wiradjuri sacred sites

The Wiradjuri nation was split and sub-split into many tribes. Following Governor Brisbane's decision to open the flood gates to the west of the Blue Mountains, various attacks were soon made against the growing settlement. [50] In 1924 an eastern brown snake that had hidden under a home, was enticed out after 'Yes, We have No Bananas', 'The Road to Gundagai' and finally 'Come into the Garden Maud', were played on the harmonica. WebIn so doing, Council recognises and respects the heritage, culture, sacred sites and special places of Wiradjuri and First Nations Peoples. Windradyne himself had a reward of 500 acres of land upon his head. [5], Macquarie wrote: .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, "We found here also three male natives and four boys of this newly discovered tract of country, who showed great surprise, mixed with no small degree of fear, at seeing so many strangers, horses and carriages but to whom they soon appeared to be reconciled on being kindly spoken to. [16] In an ambush, the stationhands were chased back and in the retreat three Wiradjuri warriors were shot. [23] Lightning killed a horse in 1946 but the rider escaped with her life though somewhat injured. His reward was to stand on a high point (Mount Pleasant) at the edge of Bathurst township and declare his right to all the land he could see. The Rural Ministry Task Force Diocese of Canberra Goulburn, 2009, Anglican News, Beating the Bounds develops unity among worship centres', Vol 26, No 6, August 2009, The Newspaper of the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn, p.11 Available [online], Tate, W. E.(1946) The Parish Chest. Dance to Weird Music", Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders, Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association, National Congress of Australia's First Peoples, Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, Northern Territory National Emergency Response, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gundagai_lore&oldid=1106121828, Australian Aboriginal legendary creatures, Geographic Names Register of NSW not in Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 August 2022, at 08:21. [citation needed]. WebThe artefacts have been collected, under intense Wiradjuri opposition, at the proposed gold mine on Lake Cowal where Barrick is undertaking exploratory drilling on a sacred site. (From Our Own Corr", "20 Jun 1923 Ghosts at Gundagai. A distinctive feature of the group was that they began with the term for no (wira) and concluded with the term for having (djuri) [ref]Grant and Rudder 2005; Howitt 1904: 108.[/ref]. In October, the Sydney Gazette summed up the situation by stating that "Bathurst and its surrounding vicinity is engaged in an exterminating war". On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Some believe the name 'Gundagai' derives from the word 'Gundagair', an 1838 pastoral run in the name of William Hutchinson[27] to the immediate north of current day Gundagai. Some of the better known and accessible sites include Hands on the Rocks; The Drip; Babyfoot Cave. Investigations to date have not assessed the Mountain precinct as being rare or of research potential," it said. If you find yourself in Dubbo or its surrounds and you come across a tree inside a cage, take note: youre treading on sacred Tubba-Gah Wiradjuri ground. In turn, as a direct result of colonialism by England from the 1800s onward, the current culturally diverse Celtic and Anglo-Saxon origin dominant in numbers population evolved at Gundagai at high cost to the original inhabitants. The Wiradjuri were the occupants of the Mudgee district, as well as of a large part of what is now the state of New South Wales, prior to the arrival of Europeans. The protective benefits of declaration can be augmented by using other tools such asPlans of Management. [13] In 1822 George Suttor took up an extensive lot of land, later known as Brucedale Station, after Wiradjuri guides showed him an area with ample water sources. Mr Williams said. The location of Gundagai on a sizeable prehistoric highway, (the Murrumbidgee River), along with the significant and sacred Aboriginal ceremonial ground across all of North Gundagai, and other ancient archaeology, indicates it would have been an important ceremonial, mining, manufacturing and trading place for Aboriginal people before the arrival of the Europeans. Provides opportunities for the community to engage in conservation, site protection and management, including through the intergenerational transfer of culture and economic opportunities where appropriate. [67] Sydn", "5 Apr 1932 Man Struck Dead Gundagai, Monday", Geographical Names Board of New South Wales, "Encyclopedia: K - Kyzikos: Greek mythology, people, places and things of ancient Greece", http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/s/sturt/charles/s93t/, https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/20142204?q=Reuss+and+Browne%27s&c=map&versionId=23744584, http://www.ozhistorymine.com/html/t__horton_james__1838.html, "19 Nov 1927 Tumut in 1832. Charles Sturt in Chapter Two of his Murrumbidgee exploration journal,[33] likened the 'verdant' Gundagai valley as having Diana of Nemi site parallels as recorded in James George Frazer's 'The Golden Bough',[34] when Sturt journeyed through the Gundagai area in 18291830. Available [online]. Available [online], Horton, J., (1838), 'Six Months in South Australia: Ride of Six Hundred Miles From Sydney to Melbourne Through the District of Illawarra', [5], Tindale says that some of the later terms had entered the literature, although not based on fieldwork and lacking Aboriginal support, as artificial, collective names for his "Great Tribes" of New South Wales. WebThe Wiradjuri diet included yabbies and fish such as Murray cod from the rivers. One pastoral holding on the western side of North Gundagai was named 'Jarno'. In 1820, the population of Bathurst was only 114 due to Macquarie's slow and cautious approach to new settlement. Declaration of an area as an Aboriginal Place gives landholders and the whole community benefits by providing: Bomen Axe Quarry Report 2.1 MB Download. 'Gair' was recorded at Yass in 1836 by George Bennett (naturalist) and means 'bird', as in budgerigar or good bird. Jimmy Clements also known as King Billy whose traditional name was 'Yangar',[3] walked forward to respectfully salute the Duke and Duchess of York (later Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother), and after that the two elders were formally presented to the Royal couple as prominent citizens of Australia. (, Wiradhuric branch of Australian languages, Cootamundra Domestic Training Home for Aboriginal Girls, "What's in a name? The Wiradjuri nation was split and sub-split into many tribes. According to oral tradition, in Mudgee, the Mowgee clan extended over a 50 km radius. The Mowgee womens totem was the wedge tail eagle (Mullian) and the mens totem the crow (Waggan). They settled around the Cudgegong River, using its resources for food, and water. Long before European settlers built a road through the Hartley Valley, it was where the Gundungurra, Darugand Wiradjuri people shared culture and trade. The Rock is also known as Kengal [10] Very deep snowfalls and severe weather were experienced in 1899. He said the department was following cultural heritage consultation procedures and that during construction Aboriginal heritage sites would be fenced. Tumut Geological Series Sheet 8527, Edition 1, 1990, Department of Minerals and Energy under the authority of the Minister for Minerals and Energy, 1990. identified in Parkes, W. (1952) correspondence between Tindale, Parkes and Hancock, Noel Butlin Archives Centre, ANU Manuscript Collection, D/162, p.96. Things produced by art and labour, are the white fellows' as they call us." The floodplains of the Murrumbidgee below the present town of Gundagai were a frequent meeting place of Wiradjuri speaking people from nearby regions. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), abc.net.au/news/great-western-highway-upgrades-anger-aboriginal-groups/100830566, Get breaking news alerts directly to your phone with our app, Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article. [17], The Wiradjuri were also known for their handsome possum-skin cloaks stitched together from several possum furs. By August 1824, the Sydney Gazette described it as "to have exposed the strength and wealth of the Colony to destruction".[12]. This primary landscape figure marked out by the course of the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai, is replicated in some Sydney Rock Engravings and recorded in local Aboriginal cultural heritage. Special thank you to the Dubbo Aboriginal Working Party that provided initial letters of support to the tourism centre project, nominated members to the Advisory Panel and remain engaged in ensuring the project delivers outcomes for community. Image caption: Architect's impression of the Wiradjuri Tourism Centre Foot soldiers were proven to be an inadequate force on the wide plains of the interior. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the Country on which the Museum stands, the Wiradjuri Nation, and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. WebSummary: The Dubbo Wiradjuri Tourism Centre will deliver an Aboriginal cultural experience truly unique to Dubbo, and support the further development of the Dubbo In dry seasons, they ate kangaroos, emus and food gathered from the land, including fruit, nuts, They are generally to be found near rivers where the softer earth allowed easier burial. Bell then went on to remember the ghost of Kimo Hill, a couple of miles to the south of Gundagai, that is thought to belong to a lost or stolen child who went missing in the area, in the 1830s. The Aborigines at Bathurst were noted as being timed, inoffensive and friendly. Wiradjari Elder Aunty Helen Riley opposes the proposed Great Western Highway route through sacred sites. This website explores the history of Aboriginal trackers in NSW from 1862 when the current NSW Police Force was established through to 1973 when the last tracker, Norman Walford, retired. The Devil provides him with a single burning coal with which to warm himself, which he then used to lure foolish travellers into the marshes. However, the majority of Wiradjuri casualties during the conflict were non-combatants, who were killed by mounted settler patrols or deliberately poisoned by the settlers. Soon after Governor Lachlan Macquarie and a large accompanying party set out to view the country. There are, however, numerous traces of their extensive occupation of the land. George Augustus Robinson, Chief Protector of Aborigines in Port Phillip, commented that Gundagai was remarkable for its nomenclature when passing through the town in 1844. The blue glow of the Min Min light sometimes identified as a fata morgana phenomenon, is also known in the Gundagai area and Aboriginal people were taught to run if they saw it. Reuss & Browne's map of New South Wales and part of Queensland showing the relative positions of the pastoral runs, squattages, districts, counties, towns, reserves etc. Gundagai lore is associated with Gundagai, Australia, a place of considerable reputed Aboriginal cultural significance, with both archaeological sites and anthropological associations related to sacred and spiritual beliefs of the local clan group and wider cultural associations. o Sacred sites are places within the landscape that have a special meaning or significance under Aboriginal tradition. They extended southwest to the vicinity of Hay and Narrandera. 139142, 161167, Macarthur, J. The NSW Mounted Police became the principal instrument of enforcement of colonial rule on the frontier for the next 15 years.[22]. It included native title claimants and four local Aboriginal land councils. [65] More recently a Gundagai resident saw a ghost at the old Gundagai Gaol and wrote a song about her.[66]. He goes on to say that 'it is impossible perhaps at all times to prevent the infliction of injury upon them by individuals andif justice cannot always be done, it deserves consideration upon such occasion whether the wrong may not be repaired by compensation. Wiradjuri and First Nations Community Cultural Protocols, a way of helping to conserve the unique cultural heritage of NSW for future. You can't stop progress,but they're going about it the wrong way,"Aunty Helen said. Wiradyuri Traditional Owners fear sacred site will be 'forever destroyed' for a go-kart track Image Video Audio Wiradyuri Traditional Owners say a go-kart track [26], Noel Beddoe's novel The Yalda Crossing[27] also explores Wiradjuri history from an early settler perspective, bringing to life a little-known massacre that occurred in the 1830s. By late 1824, large numbers of Wiradjuri were surrendering themselves to the government. [by Telegraph.] Bogan River Wiradjuri in 1898. [60] The shovel bounced off so next Mr Carey set the dogs on it and the ghost retreated through the doorway. After Governor Thomas Brisbane declared martial law the resistance soon collapsed in late 1824. President of the Gundagai and District Historical Society, Wilkie Watson Publications, Tumut, p.50. He spoke to them in their own language in such a manner as not to let them suppose he anticipated any evil from them. The name 'Warramore', is given for Stuckey's Station in 1836 at today's Gundagai. (Vic.) Declaring an area an Aboriginal Place is a way of formally recognising the cultural attachment Aboriginal people have to land, to Country. Sacred tree carvings are set to return to their traditional home in the heart of New South Wales. 73-74Available [online], George Augustus Robinson 'Report of a Journey of two thousand two hundred miles to the Tribes of the Coast and Eastern Interior during the year 1844', ca.1844, MLMSS 7335, State Library of NSW, Available [online], 'Parkes, W. 1952, Letter to Tindale from Parkes, Noel Butlin Archives Centre, ANU Manuscript Collection, database 162, p.96, Department of Environment and Conservation NSW, 2004, 'Aboriginal Women's Heritage: Brungle and Tumut', Department of Environment and Conservation NSW, p.42. These cages house trees that were scarred or carved by Wiradjuri people, some as far back as the 1800s, to make tools or to mark significant burial sites. WebWiradjuri spiritual beliefs were organised around a network of sacred sites associated with mythical heroes known as jin [ref]Jin are sometimes referred to as totems and colloquially Suttor learnt their language, and befriended Windradyne, nicknamed "Saturday", and attributed conflict to the harshness of his own people's behaviour, since the Wiradjuri were in his view, fond of white people, as they would call them. The government centre at Swallow Creek was soon abandoned in fear of attack. For several months the attacks by the Wiradjuri continued; they struck at unexpected locations then retreated back to the bush. 'West Ward' at Gundagai is still delineated by West Street. Spirit Dog, Djirri Djirris, Killimicat Craypton and Ghosts, Kabaila, P. (2005), 'High Country Footprints: Aboriginal pathways and movement in the high country of southeastern Australia: Recognising the ancient paths beside modern highways', Pirion Publishing Canberra. Following the successful Blaxland, Lawson, and Wentworth expedition to find a route through the "impenetrable" Blue Mountains in 1813, this allowed the colony to expand onto the vast fertile plains of the west. [45][46][47], Snakes do unusual things at Gundagai such as the eastern brown snake that removed itself from the stomach of a red-bellied black snake after the red-belly black had eaten it. [5], A feeling of awe and reverence for that Almighty power that formed the universe was had in Gundagai at the appearance of the comet on Saturday 21 December 1844. The 'Gundagai' placename meaning further refers to the reason for the bend in the Murrumbidgee River near the Gundagai showground at Gundagai and to the mythological landscape epic at Gundagai. Interviews and feature reports from NITV. Some of the better known and accessible sites include Hands on the Rocks; The Drip; Babyfoot Cave. "We don't have that many sites spare to just go 'it's okay to destroy some Aboriginal history'," Mr Williams said. Ceremonies End. The occupation of their lands and their cultivation began to cause famine among the Wiradjuri, who had a different notion of what constituted property. However, Windradyne continued to elude attempts to find him, and as such martial law remained in place for a further seven weeks. [cartographic material] The Wiradyuri Traditional Owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation (WTOCWAC)said the track would "forever destroy this site". Keep up to date with everything happening at Wagga Wagga City Council. [20] It included unlimited and unrestricted water rights to the Macquarie River. WebThe Wiradjuri people resisted, which led to open conflict from 1822-1824. as some of these names, and mentions R. H. Mathews, A. W. Howitt and John Mathew as promulgators of the "nations" concept. But despite their immense One tall and shadowy supernatural visitant that appeared from under a culvert in Gundagai in 1869, severely alarmed a horse and its rider, and exhibited a livid, phosphoric light such as a rotting fish might display. The corporation expressed its intent to make an application for a declaration of Wahluu as an Aboriginal Place under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW). Between them, these men rescued more than 40 people using bark canoes. Spring Wagga Wagga . On 14 August Governor Brisbane issued a proclamation of martial law. They were all clothed with Mantles made of the skins of o'possums which were neatly sewn together and the outside of the skins were carved in a remarkably neat manner. Governor Darling formalised the grant of 3200 acres in 1826. Members of the Wiradjuri community are concerned over a14-kilometre stretch between Little Hartley and Lithgow, which is slated to becomea four-lane highway. AND WHEREAS the ordinary Powers of the CIVIL MAGISTRATES (although most anxiously exerted) have failed to protect the Lives of HIS MAJESTY'S Subjects; and every conciliatory Measure has been pursued in vain; and the Slaughter of Black Women and Children and Unoffending White Men, as well as of the lawless Objects of Terror, continue to threaten the before mentioned Districts; AND WHEREAS by Experience, it hath been found that mutual Bloodshed may be stopped by the Use of Arms against the Natives beyond the ordinary Rule of Law in Time of Peace, and for this End Resort to summary Justice has become necessary: NOW THEREFORE, by Virtue of the Authority in me vested by His Majesty's Royal Commission, I do declare, in Order to restore Tranquillity, MARTIAL LAW TO BE IN ALL THE COUNTRY WESTWARD OF MOUNT YORK; And all Soldiers are hereby ordered to assist and obey their lawful Superiors in suppressing the Violences aforesaid; and all His Majesty's Subjects are also called upon to assist the MAGISTRATES in executing such Measures, as any one or more of the said Magistrates shall direct to be taken for the same purpose, by such Ways and Means as are expedient, so long as Martial Law shall last; being always mindful that the Shedding of Blood is only just, where all other Means of Defence or of Peace are exhausted; that Cruelty is never Lawful; and that, when personal Attacks become necessary, the helpless Women and Children are to be spared. 'Kimo' is also known as Nargun. For the place, see, Suttor wrote: "These natives have some imperfect ideas of property, and the right of possession. Mount Minerva is the old name for what today is the hill known as 'Minjary'. Rintoul, S. 12 September 2008 'Dialogue gets under way at indigenous leaders' retreat' The Australian, RJE Gormly Index, Letter from the Deputy Surveyor-General, 22 January 1838, in 'Gundagai A Track Winding Back', Cliff Butcher, 2002, A.C. Butcher, Gundagai, p.11. | GU", "9 Nov 1929 Rides 371 Miles in 24 Hours Opperman Has Fight W", http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/nswcultureheritage/AboriginalWomensHeritageBrungleTumut.htm, https://web.archive.org/web/20110327123813/http://www.cootamundra.local-e.nsw.gov.au/files/59930/File/BrochurePicturepackage.pdf, "12 Jul 1887 Country News. The word 'Gundagai' is also said to mean cut with a hand-axe behind the knee. The man chopped his finger off and survived. [37] 'Warramore' is linked to 'Warrawen', which is the large cut in the western side of the Monaro Plateau from near which western travelling geological fault lines begin, and 'Warragong', which is the section of the beginning of the Australian Alps in the Gundagai region upon which snow sometimes falls. Contact with the Europeans was disastrous for the Wiradjuri whose numbers were soon decimated. WebThe most easterly groups of the Wiradjuri Nation were the tribes whom Windradyne became leader. Settlement also restricted access to some Wiradjuri sacred sites. Friday", "26 Oct 1904 Horses Struck by Lightning. Saturday is, without doubt, the most manly native we have ever beheld. WebThe Wiradjuri inhabited an area bounded by the Blue Mountains in the east, the western slopes in the south, and the change of open forest to grassy plains in the north and west. [31], The area is also identified as Jones Creek diorite. The Mudgee district holds many sacred Aboriginal sites and cave painting, some sites with evidence of tool making. However, all of these attempts failed and it was to be over 20 years before a way across was found. [19] A boy, Patrick Vaughan, was struck by lightning in October 1904 and rendered unconscious for a long time. [25] John Bloomquist, who was camped in a hollow tree on the Gundagai Golf links, was horribly burned and died when the tree was struck by lightning in 1932. The Mudgee district holds many sacred Aboriginal sites and cave painting, some sites with evidence of tool making. [8] More attacks followed with the murder of convict hut-keepers, scattered herds and speared cattle. He is not particularly tall but much stouter and more proportionable limbed than the majority of his countrymen; which combined with a noble looking countenance and piercing eye, are calculated to impress the beholder with other than disagreeable feelings towards a character who has been so much dreaded by the Bathurst settler. [11], Similar attacks occurred nearby, at "The Mill" and "Warren Gunyah". [54] Yarri and Jacky Jacky were honoured with bronze medallions for their efforts, and were allowed to demand sixpences from all Gundagai residents, although Yarri was maltreated on at least one occasion after the flood. This area was well watered with a bountiful supply of native animals and plants which were used as the Wiradjuris food source. 18601869. [42] Gundagai's Anglican parish still has 'wardens'. [55] It is claimed that the Gundagai community developed a special affinity with the Wiradjuri people and that the flood and its aftermath was the birthplace of reconciliation. Will is a wicked blacksmith who is given a second chance by Saint Peter at the gates to Heaven, but leads such a bad life that he ends up being doomed to wander the Earth. The Mudgee district holds many sacred Aboriginal sites and cave painting, some sites with Mrs Moroney spoke to her clergyman and also the Bishop and then vacated her residence. WebBrungle east of Wagga - sacred Wiradjuri place. In the 21st century, major Wiradjuri groups live in Condobolin, Peak Hill, Narrandera and Griffith. WebThe Wiradjuri nation was split and sub-split into many tribes. The development application for the go-kart track was approved by the Bathurst Regional Council in January last year, but Wiradyuri Traditional Owners have urged it to reconsider the proposed location for the development. It was closely related to the Ngiyampaa language to the west and Gamilaraay to the north. an opportunity to contribute to the process of reconciliation; the chance to share knowledge of, and learn more about, their land; protection in perpetuity of the Aboriginal Place under Section 90 of the NP&W Act; access to specialist advice from the Office of Environment and Heritage on the. WebBook online or email or call Milan Dhiiyaan on 0400 409 102. These declarations are a conservation tool and advance the recognition, protection and understanding of Aboriginal cultural values throughout NSW. He said 34 local knowledge holders are helping the government ensure all discoveries are handled appropriately. Sometimes one-half of him would appear to those he chose to favour with his presence, and at other times, the other half was seen. Stockmen were intimidated and would not leave their huts to round up the cattle and bring them in without protection. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. Lighthearted yarn on all things NBA and NBL, Join Narelda Jacobs and John Paul Janke to get unique Indigenous perspectives and cutting-edge analysis of the biggest stories of the week. WebCompetition for land forced the Wiradjuri from their homes and put strain on their traditional food resources. Into many tribes district holds many sacred Aboriginal sites and special places of Wiradjuri were also known as [... And sub-split into many tribes Station in 1836 at today 's Gundagai and respects heritage... Places of Wiradjuri were also known as Kengal [ 10 ] Very deep snowfalls and severe weather experienced! Some of the Murrumbidgee below the present town of Gundagai were a frequent meeting place Wiradjuri. Place is a way of formally recognising the cultural attachment Aboriginal people have to,. 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wiradjuri sacred sites