kentucky cps corruption 2020

Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder? Portland Police Scanner Goes Offline Right Before Violence & Police Brutality with Clackamas County Law Enforcement children away in a family court. They do these scare tactics, make these allegations that they say are substantiated, and as a parent, youre in the dark wondering whats really going on., As part of DCBS Reunification Plan, Danny and Leeann are ordered to do drug screenings, mental evaluations, pedophile evaluations, and parenting classes, as well as get and maintain housing for 6 months and cooperate with DCBS.. Historically, CPS would provide in-home services to help stabilize families in need of assistance and maintain children in their home. He was beaten and burned while in state custody foster "care". Over false allegations and a investigation report with knowingly false information on it. they dont save crap but a paycheck they destroy our kids and its legit and most case workers Can NOT keep this job so long because how corrupt it is. Is Kentucky The Most Corrupt State in the Country Trafficking Children Through Child Protection Services? Keep sharing and signing!! After their exoneration in criminal court, Danny and Leeann assumed their children would be returned immediately, but were astonished to find out they still had a battle ahead in Family Court. SURPRISE, SURPRISE!! I also have a recording of an investigator, Erwin Ball who lied under oath in court. And that is exactly what is happening. Care2 Stands With: humanitarians, animal lovers, feminists, rabble-rousers, nature-buffs, creatives, the naturally curious, and people who really love to do the right thing. so long as the petition does not violate our My precious Baileyshe shouldnt be in foster care she needs to be home with family. NO parent should know the pain of having their child/children taken away and placed in a home with pure strangers. And their protocol is to take pictures if such bruises or markings are present but I didnt have a mark on my body because he didnt or doesnt abuse me and I bruise easily I am on blood thinners so I dont care if he even tapped me I would bruise . There are many people who need your help. If given the choice, she would be with me, and never left me 2 years ago. He was cleared by the doctors and nurses and even had his order to be released when a social worker walks in my room with 2 police officers and demands to take my son. It is terrifying to Leeann how Criminal Court could give them a No True Bill, and yet Family Court proceeds as if sufficient evidence is unimportant. Copyright 2023, inc. and its licensors. Praying for this family. She explained that a child must be in foster care for 6 months before the foster family can apply for adoption, but that once they do apply for adoption, case plans are quickly changed to Terminate Parental Rights (TPR) and proceed to adoption, even when the birth family is working their original case plan and doing everything they can to get their children back. My diagnosis has changed in the two years of this battle. "The corrupt business of child protective services" detailed corruption in the state's Department of Family and Children Services. :SEC. Being American & The Apple Doesnt Fall Far From the Tree. If they tell you to stand on your head, youd better stand on your head. PRESERVATION OF REASONABLE PARENTING.Nothing in this Act is intended to disrupt the family unnecessarily or to intrude inappropriately into family life, to prohibit the use of reasonable methods of parental discipline, or to prescribe a particular method of parenting.But of course the government makes their own laws and breaks and remakes them!! Regarding the injustice of still facing charges in Family Court, after they already served 3 months in jail for a crime they did not commit based on false allegations and hearsay, and after they were released from Criminal Court by a Grand Jury based on insufficient evidence, Leeann entreats the community: Ive been a mom since I was 16. Anyway to make me look foolish and mentally disturbed, they will use it against me. 2d 368 (1970) the U.S. Supreme Court ruled. As a whole nation, we need to put a stop to CPS and family court corruption. In fact, in Kentucky between 2003 and 2012, approximately 300 . When Sheri came for a visit in late November, she and Leeann had a supervised visit with Danica. Photo supplied by family. He explainsthat his report gives an in-depth look into Kentucky CPS which exemplifies what they were hearing from so many other families who were comingto them. It's all a game and it's for sure not being played by the rules. Should have never happened. it is so amazing to see an attorney stand up to this evil corruption and you are just the miracle I need Im so scared just to give this money to any attorney because there are so many that lie just to take your money and I cant take that chance this is all I have to start this fight for my kids please their everything to me I will do anyting I cant live without my babies congratulations to this beautiful family !! They are taken away from their families and forced to perform unspeakable acts. Still from an actual medical kidnap (read the story here)There is great financial incentives for the States to remove children from families and place these children for adoption, for what many would call questionable allegations, false accusations, or even downright egregious violations of parental rights, basically using children as a transferable commodity to increase the States budget. The Cabinet controls everything. 275 E. Main St., 1E-B Central office staff helps develop standards of practice for inclusion in the state manual and provides real-time guidance to cases as required by field personnel. 20 Countries Now Interested in Joining BRICS, Even After WSJs Lab Leak Report, White House Sticks to its C-19 Narrative, Trump vows a sweeping pro-American overhaul of tax, trade policies, 6th Grader Reads from Lurid Library Book at School Board Meeting [Video], BigTech Media Mogul funds Recruitment of Progressives to Administer Elections, Russian Sanctions Proved as Useless as COVID Jabs, UK Queen Slams Censorship Of Literature [Video], Yellen In Ukraine Gives Zelensky Another $1.25 Billion [Video], Woody Harrelson Demonstrates the Pain of Truth. News video of an Inspector General's investigation into CPS corruption in Kentucky, that found fraud, forgery and abuse of power!! the kids were screaming and crying and she saw how scared they were! CPS doesn't seem to care about what is best for our children and WE ALL need to expose them for tearing apart good families and taking away kids who are loved yet leaving children who are abused in unfortunate circumstances in homes where they are in real danger. If anyone knows a good lawyer In California willing to stand up for whats right and go up against the social worker lmk thanks! Also I have spoken to numerous parents who have completed case plans and still have not got their children returned. Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. See featured article and read comments HERE. Once they get your kids they dont want to give them back. I cooperated I did everything because I didnt have nothing to hide and I didnt know my rights or this was such an evil corrupt system! HNewsWire: The same old deception and obfuscation. There are so many families like this including mines it need an attorney like you that will actually fight against the corruption instead of for it thank you so much for doing that and being one of the good rare ones out there. Yet there is not one individual within our government agencies that will speak with me, if so then someone could investigate further and possibly stop these monsters. Danny and I on Dec. 10th going to court. All the attorneys around here are friends with all the social workers and I know my Civil Rights have been completely violated and laws have definitely been broken on CPS part! Having problems signing this? They are always talking and cracking jokes together before and after court. Exactly why we need to start from the common law! Child Services workers often lie and use deception to take children. team in to arrest him, claiming that he was a fugitive from the law, yet he asserts that he never even knew there was a warrant for his arrest. Just doesnt make sense! Bailey is now in foster care placement with non-family members, and as much as it pains Leeann that Bailey is with strangers, she feels it is safer than being placed with her own mother, Sonya, who she believes would abuse Bailey until she says what Sonya wants her to say.. The video footage then clearly shows that the mother in this case had no true representation in family court. She may be reached at Ext. Meantime, in full knowledge of the new test results, Kammer and another CHFS employee went to the childrens schools and had the Schulkers children without the parents permission brought into a private room one by one with no school personnel present and asked them about mommys drug use. The children were understandably upset. We are sticking up for our own rights and for everyone elses. No family should have to go through this kind of treatment. The body of four-year-old Serenity McKinney, who has been missing since Christmas 2020, was found in a wooded area in Kentucky Credit: Dave Justice 6 Dave Justice (left) said he was sorry for. So please STOP THIS CORRUPTION and even better get our innocent kids back home because it is not right at all!! Citing the "dismal state" of the local child welfare office and conditions statewide a Barren County judge has found the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services in contempt . CPS just took my newborn baby from me Friday October 15th, 2021. No True Bill is a finding by a grand jury that there is no probable cause to decide that a crime has been committed. Good for them! There is documentation and testimony that shows Re Family Services is currently being exposed as a front that brings forward allegations of possible collusion and fraud. In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. It will change policy within the Cabinet. Is DCBS Really Just a Government-Funded Adoption Agency That Steals Children for Profit? It haunts me and my mind to this day I cant sleep I dont eat why wake up when I do sleep with a nightmare trembling and shaking so bad! Former Trump advisor: Its not the role of the US taxpayer to Fund the war in Ukraine, WHO Was Complicit In Chinas Cover-Up Of COVID-19 Origins, LEARN 2 UNLEARN (Ep 118): What is PATRIARCHY. In his next investigative report, reporter John Boel explains that one of the motivations for the State to remove children from parents even when parents have done nothing to warrant such a removal, is to receive federal reimbursement funds for the adoption program. The Schulkers filed their lawsuit on May 4, 2017, claiming the social workers violated their Constitutional Rights of Family Integrity and the childrens rights to be free from unlawful seizure at their school. His reports were broadcast in the local media at that time, and included some amazing interviews with former CPS whistleblowers, documenting the depth of the alleged corruption within Kentucky CPS. Governor Steve Beshear may be reached at , or contacted here. "Now the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has joined Judge Bertelsman in telling the Cabinet they were wrongthat they will be held accountable for knowing violations of a family's rights. We make every effort to acknowledge sources used in our news articles. Cabinet for Health and Family Services A Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruling was cause for celebration at the Fort Thomas home of Holly and David Schulkers and five of their children, as the court ruled in their favor in a lawsuit against individual social workers for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Meanwhile, the babys umbilical cord was sent for testing. Now my days are filled with just trying to get them back. Monsters are real! $ervice$ (? These CPS whistleblowers also confirmed that CPS can and does take away children simply to retaliate against people who try to fight or expose the system: I can call in a report tomorrow, and I can make it seem very real, to the point that a family will be investigated. As a parent suffering the loss of my children because the corruption who do I need to contact in order to have my case in the investigation, First go to GOD!! Because the prosecuting attorney Lindsey Adams wants to do paternity testing. Ive been fighting the System, and have now become a target for Harassment every corner I turn. Good for them. The reason for the judge ordering Baileys return? Danny and Leeann argued that it was not in Baileys best interest to be placed with Sonya upon her return to Kentucky, especially in light of the fact that Matt reported that Bailey is now terrified of her Mimi. They feared that Sonya may once again physically abuse Bailey into making false allegations. She shares heart-breaking stories of CPS corruption, including how children are being taken away unnecessarily and put in very abusive situations. If you, like many others, are wondering why the Family Court in Christian County is determined to litigate an alleged abuse case that has already been dismissed as a No True Bill case in Criminal Court, please call or write Judge Fleming and the Office of the Ombudsman with your concerns. Judge relied solely on the court social workers unsubstantiated report which was based on husbands false allegations, deception and decontextualization. She walked out of my room, only to return in less than a minute and showed something on her phone to one of the officers. If you believe we have not given sufficient credit for your source material, please contact us, and we will be more than happy to link to your article. They share a common theme of parents alleging corruption and collusion, of DCBS using hearsay as substantiated evidence without ever doing investigations into the truth, of Family Courts, attorneys, and social workers being corrupt giving parents little hope of ever getting their children back. A name or a number to an attorney that isnt afraid to fight CPS would be the best thing in the world right now!! If you look at the statistics kids more likely to get hurt, neglected, and more likely killed in the states custody than at an "abusive home". In Jesus name !! This article was posted by TLB Staff Please check your email for further instructions. They are just going off what the corrupt doctor said! Many innocent families have been forced into bankruptcy because of nightmarish legal fees to defend themselves against this evil bureaucratic monster. In my case, the judge ordered a slew of services, including a psychiatric evaluation, substance abuse treatment, trauma-based therapy, parenting classes, random hair and urine drug screens, and family therapy, all to be completed maintaining stable housing, income, and paying child support. Leeann had no idea that the accusations of abuse were made against her and Danny, and her mind raced with questions about who had abused her children during the 3 weeks that they had been with their grandmother. These agencies should be abolished; the social workers are incompetent, dishonest, and completely incapable of making correct decisions. Here is a picture of me, Danny, and Danica. CPS doesnt try to heal, build nor restore families; all they know how to do is steal, kill and destroy as Jesus said in John 10:10. We have missed Baileys 1st day of school, I was locked up on my birthday, and we spent this past holidays without our children. These people are destroying children and families. It appears that corruption in Kentucky continues to run deep and wide. At St. Elizabeth Hospital for the birth of the baby, she unknowingly had a urine test that was presumptive positive for opiates (perhaps her doctor noted on her chart because she consumed a snack with poppy seeds on it and poppy seeds are among the products that can cause a false positive on a drug screen). That which is not just is not law. William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879), My daughter was removed because me and my fiance had got into a fight while drinking but she was not removed by CPS we called his mother to come and get her before they took us to jail and now they are trying to terminate our parents rights due to the fact that we missed one drug test even though we are seeking treatment and we are complying with them and their case plans but are CPS worker and her supervisor are still trying to take my daughter away from us even though she was not neglected not abused at all I dont understand why after only two months Im working with us and US complying with him they are trying to terminate our parental rights when our daughter was never neglected or abused in any way. Jesus chastised religious leaders in the first century for not knowing the time of His arrival. Better get our innocent kids back home because it is not right at all!. 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kentucky cps corruption 2020