the great book of melanin research pdf

Melanin, the What, the Why and the How: An Introductory Review for Materials Scientists Interested in Flexible and Versatile Polymers. 50% Discount on the Remaining Status Law Classes NOT on Patreon! Radionuclide contamination also led to a change in fungal communities, with an increased proportion of melanized fungi. It has been reported that substances acting as antioxidants protect cells from ROS-mediated DNA damage, which can result in mutation and subsequent carcinogenesis. What advantages, then, could hairlessness impart? Despite the difference in their origins, melanin pigments have a number of common characteristics that allow them to fulfill their protective function. 103 pages, Paperback Published September 1, 2001 WebThe book features nearly all unknown secrets. This strategy may be used to improve nanomaterials with potential applications as efficient catalysts and electrocatalysts. Metabolically, the effects of pH and temperature on fungal pigment production is associated with changes in protein activity, so that the culture conditions may control certain activities such as cell growth, production of primary and secondary metabolites, fermentation, and oxidation processes of the cell [54]. The same enzyme, tyrosinase, carries out both steps. It has been reported that fungal melanin arranged in nanoparticles protects against extremely high levels of ionizing radiation and suggests that the protective efficacy of this pigment is a function of its chemical structure, the presence of stable free radical, and spatial arrangement [18]. In a similar study, [56] noted that the production of pigment by Monascus species also was favored when the fungus was grown in the dark. Without adequate vitamin D, our genome would completely destabilize, and immune balance would become disturbed, so the reduction of melanin to augment vitamin D status likely saved the lives of humans who migrated to cooler climates. Sheng Meng and Efthimios Kaxiras. This chapter presents a comprehensive discussion of the research on fungal melanin, including the recently discovered biological activities and the potential use of this pigment for various biotechnological applications in the fields of biomedicine, dermocosmetics, materials science, and nanotechnology. 20. Considering the harmful effects of synthetic dyes on human health and to the environment, developmental process for obtaining pigments from natural sources has become significant worldwide. 2,799 views May 25, 2018 163 Dislike Share REEL NAGAS 28.5K subscribers Order Your Copy of the Great Book of Melanin Research Today!!! 30. 2 (2012): 202-11, Scheme adapted from Ref. Microbial pigments have gained attention owing to a growing interest of the industry in safer products, easily degradable, eco-friendly and do not cause harmful effects. Llaila O. Afrika. Hints at this phenomenon arose when scientists noticed that a group of fungi had colonized within the walls of the still-hot site of the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown.24Fungi were also found at a nuclear test site in Nevada in the 1960s, where they had survived radiation doses of up 6,400 grays, around 2,000 times the dose that is lethal for humans,25suggesting that certain kinds fungi are not deterred by radiation but, on the contrary, seem to thrive on it. WebFor those important aspects of pigment cell research that do not fall entirely within the scope of the study, such as human cutaneous melanoma or non-cutaneous melanogenesis, and for a more detailed discussion of melanins, melanogenesis, and their applications, the readers are referred to a number of reviews (e.g. In recent years, the electronics industry has been driven to develop materials and components that are cheaper and more environmentally friendly. For example, Aspergillus fumigatus synthesizes DHN-melanin [98] and also produces a second type of melanin, piomelanins, from homogentisic acid by the tyrosine degradation pathway that protects the cell wall of hyphae from ROS, and gray-green DHN-melanins determine the structural integrity of the cell wall of conidia and their adhesive properties [99]. Impressively, however, 90 percent of the mice that had been given melanin-richmushroomsor white mushrooms supplemented with melanin survived.29. The influence of light on intra- and extracellular pigment production was studied in five pigment-producing fungi: M. purpureus, Isaria farinosa, Emericella nidulans, Fusarium verticillioides, and Penicillium purpurogenum [55]. 68 pages, Paperback. WebMelanin, the What, the Why and the How: An Introductory Review for Materials Scientists Interested in Flexible and Versatile Polymers A. Bernardus Mostert Citation:Mostert, A.B. 68 pages, Paperback. A valuable biotechnological approach to the melanin-mediated synthesis of silver nanostructures with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity has been developed. WebThis volume goes over the brain hemispheres, history of religion, Black founders of civilization, the Sun, cosmology and cosmogony, the subjective and objective realms of being, analysis of cosmological system and view of man, spiritual anatomy of man, types of man and the cultivation of the spiritual man, the Tree of Life initiation system, In this pathway, the polyketide synthase (PKS) converts malonyl-CoA to 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene (1,3,6,8-THN), which undergoes several reduction and dehydration reactions to produce scytalone, 1,3,8-trihydroxynaphthalene (THN), and vermelone. For example, melanized fungal species as Cladosporium spp., Alternaria alternata, Aureobasidium pullulans, and Hormoconis resinae were found to colonize the walls of the damaged reactor at Chernobyl where they are exposed to a high constant radiation field [18, 19]. Keissler [in Russian],Mikrobiolohichny? Sayer Jiis the founder, a reviewer at theInternational Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine,Co-founder and CEO ofSystome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of theNational Health Federation, and SteeringCommittee Memberof theGlobal Non-GMO Foundation. Large amounts of agro-industrial residues generated from diverse economic activities have attracted strong industry interest on the utilization of these residues as inexpensive substrates to support the growth of microorganisms in bioprocesses. The Melanin Empath Discover the Knowledge of Melanated Beings Born With Empath Energy Author: Jade Asikiwe Publisher: ISBN: Category: Body, Mind & Spirit Page: 278 View: 702 DOWNLOAD NOW 2020-10-27 in Cindy Sewell The Melanin Empath Survival and Healing Guide to Discover Melanated Beings and Avoid Damage from Negative Energy Author: Cindy Sewell Cracks in 100% nearly all topic of importance to you, like. Melanin may also explain another curious fact: that humans are the only species among hundreds of different primates who are almost completely hairless, which is why we are known in biology as the naked ape. Approximately 6 million years ago, the mutation for human hairlessness was introduced into the genome, causing us to diverge from hairy chimpanzee lineages. Melanin, the central pigment within our skin, and distributed throughout our bodies, is one of the most interesting biomolecules identified thus far. The development of these higher cognitive processes allowed for the materialization of sophisticated technologies, the agrarian revolution, hierarchical social structure, and advanced human civilizations. A great deal of the research at present defy a comprehensive standards based approach. According to Dr Timothy Moore In humans, melanin is the primary determinant of skin and hair colour The presence of melanin in the cell wall is also correlated with enhanced virulence of parasitic fungi, as Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Sporothrix schenckii, and Exophiala (Wangiella) dermatitidis [17, 20, 21]. Home > It was also observed that the pigments vary in the strength of the stable free radical signal detectable by EPR [13, 83]. Experimental evidence shows that the accumulation of 90Sr by conidia or mycelium by a range of microfungal species is greater in pigmented than in unpigmented species [158]. Feb 19, 2023. The ability to use melanin to absorbelectromagnetic radiationand utilize its energy to dissociate the water molecules in our bodies (producing what Gerald Pollack says amounts to a light-energy driven proton pump)22may have reduced the energy expenditure required for hunting and foraging food. In this pathway, there are two possible starting molecules, L-dopa and tyrosine. - Except for Top Supporter Exclusive ContentAnd My Undying Gratitude!!! Melanins produced by Exophiala pisciphila and Aspergillus bridgeri ICTF-201 exhibited a significant DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity comparable with that of synthetic melanin, indicating its antioxidant potential [102, 103]. [159] In a study on the uptake efficiency of the radiocesium (137Cs) and radiocobalt (60Co) in melanized and nonmelanized fungi, it was observed that 60% of both radionuclides were uptaken by melanin of A. alternata and Aspergillus pulverulents. The potential of using filamentous fungi as pigment sources is due to their extraordinary metabolic versatility because they can be cultivated over a wide range of temperatures (1050C), pH (211), salinity (034%), and water activity (0.61) and under oligotrophic or nutrient-rich conditions. Gerald H. Pollack, Xavier Figueroa, and Qing Zhao, Molecules, Water, andRadiant Energy: New Clues for the Origin of Life,International Journal ofMolecular Sciences10, no. Another study in Monascus sp. A biosynthesis pathway for fungal DOPA-melanin, proposed by [11], is shown in Figure2, which strongly resembles the pathway found in mammalian cells, though some of the details may differ. 3 (May-June 2001): 3-12. 26. Despite its high biocompatibility, the use of melanin as a novel biomaterial in pharmaceutical and biomedical applications reported in literature is still scarce. 103 pages, Paperback Published September 1, 2001 If L-dopa is the precursor molecule, it is oxidized to dopaquinone by laccase. Melanin in cell walls of Basidiomycotina is derived from phenolic precursors, as glutaminyl-3,4-dihydroxybenzene (GDHB) or catechol. In this study, we demonstrated that this melanin pigment did not induce gene mutations in different strains of Salmonella typhimurium used in the Ames assay. 1 (August 2011): 69-73, In vitro studies have shown that melanized fungi are more resistant to UV light-induced and oxidant-mediated damages, temperature extremes, hydrolytic enzymes, heavy metal toxicity, and antimicrobial drugs than those nonmelanized [10, 1417]. In another provocative study published in the journalToxicology and Applied Pharmacology, researchers extracted melanin from the fungusGliocephalotrichum simplexand gave it to mice just before exposing them to gamma radiation, increasing their 30-day survival by 100 percent. The probable mechanisms of radioprotection by melanin appear to be modulated in pro-survival pathways, immune system, and prevention of oxidative stress. I have summarised and bulletpointed his main points. Others studies suggest that melanin contributes to fungal pathogenesis because this pigment alters the host defense response mechanisms, decreases phagocytosis, and reduces the toxicity of microbicidal peptides, reactive oxygen species, and antifungal drugs as well as to play a significant role in fungal cell wall mechanical strength [27, 28]. A. Kunwar et al., Melanin, a Promising Radioprotector: Mechanisms of Actions in a Mice Model,Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology264, no. The Pineal gland is the first gland developed in your body, and appears in homo-sapiens a mere 3 weeks after conception. Arturo S. Herrera et al., Beyond Mitochondria, What Would Be the Energy Source of the Cell?,Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry15, no. Packed with knowledge of the food of the gods. Adapted from Ref. Two examples of such therapeutic agents that will cross the blood-brain barrier when linked to melanin are boron and nerve growth factor. 15. Similar results were also observed for melanin from Ophiocordyceps sinensis, which proved to be an effective DPPH radical scavenger and a strong ferrous iron chelator [105]. Comparison of the catecholamines L-dopa, methyldopa, epinephrine, and norepinephrine shows differences in term of color, yield, and thickness of the cell wall melanin layer. Production of the microbial pigments is one of the emerging fields of research due to a growing interest of the industry for safer products, easily degradable and eco-friendly. Compared with the control groups, the antioxidant defense systems, such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities, were improved significantly in mice of experiment groups, and the reactive oxygen species detected by malondialdehyde content were decreased significantly. These nanoparticles displayed excellent antifungal properties toward an Aspergillus sp. creating Mind Altering, DNA Re-Ordering Educational Videos!!! 306 ratings 30 reviews. 2020 GreenMedInfo LLC. WebTHE GREAT BOOK OF MELANIN RESEARCH!!! WebThis volume goes over the brain hemispheres, history of religion, Black founders of civilization, the Sun, cosmology and cosmogony, the subjective and objective realms of being, analysis of cosmological system and view of man, spiritual anatomy of man, types of man and the cultivation of the spiritual man, the Tree of Life initiation system, According to the authors, these nanoshells have the potential use for environmental bioremediation, for example, to prevent the spread of radioactive contamination to ground water because the melanin is expected to encapsulate the radioactive particles and thereby reduce their spread. Search the history of over 797 billion Melanin: What Makes Black People Black. pheomelanin. Some studies have proposed that fungal melanin exhibits anti-radiation activity in vivo and in vivo and then could be explored as a probable radioprotector [16, 115]. Buy on Amazon. 19. Melanin has many other interesting properties, such as ultraviolet absorption, which has been utilized to prepare optical lenses or filters. The pigment production from microorganisms is considered more advantageous because it is a more efficient and cost-effective process than chemical synthesis of pigments. 23 (2012): 8943-47, Watch on QUALIFIED IMMUNITY PACKAGES POLICE STOP/ LAW & GOV FLASHCARDS (PSFC) & (LGFC) This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. I) by Carol Barnes Melanin: The Organizing Molecule Berkley CA: Institute for the Study of Consciousnesses (Thesis) Message To The Blackman in America by Elijah Muhammad Metu Neter Vol. Want to read. This could have further increased brain development in the sheer size and complexity of neural circuits. Several studies have shown that the composition of the growth medium, nature and concentration of carbon and nitrogen sources, minerals, vitamins, temperature, pH, the presence of oxygen and aeration, light, stress, and irradiation, among others, affect the growth and pigment production in fungi and that the manipulation of the culture conditions can result in enhanced pigment production [4147]. In Agaricus bisporus, melanins are formed from DOPA by tyrosinase and from -glutaminyl-4-hydroxybenzene by peroxidase and phenolase [100]. WebFor those important aspects of pigment cell research that do not fall entirely within the scope of the study, such as human cutaneous melanoma or non-cutaneous melanogenesis, and for a more detailed discussion of melanins, melanogenesis, and their applications, the readers are referred to a number of reviews (e.g. Melanin is a biological molecule associated with pigmentation in humans and animals. The evaluation of the effect of fungal melanin on non-tumor cells is also interesting because it may serve as alternative to acute in vivo toxicity testing, avoiding the indiscriminate use of animals. However, some species of this class, including Cladosporium resinae, Epicoccum nigrum, Hendersonula toruloidea, Eurotium echinulatum, Humicola grisea, and Hypoxylon archeri, do not produce this type of pigment [11, 28, 8688]. 50% Discount on the Remaining Status Law Classes NOT on Patreon! If tyrosine is the precursor, it is first converted to L-dopa and then dopaquinone. According to Dr Timothy Moore In humans, melanin is the primary determinant of skin and hair colour Feb 19, 2023. Since melanin has a stable free radical population, it is thought that the radioprotective properties of this pigment result from a combination of physical shielding and quenching of cytotoxic free radicals generated by radiation [18]. The purpose of this chapter involves a comprehensive discussion of the research on fungal melanin, including the recently discovered biological activities and the potential use of this pigment for several biotechnological applications. and Alternaria alternata (Fr.) J101 reported that the yield of pigment at 25C was ten times higher than at 30C, probably due to long growing (120 hours) and lower viscosity of the broth at 25C compared to 30C [49]. Go to facebook -> @The.Luciferian.Doctrine, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help,,,,,,, Folkscanomy: Book Bin (Unsorted and Incoming), Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). The Melanin Empath Discover the Knowledge of Melanated Beings Born With Empath Energy Author: Jade Asikiwe Publisher: ISBN: Category: Body, Mind & Spirit Page: 278 View: 702 DOWNLOAD NOW 2020-10-27 in Cindy Sewell The Melanin Empath Survival and Healing Guide to Discover Melanated Beings and Avoid Damage from Negative Energy Author: Cindy Sewell In our studies, it was noted that no melanin pigment production takes place during stationary cultivation of hypermelanized mutant (MEL1) from A. nidulans, indicating that the formation of this pigment involves the oxidative polymerization of the precursors [50]. The Management of Quality in Construction, Political Science. This Can Explain the Rapid Expansion of OurGenuss Brain,Medical Hypotheses84, no. The albatross, for instance, is capable of traveling 10,000 miles in a single flight, a bioenergetic feat that has long baffled the scientific community. V. Vember and N. Zhdanova, Peculiarities of Linear Growth of the Melanin-Containing Fungi Cladosporium sphaerospermum Penz. The answer may be found in an article published in theJournalof Alternative and Complementary Medicine, in which Geoffrey Goodman and Dani Bercovich hypothesize that melanin may account for the reduction in body hair that occurred 2 million years ago, in an evolutionary trade-off that exchanged the endothermically protective coat of hair for the benefits conferred by melanin-mediated harvesting ofsunlight. Besides, the microorganisms produce an extraordinary range of pigments that include several chemical classes such as carotenoids, melanins, flavins, phenazines, quinones, monascins, violacein, or indigo, as shown in Table1. This chapter presents a comprehensive discussion of the research on fungal melanin, including the recently discovered biological activities and the potential use of this pigment for various biotechnological applications in the fields of biomedicine, dermocosmetics, materials science, and nanotechnology. Melanin, the What, the Why and the How: An Introductory Review for Materials Scientists Interested in Flexible and Versatile Polymers. All the mice were administered high levels of radiation, far surpassing the dose considered dangerous for humans. Licensee IntechOpen. 100% Health cracked, 100% Universal Laws (operating here cracked, how to take advantage), In 100% describes Biblical Law of Jesus Christ which operates in this reality and leads Whereas most other biomolecules experience a destructive form of oxidative damage as a result of radiation exposure, melanin remained structurally and functionally intact, appearing capable of producing a continuous electric current that could theoretically be used to produce metabolic energy in living systems. This book is designed to familiarize the reader with Melanin and its chemical key to life and ALL living things, memory processes, ancient African history, sunlight, music, dancing, anti-aging, anti-cancer, religion, electromagnetism, and any other scientific and cultural parameters. The optimization of medium composition is an important strategy to increase pigment production because some sources of carbon and nitrogen can be more easily assimilated and promote higher yields of the desired product. It was assumed that melanin pigments, participating in redox reactions, are able to perceive the energy of radiation (UV, visible light, and radiation) and convert it into useful reducing power for metabolic processes. Among microbial species, fungi represent an economically significant source of these compounds because they can act as microbial cell factories producing high yields of metabolites with great diverse chemical structures combined with ease of large-scale cultivation [79]. As stated, a percentage of your subscription will be donated to this Worthy The biosynthetic pathway of fungal dihydroxynaphthalene(DHN)-melanin. Owing to their ability to increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, the melanin is also useful as carriers for other therapeutic agents, which must reach brain tissue to produce their therapeutic responses [144]. The first known organic semiconductor,15it is a black substance prominent in eyes, skin, hair, scales, and feathers, and it can also be found in the mammalian central nervous system. Dopaquinone, a highly reactive intermediate, forms leucodopachrome, which is then oxidized to dopachrome. The nontoxic and nonpathogenic natures, coupled with easy separation from cell biomass, are also preferred qualities. WebMelanin: The Chemical Keys to Black Greatness (Vol. Pseudomonas requires 3536C for its growth and pigment production, while in Monascus purpureus, maximum pigment production was observed at 30C with a reduction of the yield at 37C [48]. Back To Tokyo Vittorio Brena LABEL: Yesenia GENRE: Deep House RELEASED: 2023-02-17 DOWNLOAD SIZE:: 17,32 MB TRACKS 1. Keywords fungi pigment melanin The extracellular fungal melanin, which is found in culture fluids usually in the form of granules, can be formed from some culture components, which are autoxidized or are oxidized by phenoloxidases released from the fungus during autolysis [10, 11, 27]. Other studies confirmed the indolic nature of the melanin produced by A. nidulans [11, 90]. From trees to flowers to food to energy you will find this one extremely rare. Books > This turning pointfirst the hairlessness, then the expansion of the brainmay be directly traced back to melanin, exemplifying how paramount it is to our species resilience and survival. These results indicate that corn steep liquor contains substances that stimulate the synthesis of pigment and it represents a low-cost fermentation medium for large-scale production of the pigment melanin by MEL1 mutant for future industrial applications [74]. During the optimization experiments to enhance the production of melanin by Auricularia auricula, it was observed that soluble starch, tyrosine, peptone, CaCO3, and K2HPO4 had positive effects, while glucose, (NH4)2SO4, MgSO4, CuSO4, and FeSO4 negatively impacted melanin production [46]. Feb 19, 2023. An ideal pigment-producing microorganism should be capable of using a wide range of C and N sources; must be tolerant to pH, temperature, and minerals concentration; and must give reasonable pigments yield. In W. dermatitidis and A. alternata, melanin confers resistance to oxidants permanganate and hypochlorite, representing a key role in pathogenesis of infections caused by these fungi [30]. Keywords fungi pigment melanin Studies have shown that the effect of melanin enhancing the survival of fungi under adverse conditions can be mainly due to its powerful free radical scavenger properties, acting as a sponge for other free radicals generated by the fungus in response to environmental stress [20, 29, 30]. Web A FREE Digital Copy of the Great Book of Melanin Research and The Alkaline Cookbook Access to the Live Weekly Police Stop Law Class. WebLiving Color is the first book to investigate the social history of skin color from prehistory to the present, showing how our body's most visible trait influences our social interactions in profound and complex ways. From trees to flowers to food to energy you will find this one extremely rare. @DESIRE | You #Enslave or are-Enslaved. This book is designed to familiarize the reader with Melanin and its chemical key to life and ALL living things, memory processes, ancient African history, sunlight, music, dancing, anti-aging, anti-cancer, religion, electromagnetism, and any other scientific and cultural parameters. This book is designed to familiarize the reader with Melanin and its chemical key to life and ALL living things, memory processes, ancient African history, sunlight, music, dancing, anti-aging, anti-cancer, religion, electromagnetism, and any other scientific and cultural parameters. Deposition of homogeneous melanin layers for optoelectronics application is an issue of considerable technological relevance. 1: the Great Oracle of Tehuti and the Egyptian System of Spiritual Cultivation by Ra Un Nefer Amen 27. #THE-LUCIFERIAN-DOCTRINE%^ACHIEVE.!EVERYTHING.THAT.YOU.TRULY. This result shows that the increased biomass does not necessarily result in increased pigment production because pigments produced by fungi are secondary metabolites whose production usually occurs at the late growth phase (idiophase) of these microorganisms [61]. Owing to its semiconductor property, melanin becomes a promising material for organic bioelectronic devices like transistors, sensors, and batteries [121]. Melanin has also been used to treat various types of malignant cancer tumors, disorders of the immune system including AIDS, diseases of blood origin and disorders due to the disturbances in cell homeostasis, and complex and hardly curable mental disorders (schizophrenia, epilepsy) involving nervous and other regulatory systems. The probable mechanism of action was suggested by a study published inBioelectrochemistry,30in which ionizing radiation was found to alter melanins oxidation-reduction potential. Goodman and Bercovich, Melanin Directly Converts Light for VertebrateMetabolic Use, 190-202. Fungal melanins are negatively charged, hydrophobic pigments of high molecular weight formed by oxidative polymerization from phenolic and/or indolic compounds, such as glutaminyl-3,4-dihydroxybenzene (GDHB) or catechol or 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN) or 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA). About the author. Various studies have reported the successful utilization of agro-industrial residues for the production of fungal pigments. Ekaterina Dadachova et al., Ionizing Radiation Changes the ElectronicProperties of Melanin and Enhances the Growth of Melanized Fungi,PLoSONE2, no. According to the same authors, the melanin is also an effective vehicle for the transport of boron to cancerous sites in the body, mainly when the cancerous cells to be treated are located in the brain, because this pigment binds boron very strongly. Among the physical properties of melanin, the electrical conductivity is one of the most interesting to investigate in the perspective of technological application. Since melanin has a stable free radical population, it is thought that the radioprotective properties of this pigment result from a combination of physical shielding and quenching of cytotoxic free radicals generated by radiation [18]. WebK12 School Digital and Curricular Classroom Materials - NGL It has taken me 10 years of heavy research and application to be able to bring you this information. For example, the pigment production by Penicillium sp. This chapter presents a comprehensive discussion of the research on fungal melanin, including the recently discovered biological activities and the potential use of this pigment for various biotechnological applications in the fields of biomedicine, dermocosmetics, materials science, and nanotechnology. A great deal of the research at present defy a comprehensive standards based approach. In experimental models, melanin can successfully shield bone marrow from such side effects. 21. This strategy may represent an added value to the industry and also helps in solving pollution problems, reducing or preventing their disposal in the environment [1, 66, 67]. 2 (August 2008): 190-202, Leucodopachrome, which is then oxidized to dopaquinone by laccase and the Egyptian system of Spiritual Cultivation by Ra Nefer... Its high biocompatibility, the pigment production from microorganisms is considered more because... The How: an Introductory Review for Materials Scientists Interested in Flexible and Versatile Polymers hair! Melanin survived.29 you will find this one extremely rare nanoparticles displayed excellent antifungal properties toward an Aspergillus sp gland. 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