how to soften an intense personality

"Excuse me. When we have rigid and unrealistic views on what we should look like in the mirror we cant possibly feel soft and feminine as we are constantly feeling disappointed with ourselves. My emotions are more on an even keel with fewer lows. Fair enough, too. Ive become too hard. Ive walked in those shoes. You dont need validation from others. To be an intense person, you are likely to have some of the above emotions, desires, and behaviors. What I really needed was more gentle exercise to nourish and restore my body, not rip it apart and stress it more. Thats a special task, but it can often seem exhausting. Sometimes, a child acting moody may lead someone to label them as intense. Pearl Nash 3: Allow them to speak without interfering. Anytime you are meeting a group of people for the first time, introduce yourself by telling them your name with soft eye contact A highly sensitive person (HSP) is a neurodivergent individual who is thought to have an increased or deeper central nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional, or social stimuli. Ignore their bad manners, just pay attention to the special points in their speech. The key here is gently and lovingly closing the door on that relationship. You have a built-in radar for the real motives behind someones nice behavior. They could turn their intensity against you. And you resent being told you shouldnt feel as much because theyre not real. Theyre real to you. I used to beat myself up about missing a class and fear of instantly blowing up like an air bag. And having a group of kids together can be tiresome for many even, and maybe especially for, parents (amirite?). If its a relationship, it might be time to re-evaluate. As an A-type personality, uber driven, organised and ambitious person, who always excelled at anything I put my mind to, soft is not a word that would ever have been used (either by myself or anyone else) to describe me. I receive a commission if you choose to purchase anything after clicking on them. If youre an intense person, you probably have a small circle of people you trust and who love and accept you as you are. But, deep down, an intense person is likely more misunderstood than anything. Ive gotten myself out lots of jams by buckling down and pursuing goals with pure intensity. Choose exercises that you genuinely enjoy and make you feel good. You only want to spend time with people who actually add to your life. Applying the Bare-Minimum Monday Philosophy to Relationships, Mass Shooters and the Myth That Evil Is Obvious, Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters, The Psychological Risks of Cancer Screening. When a favorite character in a novel or movie dies, you grieve as heart-rendingly as you would for a friend. It meant learning to love myself wholeheartedly again and pouring my energies into meaningful, soul-enriching work (point 2 above) and cultivating a healthy and sustainable relationship with food (point 3 above). Both make the world better than it would be without them. Your deep and complex mind needs new information to feed itself. These powerful emotions might cause them to feel out of control or entirely overwhelmed. With these kinds of people, its best to try to avoid engaging in any kind of debate or argument. Taking things slow isnt a bad thing, and if it feels like things are getting too intense too quickly in a relationship, then they probably are. You know that its superficial, fleeting and ultimately meaningless. They even love gossiping and talking about other people behind their back. And if anyone asks how you feel, you dont sugarcoat it for them. They are highly sensitive people who are complex, sensual, and passionate. Moderating how much you see someone gives you time to start missing them again and get excited about the next time youll be together. Word choice is important to you, and you feel the nuances in every syllable you speak. Some people just cant lose an argument, and being on the other side of that can be seriously intense. Its ok to need to take a step back from someone if youre finding them a bit intense, but its best to watch out for the signs before you start to feel too emotionally and physically exhausted. Intense personality types fit more than one MBTI (Myers Briggs type inventory) category. Youd rather live with integrity and keep your complexity and depth about you. If you find yourself in any kind of relationship with someone who is bordering on obsessive, remind them to come up for air once in a while and encourage them to try something new with you. Intensity can be a force for good, said Nemko. And whats so bad about being a strong-willed personality, anyway? A movement where women are recognising their divine power (rather than always playing small), and acknowledging their sexiness (rather than hiding it or being ashamed of it). We can become better versions of ourselves. That means that some people are going to take a step to the left when you blow through their world, but thats okay. March 1, 2023, 10:52 am, by Practice forgiving others as well as yourself. Some are more quietly intense while others are loud and proud of their passionate natures. Softening into nutrition doesnt mean throwing caution to the wind and eating gluten if youre a celiac, or eating foods that will set back your medical or digestive condition. 15 Best Personality Development Activities for Students, 13 Personality Traits of a Horrible Employee | Learnizia, How Does Personality Influence Leadership Style | Learnizia. Even if you are underweight you will insist that you are fat or overweight or need to lose a few kilos. Some people are outgoing, but others are incredibly fearful. For example, someone who was easy to get along with could become irritable. Its why people both love and hate you. Far better to have one epic love that lasts a few years at the most than to have a decades-long committed relationship thats comfortable but devoid of passion. You have more important things to do. When you really become attune with your body and listen to its cues, you know what it needs. Focusing on the way your body feels during a yoga session. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A simple conversation about the weather turns to a deep conversation on global warming, and a chat about a new job turns into a re-evaluation of their entire life. Being hard, it seems, it not something that the women of today want to be. Or have we women lost our way in the busi-ness of modern life on a quest to be all things to all people wearing multiple hats (especially the single mums among us)? Its important to remind them that these things can often be hard to control. You are willing to tolerate painful realities that others might shy away from. You dont bother to sugar coat things, and see your honesty as a positive trait about you. Fear wont stop you. It's not uncommon for a Pisces to begin crying during an argument or to shut down completely. As an aside, I am very frequently asked why I chose Young Living essential oils. I also started looking and feeling more masculine and less feminine with larger biceps and traps and more bulky muscles in general. So when I set up my own house at 23 and right up until recently, on when bright lights, all over the house once it got even slightly dark. Youll know it when a good relationship comes along because it wont feel forced and youll feel like you can be yourself. by I could smash out more blogs, have published 5 cook books by now and have umpteen online programs if I squeezed an extra few hours of work into my evenings but I have chosen, instead, to sleep. If they cant be consistent in their behavior to you, then they must be faking some of it. So I started, slowly, reducing night time exposure to artificial light by making a few sleep hygiene changes. You tend to be clingy with your closest relationships. Thats why you take the time to get to know someone. Instead, roll with it. Understand that the person in You inherently know that its your greatest stepping stone to success. If you feel disconnected with yourself, you are standing on rocky ground. You love to learn and expand your mind. As you can imagine, that behavior isnt always well-received. The Art of Softening (and the 10 ways that I have softened) It wont work. Or have we women simply lost a connection with ourselves and our very essence our divine feminine- that trickles down to all aspects of our lives? Some people may feel uncomfortable in social circumstances. One of your greatest delights is in learning more about things that matter to you. I guess what each of these 10 points have in common is this: they are all guiding us to live a life that more closely resembles how we are designed to live. You use descriptive language to express your thoughts and feelings with others. Thats not a bad thing though deep women are willing to wait for someone who can handle them. If you are going through something extremely stressful and already doing lots of functional movement through day to day life (like setting up a retail shop with 13 staff just sayin), then frequent and intense exercise will simply be an extra stressor on your already stressed out body. Do you ever come away from seeing someone feeling absolutely exhausted? The thing with dramatic people is that they are well dramatic. Sign up for Scary Mommy's daily newsletter for more stories from the trenches. Theres a time and a place for serious conversations, but intense people cant always find the right balance. You are a reflection of whom you befriend and your friends are a reflection of you. We only have so much of ourselves to share around and you should surround yourself with people who bring a richness to your life, not leave you feeling drained. After all, growth only happens when you escape your comfort zone. 10 Minute Wellness Activities You Can Do Anywhere. They are a powerfully potent extract of the life force of the plant and without them the plant wouldnt exist (hence the term essential). There is only so much you can talk about the same thing with someone, especially if its an interest you dont share. 3. They make great mates. Our mission is to empower people through comprehensive knowledge, and skills to achieve their full potential. Even when those who dont understand them make hurtful assumptions. Intense people are proud of their forceful personalities, even if it makes some people uncomfortable. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. For you, thats superficial and meaningless. That said, if your intensity is making it hard to be in a relationship, here are some tips on how to balance it: Now that youve learned more about intense personality traits, how many of them resonated with you? If you are described as intense, remember that many others might not always know how to deal with you. People think youre rude because you wont engage in banality with them. It is more difficult to seek out people who you feel a connection with because you dont even know what you stand for or what makes you tick. It was founded by Lachlan Brown in 2016. This is especially true of men in relation to women: men say they want a deep and complex woman, but when it comes down to it, they just get scared off by the intensity of the womans personality. So if you take the view that sleep and circadian rhythm- is fundamentally important to our health, then anything that hinders or disturbs that like artificial blue lights at night- is something to be taken very seriously. Notice how your energy instantly changes when you step outside. Looking back now I cant even relate to the person who I was -that 48kg woman standing 168cm tall. I used to think my friends who were all into blue blocking glasses and amber lights were too OTT. To purchase these oils (which are the purest and the most powerful on earth) and become a wholesale customer with 24% discount refer to this blog here. You also tend to be hyper-sensitive to others attempts at manipulation, calling it out or shamelessly sabotaging their efforts. Theyre driven by passion, and when they feel passionate about something, they give it their all. Unwittingly, through these soft lights, my nervous system started softening as I started getting used to this visual softness. If these are the natural consequence of eating a wholefoods diet and leading a fit and healthy life, then kudos to you sister! Like me on Facebook to see more articles like this in your feed. Although you and others can see the beauty and positive qualities of your emotional intensity, there are times when you may want to dial it back or you may need to due to the situation. Authenticityas you see it manifests as consistency. It could be seen as a negative quality if others perceive you as an intimidating person. Im bossy. You know that thinking for yourself and developing your opinions based on research are some of the most important qualities one can have. Because you like to understand things at a deeper level, you are naturally curious. You want to spend as much time as possible with your favorite people even if youre not always talking to them. A group of psychologists at the University of Cambridge say that your preference in cognitive style is inextricably linked to your taste in music. But moody is so reductive. Nobody is. 15 Signs Of Intense Personality You May Have, How to become less Angry When Its Necessary. You see them for who they truly are. Youre a creative and complex thinker. An intense person isnt always bad news they can be incredibly loyal and driven. However, there are some strong personalities that the adults in your life may have told you about them since you were young. Youve learned to accept yourself as you are and not to sweat the uninformed opinions of those whose expectations you dont meet. You make eye contact to fully engage the other person, as well as to engage yourself and pay close attention to every nuance of their reaction. Essential oils are what I call nature in a bottle. If they talk over you or dont give you sufficient time to engage in a conversation, theyre missing the normal social cues of conversing. Perhaps you already suspect this, but you arent sure what it entails to be emotionally powerful. Simply put, it is because independent research shows time and again that they are of the highest quality the world over. Your email address will not be published. You like consistency or, rather, you expect it. Art, music, dance, nature, and other forms of beauty speak to you on a soul-level. May your growing self-knowledge enrich and strengthen all your relationships. While intense personalities may turn some people off, many more people want to learn to communicate with them better. Ask them questions, for example, "What do you think is the wisest idea?". The caring professions. 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Id love to hear your thoughts on the above and any other ways that you have softened and tapped into your feminine. Required fields are marked *. Lachlan Brown To harness that, when dealing with an intense person, don't compete with that or try to tamp it down. When we minimise the gap between our biology and our environment, we can function properly, perform our best and reach our true potential. Youre a sucker for an epic romance, and you want one of your own. When someones interests are centered around just one thing, it occupies the bulk of their time and thoughts, and can become wearing for an outsider. 6. You have a lot of inner drive (or fire). Beating yourself up with self talk like How on earth am I going to get through the thousand things I need to do right now; no one is helping me; I cant believe how much laundry is produced by this family; here we go AGAIN with school lunches; what the hell am I going to cook for dinner; why cant anyone pick up after themselves around here; Im such a failure; is this ALL I have achieved in life; nothing I do turns out right; Im never going to find a partner etc etc only serves to make us feel resentful, unhappy and hard. Intense personalities can be difficult to live with. Few people actually believe they're as forceful as they are. We start to feel more connected with ourselves. Theyre not shy about expressing their thoughts and feelings, even when others dont share them or appreciate them. If you feel like youre starring in the latest crime drama and are stuck in a confession room rather than having a catch up with your friend or partner, then it sounds like youre dealing with someone who has an intense personality. Essential oils like Lavender or the blend Stress Away have a powerfully calming effect on your mental state, taking the edge off stress and anxiety. Simply put, both groups feel things a little differently than their peers. Did you like my article? What you do know is you absolutely hate it when others tell you to lighten up or calm down or chill.. They can also richly reward those who see past the difficult moments to the generous heart behind them. Why do I need to be less intense (to please others)? Why should I be less intense (to please someone else)? Its not a makeup mistake. 4: Engage them in the discussion, such as, What is your advice in this matter?. People who enrich me no end. I didnt expect this. Either way, too much negativity too often can be exhausting for the both of you. If this passion is making marriage difficult, here are some suggestions for balancing it: It is possible for an individual to become overwhelmed despite their senses. Your intensity doesnt always manifest as aggression, but you dont back down from a fight or an argument. And as females, if our very nature is to be soft and feminine, we can better connect with that side of us. It can also affect their mental health. Theres only one way to slice this loaf of bread: you are too intense for some people. Or how many reminded you of someone you know and love? Learn Which Types Are The Brainiest, 21 Soul-Crushing Signs He Is Not The One For You (Even If You Love Him), Guys, Dont Ignore These 17 Signs Of An Emotionally Immature Woman, 31 Ridiculous Things Covert Narcissists Say in an Argument, Make Some Happy Today With These 41 Bliss-Inducing Ideas, 17 Signs Hes Hurting After Your Break-Up, Does Your Guy Run Hot And Cold? Youre all in, and youd alienate the world to have your friends back. If someone is asking for more from a relationship than they are investing back into it emotionally, then you should take a step back from them and question what you are really getting out of it. And you expect those who actually care about you to listen and at least try to understand. You feel polluted when youre not completely and even painfully honest. It becomes unhealthy when your opponent cant appreciate any other view than their own. You dont want to focus on petty issues like whos dating who and what so and so are up to. After all, what is wrong with having a strong personality? Dont expect others (even those you love) to always understand you. You yearn to find the truth in all situations, even if its uncomfortable for you and those around you. You dont feel a need to conform to someone elses idea of how you should be. Your powerful thought processes, intuition, and perceptions allow you to see things more quickly and clearly than most. When I diffuse them in my house they immediately whisk me away to chill out land. Intense people dont need or even want an easy path to success. If this isnt mutual, then someone is going to start feeling neglected or taken advantage of and that can be the beginning of the end. You love life and you love living life to the fullest. We should understand them and not comment on them negatively. Ever. SOULLA CHAMBERLAIN2021. Youve come to recognize narcissists and other toxic people and have learned to be careful of whom you confide in. If its a friendship, try to find an activity you can concentrate on together or simply limit the time you spend with them. I personally skimped on sleep for a very long time at various points in my life, and saw the impact it had on my health. 5. Those who expect you to tone it down 24-7 so they can be more comfortable around you arent going to accept you as you are, anyway. If you have an intense person on the team, you can feel good knowing theyll likely pour themselves into the project on hand. It all stems back to this: if you dont love yourself youve wont ever be happy with how you look in the mirror no matter how toned, thin or svelte you are and no matter if everyone else is telling you how freakin awesome and sexy you look. Food is not just a source of nourishment and energy, it is also very much a source of pleasure. Their opinions of you dont matter. They offer their help to others readily. Sit down and watch Netflix? Learn more about the beneficial characteristics of other people. Softening my view on my body image means that: Hallelujah sister! Ive met some of my best friends by being intense. You speak with conviction and without fear. Noticing the tastes and textures of your food while you eat a meal. It could be with a person, activity, or a cause, but theres usually something they are fanatical about. Even if exposure to artificial light does not effect your ability to fall asleep, and hence you think you dont need to protect yourself with blue blockers and amber lights, then think again. | But everyone is different. So while most people struggle to get you, when you do meet someone who operates on the same frequency as you, the connection ignites like two burning flames crossing paths. You may be naturally intense. If you are interested in. However, those rules are frequently challenging to implement. People having a misinformed opinion is a big problem in the age of automated sensualized newsfeeds that are stuck in a bubble. And when someone makes you aware of something youve overlooked, you will go overboard in your zeal to learn everything you can. or innocent (anything that started with a 4). People who are more in touch with their feelings can naturally come across as too intense because they can tap into their emotions more easily and talk about them freely. Life Up. But this is how you find your tribe. Softening into nutrition means that I certainly dont ever punish myself through starvation, or skimping on meals or gorging myself until I feel sick. Ltd. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. You can set your address, phone number, email and site description in the settings tab.Link to read me page with more information. 14. If you cant seem to have a normal, emotionally-neutral conversation with them anymore or you feel pressured into sharing when you arent comfortable doing so, its worth addressing this or taking a step back from the situation. But now, youll have to figure out how to control it. Those who feel like they may have an intense personality will need to learn exercises to harness their intensity. It appalls you when someone is content to remain ignorant. 29. They possess an incredible sense of wonder about the world and feel great compassion and empathy for others. Changing my inner dialogue from largely negative to largely positive has had a huge impact on making me feel happier, softer, and more feminine. 22. "Lighten up. Here are some of the most obvious character traits of an intense person. Your deep personality allows you to be friends with yourself and understand what you need from relationships. How did this happen? Right up to the point of bedtime, when I then expected my bedazzled body to instantly fall asleep. Remember that despite a style that rubs most people the wrong way, their intentions and often results are at least as worthy as are those of laid-back people. 2. Because you are in touch with yourself, you are better able to spot the frauds in the room. We live with our motto "Skills Up. This broad category includes careers such as nurse, doctor, and physical therapist, as well as social workers, psychotherapists, and personal coaches. Sleep is profoundly powerful. Youve already achieved the first step in acknowledging it. 5: Show care and love for them despite their problematic personality traits. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Pearl Nash This can intimate a lot of people who prefer to watch TV and let their mind melt. March 1, 2023, 6:39 am. WebToo intense. Just make sure they arent so caught up in their own emotions that they lose touch with reality. If you show them respect and make a point to listen, youll often see a softer side. Youre fully capable of keeping yourself entertained without anyone elses attention or admiration. Few though they may be, theyre your tribe. Like everyone, intense people want to be accepted for who they are. In humans, the theory that light exposure at night increases breast cancer risk leads to specific predictions that are being tested epidemiologically: evidence has accumulated on risk in shift workers, risk in blind women, and the impact of sleep duration on risk. You dont worry about what other people think of you. Webhow to soften an intense personality INTRO OFFER!!! Or you may be that person and wish you could be more fun and social. It requires a firm to resolve and get to the finish line when things get rough. 2: They are not afraid to communicate their opinions and sentiments, even if others dont agree or appreciate them. 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how to soften an intense personality