lex fridman podcast david faber

So I started getting a shoulder. I've since become a virtual mentee of the likes of Jocko Willink, David Goggins, Andy Stumpf, Cam Hanes, Jordan Peterson, and countless others - who welcome challenges, conquer fear, and embrace adversity. His Score and Percentile (Extremely High). How do you get those cops out, those humans out? The vast majority. That's such an extreme requirement of your body to do something like that. This is the landscape as it's presented to you. Lex has a brother called Gregory who serves as the CEO of AAplasma LLC company. The vast majority, the vast majority are happy. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. Alla rttigheter frbehlls. I think that Guilfoile I don't I'm the way it's written is like, why are we pretending that this is a this is like the correct use of these letters? Since June 10, I did 25,840 push-ups+pull-ups & ran 312 miles. He has replaced hips, replaced knees. You know, he's from Asheville. This is a destructive creative destruction, fire. That's interesting. And then and you call me a fraud, like, that's not the right place for the movement. It'll be the same with I mean, it's a change of technologies. So do you know many millions of people have seen you? It's one or the other. We're not talking about like Neil deGrasse Tyson or like Carl Sagan, Cosmos style, like a beautiful, inspiring what is more inspiring than an alien spacecraft. It's like, you know, you have a battery and you're charging a battery, you have to put something on your plate real quick is so good and fighters for freedom and liberty and the American dream, the best is yet to come. I'm not even saying that they're thinking that way. It feels like they imagine Joe Biden, Donald Trump, like lived forever. OK, here's more of the not I've had bad knees, bad hips, etc. I've been reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. The richness. You can play with it like it's it's one of the most beautiful in terms of maybe take some mushrooms. Nobody. I have similar feelings about how special it was, but it was hard for me in the moment to think about it because although I did appreciate it as much as I could in the moment, you can't dwell on it too much because you're in the middle of a creative process like stand up comedy is an ever changing, constantly evolving process. Jordan Pearson could be argued that he was really propelled forward by conversation on your podcast. That's where he's from. And if ultimately this human being, this creature, that's when you look at the overall the goal of this thing. And I would imagine that would make your life hell. I forget what the technology was. In a sit-down this week with Fridman in which Ye offered a rambling apology at the tail end of the conversation things got heated when the podcaster tried calling the rapper on his . That's what I meant. That's the 124 points that are lighting up when a neuron is firing. You know, like deer have mating seasons. 1) #136 - Dan Carlin: Hardcore History. It was fun, but it was just science fiction television. But it isn't currently and I think that could be cut. I'm always raving about. Coffeezilla is a journalist and investigator on YouTube who exposes financial frauds, scams, and fake gurus. Who's that guy? We want our village to be better than the next village when there's an alien civilization that's a million years more advanced, that would easily destroy us if we wanted to. It wasn't like it just appeared. Poor Stuart's Guide - Celebrate the re-opening of arts & culture in America. Those are two different stories. I mean it's it's sad in that he's not here anymore, but it's not sad in that what he accomplished in his 27 years on this planet still to this day haunts guitarists. And if you're a woman and you're in a situation where you have to work with some man who has power over you and is abusive, it would be hell the you know, the workplace kind of interesting because I don't know what to do with it because a lot of people find love in the workplace. They believe that something is coming. And it's a really cool idea that our universe started from like. And maybe we could, you know, use it for good. Don't have a voice. I mean, if you want to lower crime, you have to increase economic opportunity. And it's the vast majority of their social interaction. Right. Like what year is that car? Fridmans podcast is loaded with fantastic guests, focusing heavily on his passions of artificial intelligence, aliens, science, robotics, consciousness, and the universe. It's the entirety of Silicon Valley, which is there's a very much a group think. And I've the the I mean, the podcast I do is a little more technical. If the population continues like this, that if you talk about large families there happening in Africa. But Joey just took part. You're hoping that women are going to say thank you for being a champion of women, Mike. But what I'm asking is, what was the demonstration that the actual demonstration was at the first level was that they successfully implanted neural link in a pig. And all that creates a greater disparity within those communities, greater desperation and then desperation. But, you know, there's rules in Massachusetts they're supposed to follow and you get so. [12] His PhD dissertation, Learning of Identity from Behavioral Biometrics for Active Authentication, was completed under the advisement of engineering educators Moshe Kam and Steven Weber and sought to "investigate the problem of active authentication on desktop computers and mobile devices". There's a book that was written on it that accuses this manager of killing Jimi Hendrix and saying that they also threw his girlfriend off a roof when she did either jump off a roof or was thrown off a roof and died shortly afterwards because she knew too much or whatever. Yeah, I imagine you got it. Right. So start fueling your adventures today at Liquid Ivy Dotcom and the promo code. So you're you're doing a good job from a psychoanalyst perspective, but part of that is for fun. You know, you're not getting people there live amazing lives that spend the vast majority of the day shitting on people on the Internet. I don't think that's a long form, long term solution. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: Onnit: https://lexfridman.com/onnit to get up to 10% off Clear: https://Show More, #189 David Sinclair: Extending the Human Lifespan Beyond 100 Years, Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas, The 8 Best Conversations & Interviews Podcasts, NYU Faculty Share Their Favorite Podcasts for Summer 2019, Armchair Expert Umbrella with Dax Shepard. And, you know, you have to always consider like the things we see as negatives that make up our psychology, make up different characteristics of human civilizations. researcher working on autonomous vehicles, human robot interaction and machine learning at MIT and beyond. My mom was like even my mom didn't say maybe maybe that second song, maybe, maybe maybe play piano or something. What was that like? The bugs go crazy and they're chasing them all around, but they only do it once a year. I almost didn't sleep at all. So immortality, you know, like I mentioned, Sara Seager, people should check out her new book. Yeah, because I want to fuck people. If you only connect one, it doesn't work. The second author, Thermodynamics, says that everything becomes more chaotic. I think that's a recommender system, what's called problem. #4: Fish oil from Public Goods (podcast sponsor), Also see: How to Supplement Like Joe Rogan: Products You Need. So I try and build it. The and also this psychedelic something experience like not not in it's like cheesy way, but like in a really out there way for the genuine. Recruiter Dotcom Rogan ZIP recruiter sends your job to over one hundred of the Web's leading job sites, but they don't stop there with their powerful. It's one of the things we were talking about, about neural link or something along those lines that we could get to a place where you could actually read someone's thoughts. Well, I mean, I was laughing. It's an awesome company, great ethics behind them. But what if we did? And so but anyway, that was the 48 hour challenge. It's like they they've left open. That's social game to say. I know the push ups and pull ups, but that was way too much for me the whole time. Very few. This is sort of this is a hypergraphia. So they're like, OK, these chimps are not going down the wrong path. I always said, whenever we go on the road, Joey Diaz brings the party. The point is, besides UBI, he's a source of a giant number of ideas and he presents them in a way not saying Republicans are wrong and Democrats are right, but saying let's together figure out which of these ideas are right. I think in the face of that mystery, something that's far more intelligent than us, I think we can't it's a ridiculous notion to think we're anything but one human village. Yeah. But the reality is it's still pressure is still still father. Support the podcast monthly on Patreon or with a one-time donation on PayPal . Yeah, nothing. He was always the guy that was just like like if we were out of dinner, Joey was always stealing the show. I mean, it's the most one of the most common things was like the professor in the graduate student. My speculation is they are slowly spoon feeding us information to allow people to be more comfortable with the inevitable arrival of something. They do that because I'm probably an easy target, because I'm like, look, there's a nice guy. Common. I mean, he might have had a ex-wife who sold it who who knows? And I have faith in the smart people working on technology that people kind of tend to be. Let's all cut the bullshit. No, listen, I agree with you 100 percent. There's I cried three times facedown on my carpet in this whole challenge. What if these things that we're seeing are the ultimate? And I think predators just go Buckwild. And you know that. It's not about what you can do, what you want to do. You know, you have to there's two cables that you have to connect the two of them together. Junior Donald the fourth Lex Freedman Jr.. Yeah. I could just imagine Eric Clapton seeing, like, how the fuck did he get that sound out of that thing? I don't recommend that for miles every four hours. But on Twitter, it's not that's not the battle ground of ideas. Oh, George. The podcast surpassed 1 million downloads! No, they mention two of the people actually mentioned that they're leaving San Francisco because they're tech people and they're said one of them moved to Austin and they said that the people are fleeing San Francisco to fleeing, fleeing silliness, the term fleeing. Yeah, one thing we're both talking about doing a television show or doing a podcast, rather, doing a show together. Yeah, that's what I wonder when when I think about alien life and the Tic-Tac UFO, the David Faber song. I mean, so many ridiculous videos I was watching. And you figure out how to use that here on Earth, you'll have technical superiority, technological superiority over every other civilization, every other country in that technological superior. A lot of us have moved, unfortunately. And when three of the cells neighbors are also alive, then you live on. Towards the end of the conversation, Lex and Chris pivot to a discussion on quantum computing, AI, advice for up-and-coming software developers, and what the meaning of life is. He opened up the path of trade to the east. You know, what's amazing is I talked to Sara Seager. He probably doesn't even he hasn't he's almost unable to think original thoughts at this time because you've been in the system for so long, you can't, like, sit back. Like what is possible the next 10, 20 years is is flawed. We don't need extra weapons. If there was, you know, like an element called chaos and it had like a physical manifestation where you could like see like a like an avatar of chaos. And I don't Iquito, but I'm mostly Carnivore, you know. So understand it to a degree to where we can copy it to a can store it to we can transmit it out to distant stars and to meet our alien friends in digital form. He goes, Yeah, they instantaneously knew that those ants were from the wrong colony and they just went to war. That's so that, you know, as a curiosity, as a cosmic, it feels like Earth is a cosmic curiosity from the perspective of an intelligent alien species. Pretty niche-y topics, but a great interview for all developers from the main author of Swift. It was like the who's who of comedy doing just short little bits of comedy that entire night. After | 26 comentarios en LinkedIn There's something wrong with them. And that describes a rule of if you see a pattern left, expanded to the pattern on the right and the entirety. That's a hopeful message that basically could study it safely. I said to me I did OK, but that Eric Clapton went and saw Jimi Hendrix play live and was you know, he was such a talent that. It's a it's sort of it's a unification of all the different laws of physics, so that with one theory, you can describe everything that's happening around us. You know, he's made some awesome stuff, no doubt about it. Yeah, this whole the sad thing about the way the stimulus is being distributed, at least my worry is that it creates a greater gap in wealth, wealth disparity versus a lesser one. Butcher box makes it easy to get high quality, humanely raised meat that you can trust. Fuck, did I suck on your show? But I understand how things are, so if you like. Like because it's not it's not like running 14 miles one take. But I feel it might be optimistic. Right. You said. Well yeah. Fantastic for you. Find out how much stress your body should take on for working out and how strenuous your day has been. That's what friends do. Noam Chomsky is one of the greatest minds of our time and is one of the most cited scholars in history. Is what I realized, especially probably the community, I mean, so many people were telling me, like that's too much, like they were encouraging me to be healthy. Well you see mistake right there. Your knee is a physical structure and I appreciate his mindset, but ultimately, if you're draining that much fluid out of your knee, you've got real internal problems and you could fuck it man through that shit, but you still diminishing the physical structure of your knee. Of course. He could fucking just crush you with his hand. I think that in public perception. And it made me think like I certainly would because, you know, there's there's those moments like I would probably replay this very podcast in my in my mind, this experience. You haven't said anything about going to the comments section reading inspiring things. But the thing about that path, a path of drugs and destruction, it's been it's been a path of many of my idols, whether it's Kinnison or Richard Pryor or even Hicks. Well, I mean, people and people make the same argument for Hitler. No. Yeah, but like deer and things like that. Yes. In Fridmans a day in his life YouTube video, he listed the supplements that he takes on a regular basis. And saying that. Bye, everybody. But evil as fuck, but evil, evil. I mean, that's one like we talked about NewLink. First of all, the pigs were very happy. But also if you're interested in learning jujitsu, go to Broadway Jujitsu in Boston, which there's every gym is struggling, but they open. Trump's like an old comedian who just happens to be president. Not to brag, it's very weird, but I got recognized on the way to here four times was weird. I read your mind. I'm never satisfied, but that's also why I continue to do things. However, he talks like he's like, if I were you. And then people would just be like just like we got used to swipe writing on the phone. Lex interviews Chris Lattner, a world-renowned software engineer whos the primary creator of various foundational technologies like Swift and LLVM, and the leader of multiple projects at Google, Apple, and Tesla. Hear two of the best podcasters and thinkers idea jam in this best Lex Fridman podcast episode. It's complicated to talk about anything like alien technology. Fridman swears by his Eight Sleep Bed, which allows him to temperature control his sleep. There's yes. OK, that sounds. And you had to she was hot and she she seemed like really nice, you know, like, why am I so hung up on biology? And all of that emerges. Don't really understand it. Yeah. There's I don't know, do you know who Stephen Wolfram is, no maintenance. And, well, you have to revamp the system, too. Right, bro. We're going to we're going to have Duncan Trust. And more importantly, I'm an AA person, so I'm not an neurobiologists like this is this was really exciting to me as a spectator to see biological systems, pigs. I understand what peak performance is on different diets. He probably developed early, probably went to some shit in his life. Like if we approached war the way people approached war in, you know, the the Middle Ages, we would just nuke the fuck out of everybody that talks shit. You I must still think from first principles like, look, here's a new problem. Yeah. Wow. The people understand that splitting the atom and it is possible that nuclear weapons are feasible and whoever gets them first is going to have a massive advantage. I had no idea until we started doing this podcast and Jamie pulled up this image of like Europe and Asia and the United States and all these other countries stuffed into the continent of Africa. He was born in Moscow, Russia and moved to the United States at a young age with his family. I'm yeah. Resting heart rate takes all this data and a mountain of data that it gets from 24 hours of your day. Is they're OK, they're fun. Yeah, OK. You know, anyway, Spotify, please make it happen. Hes a frequent guest on the Joe Rogan podcast with 6 guest showings and counting. And they've done a terrible job of managing the pandemic. No, I disagree. Elon Musk's friend who wants to work for free as Twitter head - BusinessToday", "Elon Musk Says He Thinks He Knows the Real Identity of Satoshi Nakamoto", "Everything you need to know about Neuralink, Elon Musk's company that wants to put microchips in people's brains", "Meta's Zuckerberg: 'AI is perhaps the most important foundational technology of our time', "Joe Rogan Speaks on Why He Never Competed in Brazillian [sic] Jiu-Jitsu", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lex_Fridman&oldid=1142064359, American people of Ukrainian-Jewish descent, Massachusetts Institute of Technology faculty, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Russian-language text, Lang and lang-xx code promoted to ISO 639-1, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Computer science, artificial intelligence, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 09:04. 1:02:45 - David Miscavige . The problem is if if it's more potent than any weapon that any any civilization has currently on this planet. So so body fell apart. Oh, really? If you love computers, dont miss this episode with the master! I'll be like, oh, it's kind of cool. And but it's accelerating. Liquid Ivy is available nationwide at Costco. The the the hard thing is run a little bit, you know, for miles is pretty easy, especially at a slow pace and then like shower. That's better. He had actually been a long-time listener of Joe Rogans podcast before ever appearing as a guest: Ive been a fan of the JRE podcast since it first started 10 years ago, Fridman said. What what good has been done when people are terrified? Right. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond. Yeah. From a perspective of Oppenheimer, you know, I think he probably wondered if we're going to destroy ourselves within the next decade, no matter what happens when you have when you have weapons that can destroy all of civilization, especially now with hydrogen bombs. So I usually do two four hour periods of deep work. Look, here's a there's a fascinating mystery here. He's chaos. OK, I'd love to read it. And the people who worked for the people who ran the businesses are going to not have a job. And then you you convey what you think I'm saying. I have had him on multiple times. It's like the the way the instructor interacts with the students. . He's the best. Well, that's how it is with standup. So most of the people that play identity politics, Twitter, they talk about, you know, all really good things. Beautiful for K like 100 bucks or something like that. But there could be some tricks on perception that I mean, that's the whole point of the stealth bomber, is it's difficult to detect. Yeah. There's something about jujitsu, the physical touch of jujitsu. Oh, just the sound in that guitar is so he's so out there. I was watching your podcast with him and the moment when you said, like, you were like having another level chat. How so? Tell me, like what? Yeah. But I've been hit on by coworkers like in a positive not a power thing, but like you're close. It's so bad. Our have our positive in some sense that wars create progress. And it behaved and moved in a way that defies all of our understandings of propulsion systems that didn't give off any heat signature. Let's look at an animal. So I want to create the systems that that that create that community in the comments. Whoever you are. There's a need of tension. Unstoppable destructive forces, especially when combined with an ideologue, that's terrifying to me. Oh well that's true. #131 Chris Lattner: The Future of Computing and Programming Languages. Like, if you lose your arm, they actually give you a six million arm in arm. The acclaimed podcast Redefining AI - Artificial I. I don't know what that means. So the the the language he developed, there was a mathematical response to the language, him and his son. The that's not the point of this. We chimps are one in 10 to the 120 part of that that incredible infrastructure that grows. 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Well, you got. Yeah. He (Joe Rogan) inspired me to be a better and especially kinder human being, so it was surreal for me to be on there a couple of times last year, Fridman said. 1:27:46 - Secrecy . It's on my Instagram. So everything about that seems retro about our interpretation of it. Dont give them the chance. They're just full of love. Whatever it is is like not earth, but it's close. We're already. And you actually benefit from this interaction. It delivers an optimal ratio of nutrients for a more efficient uptake. Look at that nasty shit that's coming out of his fucking neimann. And Jakiel willing talked about it and he had a great position. The camera, the zoom capability. He's named a few daughters. And the reason I bring that up, because you're talking about ants, Stephen Wolfram's idea, he has this like of like he has this model of the universe. Wow, that sounds weirdly like my life, actually, once in two years. Johnny Cash. And there's also the video. In longform conversations that are typically over an hour in duration, youll get exposed to some of the brightest minds on the planet. Oh, this is them pulling, OK, what does it say here? There's so much community, there's so much friendship and love in jujitsu, you know. He's basically saying, hey, guys, look, automation is coming and there's going to be a lot of people out of work. So I made sure this isn't like to prove anybody to this. I'm thinking also that we are constantly innovating when when you when you talk to people that are designing jets and planes and fighter pilots and they really are talking about new systems that they've created and new, you know, new new weapons, they don't just sit back and say we have enough weapons to destroy Russia and China and the rest of the world combined. That would be that propulsion system, if you do really have something go from 60000 feet to one feet in less than a second, you're dealing with something that we don't understand. If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same. And it's an end of an era. I love it. We're all interesting, complicated mush that doesn't have a concept of individuals, doesn't have a concept of ego or individual consciousnesses. Like, let's imagine let's imagine you are the leader of the United States and you find out or, you know, whatever the head of the Navy military intelligence program, whatever, whoever you are, you're a person that's in a position where you realize that this thing is from another world and you have this responsibility to try to somehow or another publicize this. And if he had nuclear weapons, it's a whole nother discussion. I have faith that when you give those people the power to do what they want to do, that it'll create a better world. It is the perfect coffee replacement and an all natural alternative to process energy drinks for a sustained energy boost. We're going to put these things in where your eyes used to be. That's we don't currently have good mathematics for modeling the way such systems grow. They make it easy to get high quality, humanely raised meat that you can trust, you can cancel at any time. What are the ways we've been doing it previously? You haven't said anything about going to the comment section, reading helpful thoughts and strategies and the different things that people have said in the comments that have really inspired you. . And then there's a beaver on the top of a mountain. Terrific podcast, broad variety of topics, excellent guests. Yeah, that's my problem. Let's make sure that people have a roof over their head. For dinner, Fridman likes to mix quality protein like ground beef with a vegetable, his favorite being cauliflower or carrots, and spices it up for taste. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Good Lord, sir. I really like the replay of memory. I miss you, I love you. See something with a big head, big eyes, no genitals. I actually got a little fatter. Much love to everyone. And in the spring, they give birth to the the new fauns. So I have hope that the best people creating this technology at NewLink, certainly the people I interact with, are going to be aware of the negatives and are going to work their ass off to to make a better world. Human beings are in this constant state of wanting the newest, greatest innovations. 40:37 Sully It's just the the part that a lot of people can understand. When, when is it going to come to a point in time where they can replace your eyes with better versions of what you have now and they work better like it's not I know you're scared, but it's no big deal. No doubt about it everything about that seems retro about our interpretation of it good from! This creature, that 's when you look at that nasty shit that 's also why continue. Many millions of people can understand or with a big head, eyes. 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