bts reaction to them wanting attention

For the remainder of the concert he would constantly steal glances at you and smile wider everytime he saw you cheering him on, motivating him to do his best so you would be proud of him. I may have lost this round, but I won in life. Y/N: If you do that, Ill never talk to you again ! Namjoon's face became warm, his lips pursing together as pressed his forehead to yours. You answered. Your laughter died down, but Taehyung didn't move from his position above you. It would become a common occurrence for the two of you when your schedules managed to line up or when you could coordinate your projects so you could work together. He comes closer to you, pulling you into a hug. "Okay.. T: OMG, its so weird and so good. You had never really worn anything that showed off your body. BTS reaction s/o wanting them to be their first time. Can you do it more often?? Come here, I wanna check if youre not hurt., Its okay Jagi, youre still the sexiest girl that is for me., Hey, I do reactions/scenarios/smuts *wink wink* for BTS, Exo, BigBang and more. You immediately felt self conscious and tried to cover yourself as you quickly walked over and set the drive on his desk, turning to leave when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his lap. "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". - Bandmate Having A Crush On You. When he hears the door shut, he attacks you in kisses. You lived in another country, meaning that you and Jin rarely got to see each other in person. Yoongi would just stop playing the game and focus on you entirely. Aww~ You look so cute. He moves towards you and cups your face. Turns out Jin seeing you in a towel wouldn't be the most explicit scene of the day after all. BTS as Texts I've Gotten from . Just knowing you were there somewhere was a great confidence booster for the golden maknae. He sits close to you, letting you lean your head on his shoulder. As you rush and leave the apartment he wants to grab your wrist and hold you into a hug telling you how sorry he was, but he is too scared to touch you again. Even so, you eat too little and you already look slim, youre gonna get sick if you keep going on this way. Can you Please make a BTS reaction when their s/o really want to cuddle and they're too shy to ask but the boys sorta figures it out that they wanna cuddle? playing videogames. He refuses to answer. His plan was to form a friendship with you and get close to you for now and, if he still had feelings for you then, he would confess to you when you were more stable in your career. Jungkook slams you into the door and you fall on the hard ground, feeling terrified by the violent gesture of the one you thought loved you most. Ever since the first story, you dreamed about the day you would get that moment, planning your dream wedding down to the very last detail. The day it was actually spoken about, you were both laying on the bed. Expect lots of cuddles once the two of you met up after the concert. Kim Namjoon. It's kind of hard to have a serious conversation with Jungkook. Your head was against his chest while playing with his free hand that wasn't holding his phone. You smile at his cuteness. Especially her belly and her pretty large thighs/hips? You dont even care, admit it ! You grabbed one of his shaking hands, intertwining your fingers through his own and pressing another kiss to his face in an attempt to reassure him he was doing fine. He wouldnt make a big deal about it, and he wouldnt treat you any differently. J: If he loved you, he wouldve done anything before hurting you. Y/N: Is that what weve become? Jungkook? N: Ughh.. You put down the food and gladly hugged him. I hope you guys like this one xx Jin: You would start poking his cheeks repeatedly and at first he would completely ignore you, continuing to go. Your breath quickened, almost afraid to admit your thoughts. Given your similar personalities, he would likely get a bit startled when you suddenly switched and became savage after being insulted. Jimin looks terrified as he comes trying to hug you, but you push him away. Y/N: You never listen to me ! You were just wearing his sweater with nothing underneath other than your underwear. Y/N: Just order for yourself, Im on a diet. The only thing that kept Jin from running off stage and embracing you was the cheering from ARMY reminding him that he was in the middle of a concert. Of course he has his romantic moments, and he knows how to talk out his problems if its really an issue, but the talk of sex had never really surfaced between the two of you. "Do you want to join me?" he asked, a small smirk playing on his lips. What game? BTS reaction to you posing topless for a Magazine . Your head was against his chest while playing with his free hand that wasnt holding his phone. Your head wasburiedin the material of his jacket, but you knew he was surprised. It is implied that reader is younger than Jun. Jungkook surely noticed though, feeling his breath hitch as he cautiously ran his hands across your body. Thank you for coming Y/N, it means a lot.. How could you do this to me? Whatever. He said trying to keep his cool. He said he wasnt going to be back until late! You can see how dissaponted he feels with himself. Afterall, if you were dating World Wide Handsome, you had to look the part. Namjoon knew that you were beautiful from the moment he laid eyes on you so it came as no surprise to him that you were a model. Jimin caresses your hand as he sits next to you. Y/N: I promise next time you call, Ill pick up. Even if he likes you he feels bad to see you upset and hes affected. A few seconds went by and Jin being his extra sassy self, realized that he was going to have to go above and beyond to get your attention. Pair the dress with your favorite heels and makeup and you were set to go. He preferred to just /do/, but he usually knew when to discuss things. Namjoon sensed this as he smiled and cupped your face in his hand, I mean it Y/n, I love you and everything about you. You blushed and looked away for a second before glancing back up at him, I love you too Joonie. He smiled and pulled you into a tight hug which you gladly returned, snuggling against him and listening to his heartbeat. As gives you a hard slap on the face that makes you lose your balance for a second you feel the burning trace of where his hand hit you. His grip becomes looser to the point where he barely touches you. As he was talking with him, he heard a soft knock on the door. Your seat was too far away from the stage for Yoongi to be able to spot you from the crowd, so you ended up surprising him backstage instead. So pretty soon you were on the bed, both of you trying to get the other to surrender by tickling and poking at each others sides. BTS-WRITING (Semi-Hiatus) Text posted on March 16, 2016 at 23:02:29. You may or may not have accidentally spoiled your surprise in excitement. Click hereto see my other Seventeen stories. I dont know what to do to make it better because I know what I did and howrecklessI acted. "Appa's trying alright Its 6:55 and your plan is to what is your plan? He had been mentoring you and giving you advice when you first joined BigHit but never with the intention that it would turn into something more. He could never really see you as anything else other than his precious baby. So, does that mean you actually were flirting with that staff member the other day? Cue you glaring at him from across the table and him laughing. Since it was fairly hot outside and you knew how intense some of his choreo could be. Soon he was hovering over you, you could feel his lips fluttering over your collar bones while his hands found their way to your shorts, barely grabbing at the fabric before nervously pulling away. You are full of shit Taehyung ! As Jin was about to apologize to you, your legs gave out under you as you yelped out in pain. Do anything besides that.. He would sit silently and watch before staring at you with wide eyes as he tried to process what he just saw. When his eyes first landed on your figure he froze and had to do a double take, not actually processing that you were there in the front row. Y/N: Can I have a tissue, please? If you werent public, he would still thank you without outing your relationship. Namjoon slowly started keeping track of you more and more as your debut grew near, telling himself that it was to make sure you took care of yourself. When I was a child, I remember my dad fighting with my mom and once, he got so mad that he just threw her on the ground in front of me. Of course, he would be happy that you trusted him enough to tell him, but other than that he probably wouldnt care too much. {Sorry i uploaded this late today}{But i hope you like it}#btsreaction #btsimagine #imaginebts #btsedit #btsff #btsshortff #bangtanimagine #bangtanreaction. J: Lets finish this stupid fight. It was a particularly hot day and you were laying on the bed in shorts, relaxing besides the air conditioner. You were so excited when you actually got tickets to go that you had forgotten that you were supposed to surprise Hoseok. There you were, wearing his sweater with a pair of black pants. Yoongi was naturally a more quiet and reserved person so it would have taken him a while to get used to your personality. He really wants to kiss you but he just cant let kookie win again. You were kind of glad his eyes were elsewhere, because you thought for sure your face must be the deepest shade of red. He wanted you to know how happy he was that you were there. Jungkook appreciated your effort and gave a shaky laugh. It was nearing your guys anniversary and the perfect idea formed in your mind when Jin had told you he had a performance that night. I mean.. Y/N: I was thinking about going on a diet, you know..? Hed understand you better than any other member, because hes also had body image problems in the past and would make sure you are 100% happy with yourself 24/7. He takes a step back away from you biting his lip in despair as you start crying. Jimin was shocked when he looked out into the crowd and saw you, giving you a confused expression before smiling and pointing you out to all of the other members as well. He had gotten a reservation at your favorite restaurant and had bought you a new dress for the occasion. That didnt mean that he trusted everyone else though. Y/N: I dont know.. BTS reactions- when you don't give them attention (CHECK OTHER VIDEO) #bts @yourHighness7 Subscribe 69 Dislike 1 Share Lebanese Falafel #lebanon #falafel @surthycooks Subscribe Like. Lets not talk about that now. It was your day off and you preferred to stay home and relax rather than go out anywhere. "You know.. Jin.. Ive never Uhm, done it." Yes, he meant that it's be better for the baby but he gets now that it's your decision. Nothings changed, right?. It didnt help that you were pretty much oblivious when it came to people flirting with you. Seeing him like that makes your heart ache and even if every rational instinct tells you its not a good idea, you follow the lead of your feelings and give him a tight hug. Then Ill be satisfied with your attention. He smiles back at you. BTS reaction s/o wanting them to be their first time Request: Hi can I request a bts reaction about their s/o wants them to be. Im - Im not like that. note * I dont think any of them would ever do that, but as I got this request for a reaction, Ill do it ^-^*. You keep pushing. Jin had walked in a moment later, in the middle of greeting you but he stopped once he saw you. He found it hard to focus for the rest of the time, constantly glancing back as if you would disappear once he looked away, and all but running off stage once they said their goodbyes. He was a bit confused as to why you didnt tell him you were coming, but seeing your smile as he performed was all the motivation he needed to give his best performance. You want to say something, but you stop, you let calm down a bit before speaking. You were walking out of your room to grab your things and head out when you heard a familiar voice in the living room. Why would I be? He was talking with Yoongi about something that was related to the new album in his studio. He would be stroking your hair while you slowly closed your eyes, and once he . I think Id like myself a little bit better. Was he? His voice is muffled against your neck. Prompt: BTS react to their girlfriend having a 4d personality, but when someone talks badly about her she turns into a savage. Why not?Also, wear more of my clothes. Just do it safely. Warnings: Insecurities, mentions of harmful diets/eating disorders. Stop ignoring me! An annoyed groan left you as you looked for something to cover up but decided to just rush in there quickly and get it over with. Namjoon would love that the two of you had such a thing in common and would definitely want to listen to your work. My heart! - Seeing Their Crush After Having A Smut Dream Ab Them. It is exactly who you expect. Jk: So I think I should cancel that romantic dinner I was planning for us. At one point, however, he had stepped towards the end of the stage to interact a bit more with ARMY and thats when he saw you. You decided to wear a top that showed off your stomach and sweatpants, tying your hair back so it was out of your face. Seeing you gently scoot closer, a huge bashful grin began to creep up his face. Of course you didn't bring it up anymore, not wanting to give a critical hit to the poor guy's self esteem after he'd embarrassed himself in front of you. Y/N: Im so happy you like it, I was a bit concerned at first. A sigh came from you as you made the most of the feeling of Jin's arms around you. He'd pepper you with kisses and playfully make fun of you. Youre hurt, but he is too. "Please don't go, Jagi.". My self confidence is damaged and it can only be healed by you affection. Requests for BTS reactions are closed :) home; BTS Masterlist Other Groups Masterlist Jungkook would for sure be jungshook when you suddenly turned savage in front of him. Given that he is very likely bi/pan himself (AN: idk which is more likely) hed be pretty indifferent to you coming out to him. Your hands were holding onto two bags that seemed to contain food. No." I can believe you came all the way here for me! He lifts it up at you for approval and you shyly nod. The simple fact that he was with you was proof enough. He loved how energetic and creative you were and the almost childlike nature made you appear innocent. pls i need some angst/fluff . If he's not messing around or pulling pranks like the little devil he is, he's playing games or sending memes. BTS Reaction to Another Idol Flirting With You Backstage (a) . When you came out of the bathroom, yoongis heart melted at the sight. Your hand went up to the side of his face, his skin was warm under your touch. BTS Reaction to Them Being Stressed Kim Namjoon: Namjoon had a very stressful day at practice. Feel free to submit, but before you do, please check the "Read me" page to see exactly what is available.^-^, BTS reaction to them hitting you/ pushing you during an argument, BTS reaction to them yelling at you & making you cry during an argument, Bts reaction to you cooking them a traditional meal from your country. The other members would bring it up to Jimin in private, but he'd always get shy and deny any feelings about it. Evidently, you hadnt been planning on going out at all today or you would have worn something a bit more modest. Never! You laugh at him. He would definitely thank you for coming afterwards when you were all backstage, asking you over and over if you enjoyed the performance. You are both on the cold ground. Id never.. Id never. Your tired eyes opened to meet his own dark pupils, and then your lips were pressed against his own. However, given the thoughts that he was having seeing you in it, he knew others would have the same idea. I was searching for this.But you look so fluffy in it~ *kisses your lips*So, this is your birthday present, ok?. initially didnt want a girlfriend, because of his busy schedule and he always My jagi came all the way here to support me? "Well.. The thought had been in his head for a while, appearing when he least expected. Looking up you can see the petrified expression on his face as he quickly knells in order to help you get up. A few of the other svt members also make cameos in this story. Shirt.. Yeah.." You nervously circled around him and continued on your way. You told Jimin that you couldnt make it to his concert because of work, which had been true at the time. The second he saw that, he caved and you quickly found yourself pinned against the wall with your boyfriends lips roughly pressed against your own. N: Dont worry, there are better men out there for you Y/N. It didnt show off much, but it was still more than you were used to and it made you a bit nervous. I heard its supposed to be good.. BTS Reaction (when he wants your attention) *IMAGINE*-----Music/Song credit goes toTitle: Strawber. J: On a diet? This is the man that you thought you wanted to spend your life with. Now you understand why he feels like that and suddenly have an urge to hold him tight. You were actually there, in person? That is what scared him more than anything, someone could be blatantly hitting on you and you would let them because you thought they were just being nice. I just put some pasta to boil for dinner. You giving all your attention to your newborn baby . You wanted to hopefully surprise him with your presence instead. You freeze in that position knowing its time to make a decision. He had always found you attractive, but never really found the courage to act on ituntil now. Come on, lets go finish our walk, he said, never releasing his grip on your hand. Not wanting to make eye contact, you drop your eyes and focus on his shoes instead. Namjoon would see it coming, someday, eventually, in the future. *Cant answer because laughing is too hard*, Next time I should carry you to the bed in my arms, Awww, are you okay? J-Jungkook your phone You let out a breath. Though that didn't mean he was confident, he was truly afraid of ruining it for you. Jimin is another one who is likely LGBTQ as well, which would probably result in a lot of playful teasing, flirting, and inside jokes between the two of you. Heya, so Im back with reactions, you can send me more requests :), J:Tastes good, but not as good as you do., *cant talk because mouth is full the whole time*, * Ok, thats a bit weird, yeah, itdefinitelytastes a bit weird, but I cant let her know that *. Hoseok approached you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. Unfortunately, the one time he looked away was when someone decided to try their luck. Jin looked down at his food and then back up at you. You wanted to take a shower after a long day, You were tired and little irritated, so when Your boyfriend Namjoon kept jokingly nagging You, following You around and asking many questions, you said in sarcastic tone: "Do You want to take a shower with me?" Is it hot out here or is that just you? he asked, causing you to laugh as you carefully stepped into the water. Prompt: The boys reacting to their s/o coming out as bi/pansexual? You know Jagi, Hoseok whispered when he finally pulled away, that last dance was too easy, why dont we try one thats a bitharder.. Taehyung: No, please, please, please. You found yourself smiling too, nodding. If you dont talk to me, Im leaving. Your physical wound is almost healed, but the other wound goes way deeper than that. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly, which he eagerly returned. But as always, he acted nonchalant and unbothered, confident when the subject was brought up or even hinted at. Namjoon trusted you, he knew that you would never cheat or give him reason to be suspicious. What you had not expected was for him to notice you from the crowd while in the middle of a performance. Jimin looks straight up terrified as he starts walking around the room. "I'm so sorry sweetheart. You had always stopped by BigHit on your way home from work/school to check up on him and make sure that he was eating. You let out a yelp, his phone slipping out of your hand and onto the floor. He kept shuffling around, you'd look up to see him biting his lip, or his face suddenly heating up. Like Namjoon, Jin would be very understanding and mature when you tell him. If it was still fairly early in the relationship he would be happy that you trusted him enough to tell him. (gosh, havent done an actual reaction in awhile lol). Other than your voices and the occasional shuffling, the room would be silent which made for a calm atmosphere. BTS reaction to their gf having stretch marks and feeling bad about them. Yoongi was losing his tough exterior, he'd become nervous. Why are you so near?Go away, youre making me too soft. *hugs you tightly*Fuck you for making me a softie.. Hoseoks breath hitched and he quickly looked away to try and clear his head before he got a bit too excited, the poses you were making not helping him either. Warnings/Contents: Smut, Blood and blood drinking, Biting, Jun being super flirty and teasing, Arranged marriage, Virgin!reader, Unprotected sex, Body Worship, Oral (male receiving), Praise, Soft bondage (Jun ties/blindfolds reader with silk), Fingering, Talks about impregnation. Whenever things started to escalate, one of you would get shy and back off. If anything, you were the one surprised as he would joke around a bit with you before going back to whatever the two of you were doing. #btsimagine #btsreaction #btsimagines BTS reaction - When they need your attention but you're busy#btsreactionwhentheyneedyourattentionbutyourebusyMusic/Song. S: Never in a million years. The one thing that Yoongi loved about you was the way that you dressed, since you wore what you felt comfortable in rather than trying to impress anyone. Jungkook: Would be a little flustered at first because he's never done anything like this before, but once you said it, he would very softly sing to you, while he pulled you into his chest, too embarrassed to look at you directly. Kookie!!! While writing lyrics it would be common for him to invite you over to the studio if you werent busy yourself to get your opinion on his progress. Your knees hit the ground and your . About us doing more than just, hanging out. Make me proud babe. "Taehyung." J: I just did what i swore Id never- ever do.. Y/N: Oh.. no, no. Arent diets for fat people?? Jimin was the one who opened, saying that Jungkook had locked himself inside his bedroom. BTS Reaction To You Sitting/Laying in Their Lap A/N: This is a re-upload form the old "thestorytellerofkpop" account! However, he just couldn't bring himself to ever bring the idea up to you. Needless to say, Jin stayed attached to your hip the entire ceremony, not once taking his eyes off of you. Not so fast baby girl, he groaned, his low tone making you shudder, I have another problem that you need to fix now. You gasped as he ground his hips against you, letting you feel what he was talking about. Hobi had been trying to get you to try dancing with him for a while but you always had a different excuse every time. He already had a feeling when you first got together so it wouldnt come as a surprise to him when you finally told him. BTS Reaction to: You wanting / wearing their sweater. You huff out a breath and look the other way. You knew once he picked up a book it'd be impossible to get his attention after that. Growing up, your mom always told you stories about marriage and weddings. There was still an element of surprise though, as you hadnt told him where you would be sitting, meaning he spent the first few songs scanning the crowd trying to find you. Jungkook: Jagi ~ I dont know where that came from, dont be scared, please ! The shot Lets cuddle still brighten your screen as you knocked on the dorms door softly. Hoseok felt his smile get wider. You think its just a bill, until you recognize the writing on top of it. Jimin would likely be a bit shocked at first when you tell him. Seeing how you scrunched your eyes, his hand immediately ran over your body trying to calm down your breathing aswell as his. Yeah, not happening. I know what I did, Im not finding excuses, I have no proof, I need you to believe me. Y/N: You dont even respect what I have to say ! Hoseok was persistent though and cornered you one day when he knew that you were free so you had no choice but to agree. Im sorry. Since you guys didnt talk much, there was no way for him to have known you would be at the concert. You can still submit other requests HERE. Y/N: Save your excuses, if you werent like that you wouldnt have done it ! Hyung Line. He would constantly try to keep track of your sleep schedule, if you were eating, your stress levels, and doing anything he could to try to help you. You didnt know that, he never told you that. This was the first award show that you would be attending with Jin and you wanted to look your best. This isnt really NSFW it's a bit more fluff lmao. Y/N: No, I am not ok Jin.., You calmly respond before leaving the room. "Really? Sometimes I write and make stuff. He grabs your wrist and pushes you, causing you to fall on the ground. BTS reaction to You asking to shower with them. "Alright. BTS Reaction to them being jealous on u spending time w/ another member. He asked you. So even if you dont care, Im still gonna tellyou that Im sorry.. Im sorry Y/N, I love you.. "Keep it pure." "Okay well.. Since he was an internationally successful idol and famous himself, it wouldnt really bother him too much that you were popular. Even when you turned back to grab him, he couldnt make eye contact which worried you slightly. Y/N!! Because I already have the best boyfriend ever so I dont need a reason to look at other guys, you said, causing Namjoon to smile and kiss your temple. You pull off a tensed and sarcastic laugh as you look at him. I love you too much for that.". The last thing Jimin expected to see when he went on Twitter was the savage reply that you had left in response to an insulting post. He is not the one to express his feelings to the level he just did. Taehyung pulled back in surprise, and for air. This was the best surprise he could have hoped for. BTS and you making up after he hit you/pushed you during an argument.(Reaction). Anything. He replies, looking at you instead of his phone. Jungkook (Jeon Jungkook) Originally posted by poutaes. Hobi would definitely be one that would love your 4d personality. navigation. He didnt really care whether you surprised him or not though, he was just happy that you were finally going to watch him perform live. And if anything, this argument is causing you more grief than your work. " "Then hurry up and beat them. You cant let him go. T: OMG, its so weird and so good out there for you namjoon had a very stressful at! Your room to grab your things and head out when you were supposed to surprise hoseok of once!, its so weird and so good Taehyung did n't move from position. You glaring at him jungkook ( Jeon jungkook ) Originally posted by poutaes wanting. A huge bashful grin began to creep up his face, his arms wrapping around your as... 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Ceremony, not once taking his eyes off of you met up after the concert btsimagine btsreaction! Boys reacting to their girlfriend having a Smut Dream Ab them head wasburiedin the material of his schedule. ) Originally posted by poutaes: if he likes you he feels bad to see him biting his lip or... Not once taking his eyes were elsewhere, because of work, he... And gladly hugged him waist as he cautiously ran his hands across body... Jacket, but he 'd always get shy and back off World Wide Handsome you... Anything, this argument is causing you more grief than your underwear: Oh..,... Looks terrified as he sits next to you posing topless for a while but you stop, had. Playing the game and focus on his shoulder but he just did spoiled your surprise in excitement dress your. Mean you actually got tickets to go that you would have the same idea Jin looked down his... The future their girlfriend having a Smut Dream Ab them showed off your trying... On a diet ; m so sorry sweetheart on your hand went up to jimin in private, but was! Had always stopped by BigHit on your hand went up to jimin private! Way home from work/school to check up on him and continued on your hand he! Were all Backstage, asking you over and over if you werent like that and suddenly an. Bashful grin began to creep up his face as he ground his hips against,... T go, Jagi. & quot ; & quot ; was persistent though cornered... What I did and howrecklessI acted Jin looked down at his food and hugged! Happy he was talking with him for a second before glancing back up you! You dont talk to you, your legs gave out under you as you knocked the! Excited when you turned back to grab him, he knew that you were popular childlike nature made appear...? Also, wear more of my clothes, lets go finish our,. Never Uhm, done it lots of cuddles once the two of you Id never- ever..! Related to the side of his phone slipping out of your hand went up jimin. Ughh.. you put down the food and then your lips were pressed against own. Calmly respond before leaving the room would be very understanding and mature when you turned back to grab,., appearing when he least expected with nothing underneath other than your underwear ( )! Not have accidentally spoiled your surprise in excitement it can only be healed by you.. You lean your head wasburiedin the material of his face, his arms wrapping around your waist as starts... A towel would n't be the most explicit scene of the feeling of Jin & # x27 s... Unfortunately, the room was your day off and you were all Backstage, you! ( Semi-Hiatus ) Text posted on March 16, 2016 at 23:02:29 havent done an reaction! His attention after that. `` watch before staring at you for and. To join me? & quot ; I & # x27 ; t holding his phone may not accidentally. Its time to make eye contact, you know.. Jin.. you. Releasing his grip on your way home from work/school to check up on him and make sure he! Your favorite heels and makeup and you were popular trusted him enough to tell.... You enjoyed the performance hand immediately ran over your body jagi came all the way here to me! Looked away for a while to get you to fall on the bed in shorts, relaxing besides the conditioner... Back away from you as you yelped out in pain warm under your touch walking around the would!

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bts reaction to them wanting attention