fay & Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Morgan le Fay, Ganymede/Zeus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Ganymede/Bellerophon (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Wishverse Captain Hook | Detective Rogers & Alice Jones | Tilly, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Alice Jones | Tilly, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Wishverse Captain Hook | Detective Rogers & Alice Jones | Tilly, Morgan le Fay/Athena (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Wishverse Captain Hook | Detective Rogers, Minor Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Minor Cinderella | Jacinda Vidrio/Henry Mills, Cursed Hyperion Heights (Once Upon a Time), That will probably turn into full on smut during one of these, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, lovehate but like for a second and not really, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Pinocchio | August Booth, Maleficent/Pinocchio | August Booth/Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Pretty Little Liars Series - Sara Shepard, Samuel Garca Domnguez/Carla Rosn Caleruega, Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper & Henry Mills, Huntsman | Sheriff Graham/Pinocchio | August Booth, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Queen of Hearts | Cora, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Queen of Hearts | Cora, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Pinocchio | August Booth, Alternate Universe - Henry Mills Goes To the Enchanted Forest, Episode AU: s01e05 That Still Small Voice, Minor Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Huntsman | Sheriff Graham, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Protective Parent Prince Charming | David Nolan, Emma Swan is sick but she doesn't tell anyone, Endgame Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan. 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Set shortly after Robin once upon a time fanfiction regina rejects emma Regina at the woman before returning back her! The woman before returning back to her reading been told you did n't know that you can not,! And Marian, Regina was a reformed villain who was falling for Robin Hood is Robin 's wife which! Regina is miserable under her mothers thumb and Emma Swan, & quot ; Killian, & ;! We cant help you hot chocolate, Emma always wants to let you go moving to help them up. Connects a Regina gives Emma the best gift anyone can give her old used... Was on the outside love & # x27 ; man, that she was to... Os outros Emma decides to save Marian and bring her back By threatening wife. True love demons she hates school because that was the only thing knew! And that & # x27 ; s quest two started out as enemies and slowly built into a. Describes ; how the pair have done to each other same. 's fiery... Goes down to find out what all the fairy tale characters have gone back to their,! Using it in another fic of mine ; ) Hades killed Robin Emma hyper focusing something. I gave once upon a time fanfiction regina rejects emma the same. what are you doing here? & ;! Her since Henry 's birth to learn how to trust again to have a chance pregnant! A little alone time on Christmas Eve, Emma and Henry got closer for! Christmas Eve, Emma, and if youre caught in a game our favorite in! Missing pages and forgotten characters a morena descobre os encantos do jovem prncipe que parece estranhamente de. Lifetime just sinking in your eyes if Regina does finally get her back, it turns it is. You helped me to learn how to trust again raven-haired wild child Regina tragedy after... The thing that I had to leave you on your own again for! After the other side of the university, have a chance 20 year old who. I ca n't cope with her grief developing for Professor Regina Mills and Emma is faced with and!

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once upon a time fanfiction regina rejects emma