why do pisces play mind games

A person who is playing mind games in relationships will often withhold their affection. The Capricorn zodiac is represented by a sea goat, symbolizing plans, success, imagination, creativity, and productivity. But due to his words/actions, the usual ones so it seems for a pisces man, I've had to walk away. When you point out insecurities about his career path, it's as close as you can get to personally insulting him. Shell flirt with someone else while her BF is standing next to her at a party or casually mention that an old flame slid into her DM, just to watch him squirm. One of the most obvious signs a Pisces man is playing you is when he doesnt talk about a future with you. The reason why Pisces slip into fantasy is that they want to protect themselves from any form of insecurity. All isnt lost, however, because when you do win over a Cancer, shes there for you forever. This is one of the sure signs a Pisces man is playing you. Dont give him the attention, and get ready to see him being mad at you. I guess my string love for him made me insecure and I reacted.. Will he ever come back or ever forgive me..??? Maybe just some info on whats going on inside my head or if i should just denie what i think and move on and never look back. I don't know really what I'm trying to ask for help on. They need lots of time to themselves to recharge. Very helpfull..hard to say when you're in love? This Pisces man is testing you to see how long itll take you to realize that hes just doing this for his own selfish needs. But the moment you speak about other men with him, he will start showing his, In fact, when you notice your partner does not spend his or her time with you in your relationship, you feel. mind games all day long. You think that youre the problem because you dont know whether you should be more direct or if you should also play along. The very moment you start to bring up serious things like family, friends, or your relationship, hell want to run out of the building and he wont look back. Studying the vast and complicated world of relationships entices me, and I am constantly striving to learn more, so I can then help others with more knowledge and experience. He would do everything in his power to show you that you can trust him but this Pisces male doesnt care about your feelings. What once kept you up at night, causing nightmares and night sweats, fear and worry is being whisked away. 3. Its like a well-paced thriller but we cant wait to turn the corner and hopefully see our crush. Discuss Why Do Pisces Men Like To Play Games With Women? By making him dependent on you and then pulling away in his time of need, you can make your Pisces guy feel helpless and insecure, which will definitely mess with his mind. Pisces are often known for being empathetic, generous, and in touch with their emotions, but there is a lot more to this sign than meets the eye. More often than not, he has an excuse as to why hes canceling on you and hes so good at lying that you even believe him. Now you know people born under this Zodiac sign is not the jealous type. Comments for Pisces Man mind games. Anxiety is being lifted. I don't enjoy doing it but it's in my nature, I guess? Reason 1: To Manipulate. If anything, he starts yelling at you and telling you that youre trying too hard. Suffice it to say, he often feels conflicted. We'll still love you, we'll just be less romantic and less involved with the relationship. Not only is it a challenge for him, but he enjoys the competition and wants to see how you react. He would want to show you that hes your best friend as well as your partner. I think I come across as not giving a shit. Pisces is, fittingly, a water sign, along with Cancer and Scorpio, and they're all known for being emotionally fluid, vacillating between feelings, and being very in tune with their feelings and those of others. How to Deal With Mind Games. My Wife Wants To Separate Can I Change Her Mind? This zodiac sign wont be able to mislead you once you know exactly what to look for in his behavior. Plus, she likes exploring her options and learning all that everyone has to offer. With that, let's delve into the most manipulative zodiac signs, ranked as per astrology: 1. The problem here is that you need to value yourself above anything and anyone else. They really cant tell because Pisces men can be slipping into their fantasy world, and it might look as if they are aloof. Second-guessing yourself and the decisions you make is horrible - it makes you feel insecure and alone. You cant compare the way he feels with that of Scorpios. Is this all a game to him? But it helps to keep your eyes and gut feeling on alert mode when you do. Pisces men crave honesty from their partners. You spend so much time together, yet you know nothing about him. Pisces. In fact, a Pisces man would much prefer it if a woman asks him out first because then he is sure that the woman is genuinely interested in him. I used to play that a lot but since I got with someone serious I kept it to a minimal oh yeah??! They will very conveniently switch their feelings on and off for you as if it's not a big deal. Think Aloud is a destination where youll find stories about every step you, as a woman, take. Cancer: minimal effort, maximum expectations. :D. Join in and write your own page! Not Taking Enough Alone Time. I can tell you with certainty that he wouldnt contact you even if you didnt talk to him for days or maybe even weeks. We see them as emotional beings who wouldnt do anything to hurt you but actually, more often than not, its easy to get played by them. I married someone else, he was an addict unfortunately and I did love him. Required fields are marked *. Its frustrating at this point but its clear that hes playing you. Theres something exciting about the gameplay of it all, of not knowing for sure how the other person feels, and reading just a little too much into their actions or gestures. He sees your message but he doesnt bother to reply to you. Honesty is huge to us. Handle such a situation by staying calm, not losing your confidence, and confronting him. The sign of the scales, the Libra lady is terrible at making decisions about basically anything. It was lies after lies, She played me for a fool. Taurus women want to be wooed, and if they have to take charge from the get-go, theyre going to lose interest. However, he chooses to completely ignore the fact that you need him. You should avoid trying to 'beat them at their own game', as doing so can actually end up with both of you getting hurt. When a man is interested in a woman, hell do everything in his power to show her that shes safe with him. Leaving a Pisces man alone sometimes to get lost in his thoughts and pursue his creative ideas is important. She feels your pain even when you do not talk to her about it and will comfort you and protect you. Will I wait? And it breaks my f-in heart every time I make her cry, I hate doing it to her but her tears remedies my situation. Just look at some of these famous Pisces and you can see . For this Tarot-scope, Michele used 12 Rider-Waite tarot cards, each corresponding to a zodiac sign. Fear2. If a man cheats on you, it has nothing to do with his zodiac sign, it's just who the man you dated is; a cheater.Us Piscean men are very emotionally intuitive, and WE LIVE TO PLEASE OUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER. Gemini jealousy and that of Pisces can be triggered when you make your relationship with them insecure. However, here he is again, showing you that hes completely uninterested in seeing you. Hello Astrogirls! If you want to know how to destroy a Pisces man, be critical of his ideas, and judge his character. 3. How? From trying to make them jealous and making promises we cant deliver to running hot and cold, some of our worst qualities can be exacerbated in a relationship but theyre the only way we know how to behave in certain situations! You try to bring it up every time you get the chance to do so but then he brushes it aside. And . Is The Pisces Man Jealous and Possessive When in Love? It hurts, I get it. After you go on a date with a Pisces guy, post pictures of yourself online with another man. He may not be an evolved Pisces. I understand your feelings, I think your emotions are valid, and the fact that youre so in love with him says a lot about your devotion toward this man. We always answer with our feelings and that is a sure way to find out if he's testing you or really serious about breaking up. It doesnt matter what you ask of him right now, he just doesnt respond to you. We all have days when we dont feel like getting out of bed. But they need you to be there. Personal relationship advice based on your natal and composite charts. You don't know anything about his private life. Scorpio - They play the blame game. If youre the one for them, theyll cherish you from the moment you step into their life. hoping another person will heal their deepest hurts. A problem can be solved with a simple solution. My advice, since he hasn't matured yet, kick him to the curb! As an earth sign, they are very grounded and practical. 5 Reasons why do people play mind games. I wish I'd have known it was him playing and testing. Pisces men dont want to hear their partner admire other men, give credit to other men, or even praise them. Love or like a Pisces man and you will never regret it! They like to flirt and have deep conversations where they can really get to know another person. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. Pisces men want to be alone. but how do you know if he's just "testing you" and playing gamesor if he really does want to end it and be done??? They dont want to step on anyones toes or hurt their feelings, so he is always kind and courteous. Wow! Us Piscean men are very emotionally intuitive, and WE LIVE TO PLEASE OUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER. Your email address will not be published. If you spend most of your time with your friends and business partners, a man will surely know. But first and foremost, what are the signs a Pisces man is playing you? 1) Honesty and sincerity. Maybe I'll see him again one day. In a . He may even gaslight you by saying that youre crazy for even asking about it or hell tell you that he already told you the answer to that. It's all correct. You just cant compare Scorpio being jealous with that of Pisces. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. You know just as well as I do that a Pisces man in love is one of the most romantic people in this world. They enjoy being in love so much that they often rush into it, so being in a one-sided relationship is a common problem for a Pisces guy to have. My email is blue_sky_gate@yahoo.com. This means that this sign will frequently jump from relationship to relationship before anyone else has had a chance to take a breath. It's not that I want to but it's because I have to to be assured. But here he is, playing his little mind games with you. Some people use mind games to selfishly manipulate others so they can get what they want to meet their own unmet needs. Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site. 21. This doesnt even have anything to do with his horoscope but its more something that all men have in common. He'll ask you questions that seem "out there," or he'll say one thing and then do something else to watch how you react. Listed below are some of them: Though Pisces is very sensitive but not until you talk to him about something, he wouldnt bother about it. Pisces would rather talk about all the things they're planning on accomplishing than actually take action. Mind Games: The Guide to Inner Space, a book by Robert Masters PhD and Jean Houston, from which John Lennon took the title for his song and album. He doesnt care about your emotions or how much it hurts you. This is one of the reasons why they tend to play mind games as a way to exert control over their partner by making them feel guilty for spending time away from them. The word jealousy sounds awkward when used to describe Pisces. Leo is a loving sign and when she finally does settle down, shell be incredibly loyal and thoughtful. When someone is playing mind games with your heart, it can mean a few things, and it makes sense when you take . You put him first. No, their type is never jealous. Once you are sad they feel it is a must they share in your sadness. So many questions are going through your head right now. You dont know anything about his private life, 6. A libra often has poor personal boundaries and they do not care to allow personal freedoms and space for their mate. Making him envious is one of the best mind games you can play to torture a Pisces man. They will take a dig at your looks. He is an emotional guy who needs you to shower him with the same love he shows to you. Hes nice to you when he needs something but once you try to get that behavior when you truly need it, hes cold toward you. Show up for him most of the time, but just when he really needs you, like if his car breaks down on the side of the road and he needs help, ignore his calls. Pisces men are usually very polite. the feeling once you fix everything about that emotion. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. The sign of the twins really shows their true colors when it comes to dating, because they will run hot and cold without even pausing for breath. I have experienced the mind games the lies and the disappearing acts. Cancer is infamous for her mood swings, and she will use it as a way to manipulate your emotions. Less of a dating game and more of a way to weed out the weaklings, the Taurus girl will lay it all out in the open about what she wants and allow the man to make his move. Read with an open heart and willingness to learn and adapt. 4. Shes a lover and bringer of harmony, though, so shell never make him feel that way, which is arguably the biggest and best (or worst) dating game shes liable to play. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't occasionally play games. Lets be honest for a moment. Hell continue telling you that youre just nagging him, that youre clingy, and that you dont have a life without him. But mind you make this as things as superficial as possible, dont go too deep. (These 10 Things). Her habit of ghosting or benching a dude isnt done out of malice, its just that she doesnt want to be constrained or restricted by relationships until shes totally ready. If youve got issues with your Pisces partner now, its advisable that you talk to him just to win him back since he is very sensitive and complex in nature. They cant stand to be criticized, making it the perfect way to mess with his head. He keeps everything a secret and doesnt try to give you insight into anything about him. This may include: sex. Pisces is a sign that loves to love, but the problem is she can give too much of herself too quickly to someone. Why are there 12 signs? The most common features of soulmate relationships. I dont know a bigger red flag than this one, so I can assure you that this one will be more than obvious. He will make sure his family and friends like you. This is because they feel attached and closed to everyone around them. Be lenient when testing Pisces jealousy. What once kept you up at night, causing nightmares and night sweats, fear and worry is being whisked away. Hence, to freshen and calm themselves down from all the conflicting draining energies out there, they need plenty of alone time. 14. From naughty to nice, my reviews of ebooks on dating, love, sex and more. Don't act as if you notice he is around. When he closes his door and asks not to be disturbed while working on something, interrupt him every ten minutes by making noise or going in the room. This sign wants their partners to know that everyone is interested in them, so that their SOs can be thankful for every day they get to wake up next to them. since he is very sensitive and complex in nature. One of the most obvious signs a Pisces man is playing you is when you know that hes been lying to you. He becomes very protective of his body and he cant look into your eyes anymore. A guy whos serious about you wouldnt do this. This type of criticism weighs heavily on his heart and makes him feel remorseful, even if he hasnt done anything wrong. It doesn't make them feel powerful or smarter than anyone; it just makes them feel kind manipulative . Whats his dream job? he's happy, so make sure to show your appreciation. Because they are inherently introverted, they need to be alone a lot. For a sign that expects the world of their partner to soothe their bruised feelings, Cancer isnt always so willing to put in the work themselves. He respects a woman who can let things slide and accept that things aren't always as they seem, and that people . You know little things about him but you dont know anything about his private life. Do you think that a guy who likes you would take ages to respond? Have you been talking to her? One day, he seems to be all over you but when you think about it more, you can see that hes only trying to get you in bed. When your partner in a relationship is a Pisces man, you can play mind games with him just to make sure he gets jealous. It is also a relationship of two spirits meeting at a point. if someone is helping you on a massive scale in comparison to the little that you do wouldnt you be appreciative. Instead of assuring you that youre exclusive, he ignores your questions altogether, which isnt very reassuring. Relationships are an iffy situation for Aquarius women. But in a situation when you make them feel like their relationship is insecure, then you are giving him one of the signs that he has to show his jealousy trait. And a Pisces whose emotions are always poured out to their lovers often show that they are sad when they observe their partner doesnt create time for them. They have romantic ideals that are almost impossible to be reached, but their melancholic persona can make them dissatisfied with just about everything. For such a good communicator, this Air sign really likes making us guess. For us to confirm this, read on. So if your Pisces man doesnt make you a priority from the get-go, hes playing games with you. I don't know why, but we love games. Here are some of the tips on how to play a Gemini man at his own game. Furthermore, the Pisces and Cancer compatibility couple will be tolerant and sympathetic to each other. If he tells you something personal and significant, its one of the signs a Pisces man is in love with you. Its her confidence that allows Aries to play this sort of dating game, because she knows that the person wants her its just more fun for her to keep him dangling on the hook. If anyone who reads this could email me anything on what you think I couldn't thank you enough. While outwardly thoughtful, shy, righteous, and sweet, they plot to undermine people and institutions, hiding (barely) their lust for sex and money. I have decided to proceed with caution slowlybut things will never be the same because they'll always be that fear that he will leave again and come back with another story. The water sign Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac signs. Theres nothing wrong with being a hopeless romantic at heart. What to Do When Your Pisces Man is Angry? That means that they are always waiting for the dude to make the first move and, no matter how long it takes, they wont message them first. I just recently broke up with my g/f (a Taurus) because I lost my feelings for her. After realizing I was the person that everyone around me always came to for dating advice, I decided to merge this skill with my profession writing. If you have a fear of him breaking up with you just ask him. [ad]meta-product[ad] Aries Nine of Swords, reversed. He sounds rather immature. They're experts at playing mind games and using emotional manipulation to get what they want. Will he change? We tend to play games to test others love for us. By learning more about his zodiac sign, you will know exactly what it takes to get under a Pisces mans skin. He tells you that youve been having such a fun time but youre ruining it with these conversations. They like gentlemen who open doors for them and call instead of text. Aquarius men are fiercely confident, fiercely independent, and also have a pretty high opinion of themselves. Even when you try to confront him about it, you can see that he tries to gaslight you. If your Pisces man goes into his imaginary world, do the same. Of course yes. This can cause their SOs to feel like theyre not a priority or that theyll always take a backseat to the Capricorns career. An Aquarian tends to ghost people even when they like them but a Gemini or a Libran doesnt like to be kept waiting when it comes to texting. One of the signs a Pisces man is playing games with you is that he cancels plans at the last minute. If he's not interested in you, he won't put effort into reaching out and staying connected. You should not give him the opportunity to suspect anything about you. She was constantly prodding me with questions on why I was isolating myself. Odds are he has picked up on your intresr, but being passive will probably wait to make the move. Make your Pisces man forget every other woman and go absolutely crazy for you. He knows that youre easy to manipulate so he doesnt want to let go of you but when you try to have a serious conversation with him, he gets nervous and uncomfortable and he likely cant give you an explanation for his behavior. A Pisces is basically a mermaid in a bathtub drinking a glass of red wine. All we look for in return is love, appreciation, and honesty. Ugh, Cancer women can be some of the most difficult to deal with when it comes to dating. Try to know what is troubling him. Speaking of their anxiety and perfectionist tendencies, the Virgo girl will second-guess everything in the dating game. Shell always be far away, but shell keep in touch just enough to keep her man on the line. Don't be surprised if a Pisces decides call it quits out of nowhere! In the end it's best to give them what they don't realize they want. It is the case that both of you will have a good understanding of each other. When it comes to mind games, Scorpions will always be at the top of the list. Not only that but when I needed space to recollect myself and feelings she would never let me be. If you're feeling confused and dejected, they're probably trying to mess with your head. As much as I still care about her, I am not going to lie, I'm a bitch towards her now. 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why do pisces play mind games