admiral byrd chilean newspaper

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. Its believed that the hemisphere on the other side of this ancient inner earth may not have melted and therefore still remains intact inside our current earth. Maybe its our sun, Nibiru and the ET armada heading our way, intending us to become the doe caught in their triple threat headlights, paralyzed and overcome by deep state-induced fear and panic. As an honest individual, Byrd must have suffered excruciating inner conflict and pain, keeping what he knew secret from the rest of the world. Another remarkable story is a letter allegedly written in German (English translation here) by a seaman on the U-209 submarine named Karl Unger. National Geographic featured Byrds Highjump story entitled Our Navy Explores Antarctica in its October 1947 issue. A Thule society leader invited two young women who were trance mediums to a meeting. Sunday 7 | 13C. And there is no doubt that his reticence to disclose had much more to do with the tragic fate that befell his former boss, colleague and friend James Forrestal than it did following orders as a military officer. If these latest revelations turn out to be true, it would forever change our perception of history. The earth is getting bombarded now by intense radioactive waves of gamma and X-rays, heating up the earths core causing a spike in recent earthquakes within 9 days in late December, 257 shakers of magnitude 5 and higher. If he actually travelled another 2,300 miles beyond the South Pole and not flown into the hollow rim opening, but kept flying on a straight course over Antarctica, Byrd and his crew would have nearly reached the middle of the Atlantic Ocean near the equator. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the United States Coast Guard. More than any other single source of smoking gun evidence comes when we can readily see with our own eyes, thanks to orbiting satellite photographs taken since 1968. No, Wait Extrat Hitlers Antarctic Base: The Myth and The Reality. The elite is forced to reckon with earth shattering discoveries made at the bottom of the earth that will revolutionize our very reality. The Chilean newspaper El Mercurio ran a March 5th, 1947 article stating: Adm. Reed stated that the distance from pole to pole of the hollow interior was 6,400 miles. Mike thanks for pointing to the reference article on this topic. A statement by Admiral Byrd to the International News Service was published by the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio in March of that year, part of which read: " Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the . A common historical theme amongst ancient cultures is the belief that the inner earth core becomes the repository for departed spirits. But then thats what deep state wants cynics without belief. Copies of this bogus diary were sold to make money promoting Byrds hollow earth meme. Coincidentally, in July that same year the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico was also quickly covered up, like Byrds violently close encounter with ET technology at the South Pole. Through this alleged alien contact, the Germans launched exploratory searches for esoteric occult knowledge and advanced ET civilizations, piqued by acute interest in the far off frozen land of Antarctica. Perhaps unwittingly this scientific study suggests that the far side of that inner layer of ocean could be the same ocean belonging to the inner world where both ocean and landmass supporting a different race inhabits. Nuff said on that. [16] It features Chief of Naval Operations Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz in a scene where he is discussing Operation HIGHJUMP with admirals Byrd and Cruzen. Only the lazy or dishonest will continue to foist it on people as fact. When the IGY scientists, who of course were sitting in conference halls in Europe, were planning where to put stations in Antarctica during the IGY, they used what the Highjump people had learned to help them make decisions. And as much as NASA consistently tries to black out the hole, obscure or remove it from public access and awareness, hundreds of pictures and videos are out there that clearly show the polar opening. In total, 29 stories have been published about Buena Park which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. The inner ocean thats believed to be 155 miles (250 km) deep could supply much of the ocean water at the earths surface. Like President Eisenhowers prophetic warning in his 1961 farewell address, Byrd saw firsthand the monstrous military-industrial complex.. Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd before his seven-hour flight over land beyond the North Pole. One was Maria Orsic who explained that she was able to connect with extraterrestrials in sances, also presenting the group with several pages of her automatic writing in ancient Sumerian language and another in secret Templar code. That speaks volumes for a member of an elite family to purposely insert bogus disinformation to muddy up the controversial waters surrounding Admiral Byrds real or imagined exploits. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he didnt want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be, Addendum to Heisers Laws for Bible Study: 5 Minutes is a Long Time. Recent studies reveal that Antarctica, India and Africa once comprised the supercontinent Gondwana until they broke apart roughly 80 million years ago. Pilots who have flown over the poles verify this fact as their flight instruments are rendered non-functional. Finally found the article from Chilean newspaper with admiral Byrd's quote "I'm not trying to scare anyone but the bitter reality is that, should a new war occur, the United States will be attacked by planes that fly over one or both poles". Yet scientists from primarily the United States, Russia, United Kingdom and France, each largely working separately for decades, have guardedly unveiled layers of truth in small bits and pieces that reveal a mysterious, darkly hidden past. After the Brexit defeat and US election loss due to a growing worldwide populist movement thats rejecting globalism, still reeling and on the defensive, realizing their MSM fake news is no longer fooling the people finally waking up to the crime cabal reality, the planetary rulers are now preparing us for their next staged event, a partial ET disclosure that will try selling us on the need for protection that can only be delivered by a one world government, fighting off humanitys worst common enemies the ravages of climate change [hoax] and hostile alien takeover [hoax]. Then to throw another curveball at all the people wondering whats really going on that theyre not telling us, on December 9th Aldrin allegedly tweeted We are all in danger, its pure evil, referring to a photo showing the top of a recently discovered pyramid. John de Nugent Mounting scientific evidence shows that advanced civilizations from other solar systems both in and out of our galaxy have migrated and interbred with human populations on our earth at least 1.6 million years ago. If there is nothing to hide or no such thing as intelligent life inhabiting our hollow planet, then why would deep state go to such meticulous, overreaching lengths and efforts to make caves or Pole fly-overs so criminally off limits to us? But with prewar tensions rising over Hitlers increasing aggression, Admiral Byrd declined the offer. On March 13th, the day he returned to America from his final polar expedition less than a year before his death, the great explorer referred to Antarctica as: that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery. There has only been one Byrd diary that authentically documents the explorers experience and it was his first flight over the North Pole in 1926 featured in a 1928 book called Skyward. So why does this innocuous passage matter? Admiral Byrd's 'Diary'. But as much as the powers-that-shouldnt-be have violently dominated and suppressed this alternative world view, Antarctica is at the cutting edge forefront, by the day drawing more global attention from truth seekers around the world. Perhaps the most powerful and influential of Germanys secret societies was the Ahnenerbe as the only secret organization founded and funded by the Third Reich in 1935. Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. In December 2004, an attempt was made to locate the remains of the plane. So for over six decades this coming war has been in the works. They called it the Phantom Coast because you could never find it. A major technological breakthrough or earth altering discovery may be attracting so much attention from the planets movers and shakers arriving in Antarctica. While on two reconnaissance occasions, the flight navigation and radio equipment on Byrds aircraft failed while flying over a plush green valley, lakes and rivers free of ice in 70 degree F. temperatures. After the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, the KGB released records confirming that Highjumps actual mission was indeed to capture and destroy that hidden underground German military base. In 1692 renowned English scientist Edmund Halley who discovered Halleys Comet and made valuable contributions in geophysics, mathematics, astronomy and meteorology proposed that the earth was hollow. Belanger: No. Comment: A false flag alien invasion and the high probability that there are malevolent aliens who have already invaded (though perhaps not yet Independence Day-style) are not mutually exclusive. Anyone who has read a bit on UFOs during World War II (especially any Nazi technology angle) has no doubt run into the story of how Admiral Richard Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica called Operation Highjump . Rather than eradicating disease, the elite engages in suppression of cancer cures feeding a corrupt, Rockefeller-controlled Big Pharma-healthcare monopoly, poisoning us through mandatory killer vaccines, fluoride in our water, heavy metal aerosols in our air, soil, water, lungs and brains, while maintaining a nonstop policy of war exclusively to benefit the military industrial security prison complex profiteers who loathe us and want us dead or dying, all the while deploying a 24/7 mind control propaganda machine, feeding an insatiable greed that guarantees maximum absolute power, authority and control over the global masses. It was shot down by Congress and Quincys incoming successor Andrew Jackson also poo pooed the idea, figuring fighting off the central banksters was more urgent and important, which he successfully did. Refirindose a la expedicin de reciente finalizacin, Byrd dijo que el resultado ms importante de sus observaciones y descubrimientos es el efecto potencial que tienen con respecto a la seguridad de los Estados Unidos. Advanced propulsion systems enabled thrust without the need for propellant, seemingly defying conventional Newtonian laws of physics. And once again theyre on the offensive with a planned so called ET attack on humans. Clifford M. Campbell, USN, Commanding, On December 30, 1946, aviation radiomen Wendell K. Henderson, Fredrick W. Williams, and Ensign Maxwell A. Lopez were killed when their Martin PBM Mariner George 1 crashed during a blizzard. An open question, if a sizeable population of Nazis did reach the hollow earth using advanced knowledge for all the wrong reasons, how does that square with the hypothesized spiritually advanced race thats inhabited earths inner chamber for eons of time? We can infer that he is drawing on his already amazing experiences flying over the Poles and most probably beyond. Virtually everything weve been told or taught by our so called education system, code word brainwash, is pure rubbish. They clearly show a gaping concave hole over the North Pole. As a 1912 US Naval Academy graduate, understanding the importance of future air travel, Richard Byrd opted to become a naval aviator in 1917. A Chilean newspaper, 'El Murico', ran an article detailing Operation Highjump on March 5 th, 1947, where Admiral Byrd stated in an interview: "It is necessary for the USA to take defensive actions against enemy air fighters which come from the polar regions[America could be] attacked by fighters that are able to fly from one pole to the . China also set up its first air squadron in 2016, ostensibly to support its four research bases. Of course the hollow earth has long been embedded in our artistic folklore and imaginations through such works as Jules Vernes Journey to the Center of the Earth. The lighter elements such as liquefied water and the gaseous atmosphere will tend to form on each side of the center point, materializing at both the inner and outer surfaces of the planet. A detailed autobiography was written as a 2008 unpublished book entitled The New Berlin Base: Nazis in the Antarctica, addressing the harrowing life of a young slave apparently born into a family of workers at a subterranean alien base. He never really recovered, according to people who knew him, from his time alone on the ice in 1934. If the earth was a solid sphere, temperatures closest to the Pole would logically be the coldest. As one example, based on the persuasive efforts of John Cleves Symmes, in 1822 President John Quincy Adams was ready to sign off on lending federal sponsorship to an Arctic expedition exploring the polar opening. Thats why the earth as well as other planets and celestial bodies in our solar system all have polar openings and hollowed out centers. In still another recent discovery Italian scientists believe that 70% of the earth heat is generated from within its center. The Nazis used hot air balloons and planes for aerial observations to map out and survey that part of the continent searching for an ideal location to establish Neuschwabenlands secret military base named Station 211. Or has their power of goodness and love tamed the evil hearts of the Nazis? And we know that didnt happen. The admiral further stated that he didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in . Steven Greer asserts that ever since 1953-1956 the Washington crime cabal has been planning and preparing for the eventual outcome of a fake interplanetary war with an evil ET civilization. Why do you think they called him crazy.. and also I've looked high and low on the internet for more information on Richard e byrd, and they have wiped nearly all the information of it off the internet other then that which they have perverted. Thirty years later one of those survivors admitted that the sub was transporting mercury, which was later confirmed by divers. The waters of Lake Vostok are believed to have been untouched for 20 million years. Just as they back every handpicked presidential Republican vs. Democrat puppet to polarize, distract and divide us, they always back both sides to every one of their manufactured wars, and this one against the reptilians is no different. Though thats true, the release of this information suddenly going public via YouTube all these years later at this particular time is strikingly similar to the warning allegedly put out just a couple weeks later by Buzz Aldrin upon visiting Antarctica and falling sick, posting on Twitter an accompanying photo of the Antarctic pyramids. As a result, German engineers and scientists were believed to develop prototype flying saucers and UFO spacecraft. But in fact temperatures at the poles are warmer than temperatures 600-1000 miles away. He also stated that the hollow earth has an inner sun, one ocean and one continent larger than the earths surface landmass. The Admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. Could anyone provide the original cutting scanned for the generations? We are now seeing the elites last desperate, deceitful ploy to frantically try and retain its full diabolical power and control through more sleight of hand deception. Twentieth century Nazis and twenty-first century Illuminati are well aware of this merging between modern science and ancient occult wisdom, except their Modus Operandi has been to use it selfishly to gain evil power and control over humanity. In 1938, the Nazis asked Byrd to join their expedition to the North Pole, which the admiral quite naturally declined. US Armed Forces may be in the midst of a secret war with UFOs. The wise ones occupying the earths interior were alleged to have become very concerned once the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on Japan. I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.. El Almirante Richard E. Byrd advirti hoy que es imperativo para los Estados Unidos de America el iniciar medidas de defensa contra la posibilidad de una invasin del pas de parte de aviones hostiles provenientes de las regiones polares. The most plausible explanation for a Nazi U-boat to be that far away from home carrying material typically used as a fuel for aerospace propulsion indicates it was delivering critical cargo for the Antarctic base. Billed as a reconnaissance mission to establish the research base Little America IV, the operation hit the high seas in December 1946. [2][10], After the operation ended, a follow-up Operation Windmill returned to the area in order to provide ground-truthing to the aerial photography of HIGHJUMP from 1947 to 1948. Admiral Byrd's statements were published in the Chilean Press but never publicly confirmed by US authorities. The article by Lee van Atta entitled "Admiral Richard E Byrd refers to the Strategic Importance of the Poles" had been sent from "On Board Mount Olympus on the High Seas". This spiritually advanced inner world is believed to contain entrances not only at the Poles but also includes tunnels connecting to the earths surface in various sacred places like the Tibetan capital Lhasa, the Great Pyramid of Giza, Italys Mount Epomeo, Californias Mount Shasta, Kentuckys Mammoth Cave and Brazils Mato Groso. The great visionary Edgar Cayce once said, The unseen forces are greater than the seen. That esoteric statement extends to the cosmology of our physical universe as well, since scientists believe its comprised of 96% dark matter and dark energy, leaving just 4% of the universe seeable. Three 5.5-5.7 quakes struck back to back last week at the California-Nevada border on December 28th, acting as a reminder of the recent influx of earthquake and volcanic activity that appear to be directly correlated with intense solar and galactic bursts of cosmic energy. 1947 was a busy and eventful year as Majestic 12 was also formed in July per an executive order by President Truman. Tuesday 10 . Anyone who can read Spanish can verify this. Some believe its an enormous meteorite three times the size of the life extinction asteroid that 250 million years ago wiped out the dinosaur, 70% of land-based vertebrates and 96% of the earths sea creatures. A week and a half prior to his departure, with 24 other nations Kerry signed a pact banning all private ships and citizens from travel to Antarcticas southern coast for the next 35 years. Scientists are encouraged and free to come up with theories, test their hypotheses and investigate outcomes to generate empirical data that supports or doesnt support their proposed hypotheses. Which was later confirmed by US authorities the works admiral byrd chilean newspaper Gondwana until broke. America IV, the unseen Forces are greater than the earths surface landmass ET attack on humans forever our! Wise ones occupying the earths interior were alleged to have become very concerned once the Americans dropped atomic... And celestial bodies in our solar system all have polar openings and hollowed out.! Called education system, code word brainwash, is pure rubbish Ground News has aggregated in interior! Taught by our so called ET attack on humans could anyone provide original! 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admiral byrd chilean newspaper