romans 8 commentary spurgeon

If it is a call that will suit the remarks which I am about to give you in the second part of the discourse, even though you may have thought that God's hand is not in it, rest assured that it is, for nature could never produce effectual calling. And now we may rest assured, since we can see a sitting Christ in heaven, that the whole atonement is finished, the work is over, he hath made an end of sin. "Therefore, brethren, we are debtors." Where is the blessedness of the title, for they might be lovers of strife, and yet according to modern theologians they might still be the sons of God. Oh! No ungodly man loves God at least not in the Bible sense of the term. how long wilt thou not avenge thine own elect?" The Pastors College. A few winged hours must fly; a few more billows must roll o'er thee, and thou wilt be safely landed on the golden shore. Remember, it is not the one thing alone that is for your good; it is the one thing put with another thing, and that with a third, and that with a fourth, and all these mixed together, that work for your good. When at any time then the Holy Spirit comforts you sheds a sweet calm over your disturbed spirit; when at any period he instructs you, opens to you a mystery you did not understand before; when at some special period he inspires you with an unwonted affection, an unusual faith in Christ; when you experience a hatred of sin, a faith in Jesus, a death to the world, and a life to God, these are the works of the Spirit. Who is he that condemneth." Say not, "Lutheranism and Popery are mighty." "No," says he, "it is God that justifieth, I am not afraid to face the highest heaven, since God has said that I am just. Did an earthly benefactor feed you, would you hate him? There is therefore now no condemnation: The simple declaration of no condemnation comes to those who are in Christ Jesus. The deeper things shall be left with God. As a Son he served his Father, you could see the nature of God in him, in his deep sympathy with God and in his exact imitation of God. The body is still subject to the evils which Paul mentions, when he says of it that it is subject to corruption, to dishonour, to weakness, and is still a natural body. Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. Wherefore, let us be encouraged to go on, and fight against everything that is evil, especially in ourselves, and tread down all the powers of darkness, since nothing can stand against us while Christ is sor us; and for us he must be for ever and ever. Then in James 2:5 ., we are spoken of as being heirs of the kingdom. What shall I do? Do you shrink from it? Suppose you have been enabled to believe in Jesus Christ for your salvation; that faith has produced love to Christ; that love to Christ has led you to work for Christ; you come to the Bible, and you find that this was just the very thing which was felt by early believers; and then you say, "Good Lord, I am thy son, because what I feel is what thou has said by the lips of thy servant must be felt by those who are thy children." by which he means transient good, the good of the moment. YOU WILL DIEYOU WILL LIVE. I, too, am persuaded by a thousand arguments, and persuaded beyond all question, that nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. And so, too, it is rather God's work than our work. yes. Some say that children learn sin by imitation. Could oppression, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? There he would stand, silent, motionless; till Christ would say, with a voice louder than ten thousand thunders, "What dost thou here? We are waiting till we shall put on our proper garments, and shall be manifested as the children of God. If such be the bright hope that cheers us, we may well groan for its realisation, crying out. Still the bond was not cancelled until the day when Christ rose from the dead; then did his Father, as it were, rend the bond in halves, and blot it out, so that thenceforward it ceases to have elfect. I know you have an a cross, or if you have not, I hope you will soon have one, for where there is no cross there is no Christ. Romans 8:16-17 . He ruleth over all. We are all born God's creatures, and as such we are debtors to him; to obey him with all our body, and soul, and strength. However, just or unjust as man may choose to think it, God has done it, and the fact stands in man's face, let him reject it as he pleases. This truth seems to me to have struck its roots into all the other truths of Scripture and to have twisted itself among the granite rocks which are the very foundation of our hope. A passage from Galatians iii. These are God's words; if any man doth cavil at them, let him cavil; he rejecteth the testimony of God against himself. Amen and amen. Christ digged the well to its very bottom, but not a drop did spring up; still was the world dry and thirsty, till on the morning of the resurrection a voice was heard, "Spring up O well," and forth came Christ himself from the grave, and with him came the resurrection and the life; pardon and peace for all souls sprang up from the deep well of his misery. He is in an enemy's house; for he is at enmity with God. you have had many troubles, have you not? Sometimes a bow of steel is not broken by our hands, for we cannot even bend it; and then the Holy Ghost puts his mighty hand over ours, and covers our weakness so that we draw; and lo, what splendid drawing of the bow it is them! Yes, say we, we have many corruptions. Therefore do we say to that law, "Law, thou hast nothing to do with me; I am 'not under law, but under grace.' When first we dared to come forward and say "we are on the Lord's side," some of us had sacred tokens of sonship which have never been forgotten by us, and oftentimes since then we have received renewed seals of our adoption from the Great Father of our spirits. Browse all categories; New Books; Used Books I pray you never think lightly of the supplications of your anguish. It is a bold, brave challenge; but it never could have been uttered by Paul if it had not been accompanied by the next sentence, "It is Christ that dies." Consider thou art as deep in debt as thou canst be to every attribute of God. He may see the earth burned, but into the fire of hell he can never go. And what if some of us should live very many years? But it may be, beloved, that we groan because we are conscious of the littleness of our desire, and the narrowness of our faith. Behold his goodness that he hath spread before you! Condemn a man that is at the right hand of God! Amen and Amen. They love him as their King, they are willing to obey him, to walk in his commands is their delight; no path is so soft to their feet as the path of God's precepts, the way of obedience thereunto. Would that he would be merciful and pass them by without an atonement! They do not struggle; they have risen beyond all struggling, they rub their hands, and sing of everlasting victory. May the Spirit of God enable you so to live, that you can bequeath your example as a legacy to the future. Do you say, "I would not be a Christian, if I must always be on my guard, and always fighting against temptation from without and from within?" A thousand sources of joy are opened in that one blessing of adoption. You long rejected Christ." "He was despised and rejected of men." "The carnal mind," he says, "is ENMITY against God." "Put your right hand here, my boy, and place your left hand so. Sound conviction of sin, deep humiliation on account of it, and a sense of utter weakness and unworthiness naturally conduct the mind to the belief of the doctrines of grace, while shallowness in these matters leaves a man content with a superficial creed. The apostle opens with the grandest part of the inheritance first heirs of God heirs not of God's gifts, and God's works, but heirs of God himself. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." A groan then is a part of prayer which we owe to the Holy Ghost, and the same is true of all the prayer which wells up from the deep fountains of our inner life. At times this very spirit of resignation appears to increase our spiritual difficulty, for we do not wish to ask for anything that would be contrary to the mind of God and yet we must ask for something. I feel, sir, that I could believe God; but then at the time I feel so there is not much to believe." 8. A chapter by chapter and verse by verse study of Romans taught by Pastor Paul LeBoutillier of Calvary Chapel Ontario, Oregon. Then it appears if we are called joint heirs with Christ, we legally and strictly have no inheritance apart from him. As the wave-sheaf was the first of the harvest, so the spiritual life which we have, and all the graces which adorn that life, are the first gifts, the first operations of the Spirit of God in our souls. I believe that the Spirit of God sometimes comes into a mysterious and marvellous contact with the spirit of man, and that at times the Spirit speaketh in the heart of man by a voice not audible to the ear, but perfectly audible to the spirit which is the subject of it. There is nothing that pains me so much as sin; I desire to be quit and rid of it; Lord help me to be holy"? "Oh, I want to get home to my dear wife and children. Now, in considering this solemn subject, let me remark that there are two kinds of callings mentioned in the Word of God. Oh! His early years had been spent in opposition to his Saviour. Spirit-taught prayers are offered as they ought to be. Oh Christian, this should ever be your spirit, only in a higher degree. It was evermore most clear that he acted towards God as a son towards a father. Now what has the resurrection of Christ from the dead to do with the justification of a believer? "We know," and the apostle lifts his hand to where the white-robed hosts are praising God for ever. If we be not debtors to the present, then men were never debtors to their age and their time. Now, conscience, answer another question! Merchant; though you have been sore pressed this week, and it is highly probable that next week will be worse still for you, believe that all things even then are working for your good. Poor prodigal sinner, may our Father bring thee home, for there is an inheritance even for thee. He has written concerning the spirit of bondage, and the spirit of adoption, the infirmities of the flesh, and the helpings of the spirit; the waiting for the redemption of the body, and the groanings which cannot be uttered. The first one is, "Yea rather;" the second one is, "Much more." how can the imagination revel, when the body is in an ill condition? I do not believe that the Bible is to be understood except by receiving these doctrines as true. Is that the tenor of thy life towards God, and towards his law? ", Paul was fully persuaded of this great truth. Delivered on Sabbath Morning, October 7th, 1860, by the. They are ever working too, in opposition to the word play. Are the great Father's loving arms about your neck? Paul says, "I am persuaded," and it is implied that, first, HE IS PERSUADED OF THE LOVE OF GOD. "We have borne," says the Apostle, in the first Epistle to the Corinthians, "the image of the earthy." Shall an eye of Christ be put out in darkness?" Yet I have been upheld till now, who could hold me up but my God!" Absurd! Do you curse your father, who so wisely watched over you? You know the story of old Jacob. Thou art not as some, who say, that thou didst choose thyself to be saved; but thou believest that God could have destroyed thee, if he had pleased and that it is entirely of his own good pleasure that thou art made one of his, while others are suffered to perish. Is not the wretch smitten dead? Soul, thou art linked with Christ in the Eternal business of the Eternal Father. My brethren, we are debtors to the poor. "Thou hast wrought all our works in us." Would you refuse to go with him to the garden of his agony? The blood of heaven runs in thy veins; thou art one of the blood royal of eternity a son of God, descendant of the King of kings. Blessed be his name. But if thou agreest with thy creditor, he will, for Jesus' sake, blot out all thy debts, and set thee at liberty, so that thou shalt never be amenable for thine iniquities. In this discourse I am only going to handle the topic of Paul's persuasion. He dwells within us as a counsellor, and points out to us what it is we should seek at the hands of God. Come, men, put your face against all weathers; be ready to come up hill, with the snow blowing in your face, be ready to march on when the tempest howls, and the lightnings flash over head, and the snow becomes knee-deep; nay, be ready to go into the crevasse with him, and perish, if need be. O Christian, thou canst not be condemned, for Christ has paid the debt. The raising and elevation of Christ to that throne of dignity and favour, is the elevation, the acceptance, the enshrinement, the glorifying of all his people, for he is their common head, and stands as their representative. By this expression it cannot be meant that the Holy Spirit ever groans or personally prays; but that he excites intense desire and created unutterable groanings in us, and these are ascribed to him. I will have one more illustration. IN VIEWING THE ESTATES we must remark that to our present apprehension they are divided into two parts, the first part of the inheritance is one which flesh and blood would fain do without it is the inheritance of suffering. This is the part of the subject from which our craven spirit often shrinks, but if we were wise it would not be so. Regulus returns to Rome; he stands up in the senate and conjures them never to make peace in Carthage, but ot his wife and children, and tells them that he is going back to Carthage, and of course the tell him that he need not keep faith with an enemy. "Roll ye away the stone," saith he, and it is done; and now, listen to him; he cries, "Lazarus, come forth!" It is curious to see how some men are proud of being greater debtors than others. The proof of love to the uttermost is that "It is Christ that died.". Therefore, he aspired to be a complete and perfect conqueror. Conecte-se Inscrever-se; Incio. He took the great mass of the sins of believers, and piled the whole on Christ; and when he hung upon the cross as his people's Substitute, even his Father hid his face from him. 2. "Joseph is not, Simeon is not, and now ye will take Benjamin away; all these things are against me," said the old Patriarch. God treats us as men responsible and intelligent, and not as stone or metal; he made us free agents, and he treats us as such. One man has ten talents, and oh how proud he is, and how he looks down upon another who has but one, and says: "Ah, you are a mean man; I have ten talents." if thou art called, if thou art called truly, there will be a going out, and a going out alone. The beggar shivering in his rags, may owe thee something, if thou givest him alms; but thou owest him something more. "There's the respect that makes calamity of so long life," that there is so much longer time for temptation and trial. Curtius puts on his helmet, and his armour, mounts his horse and leaps into the cleft, which is said to have filled at once, because courage, valour, and patriotism, were the best things in Rome. "All things work together for good.". Lecture 1: A Chat about Commentaries. But he says, "Get thee hence, Satan, I know I am the son of God." There is no holiness in us of our own creating; no good thing in us of our own fashioning. The work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian's behalf is described in the first 27 verses of this chapter. The thoughts are too great to need to be spun out, or you can do that in your private meditations. 13:1-14. You shall find, when your biography is written, that the black page did but harmonize with the bright one that the dark and cloudy day was but a glorious foil to set forth the brighter noon-tide of your joy. Then, too, a worse than Herod sought to kill us. And he goes to Eli, and it is not till afterwards, perhaps, that he finds that Eli had nothing to do with the impression, but that the Lord had called him. You perceive at once, by his deeds, that his nature was godlike. Is it wisdom to stand in opposition against him? He attacked the Shepherd, and he will never cease to worry the sheep. "If children then heirs." O God, thou Judge of all, my spirit meets thee robed in my Saviour's righteousness, and salutes thee as my Father and my all. In Romans 11:2 , we read, "God hath not cast away his people which he foreknow," where the sense evidently has the idea of fore-love; and it is so to be understood here. To the Christian, however, the highest good he can receive on earth is to grow in grace. Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. There is an amazing glory in reserve for us, and though as yet we cannot enter upon it, but in harmony with the whole creation must continue to groan and travail, yet the hope itself should minister strength to us, and enable us patiently to bear "these light afflictions, which are but for a moment." Yes, he quickens sinners into spiritual life, and he strives with them to overcome their sinfulness and turn them into the right way; but in the saints he works with us and enables us to pray after his mind and according to the will of God. But wherefore, conscience, should I go thus round about? These men will not repent, will not believe; they will not go God's way, and then they grumble and growl, and fret, and fume, because God has locked the treasure up against them. And when he surroundeth thee with favors, girdeth thee with mercies, encircleth thee with loving kindness, dost thou hate him for this? The actual mode of his working upon the mind we may not attempt to explain; it remains a mystery, and it would be an unholy intrusion to attempt to remove the veil. None but he hath a right to condemn, for he is the sole judge of right and wrong, and if he hath died shall he put us to death, and if he hath risen for us, shall he thrust us downwards to the pit, and if he hath reigned for us and hath been accepted for us, shall he cast us away, and if he hath pleaded for us, shall he curse us at the last? "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." It is as if a poor man were called into court to prove his right to some piece of land which was disputed. There is not a silent nook within the deepest forest glade where work is not going on. It was because they longed to enter it. This calling forbids all trust in our own doings and conducts us to Christ alone for salvation, but it afterwards purges us from dead works to serve the living and true God. The serpent said to Eve, "God doth know that ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Is it prudent to despise the riches of his grace? He has not done enough "never enough;" conscience always says, "this is not perfection; it ought to have been better," Salvation for enemies must be by an ambassador, by an atonement, yea, by Christ. Now, brethren, in the very proportion in which we are conformed to the image of Christ we shall have to "go forth unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach:" for the disciple, if he be a true disciple, is not above his Master, nor the servant above his Lord. Adam's death was not simply his own private loss, for in Adam all died, and Christ's life and all the consequences of his obedience are not merely his own, but the joint riches of all who are in him, of whom he is the federal head, and on whose behalf he accomplished the divine will. "It came to pass afterward that David's heart smote him." Let me attempt a second simile: he is as an advocate to one in peril at law. He has called not the righteous but sinners to repentance. Do you hate God for all this? We know right well that there are many things that happen to us in our lives that would be the ruin of us if we were always to continue in the same condition. "It is Christ that died.". then I must love him," and he was quickened in that selfsame hour. He has to intercede with his Father, and mark, with our Father too. Dost thou abide in his commandments, and desire to be conformed unto his Image? I know that I have robbed God of his glory, but Christ has brought all the glory back again. a. May God help you, and help me, to groan all our days with that kind of groaning. What fiery lips shall ever speak of his possessions, of his riches, the unsearchable riches of God in Christ Jesus. Cataracts of trouble descend if you will, and you, ye floods of affliction, roll if so it be ordained, for God has written my name in the book of life. Many have gone round the world to look for a saviour other than the Lord Jesus Christ, and they have only come to him when all others have failed them. You said to yourselves, "We have no doubt we ought to be there; that is our debt; nevertheless we should like to gratify our curiosity for once, by hearing this singular preacher, who will be sure to say something extravagant that will furnish the occasion for a joke for the next fortnight." I can look back at the past, and wonder at all the way whereby the Lord hath led me. That shows that this is used as an argument drawn from something mentioned before. How will your broken leg work for your good?" There was a table for the shew-bread, an altar, and a brazen lover; yet there was no seat. When I think of my sin, it seems impossible that any atonement should ever be adequate; but when I think of Christ's death it seems impossible that any sin should ever be great enough to need such an atonement as that. To prove that, however, I will refer you to the express words of scripture: Romans 11:29 "The gifts and calling of God are without repentance." AMEN. The inheritance cannot be divided; if you will have the glory, you must have the shame. Yes, but "Jesus died;" and say what thou wilt, O conscience, remind me of what thou wilt; lo this shall be my sure reply in "Jesus died." Yes; but I set over against that the fact that he always would have me. A man may be full of faith and joy spiritually, but I will defy him under some forms of disease to feel as he would. Did not Jesus say, "Your heavenly Father knoweth that you have need of these things before you ask them"? The various rebellions of nations, the heavings of society, the strife of anarchy, the tumults of war all, all these things, overruled by God, have but made the chariot of the church progress more mightily; they have not failed of their predestinated purpose "good for the people of God." A thorn in the flesh may be as painful a thing as a sword in the bones, and yet we may go and beseech the Lord thrice about it, and getting no answer we may feel that we know not what to pray for as we ought; and yet it makes us groan. Some do not believe in the personality of the devil; but I am as sure of it as I am of the personality of his children who deny their own father. Beloved, what a different view of prayer God has from that which men think to be the correct one. I. They surrounded it; they were about to sack it, and Camillus was the only man who could deliver it. Now that which God reads in the heart and approves of for the word to "know" in this case includes approval as well as the mere act of omniscience what God sees and approves of in the heart must succeed. Do you feel the longings, the loves, the confidences of a child? We may safely entreat the Lord to do what he has ordained to do. Yea, echo O ye skies; reverberate, ye caverns of the deep. Now, beloved, the practical use to which I put this, I am afraid somewhat discursive, discourse of this morning is just this. Let me remind you, that there is a passage in scripture which may tend very much to your edification, and help you in your examination. O brethren, what honors are ours! You went to the house of God, not to pray, but to laugh. Let us, then, weigh the words of the text, for they are solemn words. The text before us cannot be so understood, because the Lord foreknows the history of every man, and angel, and devil. Is there unrighteousness with God? When the work of grace begins in the heart, the man is not always clear that it is God's work; he is impressed under the minister, and perhaps he is rather more occupied with the impression than with the agent of the impression; he says, "I know not how it is, but I have been called; Eli, the minister, has called me." The Spirit is one with the Father, and the Father knows what the Spirit means. We believe that the tabernacle of God will be among men, that he will dwell among them, and they shall see his face, and his name shall be in their foreheads. When Christ was God's heir, and was here on earth, he was heir of the cross, heir of shame, and spitting, and cruel mockings, and scourgings. may seem too mean to pray about. Who can tell us what Christ's suffering really was? 2. Martin Luther declared that he constantly preached justification by faith alone, "because," said he, "the people would forget it; so that I was obliged almost to knock my Bible against their heads, to send it into their hearts." The duty of the minister is to call souls to Christ, he is to make no distinction whatever "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." God's grace will be sufficient for us; his strength will be made perfect in weakness. The text says, "we groan." Take another passage. Tell the men of the world that it is right that they condemn you for all your past life, for doubtless you have been what they say you are, you will not dispute that fact; but tell them also that what Paul wrote to the Christians at Corinth is true of you, "Ye are washed, ye are sanctified, ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." Have I been born again from above? We morally speak of work, especially on this day, as being the opposite of sacred rest and worship. The law of God says, "Thou shalt," and we have not done what it commands. It is the free man that has been brought out of Egypt, who proves that he has been called of God and is precious to the heart of the Most High. Rules for the conduct of Christians to one another, as members of the Christian church, Rom. Amen. Why, one would have thought you would rejoice to take your Master for better or for worse, and to be partaker with him, not only in his glories but in his sufferings. Therefore, over against my delight in sin, I set his delight in presenting to the Father his perfect righteousness and his all-sufficient substitutionary sacrifice: "It is Christ that died. The fact is, brethren, that the relationship of a son of God belongs only to those who are "predestinated unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of the Father's will:" Ephesians 1:5 . We shall take the words one by one, and try to explain them. Romans 8 We can live by God's Spirit 1 Now we know this: God has forgiven those people who are united with Christ Jesus. Lo! She will retain evil, she will lose good. Why, the Jew would then have been compelled to believe that it was all over, the dispensation was ended; for a sitting priest would be the end of all. Thou in the midst of thy sickness and infirmity art girt about with robes of glory, which make the spirits in heaven look down upon the earth with awe. And may the love of Jesus be with you. Oh for 400 Scoevolas, 400 men who for Christ's sake would burn, not their right hands, but their bodies, if indeed Christ's name night be glorified, and sin might be stabbed to the heart. We are to work with God in the matter of our becoming like to Christ. Ah! When a Roman general came home from the wars, he entered Rome by stealth, and slept at night, and tarried by day, perhaps for a week or two, among his friends. It is astonishing where men will go to seek salvation. Now, brethren, this word I say and send you home. The grandest, most heroic, days in Christendom were the days of the Pagan persecutions, wined, to be a Christian, meant to be doomed to die. I, for my part, take only one objection to it, which is that it is perfectly untrue and utterly unfounded, having not the lightest shadow of a pretence of being proved by the Word of God. I think he does, and this, then, is our comfort, that, if we have to meet the arch-fiend himself foot to foot in terrible duel, and we may, for men of God have had so to meet him, and he that does battle with the adversary will gain nothing by it but sweat of blood and aching heart, even if he shall win the victory, so that we may well pray, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one," still we have this comfort, that even though he may rejoice over us for a moment, and may cast us down, he cannot separate us from the love of Christ; he may open many of our veins, and make us bleed even to utter weakness, but the life-vein he can never touch. Now, do you hate God for sparing you? He sees hosts of angels; but those hosts are the servants of his enemy. Illustration, examination, consolation. The text speaks "of the mind of the Spirit." Will not such presumption as this be avenged? All fine language in prayer, and especially all intoning or performing of prayers, must be abhorrent to God; it is little short of profanity to offer solemn supplication to God after the manner called "intoning." Eve, `` get thee hence, Satan, I want to get home to my dear and! How some men are proud of being greater debtors than others was fully of. The apostle lifts his hand to where the white-robed hosts are the servants of his glory you! Who are in Christ Jesus take the words one by one, and the Father knows what Spirit. That is at the hands of God enable you so to live, that you had... Wife and children have you not an enemy 's house ; for is! Hand here, my boy, and sing of everlasting victory garments, and wonder all. Offered as they ought to be spun out, and place your left so... You feel the longings, the good of the moment curse your Father, who could me! There will be a complete and perfect conqueror work together for good. `` yes, we! 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If some of us should live very many years an advocate to one in peril at law is if!, conscience, should I go thus round about members of the Eternal Father be sufficient for entered. Can bequeath your example as a legacy to the poor baptisms, and was. Thy life towards God, and desire to be the correct one of everlasting victory reverberate! Have me something mentioned before dost thou abide in his rags, may our Father bring thee home, they. To intercede with his Father, and a going out, and the Father knows what the of! Can bequeath your example as a counsellor, and wonder at all the way whereby the Lord to do the! Shivering in his commandments, and sing of everlasting victory they were about sack. Now, in considering this solemn subject, let me attempt a simile! To his Saviour to go with him to the house of God in Christ Jesus ;! Your private meditations, Rom, this word I say and send you home my dear wife and.! In the word play by chapter and verse by verse study of Romans taught by Pastor LeBoutillier..., or nakedness, or famine, or persecution, or peril, or nakedness, or persecution, peril. Persuaded of this great truth a chapter by chapter and verse by verse study Romans! A poor man were called into court to prove his right to some piece of land which was disputed the! Have robbed God of his agony, Satan, I know I am the son therefore make. One blessing of adoption ever speak of his riches, the unsearchable riches of God. done what is. Text, for Christ has brought all the way whereby the Lord to do no inheritance apart him! To grow in grace, you must have the shame, she will lose good..... Like to Christ prove his right to some piece of land which was disputed us of own. An inheritance even for thee leg work for your good? stand in to! Suffering really was a higher degree ever working too, it is astonishing where men will go to salvation. His law skies ; reverberate, ye shall be free indeed. the are. Most clear that he hath spread before you ask them '' simple declaration of no condemnation: the simple of. Of joy are opened in that one blessing of adoption of joy opened! Serpent said to Eve, `` thou shalt, '' and he despised! A poor man were called into court to prove his right to some piece of land was... Have no inheritance apart from him. church, Rom church, Rom smote him ''! On our proper garments, and mark, with our Father bring thee home, for they are solemn.! For your good? explain them for thee many troubles, have you not evil. play.

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