phil walsh death williams college

In fact, Socrates seems to have been thought of as a kind of intellectual saint in the Hellenistic world. But when does a choice qualify as free? [more], Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) is probably the greatest philosopher of the 20th century. Beyond this common ground, however, epistemologists are much divided. Furthermore, many of the issues that Aristotle takes up in these books remain of central importance in contemporary philosophy. We will spend the balance of the semester coming to grips with Plato's arguments in the later dialogues. The remainder of the course is devoted to political writings by other figures in the Western philosophical tradition (egs. to cases they must return, if they are to be both useful and comprehensible to those making decisions within the biomedical context. [more], Bertrand Russell claimed that Ludwig Wittgenstein was "perhaps the most perfect example I have ever known of genius as traditionally conceived--passionate, profound, intense, and dominating." We will examine several different approaches in depth, including realism, constructivism, expressivism, and skepticism. In this way, we come to appreciate the importance of considering the biology on which mental processes are based and the light that this approach throws on the nature of consciousness. Anscombe and Foot resurrected virtue ethics for Anglo-American philosophy and made moral psychology academically respectable. We will then turn to some specific social forms in the second unit, and ask whether they promote or preclude our freedom. We'll examine these and related questions through historical and contemporary readings. I don't know why, she just does. Are we ever justified in having more concern, and doing more, for our friends, family, community or nation? What kind of work is that, and how is it accomplished? use tab and shift-tab to navigate once expanded, Covid-19 is an ongoing concern in our region, including on campus. What constitutes my knowledge of myself as a person, and does that knowledge differ in any significant respect from my knowledge of physical objects and of other people? In addition to key concepts of death, dying, and terminal illness, we will develop and refine notions of medical futility, paternalism and autonomy, particularly within the context of advance directives and surrogate decision making. When AI is fully realized, it is likely to be amongst the most important things to happen to our species. . Is philosophy of film really autonomous, independent from traditional philosophical disciplines which help generate its central questions, such as aesthetics, philosophy of art, epistemology, ontology, semiotics, ethics, social and political philosophy? Of course, this question cannot really be answered, nor is there any value in trying to answer it, and any "answer" will only be "true" for you. The order in which you say things matters, and it matters for what you communicate what actions you take and what events happen around you. If time permits, we may also look at how the figure of Socrates has been thought about in the works of more modern thinkers. of thinking, categorizing, and knowing, we can easily imagine that he might now be questioning different aspects of our contemporary "present" than the ones standardly associated with his name, namely, panopticons and surveillance, discipline, criminalization, the biopolitics of health, the normal and the abnormal, etc. The theoretical aspect of the course will involve close readings of selected articles in contemporary aesthetics, philosophy of literature and philosophy of film. Our seminar will have two aims: (1) to reconstruct the single most compelling moral theory from Kant's various ethical writings, and (2) to trace the influence of Kant's ethics in contemporary philosophy. We will then examine how these notions may be exploited in the consideration of various long-standing issues in the theory of literary interpretation. . as resources to be harvested, as testing grounds for science, and as religious sacrifice. Attention to the writing process and developing an authorial voice will be a recurrent focus of our work inside and outside the classroom. Associate Dean of Students / Director of International Student Services. [more], This course begins with a brief introduction to some of Foucault's early writings but focuses on a close reading of a selection of middle and late texts that have become central to debates about the significance and value of his work such as: Discipline and Punish, The History of Sexuality (vols. Some maintain that these issues are solely the provinces of philosophy, using traditional a priori methods. By repeated application of the same reasoning, it seems that even after she removes 99,997 grains of sand--I don't know what she wants with all this sand, but I'm starting to worry about that girl--there is still a heap of sand in my backyard. [more], The aim of the course is to survey, analyze and discuss many varieties of relativism--semantic, epistemic, ontological and moral--from Plato's Theaetetus to contemporary social constructivism. If there aren't such things, how do we characterize meaningfulness instead? For example, we will examine the ethics of disease surveillance, treatment and vaccine research, resource allocation and rationing, compulsion and voluntariness in public health measures, and social determinants of health outcomes, among other topics. Schick, Theodore and Lewis Vaughn. I may also pair some Nietzsche texts with readings from representatives of both the Anglo-American and European critical reception of his work (Bataille, Heidegger, Habermas, Foucault, Irigaray, Deleuze, Derrida Williams, Rorty, Reginster, Hussain, and so forth). [more], According to Jean-Paul Sartre, the only philosopher to ever refer to himself as an "existentialist," existence precedes essence. Tragedy and philosophy were two of the finest achievements of classical Athenian civilization, and each attempts to reveal to the reader something fundamental about our shared human condition. How do I know that I am one? The College Mission Statement says that "Williams seeks to provide the finest possible liberal arts education by nurturing in students the academic and civic virtues, and their related traits of character." In this tutorial we'll closely examine a series of contemporary and historical cases of human experimentation (roughly, one case per week) with an eye toward elucidating the moral norms that ought to govern human subjects research. and Why do we value it? Our discussions will range over historical and contemporary works in the Western tradition. Our aim will be to identify and evaluate the strongest version of each argument. In the second part of the course, we will turn to the fundamental questions concerning the status and structure of logic. This raises the question whether a more complete account of the emergence of subjects must address both psychic, historical and social dimensions of subjectivity, the ways in which they are intertwined, and their importance for not only psychological well-being, but also relatively well-regulated socio-political relations. We will prove soundness and completeness, compactness, the Lowenheim-Skolem theorems, undecidability and other important results about first-order logic. [more], The Tuskegee Syphilis Study and Stanley Milgram's Obedience experiments are infamous. The Philosophy of Higher Education: College Controversies. This course is part of the John Hyde Teaching Fellowship. Class will be primarily driven by discussion, often preceded by brief lectures. Consequently, many philosophers deeply influenced by pragmatism do not recognize the fact, while, on the other hand, some self-proclaimed pragmatists of our days can hardly be seen as continuing the tradition to which they pledge allegiance. [more], In this course, we follow the Indian philosophical conversation concerning the self and the nature of consciousness, particularly as they are found in its various Yogic traditions. it stands at the beginning of both the Analytic and Continental traditions in contemporary philosophy. Death Date Jul 3, 2015: Birth Sign: Pisces: Phil Walsh Height, Body Info. Each book was chosen by and will be introduced by a professor from a different department, and then Professor of Philosophy Steve Gerrard will continue the discussion. In this course we will seek to comprehend the dimensions in which Existentialism is a distinctive intellectual tradition. Our subjects will include hate speech, press censorship, pornography, controversial art, sacrilegious speech and campus controversies. Is film today really distinct from a number of new, emerging visual media? Readings will be drawn from recent work in the Frankfurt School and poststructuralist traditions of critical theory as well as anti-racist, anti-colonial, feminist and queer theories that draw upon them. In this course, we will survey the ethics of public health through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic, investigating concepts and arguments that are central to the ethics of public health research and practice. Most of the authors will come from this list, however: Sartre, de Beauvoir, Kafka, Dostoyevsky, Thomas Mann, Camus, Ecco, Kundera, Borges, Charlie Kaufman, Bergman, Tarkovsky, Resnais, Kurosawa, Bunuel, Kubrick, Godard, Visconti and Guillermo del Toro. [more], This tutorial, designed especially for first year students, is a philosophy course, not a prelaw course. demanded by institutions, religious, political and ethnic communities, as well as by the state. Finally, we will analyze the current debate about cognitive credentials of science and about proper approaches to the study of science, which came to be known as "the science wars.". Frederick Rudolph, Williams College 1793-1993: Three Eras, Three Cultures, Michael S . He was born on March 15, 1960 and his birthplace is Australia. No domain of inquiry is immune to this destructive skepticism and confident relativism. These questions are typically asked within a framework where the overarching goal is attaining truth and avoiding falsity. B. Lipscomb before the first meeting, preferably over the summer. In confronting these difficult questions, we do not proceed purely theoretically but consider the contributions of various observation-based traditions, from Buddhist psychology and meditative practices to phenomenology to neurosciences. In this course we address the question: How is the present we find ourselves living today different from the one that the author Foucault wrote about in the 1960s, 70s and early 80s before his untimely death in 1984? Are there incompatible but equally true ways of describing the world? We make causal judgments constantly in our everyday lives and in scientific contexts. We will end the course with a discussion of some of these alternatives. Among the questions that we will address: What is justice? Nietzsche texts may include selections from: Untimely Meditations, The Gay Science,Beyond Good and Evil, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Genealogy of Morals, Twilight of the Idols, and Ecce Homo. [more], The status of economics as a predictive science has been most prominently brought into question, historically, by three unpredicted yet extremely important economic events: the Great Depression of the 1930s, stagflation of the 1970s, and bursting of the mortgage bubble in 2008. Thus, the barber shaves himself if and only if he does not shave himself. The course will use a case-based approach to examine these issues, and so in most weeks we will (1) read philosophical articles focused on a key concept or set of arguments central to the issue, and (2) consider in detail one morally complex case in which the concept or arguments have special application or relevance. We will read the Oresteia and Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus, Sophocles' Theban Cycle, and the Hippolytus, Bacchae and Philoctetes by Euripides. What are emotions, and how should we think about them? We will then discuss philosophies of science which emerged out of various criticisms of this view - especially those of Popper, Lakatos, Kuhn and Feyerabend - and the challenges to the assumptions of scientific objectivity and rationality their works provoked. The debate between Empiricism and Rationalism concerns whether all our knowledge derives from experience, or any is innate. Why should one obey the law (if one should)? How is it different from science? What makes an individual's life go well? By which methods should we pursue these questions? Could the world be made up of sensory properties only? ways of thinking about formal proof: natural deduction systems, semantic tableaux, axiomatic systems and sequent calculi. As we read through these plays, we will also examine a number of philosophical works about tragedy. It is at the same time the most intimately known fact of our humanity and science's most elusive puzzle. Phil was stabbed to death by his son, who habitually used hallucinogenic drugs, in one of the most shocking tragedies in . Pragmatist Currents in Contemporary Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. Is relativism a form of skepticism? How much inference goes into interpreting what's said? We will, undoubtedly, have to adjust the syllabus to respond to breaking international, national and local news. We will begin by reading some of Plato's early dialogues and his, probing and intimate reflections on the meaning of human life, the nature of God and mind, time and eternity, will and world, good and evil, love and sexuality have challenged every generation since Augustine's own. this course, we will consider the relationship between freedom and social order. When, if ever, is paternalistic interference by the state into the lives of its citizens justified? What is essential to human being is not any fixed set of characteristics, but rather what a human being becomes and how it defines and creates itself under conditions it does not choose. Rings of harmony surround you. What does it take to realize this fact? We will see how a focus on language affects our understanding of many traditional philosophical questions, ranging from epistemology and metaphysics to aesthetics and ethics. The order in which you say things matters, and it matters for what you communicate what actions you take and what events happen around you. Background readings include sources rooted in traditional modes of bioethical analysis as well as those incorporating feminist approaches. We'll try to make some progress on these issues. We then consider a range of Buddhist critiques of these views, focusing more particularly on the Madhyamaka, which radicalizes the critique of the self into a global anti-realist and skeptical stance. No one can have an adequate understanding of western intellectual history without some familiarity with the Greeks, and we might think that an understanding of our intellectual history can deepen our understanding of our own situation. In particular, one must grasp that "three of them" picks out a subset of the group picked out by "every cookie", and that there's no such thing as a cookie that is both chocolate chip, Minds, Brains, and Intelligent Behavior: An Introduction to Cognitive Science. Love it or hate it, you cannot ignore it. We will examine the wager in its original home of Pascal's Pensees, and look at William James' related article, "The Will to Believe." that future is nothing short of an existential threat to human beings. Questions about persons are of central importance for a myriad of our theories and practices, and for the ways in which we live our lives. In this course, we will examine a number of Greek tragedies and philosophical writing on tragedy and the tragic. The pain and suffering of the family is no different.". In this way the goal of the course is significantly different from that of Logic and Language (PHIL 203). Right? How do logic and language relate? Pascal's wager is a different approach: it argues that even though proof of the existence of God is unavailable, you will maximize your expected utility be believing. In addressing these substantive questions, we will also consider which methodological approach--if a single one can be privileged--we should adopt for examining emotions. [more], The core activity of this seminar is the careful reading and sustained discussion of selected works by Plato and Aristotle, but we will also engage such other thinkers as Epictetus and Augustine, and, from a political and theoretical point of view, selections from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. They help us ask: What is freedom? A hub of student life at Williams, Paresky houses Baxter Great Hall (seen here), four dining options, meeting rooms and study spaces, pool and foosball tables, an auditorium, and the student mailroom. Perhaps, then, economics is not primarily a predictive science, but instead a descriptive, historical, and/or mathematical one. We will also read more recent work by Foucault inspired scholars on topics such as the biopolitics of gender, the genealogy of terrorism, the informational person (how we become our data), and neoliberal subjects. In order to hit the ground running, students will be expected to read The Women Are Up to Something: How Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Mary Midgley, and Iris Murdoch Revolutionized Ethics by Benjamin J. We will read Adam Smith and Karl Marx on capitalism, Simone de Beauvoir on gender, and Charles Mills on race. We will closely analyze classical arguments by Augustine, Avicenna, Aquinas, Anselm, Maimonides, Descartes, and others. Logicians and mathematicians have done a good deal of work developing extensions of and alternatives to classical logic. [more], Along with jazz, pragmatism stands as the greatest uniquely American contribution to world culture. Cy Jacob Walsh, 26, entered no plea after being charged with murdering his father in a killing that has stunned Australia's sporting community. At home? What do the social and psychological sciences have to teach us about happiness? Is rationality relative to cultural norms? With what limits and justifications? Must the freedom or fulfillment of some people require the subordination of others? Must it be unaffected by any outside influences? We will then discuss philosophies of science which emerged out of various criticisms of this view - especially those of Popper, Lakatos, Kuhn and Feyerabend - and the challenges to the assumptions of scientific objectivity and rationality their works provoked. In school? public health policies and activities. What sorts of things can be true or false? Right? Does being virtuous guarantee happiness? How do our thoughts refer to objects? But perform those exact same steps in a different order--check the stove, say "I didn't leave the stove on", then say "I might've left the stove on"--and something's gone quite wrong. [more], Philosophy is often described as thinking about thinking: variously conceived inquiries into the nature, scope and limits of human reasoning have always been at its heart. In this class, we'll work together to think through some ancient and contemporary paradoxes. Thus, Plato described the philosopher as "the one who beholds all Time and all Being." : On Justice and Freedom in Western Political Philosophy. These affect not only our particular choices but also, more fundamentally, who we are and what we value. We will examine these (and other questions) in the context of the great philosophical revolution at the beginning of the last century: the linguistic turn and the birth of analytic philosophy. The question of this course is whether these values are in conflict. ", Get immediate help for depression or anxiety. this course we'll explore justice as a fundamental moral principle and as a desideratum of the US health care system. Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, J.S. We will focus on particular topics, examples of which are the following: normative critique, capitalism, authoritarianism, mass culture, enlightenment and reason, progress, violence, the domination of nature, white supremacy, patriarchy and colonialism. Of course, this question cannot really be answered, nor is there any value in trying to answer it, and any "answer" will only be "true" for you. The picture that we find in the works of the tragedians, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides is markedly different. Indeed Nietzsche's influence has been pervasive. How is political power generated and exercised? My daughter removes one grain of sand. Moreover, the ethical issues that are implicated in responses to the pandemic reflect the range of those manifested across the field of public health as a whole. Who should rule? What are the forces, and the dynamics between forces (i.e., economic, technological, modes of communication, techniques of social control, biological, psychological) that make certain types of subjects possible influencing both their self-understandings and their forms of life? See if you can figure out why this is sometimes called a paradox, and then ask yourself what this has to do with our opening questions. Key ideas and concepts such as the death of god, the use and abuse of history, the eternal recurrence, will to power, and master and slave morality will be addressed. [more], Very few people believe that everything is water, that we knew everything before birth, that philosophers ought to rule the state, or that the earth is at the center of the cosmos. in conflict. "Our industry is grieving today, and we send our love and support to the Walsh family, the Crows staff and players, Phil's wider circle of friends, the other clubs he worked with, and his many colleagues across the AFL," he said. We will continue with J. S. Mill's, course is to examine the origins, grounds, and nature of this belief. What is the mind? + Discussion: UPI, New York Post, . While Hegel studies tends to occur in isolation from philosophers in the Africana tradition, many of the above explicitly refer to and take up questions in Hegel. We will read Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau in seeking answers to these questions. Both stances face severe difficulties. How can we ensure that AI's will act morally? Our readings will come primarily from philosophy, but will be supplemented with material from anthropology, physics, psychology, and linguistics. First of all, Greek thinkers, especially Plato and Aristotle, radically shaped the trajectory of western thought in every area of philosophy. . On the other hand, if logic is about how we should reason, what makes it the case that we should reason one way rather than another? [more], Our focus in this class is going to be on the nature of causation. [more], Much like the construction of medical knowledge itself, it is from specific cases that general principles of biomedical ethics arise and are systematized into a theoretical framework, and it is to cases they must return, if they are to be both useful and comprehensible to those making decisions within the biomedical context. What is the mind? In addition to examining general accounts of causation, we will examine particular problems that come up in thinking about mental causation and causation in indeterministic contexts. [more], This is a course in the philosophy of logic. Can science contribute to our understanding of these issues? The picture that we find in the works of the tragedians, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides is markedly different. We will read, among others, selected papers by Carnap, Hempel, Quine, Goodman, Kuhn, Elgin, Hacking, Misak, Putnam, Rorty, and Haack. In addition we'll also look at feminist analyses of topics that traditionally have not been regarded as "gendered," such as resource allocation and end of life issues. Phil Walsh's death a family tragedy. [more], We will consider a series of debates in 20th Century Analytic Philosophy concerning the relationship between the mind and the world. It will be very helpful, though not absolutely necessary, for you to have some familiarity with logic and some experience in reading philosophy. Black Marxism: Political Theory and Anti-Colonialism, What Philosophy Is: It's Methods, Aims and Values. The second, longer part of the seminar will try to isolate and follow some of the pragmatist currents which run through epistemology and philosophy of science in the 20th and 21st centuries. In fact, it seems like you can't change a heap of sand into something that isn't a heap of sand by removing one grain of sand. More importantly, many of the thinkers that we will read in this class are simply excellent philosophers, and it is worthwhile for anyone interested in philosophical problems to read treatments of these problems by excellent philosophers. Finally, is there a reason for philosophy of film and film theory to exist as a separate field? His thought influenced the thought of subsequent generations of philosophers. Although it has influenced both analytic and continental philosophy, pragmatism is a powerful third philosophical movement. What differentiates today from yesterday? This course will introduce students to fundamental concepts, methods, and issues in environmental ethics. We also examine the Yogacara school, which offers a process view of reality focusing on the analysis of experience. It turns out, however, to be surprisingly difficult to say what causation is. Authors will include Plato, Anselm, Aquinas, Pascal, Paley, Hume, Kant, Kierkegaard, and several contemporary philosophers. Frege, Russell, and the Early Wittgenstein. Emboldened by our confidence in skeptical arguments, we claim that knowledge is inevitably limited, that it depends on one's perspective, and that everything one believes is relative to context or culture. Near the end of the semester, we'll also examine some evolutionary explanations of religious belief. What are space and time? Must they inhere in substances? We'll try to make some progress on these issues. When, if ever, is paternalistic interference by the state into the lives of its citizens justified? Possible additional topics would include: modal logic, the theory of counterfactuals, alternative representations of conditionals, the use of logic in the foundations of arithmetic and Godel's Incompleteness theorems. We will read works by three of Socrates' contemporaries: Aristophanes, Xenophon, and especially Plato. State police are investigating the death of a student more than three decades ago at a now-closed school for troubled teens. Furthermore, philosophers have continued to revisit the existential questions vividly raised by Greek tragedy. We will continue with the contemporary inheritors of the tradition: Cornel West, Richard Rorty, and Hilary Putnam. It is difficult, however, to get clear on the relation between the meaning of an expression and its reference. Introduction to Critical Theory: The Enlightenment and Its Critics. In this course, we will survey the ethics of public health through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic, investigating concepts and arguments that are central to the ethics of public health research and practice. We will begin with questions about how to define death, as well as reflections on its meaning and function in human life. What do the social and psychological sciences have to teach us about happiness? Our main goal in this course is to work our way through Aristotle's text which can be extremely daunting, and to reconstruct his central positions and his arguments for these positions. What are the limits of language? If loyalty is a virtue, what are the proper limits of its cultivation and expression? Our aim is to enrich our understanding of the discipline in order to evaluate its value and limitations. If so, is that knowledge importantly different in kind or in rigor from the knowledge we gain through physics, chemistry or geology? We will pay special attention to the first amendment and questions concerning free speech and hate speech. We will read some representative works from each of these schools of thought to see how each approaches Socrates. microscopes of reason and logic can carry us in traditional arguments about the existence and nature of God. While Plato and Aristotle differ on many points, they share the belief that the cosmos and the human place within it can be understood by rational means. The seminar will fall into two unequal parts. We will also try to get more precise in our understanding of some of the key concepts in logic, such as contradiction, consistency, logical consequence, syntax and semantics. Be primarily driven by discussion, often preceded by brief lectures or in from..., often preceded by brief lectures and its Critics contemporary readings semester, we will consider the between! 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phil walsh death williams college