pros and cons of celebrating holidays in school

There are risks and costs related to the effort. Last chance for up to $40 off TurboTax, Wayfair promo code: 10% off any single purchase, Sign up to Stock Advisor for $79 for 1 year, All Jeans + Pants 25% off! A third social benefit of festival sponsorship is stronger relationships within a community. If visitors post comments and photos about their experiences on Facebook or other social media, so much the better. The pastries abound during Montgomery's annual Kolacky Days celebration. The pros (and cons) that every December . Overnight visitors provide another source of off-site revenue to communities that host festivals. It would not be discussed as a side issue. He values a month when black authors and historical figures can be studied exclusively, but Hassan believes Black History Month as observed in many schools sends a troubling message to students that were allowed to grapple with [black issues] less in, say, March or April It is important to discuss issues of race in the context of current events throughout the year, no matter the unit topic., The classroom Hassan describes, however, is hardly the norm. With all the presents we need to purchase for Chanukah and Christmas, the obsession for grabbing the best deals have been triggered by popularized shopping trends similar to Black Friday, notorious for its chaos and interference into Thanksgiving. Sweden came second with 82.6%. No: Too Inconvenient, Early-Voting Options Ample,, Nov. 5, 2018, Henry Farber, "Increasing Voter Turnout: Is Democracy Day the Answer?,, Feb. 2009, Sarah Issenberg, "The Mystery of the Puerto Rico Voter,, Jan. 27, 2012, Paul LeBlanc, "Virginia Governor Makes Election Day a Holiday and Expands Early Voting,". According to the Tourism Center study, 83 percent of first-time visitors said they were satisfied with their experience and planned to return to the area. 20, 2018, Annie McDonald, "Ensuring Access to Election Day for All,, Nov. 6, 2018, Suzanne Lucas, "No, Election Day Should Not Be a Federal Holiday,, Oct. 24, 2016, Kenneth Quinnell, "Know Your Rights: State Laws on Employee Time off to Vote,, Nov. 5, 2016, Osita Nwanevu, "Maybe Making Election Day a National Holiday Wouldnt Really Work,, Nov. 3, 2016, Abigail Hess, "A Record 44% of US Employers Will Give Their Workers Paid Time off to Vote This Year,, Oct. 31, 2018, Make Time to Vote, homepage, (accessed Sep. 24, 2019), Rose Marcario, "Time to Vote,, Sep. 24, 2018, Danielle Root and Liz Kennedy, "Increasing Voter Participation in America,, July 11, 2018, Kelly Born, "Increasing Voter Turnout: What, If Anything, Can Be Done?,, Apr. After a quarter of parents removed their kidsover 100 studentsfrom Halloween events at North Country Elementary School in Antelope, California, school leaders realized they werent meeting their students needs and stopped celebrating Halloween. Please enable scripts and reload this page. 5. Explore which countries have weekend voting with Pew Research. Peter Siegel remembers that when he was growing up in New Yorkin the early 1980s, school holiday parties often seemed commercially drivencentered around eating rather than the history of the traditions being celebrated. 4. The pastry is kolacky (also spelled kolache), a concoction consisting of sweet bread and different fillings, especially fruit such as prune, apricot, and poppy seed. If Election Day were a national holiday, how would you ensure hourly and low-income workers would get a chance to vote? With holidays becoming more commercial, Christmas and Chanukah have lost some of their value. To help community leaders achieve this balance, the University of Minnesota Tourism Center offers training in the essentials of festival and event management. Regardless of how your child's school celebrated the holidays, there are many ways parents can enrich understanding at home. Testing Students for Alcohol Use: Violation of Constitutional Rights? Your session has expired. Should Schools Conduct Background Checks on Teachers? Rather, it helps us have an understanding of the world and the people around us.. Instead, Passover, which occurs in the spring, and Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, which occur in the fall, are much more important. They replaced it with an evening harvest festival and a spirit day. Christine Hanks, employee experience lead at staffing agency Wonolo, a remote-first Our nation is rich in many cultural and religious traditions, and celebrations focusing on specific groups have grown and become more popular in the last twenty years. Instead, students learn about the accomplishments of Indigenous peoples and look at Thanksgiving from both European and Native American perspectives. Members can get help with HR questions via phone, chat or email. University of Minnesota Extension discovers science-based solutions, delivers practical education, and engages Minnesotans to build a better future. Its important to embrace these occasions as an opportunity to appreciate what you have been blessed with and take time to spend with family and loved ones. Public Schools Sell Advertising Space to Boost Budgets. How Chipotle's Stock Price More Than Quadrupled in Five Years, How Repaying Student Loans Is ChangingDramatically. We werent given tools to discuss and ask questions without feeling like it was inappropriate.. Before Simons was a student organizer he was a high-schooler in the California Bay Area, and his memories of Black History Month are still sharp. ],, "Election Day National Holiday Top 3 Pros and Cons,",, "Election Day National Holiday Top 3 Pros and Cons., 2022 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. When discussing religious holidays, Siegel keeps things simple, explaining Christmas as the story of the birth of a baby who symbolizes hope in what was a challenging time. With older students, he elaborates that the baby Jesus represents life to Christians and tells them thatas is true of all religious beliefssome people believe the story is true while others dont. Have we really gone so far as to push aside holiday traditions and family bonding, for discounted merchandise? Why or why not? The seed of what is now known as Black History Month was planted in the doctoral thesis of Carter G. Woodson, a noted scholar, author, and co-founder of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. In an effort to add diversity to holiday celebrations, some teachers believe that recognizing the Jewish holiday Chanukah or mentioning Kwanzaa, both of which also occur in December, is enough to make holiday parties and curricular activities multicultural. "We will at most have only 15 people in attendance, which makes everyone still feel comfortable concerning health and safety. For example, on Giving Tuesday, which falls on Nov. 30 this year, the company will host a live auction to support charitable organizations and causes. But off-site spending related to festivals generates revenue for communities, too. Lawsuit Filed to Stop Student Transfers in Missouri, Teacher Strike Forces Cancellation of Classes in Tacoma, Safety First: School Bus Safety Week Focuses on Keeping Students Safe on the Road, Florida Governor Calls for More Funding for States Public School System, How Schools are Cutting More Costs in 2011, 10 Reasons Why High School Sports Benefit Students, How Diet and Nutrition Impact a Child's Learning Ability, public schools are more diverse than ever,,, Is Your Child Ready for the Upcoming School Year? Managing Editor The US ranks 26th out of 32 for voter turnout among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. Children who practice Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism do not celebrate Christmas. But this means that teachers have to work hard to ensure that each child experiences, Questions? Spanking in Public Schools: The Ongoing Debate. I believe that having a month for black history compartmentalizes the issue, as if once the month is over we can turn our attention away from it again until the next year, said Hassan, a fourth-grade English language-arts teacher at Truesdell Elementary School in Washington, D.C. But Woodson would not be deterred. You may change your billing preferences at any time in the Customer Center or call May offend families with different beliefs. Overall, the study found less teaching of the civil-rights movement in states outside the South and those with fewer black residents. "I believe that we should work to live, not the other way around," he said. Religious significance. You can most likely find one within an hour radius of your home. We talk about how learning about others does not mean we are expected to practice the way they do, says Offerdahl. Furthermore, children in the minority may not even understand what it is their teacher needs to know since their teacher has likely demonstrated vast knowledge on many other subjects. Its hard to imagine Christmas without seeing Santa at the mall or Thanksgiving without the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade. Should Election Day be a national holiday? Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. Elections Held on Tuesdays?, (accessed Sep. 30, 2019), Evan Andrews, "Election 1010: Why Do We Vote on a Tuesday in November?,, Aug. 31, 2018, Grace Panetta and Olivia Reaney, "Today Is National Voter Registration Day. Where Did the Money Go? 2. [33], Henry Farber, PhD, Hughes-Rogers Professor of Economics at Princeton University, conducted an analysis of states that made Election Day a holiday for state employees. The report paints an unfavorable picture of schools where a crucial event in black history is largely ignored. [18][19], Federal law doesnt require private employers to give employees paid federal holidays. The consumerism of holidays can be attributed to the growing amount of commercials and ads that we see in the media. The holiday season is fast approaching, which means many HR departments have started planning their companies' annual office parties, as well as other ways to help employees celebrate the season. Chicago, Illinois 60654 USA, Natalie Leppard At the start of the year, she surveys students to see what they celebrate and teams up with families to share their experiences. Regents of the University of Minnesota. She notes that some traditional Thanksgiving activities, like making Native Americanstyle headdresses with construction-paper feathers, may be offensive to Indigenous peoples. Paige has students read two articles to understand Indigenous peoples perspectives on Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving: a Native American View by Jacqueline Keeler, of the Dineh and Dakota nations, and The Suppressed Speech by Wamsutta (Frank) James, of the Wampanoag. Somewhere caught in the middle are educators and schools. [7] A handful of states have made election day a state holiday, including New York, Hawaii, Kentucky, and, in Apr. Already a member? 25, 2016, Chris Talgo, "Make Election Day a National Holiday? After all, material items are not worth nearly as much as human affection. More people would vote if they had more time to cast their ballots Furthermore, celebrating our democracy publicly would send the message that we value each others citizenship as much as we value honoring past presidents. [13], Donald Green, PhD, Burgess Professor of Political Science at Columbia University, found that nonpartisan community parties celebrating Election Day in 2005, 2006, and 2016 increased voter participation between 2.6 percentage points and about 4 percentage points. At LA Tutors in Beverly Hills, Calif., celebrations will also be in person for its 58 employees this year, said Eric Kim, the firm's program/HR director. Are the holidays just a time off from schoolan opportunity to take advantage of sales that come with the season? As a parent, you have ample opportunities to help your child and his or her classmates adopt a multicultural worldview -- around the year. Additionally, many of these individuals rely on school days as childcare for their children. The social benefits of festivals are less visible, but they are just as important. Do Expulsion and Suspension Work in Public Schools? How Positive Behavior Programs are Improving Public School Campuses, Why Public Schools are Launching Marketing Campaigns, Adopt a Public School: Creating Partnerships that Benefit the Children, Segregation: A Modern Problem for Public Schools in the South, Busing and Desegregation: Understanding the Link, Local School Districts at Risk of State Government Takeovers, Resign or Face Termination: The Fallout from the APS Cheating Scandal. And on Indigenous Peoples Day, Paiges students research and write about a Native person using resources from IllumiNative, a nonprofit created by Native peoples to increase their visibility. Read More, Election Day is a holiday in Puerto Rico. Celebrating a particular holiday is appropriate in faith-based programs or in programs in which the holiday is truly lived by every family in the program. A star performer might not show up, or the stage might collapse. Should the Voting Age Be Lowered to 16? As noted, hosting a festival is not without risks and costs. For example, he discusses the history, geography, and cultural influence of China when teaching students about Chinese New Year. Turkey dinners, cranberries, candied yams, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and family gatheringsthese are all commonly associated with most Americans' yearly celebration of giving thanksThanksgiving Day. Giving students sugary foods when we are teaching them to eat healthy. What is a Magnet School? Holiday is like a day or longer break which provides much needed rest to the people or students over burdened with . I wouldve loved to have delved into African history, the Harlem Renaissance, black life in the 1970s, and beyond.. Celebrating the Holidays and Diversity in the Workplace The winter holidays can also be a source of conflict for HR managers, who must ensure the season doesn't lead to hurt feelings,. Holiday celebrations build and strengthen connections between home and school, and among children who share the same holidays. And it will, in turn, help strengthen the idea that businesses can and will come together for a worthy common purpose: protecting our democracy by empowering all American workers to be good citizens. [30], Solutions such as automatic voter registration, same-day registration, early voting, no-excuse absentee voting, restoring voting rights to former felons, improved civics education, and voter outreach would all improve voter participation more reliably than a national holiday. Attendees at the 2011 Irish Fair of Minnesota, for example, spent an average of $50 at the festival site. While some see the holiday break for a vacation and others for family bonding, the vast majority of us can agree that this time of the year remains alarge part of American culture. To request permission for specific items, click on the reuse permissions button on the page where you find the item. He concluded that having an election holiday, by itself, is not an effective strategy to increase voter turnout. [34], Automatic voter registration, by contrast, could register an additional 22 million people and create 7.9 million new voters nationwide within a year. - Proponents say the Electoral College ensures everyone selects the president. Please note that all such forms and policies should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with applicable law, and should be modified to suit your organizations culture, industry, and practices. This video illustrates one way to teach children the importance of giving. Now a K5 teacher at Symonds Elementary School in Keene, New Hampshire, Siegel is motivated to highlight the cultural history behind a variety of holidays, which he teaches as a means to emphasize commonalities between different cultures. The Pros and Cons of Celebrating Holidays As an Expat. This puts teachers in a very tough position because without a more multicultural point of view, children of the majority are led down a path of ethnocentrism, albeit unintentionally. Each year, educators face the December dilemma: How will they address religious holidays and be inclusive of families celebrations outside of Christmas? When I was a kid, we didnt talk about differences, said Pemberton. In many cases, the faces of marketing ploys have become accepted traditions in our own homes. The Drama of Teacher Ratings: From a Suicide to Lawsuits, Failure to Read Now Grounds for Lawsuit? "Given the small size of our team, we will do an in-person Christmas party this year and people can bring their spouses and partners along," he said. (The small community of Kabetogama and Voyageurs National Park in northeastern Minnesota also honor the lady's slipper with an annual Lady SlipperFestival.). But hosting festivals also poses challenges. This autumn, several of my English friends stressed about spending the . To support the experiences of children, their families and the staff in the program. However, this Christmas-centric view does not align well with the actual makeup of todays public schools. The Benefits of Attending a Cultural Festival Benefit #1: It's cheap or free. It opens kids up to diversity, says Siegel, and its also humbling because it allows them to realize that their way of being in the world is not the only way in the world.. } Second, specific reasons to celebrate, like Administrative Professionals Week or Admin Day, keep holidays top of . 14, 2019, BBC, "Singapore Election: Governing Party Secure Decisive Win,, Sep. 12, 2015, Holly Jackson, "It's Time to Make Election Day a Holiday in Law and Spirit,", Oct. 22, 2018, BCP Associates, "India Elections 2019 - Declaration of Paid Holiday on Polling Day,, Apr. [12], The idea that voting should be a celebration, not a chore is one argument for turning Election Day into a national holiday, according to Archon Fung, PhD, and Jane Mansbridge, PhD, professors at the Harvard Kennedy School. While a successful event enhances a community's reputation, a less-than-successful effort (or outright failure) does just the opposite. However, once the holiday is over, everyone gets to work as before. Virtual & Washington, DC | February 26-28, 2023. [15] Israel and South Korea make national elections a holiday to avoid economic hardship for voters. An additional day off school would prove to be problematic for individuals who may not have other readily accessible forms of childcare. [24], People who have already suffered significant disenfranchisement, such as women and people of color, are more likely to be working those low-income jobs that wouldnt get the time off to vote even on a national holiday. She also teaches them about other holidays from around the world, in order to expose them to cultures and beliefs outside of their own. [31] Same-day registration boosts turnout by 5%, and universal implementation of it would have added as many as 4.8 million voters in the 2016 election, according to Danielle Root, JD, and Liz Kennedy, JD, from the Center for American Progress. The holidays are times to embrace special moments with family, give thanks and celebrate traditions. Raquel Willis, a writer and racial-justice activist in Atlanta, remembers annual Black History Month school displays in her hometown of Augusta, Georgia, as neither memorable nor notable. - The pros and cons of the felon voting debate include arguments about the social contract, voting while in prison, and paying debts. In the other corner, critics cast doubt that Black History Month is still relevant with the gains made in race relationsa black U.S. president the most visible signand detractors charge it is detrimental in the long term to pigeonhole black history into a month-long observance. , we didnt talk about differences, said Pemberton Lawsuits, Failure to read Now Grounds for Lawsuit as. To ensure that each child experiences, questions civil-rights movement in states outside the and... Leaders achieve this balance, the faces of marketing ploys have become accepted traditions in our own homes Day... Paints an unfavorable picture of schools where a crucial event in black history is pros and cons of celebrating holidays in school ignored Kolacky Days celebration not. Chinese New Year believe that we see in the 1970s, and children. 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pros and cons of celebrating holidays in school