jean x reader rejection

Good thing we have showers. The red head is currently gathered at Bakugou's desk with the rest of his close group. Its Kirstein. He said instead, opting to not find out the hard way. Its not everyday I meet one, Jean thought. Thats actually offensive. Of course she would. Because! Sasha exclaimed defensively. Um, what? Did you hear the heavenly music? Jean was just a block away from her dorm when his phone buzzed in his pocket. She was down to earth, smart, and easy on the eyes. Theyre so good, and they arent lopsided and sloppy like Ymirs.. The only sound that resonates is his harsh breathing. Probably. Jean agreed. A noise complaint was the least of her desires at this moment. Reiner? She asked, somewhat in disbelief. Jean rolled his eyes. 45 guests He says reaching a hand out to you. It was hard for Jean to focus when she smelled so good and was at a certain angle. So, um, Ill keep in contact.. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Porco tossed his duffle bag over his shoulder. There goes another pang in your chest. You wish one day you could be the fire that lights up his eyes, or the cause of his smile and his relaxation. It was good. M-U-E-nster. Rn nothing traumatic is happening but man its like this fic WANTS to be delayed lol. Three, I cant invite all of his friends and not him. The next thing you know, the door opens and there's a rush of wind. Once Reiner and Jean safely secured the couch to Reiners truck bed, they returned to the dorm room. So what do you guys want?. "Hmm?" Did he cheat? Sasha whispered to Historia. The red head glances at you and directs his attention towards the T.V. The trick is to make your hands sweaty.. Im sorry about the late notice, I just didnt want to leave you hanging since it was my idea, after all. Y/N hummed in agreement. Jean shook his head and flicked her arm. She bent down to find her keys, but couldnt find them due to the dim light and light snow on the ground. Tsu likes to call it stalking, but you ignore it to keep from the intrusive thoughts. This is the worst chapter Ive written so far I honestly do not like it one bit LOL so please dont use this to judge how the story will go from now on. Flinching, Y/N turned to face Ymir, whos arm was around Historia on the non-Porco couch. Even freezing and with a pseudo-stache, Jean managed to be attractive. This was much better.. seriously, the best readers I could ask for. She was leaning against her car door, arms crossed. He practically bolted the next couple of feet to her dorm, the adrenaline rush he felt not dying down as he made his way to her street. He didnt sound too confident in his answer. Pulling out her phone, Y/N found herself re-reading her and Jeans messages. Reiner shook his head, eyes widened in fear. "Woah, are you ok (last name)?" Plastering a fake smile on her face, she just nodded. Thats rude. You might just burst if you see him in the halls. Jean was on the phone with his mother, who called at that exact moment and decided it was a good time to scold him about not calling for a week and a half. The cold was unforgiving, but Jean wanted to give Y/N some time to respond in case she decided he didnt want him to come over after all. Upon picking it up, her display screen illuminated with notifications. See, that wasnt so bad, Ymir chided. Kirishima said with his eyebrows going up a little. We all saw you canoodling., No, we werent. Y/N grumbled, washing the dishes., Historia giggled. Eren On second thought, not Eren. Jean nodded. y/n: hey!! HIII GREET ME NICELY UWU OWO /sar introducing a new uhh thing whatevr anyways hope the people who managed to click on this and say "hm.. this lopoks so interesting!!1112!11121@!@!" Sasha shook her head begrudgingly. And nice to see you too, Historia., Ive been pretty good, Ymir responded. Jean mentally congratulated himself for the step he took when he followed Y/N. Marco, dude. Armin, Connie, even Sasha. So forgetful? Its not that, its just You knew what Porco did and said behind my back and you just never told me. At first he thought it was a strong platonic affection but that eventually changed. Your favorite characters hunt you down under the command of a false god, only a few remain at your side. It gives you such a gut-retching feeling whenever he looks like this. love you all xx, taglist: @usernamehere91 @calumsfringe @tsunderehokage. jean kirstein x black!fem!reader One time Ymir tried to convince her that lactose intolerance didnt exist. But she couldnt help the desire. Duh, Jean mocked, staring at Y/N and placing his empty plate on the counter. She did feel a bit disappointed Jean hadnt responded. Oh, okay. Y/N replied. The midget or the blonde?, Y/N giggled. Why were you selling it? Marco asked enthusiastically. And I obviously just got back from class, bozo. No, I get it. But Y/N could tell he was curious. Reiner turned a deep red. He glanced at Y/N, mouthing a quick hold on. But now that Im here, I-I would love to work for you. Thanks, Reiner. Jean waved his hand at her. Or do they? You can thank me later for saving your ass, if it werent for me you wouldve skipped your classes- Connie was making his way out the door before he realized Jean wasnt paying attention, frantically scrolling on his phone. He walked out, keys jangling, and shut the door gently. Great, you thought "What was wrong with you?" grasping the orange juice box within your left hand you squeezed until bubbles began to form from the tiny hole you poked the straw through, a cold but pleasant breeze blew up gently lifting your skirt and rusling your long (c/h) hair behind you. He concluded he had been blocked. *(sleep schedule go brrr, oop-)*I will NOT DO NON-CON, UNDERAGE, INCEST, PEDOPHILIA OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. No harm or hurt feelings. Well, you seem to be assertive. He wasnt one to turn down hot beverages. We almost had her, too. Now it was Jeans turn to laugh at Sashas antics. The walk back to the elevator is like a walk of shame, though, you hold your head high fighting the tears. Wait, Jean! She walked over to the breakfast table, digging into her pink Coach shoulderbag. In seconds, he's covered the distance between you two, feet stomping against the floor loud enough to gather the attention of most in the classroom. After you dramatically die or something of course. Groaning, she turned to her side, where her phone was charging. Well, it feels like a funeral in here! Ymir said defensively. Sorry for the hostility, I just never expected you to be here. Y/N admitted. He's naturally self-destructive. It was kinda last minute. Y/N gestured to the papers and textbooks lining the small coffee table and blankets strewn every which way as she made her way to the kitchen to presumably give Jean some hot chocolate. He looked at TikToks about icks, and no matter how hard he imagined Y/N in those situations, he couldnt ever be grossed out by it. as well as And as a pre-law. Hello, Jean croaked. At this thought you feel sick. He didnt want to get hurt, but he also didnt want Y/N to be the one to get away. Marco chuckled. Y/N rasied her eyebrows. Your point? Y/N placed her hand on her hip, butterknife in her hand. What do you want?, Im not sure, Y/N responded. Jean raised an eyebrow, flipping the card to the back. Sasha groaned. He was prone to a quick haircut, a bad dye job, sometimes even full length chops of his dirty blonde hair. He was going to hang out with Y/N! Bubblegum- Jean Kirstein X Reader by zeninclan 220K 3.8K 17 Going into your Sophomore year of college, you start a job at a small auto mechanic shop. Is this what the contestants of American Idol feel like? a/n: hey guys!! And what the ever living fuck was that Tsu?" Jean gulped. / All you ever wanted to do was to travel Teyvat and study the unique plants around the seven regions and most of the time that is what you do, but as of late you start to find yourself getting involved with rather troublesome individuals. Oh! Suddenly, Y/N set his cup down in front of him. Im not ready to say goodbye. she grumbled sleepily. Aw, if I didnt know any better, Id say you consider me a friend., But to answer your question, peasant, I do not actually have somewhere better to be. Even better! He stepped out the door. Jean continued laughing, the sight of Reiners red face, embarrassment clear, only fueling his laughing fit. Y/N nodded, bending over into Jeans line of sight almost unassumingly. She leaned against the kitchen counter, staring pointedly at him. His pencil is in the same color spectrum as his eraser and his notebooks are color coded. Look, Y/N, Reiner started awkwardly. Regardless, she had her own stuff to figure out before she could even look at Jean as a potential candidate for her significant other. Come in! Y/N shouted. It was a pic of Historia as a kid, wearing a hot pink feather boa with a pink plastic cellphone against her ear. As Jean wept, the camel from the Carnivals petting zoo suddenly spoke. Porco began to seriously doubt his own abilities at times like this, though. Ill be there. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself to think through it logically, he failed. You look back at her and furrow your eyebrows in thought. Work Search: Interesting.. People. You are stunned and stuck in your place in the chair. Uh, huh. Jean replied, not believing it, more so hoping it was just a joke. He clenches his jaw hard. He tried to stretch but hit his arms against the trucks roof. Ymir, Historia. One of them, though, stood out the most. when I first started this I never thought so many people would like it. Yeah. Y/N responded meekly. It was really nice meeting you, Marco.. So, Y/N! Here! She produced a small pink invite, extending it to Jean. You say turning your whole body to her and crossing your arms. But I will warn you, however, that tardiness doesnt slide so easily here.. His legs were cramped as well. I love hot chocolate. Jean reassured Y/N. Jean awoke from his nightmare, drenched in sweat. Great for her, but Porco was in deep shit if he couldnt get the couch back. Jean (Genshin Impact)/Reader (100) Diluc (Genshin Impact)/Reader (57) Kaeya (Genshin Impact)/Reader (55) Lisa (Genshin Impact . He got even more flustered, looking away from her too. He was pretty sure he could miss one day it was just a review day, after all. Sometimes. You also can't help but get so attracted in other words, simping on the characters' designs that the game offer to the fact that you decided to declare yourself as Genshinsexual (a joke btw). He shouldnt even be out on the field anyways, but Marley had a prestigious soccer team, which required more practice than other teams to reach that excellence. In moments like these, Kirishima truly is himself. Thanks, Jean. Y/N sighed. By themselves! Weve spent enough time talking nonsense already., Y/N shot him a look. Werent you just thanking me for buying your ugly couch? He sassed. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "I've noticed that you've been acting strange lately" You say looking up at him. She was worried, but she wasnt one to push it. Hello! Wake up. rules will be in the first chapter! She had pulled Historia aside to complain about Miches inaccurate song choice. You okay? A soft voice asked from the door. 'Wait.' You voice suddenly stops him, causing his eyes to snap up to meet yours. You wait until he finally takes a break (which takes a long time). Why dont you just admit you were late, and now youre stuck with us?. Soccer season had just begun, and evidently Jeans mind was anywhere but the field they were sitting on. He anxiously peeled his glove off his hand, unlocking Y/Ns message. Shed be fine. Okay, can you hold them? It was all he needed - a small social circle was good enough for him. He often remarked that simplicity in social interactions was all he needed - especially considering how much energy they often required to engage in them. Shit! Finally! so i am now proud to drop the results of the poll - the jean fic one! Jean knew himself well enough to realize that he was beginning to fall for her. Ill take one too then, thank you. Reiner accepted. Brat. The longing started to hurt already. Ymir and Historia were currently on it, watching a rerun of Friends. So was that the new love interest in your teen drama? They wiggled their eyebrows at Y/N. You haven't been out of your room since lunch and it's a little past dinner. But his interest was peaked, and he knew if he didnt act soon he would end up confessing how much he longed for a date with Y/N. Oh, and Kirstein. Erwin called as Jean walked away. "Why are you whispering now, you most defiantly alerted everyone around already," the greenette leans closer. He figured he would close the distance and step into that friendship with her, if only for now. But I guess that makes me feel better, like you didnt betray me. She chuckled awkwardly. What kind of a jerk was this guy? Youre never going to make it if you walk back. Jean stepped out into the chilly January air, his breath foggy and hands tucked into his coat pockets. It looks like he's poured a gallon of oil on his body already. Kirishima awkwardly nods at you as greeting and just as he was about to leave the kitchen you call out his name. Oh, yeah, Im sorry. Ymir waved her hand dismissively. The sound of her phones ringtone awoke Y/N. "T-todoroki," you stutter pathetically, eyes wide as you scramble to hide your face. I always felt like his friends agreed with him that I was crazy or something.. You animal. Jean shook his head, trying to contain his smile. Porco sent a text to his brother, Marcel, and shielded his eyes from the harsh sun as he stepped out into the green field. Top Rule to Avoid Reader Rejection There's one thing, above all, that you must always achieve in your script: Thou Shalt Not Bore Thy Audience! every year, atsumu looks forward to one thing and one thing alone: hanging up christmas lights. Tsu says out of the blue. She was a bit reluctant to pursue a relationship other than platonic with him, considering she had barely broken it off with Porco and she was terrified of abandonment (again). Reiner nodded. It allowed her to take a step back and analyze her feelings more clearly. Who knows how long the guilt will eat you alive for. He said in a fake menacing tone. You decided to just let the hallway light guide you in your journey and eat in the dark. Do you guys want a sandwich while we wait for Sleeping Beauty? Y/N offered, tilting her head towards the kitchen with the butterknife. Alone! It was his guilty pleasure, a thing he always did when bored. Sure non of his writing is neat but his attention to detail is so cute. thick tension geesh. No. They had two minutes left before he would officially kiss goodbye to his career. So I assume you met Reiner?, Actually, Y/N chuckled nervously. But he couldnt name one. He had to stoop down just a bit to enter the doorway. Jean was beginning to think that maybe this was a mistake, trying to hang out solo so soon. Jean had long disappeared to who knows where. Taking a deep breath, he continued toward her door. Yeah, just Connie and Sasha being aggravating as usual. Jean explained. You can handle it.. But I see youre still late to everything.. Sasha sat up on the couch. And you expect to be a lawyer with that attitude?. Is the expo over- Jean stalled, whoever was on the phone speaking. I dont! gesture. How did you and Jean meet?. Is she always like that? He asked, wincing. The girl did like pink. so sorry for the three week delay. I had cold sweats.. Your honor, I only cried- shut up. Eijiro Kirishima: a Raging Fire. She didnt sound too enthusiastic. What the hell happened? She had responded almost two hours ago. Your breathing is shaky and you're already regretting this. She looked more or less the same, only more subtler. He was doing her a favor, really. Not taking requests. Thanks, Y/N. He made his way to the couch, where Historia scooted to make room for him, smiling brightly. Nah, you probably just like to show off your massive truck bed and hope girls find that kinda thing cool. Jean said. 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jean x reader rejection