harry potter fanfiction harry has a feeding tube snape

Yes, she simply responded. Will not be finished !!!!!! His distinctive way of talking has been spotted by many fans who know how to imitate him in detail, and if there is someone out there who looks like the beloved and hated professor, it's easy for them to create a Snape-like quote that is coherent with their context, like an airplane attendant who asks to not leave luggage unattended. What if he was taken in by the Tonks family? They spend the years between their parent's deaths and the summer of their eleventh birthday learning everything they can, picking up skills that no one would ever suspect them of having, and making their own way in the world, all the while a manipulative old man keeps sending them back to the house they keep escaping, and trying to erase their memories of having ever met him. Severus Snape was definitely shocked when he found the boy that fateful evening. He goes and confronts Petunia and discovers Harry locked in a room barely conscious barely alive basically. Consequently, Harry Potter and his friends always thought Snape was up to something evil, just like Malfoy. That is why it is imaginable to see Severus congratulating Lily with the only picture she has of her, even after her death, and scratching Potter's face. For Harry, this was in the form of Ron and Hermione in Harry Potter, who stayed by his side for years to come. His everlasting love for Lily Potter drove him to risk his life to protect Harry, and he had one of the most outstanding styles and personalities in Hogwarts. A brutal and bloody war that lasted until the destruction of Earth. I don't care if it's dark, full of feels, or a hugbox about recovery. The stakes are high Snape may save lives, or doom them all. Instead of calling Harry 'amigo', the boa constrictor calls him 'wizard'. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Draco Malfoy comes to Harry's compartment to first offer friendship. Youve got my interest! Theres plenty of time to enjoy Harry and Snapes growing relationship in this story. Snape said nothing before uttering yet another spell. Harry scrubbed his hands over his face, noticing the slight dampness of his eyes as he did so. Harry Potter was absolutely, unashamedly, done.First, Voldy uses a Ritual to bring his pasty snake ass back to life, killing Cedric- which, by the way, thanks for the extra trauma.Second, Harry goes through a lovely year of being tortured with a damn writing utensil and ends up in Azkaban after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries- which Dumbledore chose not to prevent.So, y'know, fuck him. Enjoy lots of appearances by the Malfoy family in A Childhood Well Spent. A literal Hell on Earth for the magical kind. Is he the one Louis was looking for? So when the time finally came for the Potions Master to meet Lily Evan's son, he was devastated to find that he resembled James Potter so much. Now, they have to fix them. it was good to read such a concise review, and even that was well-written. by PotterAnonymous 391K 13.3K 29 "Well, I did think of Voldemort, but then. He has no pity for the supposed teenage delinquent even as he bails Harry out of jail. There is no doubt why Snape easily skipped his corpse when he arrived at Godric's Hollow to hold Lily, he was probably glad James died, like in the meme. In it, Sirius Blacks appearance disturbs the peace of the new family of two. I be good! tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Blaise has a laptop and he's probs photoshopping Draco into dresses or smt, A Million Ways To Enter a Big/Little Relationship, Warning: Title has zero significance other than me being lazy, Harry took Ginny's name when they got married, Ray is just a friend (he doesn't exist in real life), Harry is normally a pup but getting hurt made him little, (Future) Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini/Draco Malfoy, Harry grew up mostly with Sirius and Remus, NOT friendly towards Hogwarts as a school itself, First of a series that's mostly ust little!Harry, DO NOT POINT THAT OUT I DID THAT ON PURPOST, Because I'm trash and no longer know how to write humans, this is almost completely plotless im so tired, Future Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini/Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy/Severus Snape, Harry Potter and the Classification potion, Severus Snape & Harry Potter - Relationship, Harry is eight and has a younger kids mindset from abuse, Harry is two years younger than Draco in this fic, Tom Riddle | Voldemort Adopts Harry Potter. Voldemort would be bringing out his favorite toy for everyone to play withHarry Potter. For those who are unfamiliar, The. Sure, hes still the boy who lived and all, but who cares about his survival when hes nothing to fight for anymore? But then he met Death, and was sent over 50 years in the past to another life that closely resembled Hell. ;). What I wanted to write was a quick one-shot that explored the idea of Harry being the biological son of Voldemort, only Voldemort doesn't know he has a son and is also as evil as ever. [Flashing in his visions were three figures. Sometimes not for 6+ months because I'm busy and also unmotivated. However Lockhart and Malfoys' combined presence finally causes him to snap, and chaos ensues from there. Replies to my comments As fans know, there is a rivalry between the Houses, and Snape was constantly breathing on Gryffindor students' necks ready to catch them breaking the rules, not doing the class assignments, or something else that was worthy of scolding or punishment. He knew it to be one of the stronger muscle relaxer potions available, one of the side effects being heavy sedation. Sure he just broke his engagement and fled to another country with his kid and two best friends after another scandal in the Daily Prophet. Snape is one of themost misunderstood movie charactersthat has ever existed in fiction, and that is because his resentful personality and gothic looks made him look like a villain. When Harry saw the young Snape fighting to hide his embarrassing, oversized clothes, he understood his least favorite professor in a way he never had before. Explicit consent and content warnings are important to me. That led him to bully Harry at the same time that he protected and loved him dearly. Harry Potter the boy who lived has died from being overfed. Regardless of the impending war and his recent disfigurement at the hands of Greyback. A knockoff of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, but it worked. Severus Snape's memory of meeting James Potter portrayed differently in the Harry Potter movies on the Hogwarts express paralleled Harry's first trip to Hogwarts. Linkffn ( 12459242) 2 FanfictionBot 3 yr. ago Serpentine by darkfire1220 How does Hogwarts cope with two basilisks? The famous marauder Sirius Black had a daughter, who was assumed dead. It's the stranger who ran into him a few days ago and he still looks gorgeous. All goes smoothly enough- which is to say tolerable- until Harry finds Draco attempting a Cruciatus curse upon himself. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. 65 Stories. This features a genderfluid Harry Potter, don't like it, don't read it. A mentor fic: When Snape discovers Harry is abused by the Dursley's, he is forced to teach Harry for the summer after the tri-wizard tournament. dummy. Most times those stories go on to ship him with Voldemort for their shared snake like appearance so be warned for those. I remember him being very annoyed about how cutesy the clothes are. Please no. In which Arthur and Molly Weasley didn't have children until 1980, when all seven came at once. Unknowingly, his lips curled into a smirk. I sorry!" He just couldn't believe they would send yet another letter to his relative's house about his classification.Quickly, before his relatives start asking what's taking so long to get the post, he stuffs the letter in his oversized pants to be dealt with later. Youll get to enjoy it for a long time, too A Year Like None Other is the longest fic on this list! Harry wakes up in the middle of the night and notices Louis isn't beside him. But of course, James was oblivious to his privilege, and when he saw Snape's unkempt appearance, it didn't take long to hone in on the boy and begin bullying him. It is a gritty and often grim story of Harry growing stronger and taking control of his own life. Instead, James' son was a lot like his mother, Lily, who had been Snape's childhood best friend. However, years of abuse at the hand of his Muggle father left him desperate to achieve power and domination. Dumbledore instead sends Harry to stay with Professor Snape at Spinners End. It's weird, not because of what they do, but, because of the way that others think they're doing it wrong. He sat satedly on a throne of thick black spikes that glowed with veins of green lining through, radiating an absolute power. Getting a handle on his emo angst, he assumed his life would end after Dumbledores murder. Had Snape known that his journey to becoming worthy of Voldemort's Dark Mark would kill the person who had taught him to love, he would never have proceeded. Pitch Black works with Snape to raise and protect Harry after rescuing him from the Dursleys. Therefore, it is imaginable that if the wizarding world had social media like Facebook, he would upload a picture with his characteristic grim and serious face, and would have a comment like the one shown in the meme. Before the grand opening, he receives gifts from a mysterious admirer. Unlike their Malfoy relatives, the Potters may not have bought into the pure-blood mania seen in Harry Potter, but they were still wealthy and proud and James had no problem throwing that weight around (just like Draco). A male, a female, and another male. Like a lot. Please consider turning it on! Snape was assigned to guard the Dursley household and starts to get worried when he never sees harry. Either way, all these fanfictions give Harry the opportunity for a family when Snape adopts him. Don't subscribe He laid upon his throne of clouds and smoke, shifting and flowing underneath him, flashing with electrum. Blaise Zabini is one of the few people invited into Harrys secrets, a relationship that grows to be more and more important to both of them as the years pass. You can get paid to write for us! NEXT:The 10 Sassiest Comebacks In Harry Potter According to Ranker. He was always in a bad mood, had the most pessimistic comments, could be aggressive towards students, and had little tolerance for anything that he considered foolish or mischievous. Dumbledore essentially either makes Snape take Harry in or guilts him into doing it. He had a grand idea for how to carry out this study, and he couldn't wait to put it into action. The shimmering liquid in the bottle was a light purple in color, and as Pomfrey pulled the cork seal from the top, Snape could smell the unmistakable scent of the concoction. During his final year at Hogwarts, relationships will splinter as Harry confronts secrets long-buried and faces the greatest challenge of them all. Being forced to lock down with just your new spouse you only knew for a year has a funny way of changing perceptions, revealing other sides you never knew living in such tight quarters. That's not true, they're both happy, and both mentally healthy (for the most part.) The loneliness that Harry and Snape had grown up feeling was improved when they found true friendship. And if you want to read more about the best Harry Potter fanfiction on this blog, check out: Which Harry Potter book is JK Rowling's favorite? Forced together in a run-down house in Spinner's End, Harry and Severus face their greatest challenge yet: surviving each other. Louis gets him all dressed up like a bunny and have some Easter fun :). Snape raised his hand again and brought it down hard as ever. No matter what opinion you have on Snape, you can likely agree that he is a lot more likable when hes not bullying Harry. If you want more, there is a three-chapter sequel entitled Blackberry Tart. Snape decides to adopt Harry as a baby and raises the orphan as his own, resulting in a very different story. Dumbledore is dead, Voldemorts power only seems to be growing, and the horcrux hunt is going nowhere. Some call him a tragic hero; others, a petty felon. Hermione wanted knowledge; she wanted to learn everything there was to learn;But muggleborns were not liked; had next to no knowledge bar the things they were taught; they had nothing but theyre wits and brains to help them, Ron wanted to get out from his familys shadow; be someone who isnt the same as all the other WeasleysBut no prestige or wealth to help him; still stuck in his brothers shadows no matter what he did, because they've done it all, Harry wanted to be admired; to be free; to be noticed, feared, and respected, all at onceBut people already had a notion of what he would be like; that he would be this, that, and the epitome of a hero, He is going to be someone thought to be a myth. Reverse Roles [52] Harry Potter takes care of Severus Snape. Snape raised his hand high above his head and brought it down hard on Harry's bottom. Harry Potter enters his eighth year at Hogwarts with a new identity. Notes: For Moonflower_Rose. Harry Potter and the Classificatio. The teacher narrowed his eyes at a bubble of air and gently smoothed it down the line until it filled with the goo. Harry Potter & Snape Had A Lot In Common (More Than Harry & James), Harry Potter Movies That Would Be Better Than Fantastic Beasts 4, Please WB, Don't Reboot The Harry Potter Franchise (Yet). In a world with many different classifications, Harry finds out that there's nothing wrong with being a Little. Louis is looking for a boyfriend, someone he can take care of, someone who likes his dominance. His nasal tone, proper language, slow phrasing, and dramatic pauses are iconic, and nobody can think of Snape without his particular way of speaking, which was perfectly captured by Alan Rickman in the live-adaptation of J.K Rowling's books. Heartwarming and slice-of-life are both apt descriptions of this work. This is a Harry PotterxThe Avengers, Soulmate Au! Sometimes comfort is found where it's least expected, and sometimes it takes courage to hold on to it. It didn't matter that he is nowhere near the hight of a normal 11-year-old(He doesn't get to eat much) or that he wets the bed constantly (He doesn't have access to a toilet 24/7) or that fact that when he gets really scared of upset the urge to suck his fingers is almost . Snape never insulted Lily in front of Harry, which was a huge clue to foreshadow why he bothered to ever help the boy in the first place. When Severus Snape forces Harry to drink the potion the results are not as expected. A perfect example of this was when he tried to save Hermione, Ron, and Harry from Sirius Black, who was thought to be a mass murderer inHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,only to be attacked by Harry with an "Expelliarmus" that knocked him out. His gorgeous eyes are piercing into Louis'. I am totally intrigued by A year like No other and thenobody cared selection. Harry Potter And The- so I really am Fate's Bitch? MORE: How Harry Potter Survived The Killing Curse in The Deathly Hallows. No, Dumbledore did not use a picture of Severus Snape to teach little two year old Harry to call the man 'Da.' Why? Angel is a Senior Core Features Writer at Screen Rant, specializing in Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and other book-to-screen content. Or down right cruel. His mentor, abandons him. He can't fall back asleep, so Louis helps him. Consequently, she likes to write about almost anything that involves movies, books, songs, artists, games, or any other subject related to human creativity and artwork. He sat satedly on a throne of thick black spikes that glowed with veins of green lining through, radiating an absolute power. by rachelih. It seemed as if everything he did was under scrutiny now, and all he really wanted was be just like any other student. Sounds like a great genre to explore. An array of Slytherin characters (including Hermione) support Harry as he confronts Voldemort. I loved the later addition of Draco Malfoy, who is also running from family problems. What about him? Snape adopting Harry is a popular trope in Harry Potter fanfiction. Eventually, they also find the family theyve never known. No matter what his aunt and uncle said. He is one of the best Harry Potter charactersfor many reasons. Enjoy six-year-old Harrys Christmas preparations and Snapes attempts to mitigate the damage. How Harry Potter Survived The Killing Curse in The Deathly Hallows, The Harry Potter Movies Cut A Lucius Malfoy Story (& Ruined A Big Plan), Harry Potter: Why Peeves Wasnt In The Movies, Why Obi-Wan Didnt Use Force Speed To Save Qui-Gon Jinn From Darth Maul. It was also clear to him that Snape was of an entirely different class within the wizarding world. Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, but they will love each other so damn much at the end, it wasn't supposed to be and I'm very disappointed with myself, Harry didn't deserved what happened to him, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Harry Potter Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, As In No One Asked You To Change Bandages Ginny, Werewolf Affected Bill Weasley More Than Bargained For, Storms, Thorns, and Chaos - Book 1: The Philosopher's Stone, They Are First Years No Relationships Yet, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, When All Else Fails, Darkness Prevails - Book 1: The Philosopher's Stone [Former Version], The Author also really hates Molly Weasley, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued. There! Bubbles, blowjobs, mystery and something rotten in the place of Grimmauld. In Black Mulberry, Harry is a quiet child raised by Snape after the Dursleys' abuse is discovered. The Boy Who Lived was a physical reminder of all Snape's mistakes. As he watched the destruction of Earth praying to just let him die one last time and let him be with his family. Harry has enough of the abuse at the Dursleys and finally leaves, but what happens when a strange man pops in and tells him he is the youngest son of the Malfoy family. The guy looks so small in his oversized lavender sweater, and when he looks up to meet Louis' eyes, Louis swears he can feel his heart beating faster. I suck at intros but it's a love story with lots of sex. I've always disliked the idea of stories emphasising or exagerating the "Harry was horribly abused as a child and is still deeply affected" idea. For Harry, it only took one to know one. What if he was a metamorphosis? If you love cute kids, give Baby in a Box a try. That night, Snape vowed to always protect the boy, as was his duty as Alpha. As he embraced the warmth of death and welcomed it he woke up againin a strange world with marks that he didnt know other than his scars. Poor Professor. Louis had decided Little Psychologists needed a better, more efficient way to study why littles act the way they do in specific situations. Although it is not acceptable to insult someone who has passed away, it is understandable why Severus was bitter about Jame's depiction as a heroic, kind, clever, and outstanding wizard. Lily's good soul saved Harry's life the day Voldemort attacked at the start of Harry Potter, but it also saved Snape's morality. :). A circlet of amethyst and jadeite adorned her. Do not be afraid. hogwarts. Just hit the button below to get in touch. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It started off as a joke, really. He hates stupid things too, like, Draco, for instance. Harry cried out and tried to wiggle away, but Snape held fast. Or, where Louis, a psychologist, uses his knowledge and skills he learned at Cambridge University for his own benefit. Life is fucking hard and scary. Its no wonder that Snape-adopts-Harry fics are so popular! The young Severus Snape wore the unmistakable sorrow and defiant expression of a hurting child. In the middle of the night and notices Louis is n't beside him never Harry... That fateful evening with a new identity who ran into him a tragic hero ; others, a petty.! Alive basically 2 FanfictionBot 3 yr. ago Serpentine by darkfire1220 How does Hogwarts cope two! Hes still the boy that fateful evening the Deathly Hallows and discovers Harry locked in a room conscious. Apt descriptions of this work the Tonks family classifications, Harry and Snapes relationship. Air and gently smoothed it down hard on Harry & # x27 ; combined presence finally him. In specific situations, email, and was sent over 50 years in the of! 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harry potter fanfiction harry has a feeding tube snape