period blood in spaghetti

For love, mind you, for love. My mother wasnt there to tell me what to do, and my dad was the one who took me to the doctor. bacterial vaginosis, so keep an eye out for other . Today I saw a big splatter of bright red stretchy fluid. When treating stains, there are a few things to take into consideration: What is the stain from (i.e. Considering that this act seems especially heinous, would feeding someone period blood without their consent be considered a sexual assault or a regular assault? , I just got done with an Antibiotic cream for bacterial vaginosis and my period started and I am having very strange black clots that feel like wet tissue papers. Add the pasta to the boiling water. I havent had my period yet, ever, and I have brown goey stuff and a little bit of blood in my underwear for the past two days. Its particularly common with darker period blood color because its had time to build up, in comparison to quicker flows of fresh bright red blood. There are so many things that could go wrong using bodily fluids. Sometimes magic can be gross and at the end of the day u do what u feel is right or wrong to you. Lots of clots, this month its rather lighter than normal, still have clots. Shortly after that, we became exclusive. In some cultures such as the African-American hoodoo culture, and in Sicilian folk magic, its believed that serving period blood to a man will capture his sexual attention. Periods can be irregular when youre frst starting them, but we recommend speaking to a doctor if youre worried! They rarely have good results. But the superstitious part of me has always wonderedwhat if? Dat's true about dat. 5 While we haven't tested it out, we'll admit that it's an interesting The answer is simple: Traditional old spells that originated long before artificial refrigeration was developed simply call for drying the fluid on a piece of cloth or a string. A couple days in a davvero I had some cramping and today I notice a lot of slightly reddish brown in my underwear that had been coming out of my vagina. If youre unsure please speak to a doctor or your parents. What could this mean? I have black blood this is the first time that 2 days I have still black blood.. Before first day only This is normal or I need to go and consult about this? (As the old slogan for the Steak-and-Shake drive-in chain reads: "In sight -- it must be right!"). Im not to sure why though? Finally, you can use a person's to make a "boiled prayer." I have directly fed gobbets of menstruum to my lover, from my fingers, as one might feed a pet. Old blood that has been in your uterus for longer will have a darker color, like brown or black. Liz also suggests "observing how you feel during each. Since I got married I can beat my chest and say my husband has never misbehaved outside. If the gambler and his partner can retire to an alley to perform the act while the game is in progress, so much the better. Give it a few hours. When he came over, he was none the wiser. This will depend on the flow and how new the period blood is. Saving lives! To add on Ive never! There are a variety of reasons why this might have happened. I have directly fed gobbets of menstruum to my lover, from my fingers, as one might feed a pet. Yes, many people use a tampon (kinda like a tea bag) and cook it with, for instance, a pot of beans, then pull it out. I havent asked anyone which is stupid but it has ern going on for about a year know, I got my period when I was 9, but it was really pink. In fact, anything up to ~ 160-170 ml of fluid (~80 ml of blood) per period falls within the 'normal' range [2]. If accompanied with a light pink period blood color, this could be a sign of stress or pre-menopause. Hi Audrey, this sounds like your body getting ready to start having periods! If youre not totally icked out and youre looking to get started in this form of cuisine enhancement, this forum has a guide: No, do not grind up tissues, cloth, etc. And these clots can show up to . But at least shes not dipping her tampon in his drinks like a tea-bag behind his back, so more power to her and her gobbets of menstruum. The blood and tissue from the break down and separation flow through the cervix and out through your vagina. Even whats normal for you can have variation month to month. cleaning your vagina from front to back, and please no douching at . 10273. Im 29 years old. Sounds like a death metal band. Having a period is an amazing way your body stays healthy, clears your uterus and vagina of unwanted materials, and prepares your body to get pregnant if you want to have a baby. I am experiencing light pink period blood and its going on day 5 I am also having some cramping in vaginal area is that normal. Who knows.. maybe it went wrong.. maybe he just got the clap. Im now having my first period from the pill and am having 2-3 blood clots the size of 2 50p coins every time I go to the toilet. Is this normal? If you are still feeling worried ask your doctor for advice! Chlamydia infections. Im breastfeeding and had a baby 14mths ago, Ive only had 3 periods in that time and theyve all been super dark brown and gritty. Is this normal after giving birth? However, if youre worried or this feels very different than normal for you, do ask a health professional for advice. Most period blood in spaghetti, this is assault by Bodily fluid u/ [ deleted ] 2 years ago putting menstrual blood discharge. I also think my yeast infection is coming back yet again too what does it mean when a yeast infection and bacterial infection keep coming back. Another is to urinate into a red ants nest. how do you know the difference between clear/white period blood and discharge? I underwent an ovarian cyst surgery and got my one ovary and tube removed. In the African-American hoodoo tradition, as well as in Sicilian folk-magic, menstrual blood served to a man in his coffee or tea is a sovereign recipe for capturing his sexual attention. Hi B, some people have heavier periods than others! OTHER SITES OF INTEREST Arcane Archive: thousands of archived Usenet posts on religion, magic, spell-casting, mysticism, and spirituality Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers: psychic reading, conjure, and hoodoo root doctor services Candles and Curios: essays and articles on traditional African American conjure and folk magic, plus shopping Crystal Silence League: a non-denominational site; post your prayers; pray for others; let others pray for you Gospel of Satan: the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World Hoodoo Psychics: connect online or call 1-888-4-HOODOO for instant readings now from a member of AIRR Missionary Independent Spiritual Church: spirit-led, inter-faith; prayer-light services; Smallest Church in the World Mystic Tea Room: tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups Satan Service: an archive presenting the theory, practice, and history of Satanism and Satanists Southern Spirits: 19th and 20th century accounts of hoodoo, including ex-slave narratives & interviews Spiritual Spells: lessons in folk magic and spell casting from an eclectic Wiccan perspective, plus shopping Yronwode Home: personal pages of catherine yronwode and nagasiva yronwode, magical archivists Yronwode Institution: the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology, POPULAR CULTURE Hoodoo and Blues Lyrics: transcriptions of blues songs about African-American folk magic EaRhEaD! It is completely normal to have very light periods, or spotting to begin with and this can be a reddish brown colour. You've knowingly allowed someone else to ingest your menstrual blood without their consent, by force, or threat of of force. But in modern times everyone is usually happier if the spell is focused on bringing the spellcaster a love with certain qualities and not setting it on a specific person. It has fewer blood cells than ordinary blood. Last updated: September 10, 2018Stains happen to the best of us - and always in the most inconvenient locations, right? Different Colors of Period Blood Explained. I had my first ever period back in September 2019, then in November of that year, but then it just stopped. At what point should I see someone about it? i used to have really bright red, flowly blood on my periods and as of about three months ago i began getting like brown, mucusy period but its always when i stop my birth control. having spotting for a week. This is true of many other mammals as well. I immediately left after now Im home.. Who are u people to judge me.. Below is the information about voodoo period blood in spaghetti . THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS WAS SO HELPFUL!!! It'll take some time. In light of the universality of bodily effluvia and detritus as tools of magic, the singling out of menstrual blood, urine, and semen is most rationally approached on the basis of their intended effect (generally spells of sex and love) than on the basis of their origin (human bodies). ive been bleeding for about 4 days but no cramps and the color keeps changing its not even heavy enough to get on my underwear liner what does this mean? Familiarizing yourself with this information will be helpful for making the most of your next OBGYN appointment. Youll likely menstruate for 30-35 years, but actual periods last about 5-7 days in a menstrual cycle (typically 28 days). Hi Bailey, if you are going through puberty it can take some time for you period to get going. You make potash or pot ash lye by concentrating water that has run through the ashes collected from the fire under your cooking pots. She goes on to say that once a month when shes on her period she puts her period blood in the spaghetti sauce she feeds me. Hi I have been on my period for over 2 weeks and its still really heavy. I might be over thinking but I also feel like light pain around my lower abdomen. Let me give u my reason. For one none of these workings ever last forever so they must be repeated and secondly if you try and tie a woman to you who deep down does not love you, then you will only make her miserable - same with tying a man down to a woman. Periods usually start between age 11 and 14 and continue until menopause at about age 51. Jan 12, 2006 3,527 38. 1st day was a light pinkish orange, 2nd day was a pinkish red, and 3rd day is a black red heavy blood all while this cycle is about a week early. Should I see the Doctor? If youre experiencing any prolonged changes in your menstrual cycle or any of the following signs, reach out to your doctor: Period blood colors and textures vary throughout your cycle this is completely normal! Not That! I used the restroom a few hours later and there was a bright red flow but no tissue whatsoever. Not to get your boss to bend over, not to win in court, not to get lucky gambling numbers and make others lose . nope, getting someone to ingest your stuff, your personal concerns, that's used for domination or winning in L-O-V-E. And nails are a personal concern. Lochia is natural bleeding that occurs after having a baby. A friend who's been practicing much longer than I have said that love spells are often a form domination work -- something I hadn't really considered -- and it's why they tend to stay away from them. My period is 4 days long. Periods often have a light flow and can be short at the start of puberty. We'll use the information you provide in this form to send you updates by email. Im not pregnant. Most girls get their first period between the ages of 10 and 15. Might be worth calling your doctor to check in if you are feeling worried. Cum on their cinnamon roll? I honestly love this guy more than anything. He takes and give her his urine to drink unbeknownst to her, like in beer or wine, and she won't even look at another man, won't have any nature towards any other man. What Is Your Discharge Telling You? My period also take forever to end. If that is the way my marriage will be intact I have no regrets. C. cursed heart Well-Known Member. Just want to know if its normal. Some people think of urine as a "territory marker," equating its magical deployment to the way that male dogs and other carnivores use it to drive off male rivals, and so they don't appreciate the fact that a lot of the urine magic encountered in folklore involves WOMEN'S urine, not men's. The are quite sizeable. Irrespective of what d man has done. Copyright Stay at Home Mum 2023. 'S Syd Barrett Lyrics Site: lyrics by the founder of the Pink Floyd Sound The Lesser Book of the Vishanti: Dr. So I be worried? We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Even if its. If its abnormal for you we suggest you see your doctor if possible! I never bled much after giving birth. by SmashingBlumpkins December 29, 2017 Get the Voodoo spaghetti mug. But do what feels right for you! -- WATCH OUT. Um hi, Im 11, and today I had a brownish reddish stringy discharge. Myth 6: Only. Vagninal infections can cause spotting between period. Besides bleeding from the vagina, you may have: Abdominal or pelvic cramping pain Lower back pain Bloating and sore breasts Food cravings Mood swings and irritability Headache and fatigue I originally posted to the relationship advice sub. Maka why! Hey Erin, we recommend taking a pregnancy test and possibly speaking to your doctor to be sure! Like this lady: He asked me to cook rice for him. In spaghetti Voodoo to make your man fall in love with me prior to the blood,. Ive had light watery bleeding for a month then a normal flow period for 6 days then back to watery blood again so basically 2 months of bleeding then a normal period what can this be ? This practice is the subject of a 1930 song by the Memphis Jug Band called "Papa's Got Your Bath Water On.". (Btw, my mother has thalassemia type A, but I also have slight anemia, but sometimes it becomes serious). Period blood. The point is to make the the menstruatee fall in love with the menstruator. It's highly possible you'll notice jelly-like blood clots during the period from then on. Hope this helps . The cause of period smell is either bacteria mixing with old blood or bacteria in the vaginal canal that is coming . Wishing that you have a nice day. I do not have much pain. Hi Ive just started my first period and the blood is really bright red. Its very common when you first start menstruating to have periods like this sporadic brown spotting and irregular bleeding. Pelvic inflammatory disease. This is nothing more or less than pheromone-magic, and as such it partakes of biology as much as it does of occultism. I dont want to lose him over some stupid thing I did a year ago when I was feeling insecure. Its day 6. Your period is a time for drawing your energy inwards. Am I okay? 3207. Or in other words, I havent had my period in 10 months. In case you need me to tell you that feeding someone your period blood without their knowledge is probably a terrible idea, Im going to have to tell you that it is, in fact, a terrible idea. Any significant changes in diet, stress levels, and exercise can all affect the length of a menstrual cylce. So I dont think it is menopause. Ever since coming off the implant my period have been every month around the 12th apart from last month and it was a very light period that lasted 2/3 days. Hi Ella, the length of your very first period can vary! If your period discharge shows up gray or off-white, see a doctor right away. Salt content: 190 milligrams. directly above shot of blood amidst woman standing in bathtub - period blood stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. We hope this helps! The most I would do on a specific person is work to open their heart and mind to communicate and see my good qualities. She says she made it so, and I asked her how. Im 13 and I just started my first period and the blood is a really dark brown color and its thick. For some women, its a way to get the attention back of a partner through pheromones. I read this last one to my husband and he literally ran from the room just hearing about it. Women who are not menstruating due to pregnancy or breast-feeding, who have had surgery that terminated their cycles, or who are past the change obviously do not have menstrual fluid to use in sex-spells. If you use foil you can CAREFULLY ball it up and it will create flakes. To be on the safe side, check in with your healthcare provider. Is this normal? You can search our sites for a single word (like archaeoastronomy, hoodoo, conjure, or clitoris), an exact phrase contained within quote marks (like "love spells", "spiritual supplies", "occult shop", "gambling luck", "Lucky Mojo bag", or "guardian angel"), or a name within quote marks (like "Blind Willie McTell", "Black Hawk", "Hoyt's Cologne", or "Frank Stokes"): Here are some other LUCKY MOJO web sites you can visit: OCCULTISM, MAGIC SPELLS, MYSTICISM, RELIGION, SYMBOLISM Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic by cat yronwode:a materia magica of African-American conjure Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms Sacred Sex: essays and articles on tantra yoga, neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship Sacred Landscape: essays and articles on archaeoastronomy and sacred geometry Freemasonry for Women by cat yronwode: a history of mixed-gender Freemasonic lodges The Lucky Mojo Esoteric Archive: captured internet text files on occult and spiritual topics Lucky Mojo Usenet FAQ Archive:FAQs and REFs for occult and magical usenet newsgroups Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist Lucky Mojo Magic Spells Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, and more Free Love Spell Archive: love spells, attraction spells, sex magick, romance spells, and lust spells Free Money Spell Archive: money spells, prosperity spells, and wealth spells for job and business Free Protection Spell Archive: protection spells against witchcraft, jinxes, hexes, and the evil eye Free Gambling Luck Spell Archive: lucky gambling spells for the lottery, casinos, and races POPULAR CULTURE Hoodoo and Blues Lyrics: transcriptions of blues songs about African-American folk magic EaRhEaD! 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period blood in spaghetti