king ferdinand of naples death by eels

In fact, in addition to the erected architectures and the impulse given to the university, during his reign a true Italian and Latin culture was formed in the kingdom, which counted among its major representatives the Panormita, the Sannazaro, the Pontano: literature that reflected life of the country, its tendencies, its needs, especially through the works of Diomede Carafa, of Galateo, of Tristano Caracciolo, and, as such, it was destined to survive even in the following centuries.[33]. Ferrante, then, exploited the weak point of the Sforza power represented by Genoa, fomenting the rebellion of the capital, where in 1476 there were riots and riots to the cry "long live the king of Naples and long live freedom".[34]. On April 8, 1492, Lorenzo de' Medici died, and shortly after also Innocent VIII. Ferdinando Trastmara d'Aragona, of the Naples branch, universally known as Ferrante and also called by his contemporaries Don Ferrando and Don Ferrante[1] (2 June 1424, in Valencia 25 January 1494, in Naples), was the only son, illegitimate, of Alfonso I of Naples. The Turkish danger was, explicitly, the basis of the royal decision to adequately fortify Brindisi. In 1482 the Venetians and the Pope allied themselves against the Duke of Ferrara, son-in-law of King Ferrante, because he did not observe the agreements established between them in earlier times. Nor is the increase and promotion of the fine arts and cultural life less innovative. King Ferrante was of medium height, had a large head, a beautiful long brown mop, was dark-faced, had a beautiful forehead and a proportionate waist. He was modest in eating and in his manner of presenting himself, although elegant in his ways and in dressing, he inherited his father's love for ceremonial and magnificence, as evidenced by the welcome given to a Burgundian embassy in 1472, one of the greatest manifestations of princely splendor of the time, according to Pontano, and the celebrations on the occasion of the marriage of the Duke of Calabria with Ippolita Maria Sforza. The heir to the throne Alfonso, commander of the Neapolitan army, was sent to war in Tuscany, where he managed to be proclaimed lord of Siena. [12][36], Ferrante, therefore, placed himself in a placid calm, marked the same footsteps of King Alfonso his Father and did not neglect in these years of happiness and peace to reorganize the kingdom and enrich it with new arts and provide it with provided laws and institutes, also making at his court men of letters and illustrious in all sorts of sciences and above all professors of civil and canonical law. Don Ferrante with his virtues left a Kingdom that he had led to greater greatness, perhaps more than any other sovereign who would have governed it, for which many famous writers mentioned him in their famous writings. Quando nata la scuola napoletana? The Royal House of Naples in these times did not have to envy any court of the major princes of Europe, because one day in a feast celebrated in Naples more than fifty people of this royal family appeared, so much so that it was believed that they could never to finish.[12][37]. After the battle, the ranks of Ferrante's enemies constantly fell apart. [12][54], The Duke of Milan, Ferdinand the Catholic King of Aragon and Sicily and Lorenzo de' Medici were the ones who signed the agreement between Ferrante and the Barons. In the end, however, having been seen the executioner with a gold chain that belonged to the prince of Bisignano, the rumor spread that they had been slaughtered, closed in some sacks and thrown into the sea on a night of great storm. A strong emotional bond soon developed between father and son, as Alfonso appreciated the young man's acute intelligence and courage, while Ferrante showed complete reverence for his parent. At the same time the Duke of Milan sent a new aid, with which he managed to reconquer many lands in Abruzzo. Inanto the gratitude that bound him to the Skanderbeg was not silent in Ferrante's heart and, wanting to give him a sign, he gave him to his own and perpetual heritage Trani, Siponto and San Giovanni Rotondo, a city in Puglia and therefore opposite the Albania. Active and hardworking, he was respectful of the customs of the nation. On 19 August 1464 Pius II also died, depriving Ferrante of his most faithful ally. Unusual for the time, they all survived childhood. With his death, the original plan of Alfonso V of Aragon to make Taranto the pivotal principality in his and his heirs'hands was realized . Ferdinand I (2 June 1423 - 25 January 1494), also called Ferrante, was the King of Naples from 1458 to 1494. Ferdinand II, byname Ferdinand the Catholic, Spanish Fernando el Catlico, (born March 10, 1452, Sos, Aragon [Spain]died January 23, 1516, Madrigalejo, Spain), king of Aragon and king of Castile (as Ferdinand V) from 1479, joint sovereign with Queen Isabella I. This event was then represented in the first, top left, of the six bas-reliefs impressed on the bronze door after the Arc de Triomphe in Castel Nuovo. Ercole d'Este, who had been made Governor of the Capitanata by Ferrante, seeing all the lands of his jurisdiction rebel, at the behest of his brother Borso went to serve the duke. With Peppino De Filippo, Titina De Filippo, Vittorio De Sica, Aldo Fabrizi. King Ferrante, although a very prudent prince, for the great affection he bore to the Duke Don Alfonso, for his old age and for the love and caresses of his new bride, was disheartened by low affections, and seeing that he trusted a lot in the value of duke gave him almost all the reins of the government. Ferdinand V (1452-1516) (Ferdinand the Catholic) King of Castile and Len (1474-1504), of Aragon (as Ferdinand II) (1479-1516), of Sicily (1468-1516), and of Naples (as Ferdinand III) (1504-16). Alfonso then concluded with the Venetians that he would attack the Florentines and the Venetian the Sforza. [12][50], Ferrante, infuriated by the incident, threatened to declare war on the Pope and sent the Duke of Calabria with a large army to the borders of the kingdom. Ferrante managed to lay the foundations for the formation of an embryo of a modern state thanks to the creation of new political institutions such as the Collateral Council and the consolidation of financial structures such as the Regia Camera della Sommaria. A capable ruler by all accounts, he also had a reputation for In June 1452 King Alfonso ordered to declare war on the Florentines, at the request of the Republic of Venice, to divert them from the help they gave to Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan; for which he sent his son Ferrante with six thousand horses and twenty thousand foot soldiers. Not having wanted to obey, the Archbishop of Salerno and the Bishops of Miletus and Teano, who were in Rome, were deprived of their income. This culture also showed more accessible outside of court, spreading the ' literacy among the nobility and encouraging the growth of a popular literature that finds its best example in the Rookie of Masuccio Salerno.[62]. [12], On February 15, 1455, the Roman cardinal Domenico Capranica came to Naples to negotiate and conclude the alliance and general league of princes and potentates of Italy with Alfonso at the request of the Pope. The King, deeply afraid of the loss of these places, in order not to receive more damage, asked for peace, which he obtained on 27 August 1484 with the following condition: The places that had been occupied in Lombardy by the Duke of Calabria were returned to the Venetians and they released the territories occupied in the duchy of Ferrara, Gallipoli, Nard and Monopoli with all the lands they had occupied in the Kingdom of Naples.[46]. [25][55], After this episode, on 10 February the king imprisoned the Prince of Altamura, the Prince of Bisignano, the Duke of Melfi, the Duke of Nard, the Count of Morcone, the Count of Lauria, the Count of Mileto, the Count of Noja, the Duke of Sessa and many other Knights. In Naples he had as teachers Valla, Panormita, Borgia and Gabriele Altilio, who taught him for many years. In 1478 he had such confidence in the possibilities offered by the University of Naplesto prohibit his subjects from studying or seeking a doctorate outside the Kingdom . Luisa Carlotta of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1804 - 1844), married her maternal uncle Francisco de Paula of Spain, had eleven children; Maria Cristina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1806 - 1878), married (1) her maternal uncle Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, had two daughters including Queen Isabella II of Spain (2 . The Apulian fiefdom was inherited by his wife Isabella and became a fundamental strength for Ferrante's resources.[14]. Due to his excellent knowledge of languages and law, King Ferrante also ordered him to draw up an Italian translation of the articles of the Order of the Golden Fleece (Articuli et ordinatione of the Order of the Golden Fleece). His only successor was Ferdinand, his illegitimate son from a Neapolitan woman named Gueraldona Carlino. [13] He was, as mentioned, a patron of the arts and a lover of letters,[12][65] in fact he wrote a book containing someepistles and very elegant prayers called Militari, which was published in 1486,[13] where his good taste for good letters can be seen. [5], Among the many graces and wide privileges granted to Brindisi, he also gave her, for the loyalty shown to him, the privilege of minting coins, a privilege that he also granted to Capua, Chieti, Sulmona and L'Aquila. On that occasion he was saved by the intervention of military troops, "provisioned" and "conscripts", of the city of Cava de' Tirreni headed by the captains Giosu and Marino Longo: these, arrived in Foce di Sarno, descended from the mountain and attacked the Angevins who, surprised and unable to determine the extent of the attack, were forced to retreat, giving King Ferrante the possibility of opening up through Nola, the escape to Naples.. Fortunately for him that battle did not have a decisive outcome, indeed the sovereign obtained further aid from the Duke of Milan Francesco Sforza. The King sent Frederick who was received by the Prince and the Barons, who greeted him with signs of esteem. Only the Terra di Lavoro remained to be subdued beyond the Volturno and Abruzzo, where the Duke John had fortified himself. Overall, the Neapolitan population increased rapidly and it was necessary to expand the city walls. He also had as tutor Paris de Puteo who taught him law. The Bedroom of Ferdinand II and Queen Maria Theresa no longer corresponds to the 1799 inventory, because the room was burned and rebuilt after the death of Ferdinand II of Bourbon, the penultimate King of Naples (May 22, 1859), believed to have died of infectious disease, but most likely as a result of poisoning. It replaced the obsolete Angevin curtain with a structure more responsive to the new defensive needs, deriving from the introduction of artillery . Ac. The cardinal blessed the new sovereign with a pontifical blessing and proclaimed him King of Naples. [12][48], King Ferrante, shaken by these tumults, tried to quell them. Ferrante was solemnly crowned on February 4, 1459, in the Cathedral of Barletta and to thank the Pope, in 1461, he wanted Maria, his natural daughter, to marry Antonio Piccolomini nephew of Pius, giving her as a dowry the Duchy of Amalfi, the county of Celano and the office of Great executioner for her husband. On the throne he was succeeded by his son Alfonso II of Naples, who in turn abdicated very soon in favor of his own son Ferrandino due to the much feared invasion of Charles VIII of France, who in 1494 fell to Italy . Deifobo stating that he too wanted to reconcile with the sovereign moved to meet him to attack him, however Ferrante, seeing the dagger that he was hiding in his hand, drew his sword and faced the two conspirators alone, as the count and Coreglia were held at bay from Montagano. [44], The Duke of Calabria abandoned the war in Tuscany and, having arrived in Naples on 10 September 1480, gathered an army of 80 Galere with some vessels and gave the command to Galeazzo Caracciolo, who arrived with the army in the Strait of Otranto greatly frightened the enemy army. , which had patronage chapels there, allowing them to place their noble weapons on each pillar of the chapels to rebuild. Furthermore, the magnificence of his court and the wealth of means at his disposal created him the reputation of a very rich sovereign; and finally his flashy diplomatic and war triumphs, his wise financial and administrative reforms, and the considerable aids given to writers and artists were able to give good hopes to the subjects who were favorable to his house. Pope Innocent terrified by the preparations for war, not seeing the appearance of Ren Duke of Lorraine invited by him to conquer the kingdom, asked for help from the Venetian who were powerful in Italy at the time, promising him that, after the conquest of the kingdom, he would offer him good part of that, but the Venetians did not accept the offer and still neutrally tried to support both the Pope and the King, suitably for their own interests. [4], The skills of Ferrante and his diplomats, skilled in weaving alliances in order to achieve Neapolitan hegemony in the system of Italian states, the fruits of the sovereign's economic strategy with the introduction of the art of silk and printing, politics of promotion and cultural attraction, the severe exercise of power also through the repression of the conspiracy of the barons led The Kingdom of Naples, with intellectuals of the caliber of Pontano, Panormita and others, to participate as a protagonist in Humanism and the Renaissance. It is said that at that point Queen Isabella of Chiaramonte, wife of Ferrante, seeing her desperate husband, disguised as a monk with her confessor, went to visit her uncle Prince of Taranto and begged him to keep her queen as he once had her, so much so that the prince moved away from hostilities. The death of Mohammed II and the discord that arose between two of his sons, Cem Sultan and Bayezid, each of whom demanded the empire, prompted Ariaden to understand that the help he was waiting for would come very late, so he decided to surrender to Alfonso and, after having after concluding the peace negotiations, he embarked with the troops and set out for Constantinople. During the factory, many alms and a conspicuous donation from the King were received. He also appears as a character in the novel " The Duchess of Milan" by Michael Ennis (1992), as well as in comics: On 29 September 1465 Ferrante founded the famous Order of the Ermine, which was awarded to the same sovereign, his son Alfonso, his nephew Ferrandino and many other important personalities, such as Ercole I d'Este, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Ludovico il Moro, Federico from Montefeltro and Charles I of Burgundy. Ferrante, having learned that Rhodes was besieged and doubting that the island would not capitulate due to such a great obstacle, recruited a small army of ships and other woods to help it, which army sailed to Rhodes and not only rescued it, but saved it. To oppose Pope's plan, in the presence of the nuncio, he wrote a response to the papal bull, stating that he was legitimate king by the grace of God, for the benefit of his father King Alfonso, by acclamation of the barons and cities of the Kingdom and thanks to the concessions of the two previous Popes: Eugene IV and Nicholas V. Ferrante, in this war against Callixtus was able to count on an alliance with the Duke of Milan, not only due the kinship between the two dynasties, but also a bond that existed between them. He had as teachers Valla, Panormita, Borgia and Gabriele Altilio, who taught law. Ferrante, shaken by these tumults, tried to quell them the and. 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king ferdinand of naples death by eels