environmental problems and solutions in a barangay

BELCHES, JOHN PAUL I. BTLED 1 - ET11 MTh 7:30 - 9:00 Ecological Literacy: Addressing and Solving . Around the world, more than 820 million people do not get enough to eat. When there are a large number of wells that have been pumping water for a long time, the regional water table can drop significantly. The most common problem in our barangay when it comes to environmental issue is having not proper waste segration and waste disposal. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The three countries experiencing the highest levels of deforestation are Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Indonesia. The people of Sun Valley should not only relay on the professional emergency departments to attend to them, they should have basic knowledge on what to do when different situations occur during a calamity. With the global population expected to reach 9 billion people by mid-century, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) projects that global food demand may increase by 70% by 2050. More than 500 species of land animals are on the brink of extinction and are likely to be lost within 20 years; the same number were lost over the whole of the last century. Methane ranks as one of the worst greenhouse gases because of its high global warming potential. Many people believe that the oceanic phenomenon known as El Nio is also caused by carbon dioxide emissions and global warming, but this is not true. of wildlife on Earth is accelerating. Preventing pollution provides cleaner air and water, less waste in landfills, conservation of natural resources, reduced soil erosion, lower electricity and water bills, and increased property values. A third of the food intended for human consumption around 1.3 billion tons is wasted or lost. This, however, requires much stricter regulations of the worlds oceans than the ones already in place. Boost this article As part of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, , the UN and FAO are working towards maintaining the proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and others are working to create facilities to recycle spent uranium and design new nuclear facilities that can use spent fuel rods to generate electricity. Survey Result: This Survey conducted by Our Group results a higher problems depending on the Barangay crisis. Shockingly, National Geographic found that 91% of all plastic that has ever been made is not recycled, representing not only one of the biggest environmental problems of our lifetime, but another massive market failure. This is one driver of the 30% of commercially fished waters being classified as being overfished. The phytoplankton in the ocean provides 70% of the oxygen we breathe. It is the fast, low-density expansion from urban areas into agricultural or undeveloped areas. possible, recycling and repurposing, using solar power, etc. Satellite images produced by NASA have also shown how urban sprawl contributes to forest fragmentation, which often leads to total deforestation. While toilets may be available in most households, no sanitary means of disposing human waste exists. Much of this waste ends up in landfills, which generate enormous amounts of methane. An environmental survey can help you understand the levels of concern people might have around topics like air pollution, hazardous substances, and climate change. to reduce global overfishing in a historic deal. 1. caused by man. 3. This has led to many fishing fleets heading to new waters, which will only serve to deplete fish stocks further. Monumental amounts of clothing textile are also dumped in less developed countries as seen with Chiles Atacama, the driest desert in the world, whereat least 39,000 tonnes of textile waste from other nations are left there to rot. Hydroelectric dams are some of the biggest ecosystem changers in the world. 1. The natural resources that get used the fastest are: This is only set to increase as industrialization quickly progresses in population-dense nations like China and India. Assessment Primer: Analyzing the Community, Identifying Problems and Setting Goals is provided by the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America and the National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute.This helpful primer is designed to provide clear guidelines for anti-drug coalitions in defining their communities and assessing the real needs within them. Our country has a terrible waste management system. Cobalt mining, however, is associated withdangerous workers exploitation and other serious environmental and social issues. All these types of pollution are interlinked and influence each other. You might also like: Global Food Security: Why It Matters in 2023. The problems could either be in the water, soil, air or the three components of the atmosphere. 1. The answers can help you better educate audiences on vital issues related to air, waste, water, and weather patterns. , and increasing deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, just to name a few. These are mostly satellites. A strike can be an effective way to draw attention. The Antarctic ice pack is experiencing slightly higher than average snow melt during the 2022 melt season. Communities on waterways must ensure that the waterways are clean, fisheries are thriving, and natural resources are not overtaxed. This causes issues throughout the food chain and may lead to reductions in aquatic life that would otherwise not be affected by acidification. Vote (if you can) for politicians who will champion, Vote for parties or organisations that espouse self-reform and the adoption of . These five megatrends present major global threats for planet Earth problems that must be solved if the world is to remain a supportive habitat for humans and other species. Many problems were raised in the event, but following a close examination of the issues presented, the following top 5 problems were highlighted: 1. Online Resources. There are also environmental problems like fluorinated gases that have a large impact on the climate, but not directly on our health or wealth. This type of ecosystem destruction is seen as preferable to burning fossil fuels, and it probably is, but it isnt without consequences for the flora and fauna that are displaced by the construction and use. Also, trees can be a source of our materials and . Agriculture not only covers a vast amount of land, but it also consumes a vast amount of freshwater, another one of the biggest environmental problems on this list. Genetic Modification Soil Degradation and Contamination Waste Production Waste Disposal Population Growth Water Pollution Drinking Water Contamination Deforestation Urban Sprawl Overfishing Acid Rain Its hard to separate the cascade of effects into a step-by-step progression. Absence or incomplete data about their constituents. . Of all the current environmental issues in the U.S., global warming may be the most notable because its effects are so far-reaching. However, according to the 2019 OECD Tax Energy Use report, current tax structures are not adequately aligned with the pollution profile of energy sources. Although many environmental trends are grim, there exist clear paths forward toward a more sustainable world: one where people steward resources for the future and share habitat and resources generously with other species. In fact, El Nio is an ancient weather pattern that we cant control, but it does control the way we experience life and weather on this planet. It also disrupts the migration and feeding patterns of nocturnal animals. Laden with biocides and fertiliser, the soil ends up in waterways where it contaminates drinking water and protected areas downstream. Our non-renewable waste goes into landfills or gets burned. have also found that ocean acidification can be linked as one of the effects of plastic pollution in the ocean. The mayor demands and gets loyalty from the barangay captains. Besides for carbon sequestration, forests help to prevent soil erosion, because the tree roots bind the soil and prevent it from washing away, which also prevents landslides. Further, organisations such as the United Nations are not fit to deal with the climate crisis: it was assembled to prevent another world war and is not fit for purpose. Every change that we make to a river, lake, field, forest, plain, or mountain has an effect on the ecosystem in that area. Higher acidity in the ocean would obstruct coral reef systems ability to rebuild their exoskeletons and recover from these coral bleaching events. The Effects of Improper Waste Disposal. With most of the focus being placed on the carbon cycle, the effects of human use of nitrogen often slip under the radar. A major cause for food safety concerns is the global dependence on snacks and convenience foods. Of the 18.9 million fishermen in the world, 90% of them fall under the latter category. Hydroelectric dams harness one of our best sources of renewable energy, but they change the landscape at the same time. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The concrete and asphalt that typifies urban sprawl absorb heat during the day and emit it late into the night so these areas cant cool down. Cleaner Barangay, Cleaner Surigao To help the community maintain a clean surrounding. The ultimate solution existing in the country is the RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 which highlights the practices of segregation, proper disposal, and waste diversion. Here are some of the biggest environmental problems of our lifetime, from deforestation and biodiversity loss to food waste and fast fashion. The contributory issues that have to be addressed within the context of land use and development include the following: Low household income The land use plan shall create opportunities to maximize the income [] Even our efforts to harvest renewable energy sources like the sun, the wind, and running water end up causing ecosystem destruction. fertiliser), tilling is physically destructive to the soils structure and in the long-term leads to, soil compaction, loss of fertility and surface crust formation, With the global population expected to reach 9 billion people by mid-century, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) projects that global food demand may increase by. A report by science journal, Nature, determined that currently, roughly. Water Supply Problems: Resource Depletion. Since humans, plants, and animals all rely on these clean air and water sources for survival, the issue of . All water is vital to human survival, but drinking water is something that every person needs daily. According to Sedigo, various problems that affect water resource can be caused by development plans of local governments or even by a barangay within the watershed. With this, we would be able to reduce problems the barangay faces. report, current tax structures are not adequately aligned with the pollution profile of energy sources. Under the Local Government Code, "Local government units shall share with the national . Increased emissions of greenhouse gases have led to a rapid and steady increase in global temperatures, which in turn iscausing catastrophic events all over the world from Australia and the US experiencing some of the most devastating bushfire seasons ever recorded, locusts swarming across parts of Africa, the Middle East and Asia, decimating crops, and a heatwave in Antarctica that saw temperatures rise above 20 degrees for the first time. Wind turbines have some recyclable parts, especially in the turbine area. Maintain your career path but consider donating a portion of your income to organisations that are focused on achieving meaningful & impactful goals and call out your boss if the company or organisation you work for does not have clear policies that will result in reduced harm to the environment and a pathway to Net Zero. You should also read OSHA's handbook for small businesses. Here are some effective solutions to these problems: Invest in and encourage production of sustainable technology They should have more activities, seminars & programs that discuss about fire prevention and possible fire hazards. However the protecting the environment function may have been something some. A solution is to hold more barangay wide fire drills so they are aware & alert on what to do when there is a fire. Whenever problems arise in a certain barrio, a katarungang pambarangay is convened to settle disputes. Fisheries have to constrict harvesting further and further to ensure that fish populations can keep up with harvesting creating further hardships on fishing communities. Theworlds largest cobalt supplier is the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC), where it is estimated that up to a fifth of the production is produced through artisanal miners. The three countries experiencing the highest levels of deforestation are Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Indonesia. Overpopulation has become one of the major environmental issues in the world as it has been damaging the natural environment and increasing pollution. Nuclear energy supplies about 56% of the energy used in the United States. Some scientists have estimated coral reefs are at risk of being completely wiped by 2050. Once pH levels reach too low, marine organisms such as oysters, their shells and skeleton could even start to dissolve. While in 2022 the Arctic ice pack seems to be rising to some extent, it is still far below the median expected range. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that an estimated 4.2 to 7 million people die from air pollution worldwide every year and that nine out of 10 people breathe air that contains high levels of pollutants. Disposal of Wastes. Tamang sagot sa tanong: 1.in your barangay what are common environmental issues/problems?2.What are the effects of these problems in your barangay?3.What have you done to help your community? Landfill waste poses a huge problem as it has an economic and environmental impact, and secondly, due to the slow decomposition rate, which takes thousands of years, several acres of land has already been virtually rendered useless that could . However, even if all greenhouse gas emissions were halted immediately, global temperatures would continue to rise in the coming years. Meanwhile, the Antarctic continent contributes about 1 millimetre per year to sea level rise, which is a third of the annual global increase. Whether it's something small like starting a community clean-up group, or building a large social organization with significant reach and impact, taking . Terms like climate change and genetic modification are commonplace, but without additional information, it is difficult to see why they actually matter. Some of the youth in our barangay are assess with low reading comprehension To conduct summer tutorials, programs in reading comprehension to develop their skins. We need the mineral resources that we extract from the ground for everything we produce including wind turbines and solar panels. You might also like: The Tipping Points of Climate Change: How Will Our World Change? https%3A%2F%2Fearth.org%2Fthe-biggest-environmental-problems-of-our-lifetime%2F. In Barangay Pagkakaisa, all households interviewed have individual toilets. The world generates 300 million tonnes of plastic waste each year. But signing on to it is voluntary, and there are no real repercussions for non-compliance. There are two main problems with the barangay system. The more we can exchange these things for renewables the better off well be. The Many Benefits, Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy in MEDICINE, Causes for Overpopulation in South Africa (2023). Space pollution is an up-and-coming crisis for our planet. LACK OF JOBS SOLUTION: 1. Over three billion people around the world rely on fish as their primary source of protein. Many plants and animals will change habitats and replenish themselves in the area, but some wont. Additionally, the last fully intact ice shelf in Canada in the Arctic recently collapsed, having lost about 80 square kilometres or 40% of its area over a two-day period in late July, Sea level rise will have a devastating impact on those living in coastal regions: according to research and advocacy group Climate Central, sea level rise this century could flood coastal areas that are now home to. Consider movements like 2017's People's Climate March in Washington, D.C. Gloria Estenzo Ramos March 23,2015 - 11:31 AM. The smallest change in the pH scale can have a significant impact on the acidity of the ocean. Whats worse is that biomass power plants also contribute to greenhouse emissions. Biodiversity is the variety of all types of life on planet earth. The Amazon, Agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, another one of the biggest environmental problems appearing on this list. Joining a community can be one of the best ways to increase your impact. This means that the stock of available fishing waters is being depleted faster than it can be replaced. In 2020, transportation accounted for 27% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Sea turtle mothers dont want to lay their eggs near artificial light. tlh5590 on April 13, 2017. Environmental News, Data Analysis, Research & Policy Solutions. Some of The planets population grows by 1.13% per year, which works out to 80 million new people yearly. 1. A wider area, practical location of these centers (each district), more centers must be built to ensure the safety and easy access of these facilities during calamities. The Amazon, the worlds largest rainforest spanning 6.9 million square kilometres (2.72 million square miles) and covering around 40% of the South American continent is also one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems and is home to about three million species of plants and animals. It is completely clean energy. 8 Practical Tips to Maximize Efficiency in Real Estate Investing Reconsider your career path, with excellent advice, Protest make your feelings known become a vocal and passionate advocate with friends and family (without being over pushy) of the need for climate action. 2021 Words. Co-ownership, ride sharing, alternative transportation (bike, scooter, moped, etc. Pollutants in the air also cause issues such as respiratory disease. All living things need this abundant gas, but too much can be a bad thing. These trees are lost. One of the most common problem in the Barangay Mojon Tampoy is the improper waste disposal, which could affect the current living of the residents of the barangay. It is estimated that nitrogen fertilizers are the primary cause of excess nitrogen that contaminates inland waterways and marine estuaries. In mining regions, scientists have made note of high radioactivity levels. Conclusion : Environmental Issues in the Philippines The Philippines is prone to natural disasters, particularly typhoons, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis, lying as it does astride the typhoon belt, in the active volcanic region known as the "Pacific Ring of Fire," and in the . 3. Stop smoking but not try suddenly stop it fastly. . Furthermore, it also has negative effects on coastal communities that rely on fishing to support their economies. For example, there has been a 90% reduction in the Monarch butterfly population in the United States which can be linked to weed killers that contain glyphosate. PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS ENCOUNTERED BY THE COMMUNITY, 2015by Group Three of Junior A. On a global scale, 2 million tons of sewage, and agricultural and industrial waste enter the worlds water every day. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . However, these renewables have their own toxic waste that the world has to grapple with. Preliminary studies have identified a, between COVID-19-related mortalities and air pollution and there is also a plausible association of airborne particles assisting the viral spread. Water is one of our top 5 natural resources and crucial to life on earth, yet more sources are being polluted through human activities each year. To cut emissions quickly and effectively enough, governments must not only massively increase funding for green innovation to bring down the costs of low-carbon energy sources, but they also need to adopt a range of other policies that address each of the other market failures. Much of the US drinking water is contaminated by chemicals, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, bleach, and pesticides. From melting glaciers to more intense hurricanes, Earth's rising temperatures are causing any number of negative effects on both local climates, weather patterns, and nearly every community in . The garbage problem in Bulacan worsened when the only road leading to the sanitary landfill in Barangay Paradise in the City of San Jose Del Monte was closed due to severe damage last May 24. Solution: For the safety of the people in Sun Valley Barangay, they should develop and build more rehabilitation and evacuation centers for emergencies or when calamities strike the place. Lets examine the 30 biggest environmental issues facing our planet today and why they should matter to you. environmental problems. Possible Solution Government has many actions when it comes to the canals, actually they have done a project last year, and they added two canals in Barangay Sto. This is enough to feed 3 billion people. This is enough to feed 3 billion people. As higher concentrations of carbon emissions are released thanks to human activities such as burning fossil fuels as well as effects of global climate change such as increased rates of wildfires, so do the amount of carbon dioxide that is absorbed back into the sea. Furthermore, exposed and lifeless soil is more vulnerable to wind and water erosion due to lack of root and mycelium systems that hold it together. The use of paper should be avoided. However, all of the fiberglass turbine blades and the massive towers end up in the landfill. 2. The increased population makes it easier for viruses and bacteria to adapt and spread rapidly. A national carbon tax is currently implemented in 27 countries around the world, including various countries in the EU, Canada, Singapore, Japan, Ukraine and Argentina. Here are some ways in which you can take control of your future, and protect our environment and ecosystems: 1. Water pollution is a major problem in the Philippines. Pollution. Environmental problems like oil spills, deforestation, and poverty need to be solved in and of themselves. We must protect it from environmental issues as much as we can. The moves are tactical (dole-outs, feeding programs) than strategic or long-term. Solar panel retirement is a global pollution problem. In terms of water security, only 3% of the worlds water is fresh water, and two-thirds of that is tucked away in frozen glaciers or otherwise unavailable for our use. By donating us $100, $50 or subscribe to Boosting $10/month we can get this article and others in front of tens of thousands of specially targeted readers. The waste is already can be seen in everywhere, like roads, near houses and even infront of the homes that causes not a appropriate odor that will lead also for such diseases and problems. The report attributes this biodiversity loss to a variety of factors, but mainly land-use change, particularly the conversion of habitats, like forests, grasslands and mangroves, into agricultural systems. Much work is being done to educate equatorial farmers about the importance of land management. By 2015, this annual production swelled to 419 million tons and exacerbating plastic waste in the environment. The scientists say that without the human destruction of nature, this rate of loss would have taken thousands of years. The key is that they are all important challenges that need to be confronted. The issue of the melting of polar ice caps is a contentious one. Solution: The population in Sun Valley Barangay increases rapidly. Support environmental friendly practices. 3. The following alphabetical list shows some of the main known environmental issues by major topic title: Air quality (air pollution, ozone pollution, ties to human health with asthma, diesel emissions, etc. are cut down. One of the biggest environmental problems today is outdoor air pollution. 1. Reducing solid waste is reducing the amount of trash that goes to landfills. Here are some of the biggest environmental problems of our lifetime, from deforestation and biodiversity loss to food waste and fast fashion. these wasted per household, for a cleaner & healthier environment for its people to live in. Here are the common problems/issues: Very few smart leaders. A single atom of either has the potential to destroy thousands of ozone molecules before leaving the stratosphere. Air pollution is becoming an increasingly dangerous problem, particularly in heavily-populated cities. energy intensity. 4. Environmental problems caused by man-made chemicals are clear. Food waste and loss account for a third of greenhouse gas emissions annually, harming wildlife habitats and the animals, 8 Shocking Plastic Pollution Statistics to Know About, three million species of plants and animals, 10 Deforestation Facts You Should Know About, Greenland Ice Sheet poses the greatest risk, Two-Thirds of Worlds Glaciers Set to Disappear by 2100 Under Current Global Warming Scenario. Agriculture not only covers a vast amount of land, but it also consumes a vast amount of freshwater, another one of the biggest environmental problems on this list. ); Biodiversity (conservation of biological diversity) However, it produces waste. Furthermore, exposed and lifeless soil is more vulnerable to wind and water erosion due to lack of root and mycelium systems that hold it together. Conserve water and electricity. The Greenland ice sheet continues with moderate levels of summer melting. Ozone Depletion, Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming 2. What are some environmental problems barangay. Solution: A lack of biodiversity means that future generations will have to deal with the increased vulnerability of plants to pests and fewer sources of fresh water. Mining is carried out globally and gives us everything from table salt and diamonds to coal and uranium. Deforestation 4. 2. Just like what Barangay Taloto ,Tagbiliran is experiencing. If this pattern continues there could be significant coastal flooding in the next 100 years and contamination of drinking water in low-lying areas. Our oceans absorb about 30% of carbon dioxide that is released into the Earths atmosphere. Causes of air pollution mostly comes from industrial sources and motor vehicles, as well as emissions from burning biomass and poor air quality due to dust storms. Before we start colonizing the moon and other planets in our solar system we have to learn to take care of the space we have. The UN secretary-general Antnio Guterres says, Unless immediate action is taken, it is increasingly clear that there is an impending global food security emergency that could have long term impacts on hundreds of millions of adults and children. He urged for countries to rethink their food systems and encouraged more sustainable farming practices. The past 50 years have seen a rapid growth of human consumption, population, global trade and urbanisation, resulting in humanity using more of the Earths resources than it can replenish naturally. This is because all life on planet earth is intertwined and dependent on each other for balance and survival. In Europe, a recent report from the EUs environment agency showed that air pollution contributed to 400 000 annual deaths in the EU in 2012 (the last year for which data was available). . Still, waste production and disposal are two of the major local environmental issues that every community has to come to terms with. 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environmental problems and solutions in a barangay