what happens if you tell katjaa about kenny

Andy will then grab Clementine, and Danny will stop Lee from charging at him. Finally, you will knock some sense into Kenny and the train will be stopped (You knocked some sense into Kenny.). If you don't shoot Kenny, you and him to to Wellington, where there is no room to go in. Like she ran in front to stop him at the last second or something. The suicide will still happen, the gunshot rings out and Lee and Kenny run into the woods to find Katjaa. You'll then have to move up the house. Katjaa: What else should we do?! The Flash - Official Big Game Teaser Trailer, Tomb Raider: Reloaded - Official Launch Trailer, Children of the Corn (2023) - Official Red Band Trailer, The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series -- Season One, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. Now you'll need to make the fourth tough decision in this episode. If you get 4 or less , Kenny won't come with you. thestalkinghead December 2012 edited December 2012 The group turns to Ben Paul, the other surviving teenager, and asks him why he did not let anyone know that his friend had been bitten. Use the spanner from the train to prop the door open. Seeing it as a chance to improve how they appear to the St. Johns, Mark and Lee agree to carry out the task, setting off for a section of the fence. I think it's safe to say that saving Duck is the objectively better choice all around. In the aftermath of decision the electrical fence will fail, allowing a group of Walkers to attack. In "Long Road Ahead", however, perhaps the death of Katjaa showed that she was not a woman of resilience and strength, but a woman who struggles to battle with the emotional toll and bottled up her entire feelings out of fear that her emotional weakness will become a burden to the group. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Occupation Blonde If you leave David behind, or don't get the beartrap off within a set time period, he will be left behind to be eaten by the Walkers. Ben will then reveal that the bite isn't necessary to turn into a Walker - all of the survivors are infected. But I don't think he killed her in cold blood (shooting her in the back). Series Lifespan If you refuse to go to the dairy farm the rest of the group will have a vote that vetoes Lee's decision and Lee will reluctantly give in and go to the Dairy farm regardless. But when his attempt to save his family inadvertently alters the future, Barry becomes trapped in a reality in which General Zod has returned, threatening annihilation, and there are no Super Heroes to turn to. Clem can stay inside the house with the hostages or rather escape and tries to find. Decide whether or not to tell the group about your past. Katjaa is blunt and says what's on her mind, but has a gentle nature and a dislike of violence. At this point in the episode I didn't know if I could trust Kenny. Hey its the end of the world, wtf are they gonna do? Interestingly, depending on how many times you managed to punch Andy his face will be in different states of injury at this point. Realising what has happened, Lee then sprints back downstairs to stop the group from eating. You can also talk to Andy at this point and ask him about when you might eat, how the cow is and also talk about meeting a woman in the woods with Danny. and by that time Christa started to run, we hear a gunshot and Telltale didn't show what happened to her. Both Katjaa, Kenny, and Duck make a cameo appearance at Gil's Pitstop in the intro sequence. Be prepared to act. I only told Clem. Larry will die no matter what you do, so your decision will affect only Lilly and Kenny's behavior in this and the following episodes, and with regard to that it is a very important choice, especially if earlier you did everything against Kenny - if you side with him now, Kenny will again want to give you a ride in his . Lee keeps the video camera. Of course I didn't tell Ben. Pre-Apocalypse Before the outbreak Kenny was a commercial fisherman from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The two then progress further down the road, pursued by the dismembered torso of the Walker. When her son, Duck, and Shawn Greene are attacked by walkers she is seen running towards them. Thinking Kenny is in danger, the two hasten to rescue him from whatever has caused him to scream. Once dead, the group will turn to Ben, angry that Travis/David was bitten when he said he wasn't. Next, answer to one more question asked by Clementine. Use it on Duck's face. I wasn't. Lilly insists he is still alive, and it is at this point that Lee must decide to help Kenny or Lilly. She killed herself. But when his attempt to save his family inadvertently alters the future, Barry becomes trapped in a reality in which General Zod has returned, threatening annihilation, and there are no Super Heroes to turn to. Brenda dodges the question, and Lee asks to be excused so he can wash his hands. Plus, the Kenny ending gives you an extra flashback. I felt she should know how ruthless her husband has become. It matches the flashlight. Doug is crouched behind a hay bale near the entrance instead. I told everyone except Ben, since I didn't trust him at all. He runs off to help, while Lee is left behind to deal with Danny. It starts with Lee sneaking up on a Walker. Just because you couldn't save the damn Carley doesn't mean the world ends and the game's choices do not matter. As a mother, a wife, and middle-aged woman in the group, Katjaa was one of the characters within the game whose personality experiences a drastic change due to the events that occur from "A New Day" to "Long Road Ahead". She told me that even though her dad knew the secret, I still tried to save him. Mark is taken inside by Brenda, who promises to remove the arrow and nurse Mark back to health. Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Before her death, Katjaa spends most of the episode tending to Duck in the RV, at the train crash site, and finally when they stop the train to say farewell to Duck. No, I didn't tell her, though I think I will on my opposite playthrough. Have Clementine go through the gap above the door. You come out in the slaughter room, the area which is now revealed to be the place where they hacked off Mark's legs. Death Episode After that, Lee frantically screamed for Kenny as he fired his last shots. Return to the car coupling and pry it loose with the spanner. Talking to Kenny will prompt Larry's heart condition to start, and he collapses to the ground. OC characters for season 1 are closed. When Duck was bitten by a walker during the raid by a group of bandits at the motel, Katjaa seemingly lost all hope and optimism that she previously had held back in the first two episodes. Talk to Lilly to apologise for what happened. You also briefly see Brenda as a Walker, walking out of the house towards Andy. YOU ARE READING. Kenny (Walking Dead Video Game) Everyone else is mentioned; except Ben but only for a bit; Smut . Everybody. Lee says he will go and check things out. So she took the news well. Lee will wake up inside a meat locker. You must choose a solution to the situation. You definitely have to save Duck over Shawn and protect him from Larry in Episode 1. Head towards the train station beyond the overpass. You can do what you have to." Lee gave her a smile. Out of the group, I evaluated I only needed to tell Kenny. Not fighting with Kenny. Doug/Carley will apologise for leaving the Motor Inn unattended. Brenda won't let Lee in to see Mark, stating he has 'to trust her on this'. Danny will then walk into the beartrap, which snares his leg. Unfortunately, Ben's act of betrayal toward the group that lead to the occurrence of several chain events eventually takes a toll on Katjaa's emotional well-being. The Bible often compares death to sleep. "And I'm glad you agree with this. . Katjaa and Duck are the only members from the Motor Inn not shown to kill any zombies in the game. That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian albeit not the one hes looking for. It is also the third tough decision you'll need to make. Katjaa is one of seven named characters to commit suicide. Shoot the zombie attacking Katjaa, then join Carley to fend off the remaining zombies and escape the inn. With Andy now out of the way, head back into the barn and use the multi-tool on all four screws in the lock. If Lee doesn't decide to take the supplies, the others will take them instead. doesn't seem to matter. All rights reserved. Lee can now decide whether to walk away, or alternatively can decide to kill Andy. Collect as many supplies from the pharmacy as you can before the meter expires. Check out the launch trailer for another look at Lara Croft in action.Tomb Raider Reloaded allows players to jump back into the boots of groundbreaking adventurer Lara Croft in an action-filled quest to obtain the ancient Scion artifact, clearing ever-changing rooms filled with new and familiar enemies as well as hazardous traps and puzzles. Lee and Danny will now arrive at the Bandit Camp. Don't think you are responsible for anyone else's decision, whether it's Jane's decision to start a fight, or Kenny's decision to kill for revenge. But will making the ultimate sacrifice be enough to reset the universe? Enter the boxcar and examine the makeshift camp. Carly already knew, so that left Ben and Kenny + family. etc. (Off-Screen) Kenny jumped in and boosted Christa out. I was so shocked that I told Kat just for her reaction. Take the. If you don't, she will leave Lee to die and he will fight Andy off by hitting him at the last second. You then choose to go in or stay with Kenny. I know what happens if you shoot him, but what if the Look Away and Shoot Kenny choice times out? He also mentions that Larry had mentioned previously that he kept coins, which was an exchange earlier between him and Mark. As the game starts out, Katjaa is portrayed as a kind and caring lady who, due to her experience as a mother, allows Clementine to bond well with her the moment they meet. If you have a good relationship with Lilly at this point, she will appear and shoot Andy. Eliminate the remaining bandits with your rifle. In fact, she is more concerned about the welfare of the members in the group rather than anything else. If Doug is the survivor of episode 1, you'll see him shining his laser pen, which he talked about earlier. If Doug survived episode 1, he will be seen rigging up a system of bells on the barricade of the motel. A sequence will now start where Lee has to advance towards Brenda, who is holding Katjaa hostage. On June 16, worlds collide. Danny will remark it is probably there because of the trade between the dairy and the bandits. Franklin was likely the "family dog" Kenny mentions to Lee in the meat locker in "Starved for Help". When they hear the gunshot Kenny and Lee walk into the woods to get Katjaa and find her dead. Be especially careful of the ones who try and flank you. The group will then meet Brenda, Andy and Danny's mom. Below is a pictorial list of when Katjaa can die.[1]. But wasn't Lee going to follow Kenny, Katjaa, and Duck into the forest after awhile to off Duck? Return to the train cab and make a rubbing of the startup sequence. Follow the direction of the glass around the corner. Learn More. This time of contemplation and redemption for Kenny is worth more than anything for me. At this point, as the conversation gets more intense, Lee can decide to either let Jolene live, or can alternatively decide to end her life. If You Tell: A True Story of Murder, Family Secrets, and the Unbreakable Bond of Sisterhood by Gregg Olsen is narrative nonfiction true crime book published in 2019. She was more worried about what was about to happen rather than what just . - Also, I. Andy will then start up the electric fence and try to push Lee into it. Go to the front of the train and talk to Chuck. To do so, go inside the cabin, start a conversation and tell Kenny that his son is feeling very bad ("Duck's just about gone back there."). Re-enter the boxcar and take the water bottle for Katjaa. Funnily enough, to add to what the post before this one said, Kenny tells Lee near the end (if you choose to talk about the past with Kenny, note there is a VERY small window of opportunity to bring this up with Kenny, it appear between the train moving after leaving Duck and Katjaa, and giving the whiskey to Chuck) Kenny himself says "Kat would've understood", The Walking Dead: Episode 3 - Long Road Ahead. ". The person who was saved - David or Travis - has died because of their wounds. "A New Day" Mark will then crawl down the stairs, and Danny will attack Lee with his rifle butt. Another Walker is in the way. Look down, pick up the Rug and fulfill her request (Clean: Duck). Peek again and find Danny has gone missing. Once the RV is stopped at the railroad crossing, talk to Ben. I told Lilly as we were on good terms, after I helped save her dad. Andy insists that Mark was going to die anyway, and Danny says they are all just like Mark. There is also a fourth option if you want to see Duck as a zombie. You can ask about the door or make an excuse about why you're looking at it. If you look away, you're still not responsible for Jane's death, it's Kenny who is responsible. Talking to Clementine prompts Lee to tell her she can help search for an exit. This is supported by the fact that throughout all episodes, she is often only seen with her family, Clementine, and Lee. Post-Apocalypse Episode 1: A New Day At this point, Lee realises that the main reason Danny wanted to go hunting the bandits was to track Jolene, with the aim of bringing her back to eat. Return to the boxcar and talk to Clementine. You can also examine the picket fence near the house and Lee will comment on its sharpness. BUT I told Clem she could tell her parents. When you tell your therapist that you are suicidal, here are the possible things that could happen: Individual and unique responses Every therapist will respond differently to your disclosure of suicidal ideation and even attempts in the past. If you try to talk to anyone, you will tell everyone that you're going to make Kenny stop the train. Well yeah I had Doug with me. He says he will make an excuse for Lee. If Carley is dead at this point and axe was given to Mark, he will save Lee. Although she still didn't like this, she knew that her husband and Lee had a point. Katjaa: I'm going to keep an eye on him to see from a medical's perspective. Kenny, however, manages to convince them to let you and AJ inside, as you're just kids. Score: 4.6/5 (31 votes) . The death of herself and her son goes on to affect Kenny's character as well, who sinks in to a deep depression and apathy following the drama as well as starting to become more violent and lashing out more as well as seeking revenge on whoever was making the deal with the bandits. Let Mark decide whether to shoot the bird or not. My symptoms included a sore throat, fever, night sweats, nasal congestion, nausea, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, loss of sense of smell and taste, and a cough. If you agree, Lee will be able to talk to Clementine and affect her feelings, including giving her hope. You now have to decide whether to kill or spare Danny's life. Lee was upset because he assumed Kenny was devoured by the walkers, but he remained focused on recusing Clementine. Pick up the pencil from the center console by the driver's seat. I didn't tell Clem at the start of episode 3, because I figured that she didn't need to know, until she was old enough to understand. Katjaa is the only member of Kenny's family to have one death scene, as well as the only one to not be determinant. In "Cartman Joins NAMBLA", he nearly assaults his own mother with a plunger in an attempt to get rid of the baby she is pregnant with. Lily and Clem took it well (Clem knew I'd done a bad thing already but I hadn't told her it was murder). Lee will move them out of the way and discover a St. Johns Dairy box. Before the outbreak, Katjaa worked as a veterinarian and lived with her husband, Kenny, and her son, Duck, in Fort Lauderdale. Not doing so will make her shoot Lee, resulting in game over. Activate the main console and refer to the starup sequence for the alignment of the switches. That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian albeit not the one hes looking for. After Ben confesses to dealing with the bandits, Lee warns him not to say anything to Kenny. Kenny: We keep the same plan. Clementine notices he is awake and comes to speak to him. Later, she is held hostage by Brenda St. John. She was at a gas station when she first encountered a zombie. Answer what you want to the first question, and then anything to the next one (Clementine will remember your honesty.). Around this time, Katjaa will either thank or scorn Lee for his actions on Hershel's farm. Thank you. Then select the answer that suggests the fight ("Yeah, I do."). Well yeah I had Doug with me. Happens again in season 4 if players tell AJ to stand down from killing . Worlds collide in The Flash when Barry uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to change the events of the past. Exit the boxcar through the door. She killed my bro AND spilled my secret?! Kenny says "Sis!" Kenny walks over to you and hugs you and you hug him back. Peek through the crack and watch Danny set the trap.Talk to Kenny to advise on the best course of action. Mark and Larry will both take food from you, and will also ask to lend Lee's axe. Overwhelmed with immense grief, sadness, and depression, Katjaa commits suicide when she finds herself unable to handle the death of her son. Shot Katjaa himself? Inspect the chalk scuff at the base of the dumpster. If the player treated Duck and Katjaa in a good fashion before their deaths, Kenny will agree to come along.) Veterinarian (Pre-Apocalypse)Former Medic for the Motel Survivors (Post-Apocalypse) Depending on whether you shot the woman or not, you will have more time to collect supplies. It has an arrow stuck in its neck, so remove that first, then push it off the fence using Lee's axe. They will also ask Lee about his past, which will affect a scene in the future. You will start a conversation with Chuck. Yet, unfortunately, the place isn't accepting new members, as they're at capacity. A conversation with Lilly reveals that food supplies are low, and after a confrontration with Lee and Kenny, Lilly refuses to give out today's food rations, leaving Lee to do it instead. Lee must then make a decision about whether to go to the dairy farm or not. Check out the launch trailer for another look at Lara Croft in action.Tomb Raider Reloaded allows players to jump back into the boots of groundbreaking adventurer Lara Croft in an action-filled quest to obtain the ancient Scion artifact, clearing ever-changing rooms filled with new and familiar enemies as well as hazardous traps and puzzles. Possessed by a spirit in a dying cornfield, a twelve-year-old girl in Nebraska recruits the other children in her small town to go on a bloody rampage and kill all the adults and anyone else who opposes her. Lee and Omid attempt to pull Christa out, but they can't reach her. They are all just like Mark Duck is the objectively better choice all around was! 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what happens if you tell katjaa about kenny