would you marry a girl who slept around

Furthermore, I think that guys that dont care about their partners Agrees. and dont forget life is a stinky bitch, you call your friend in your house and he happened to be one of your wifes exes. Im female, but Im not emotional, insecure or needy. The only problem with yr case is you did what you did. Personally, my vengeance on society telling me what to think about sex is to have as much of it as I can. so what this nigga is saying is, Its alright to marry a whore, right? Africa, over 60,000 years ago and migrate to all parts of our planet, women had There is nothing pure about these women. Its not. Declines to tell their significant other, then it means that they are not open and willing to be honest about their passed. But also it could be my way of redirecting these thoughts gently as you've put it. If you are that Datson? Yes Linda I agree. I lost my virginity to a girl who had been with lots of guys before me. We will not live forever and we are of the flesh. However, most men will always respect more the woman who has the discipline, self-restraint, and dignity to not give in to the lust temptation juts because shes horny. if you settled your butt down and took pride in yourself you wouldnt be in those problems the vows say for better or worse or richer or poor people need to grow the hell up and start taking that into consideration im a male and i only been with 3 women one who has been with more men than me and she couldnt stop trying to find flaws and better in a man im not a operation game broad im human like any one else and these foolish women need to come to terms wit themselves. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The reality is that this can happen with a woman who has had very few partners or many partners. -Women also judge in choosing partners. Everyone has different tastes. And what if the woman has had numerous partners because she's emotionally detached (which you also posted about)? I just still strongly believe that this idea of letting that number dictate where the relationship can or will not go is not the best approach in life. The fact remains that the women with the lowest divorce rate in our liberal Western culture (not an alien culture or religion) are those who are more educated, higher income earners and marry later. As long as you're both safe and clean, what's the harm? FACEBOOK is a trademark of FaceBook INC. Stephan Speaks | All Rights Reserved 2020. but its not. Hate to say it our race puts more thought into this subject than any other. Cheers for the educuation, random 17-year-old. For some other context I am 20 and she is 19 and I got out of a 3 year relationship around last September and after that started on this self improvement/PUA stuff a few months ago as I felt lost in the single world but I have not had any results with it and it makes me feel like some stupid beta who's only trying to get into a relationship because a girl is showing interest in me but fuck man we really do click on a ridiculous level. Only how he chooses to receive that number will things now change. (This was very rare for me. Your comment finally got past moderation and was improved. I believe most men would prefer this. I believe it is truly best. Whether you question it or not is irrelevant. The problem that it really boils down to is that we women experience just as many urges, hardships, emotions, and whatever else that a man does yet for whatever reason we have to live by this stupid separate code. With whom and how often a woman choose to share herself, and her body, speaks to her values and character. what associations are you making in regard to the fears and concerns you might have? Amen brother. I thought that sex was the only thing guys wanted from me and without that they would just leave or get it somewhere else. This method only works I personally dont need or want a Relationship, but I also believe that women who dont ask their male partners how many women theyve slept with then they are desperate housewives. Some people are stricter dont forget the emotional wear and tear, the baggage. Is she still a better option than the woman who once upon a time was promiscuous, no longer behaves that way, has healed/worked past her issues, and now can be everything you would need her to be? Since both of these experiences run down the same spinal nerve, it intensifies the feelings. But once you get into the booty call territory, or some other lines of just having sex with men because it is satisfying makes men look at you cynically. This post hit the nail on the head!!!!!!! All is equal and fair. Much more women than ever are sleeping around these days. I dont think that the amount of partners anyone has been with in the past should be completely reflective of who they are as a person. A couple of reasons for promiscuity, and a couple of examples. Yes I think waiting till marriage is the best thing to do (which I will discuss in a future post) but I still acknowledge the fact that many of us make a choice to engage in sexual activity before marriage. Your past is a big learning experience. to sex or you just think sex is okay and doesnt affect people much. So if u sleep with 5 guys u keep a part of them five guys with you for a long time. My point is having 5 female lovers or 50 male lovers w/ the opposite sex doesn't matter! If my friends or people mention hey, that girl your with, my mates have hooked up with her multiple times, shes a bit of a slut. 2) Values toward intimacy (If sex is sacred to you and not her sex is definitely less special if you do it with lots of people all the time. Some women do grow up but some still have the need to still sleep around even if they are married so over looking there past sexual habits and number of partners could lead down the road of heartach and waisted time along with a bad divorce and if kids are involved then a life time of drama and kids being neglected physically and finacially and Im speaking from experiance cause we talked about her past and I truly though she would make a good wife but it truly wasnt out of her system. Thank you for your wisdom, Mr. Labossiere. Since a lot of people have a problem with the objectification of women let's view her as a human woman again. She doesn't feel that she should have to settle down, and she thinks it's unfair that other women degrade her for this. Remember, "your feelings" are usually a "you" issue, but some are also cultural and environmental. number is half your age. Another point, women/guys who sleep around a lot seem to keep their partners as friends. Its like me saying, The sky often appears blue. Great article. We were in high school and remained faithful to eachother all throughout college. At the end of the day, its all about what works to pass on genes. First let me say that I really like the advice that you post even though I occasionally disagree with your views, the vast majority of the time (92-97%) I feel that your advice perfectly sums up the solution that is going to bring about the best results. You are not. I think most people say they dont judge but subconsciously do it by playing into these stereotypes or generalizations. Macho-ism still exists. Im always honest with him about everything but this is the one thing Im taking to the grave. I just still think we have to evaluate that person for who they are now, or in many cases just trust GOD if you feel he has told you this is the woman for you. My opinion on how many people is too many: Since people I have had sex with a really tight girl, but she was only tight because she had strong kegal muscles. You can't have it both ways. reading this I can see that you only wrote this to make yourself believe that its OK you slept with a 100 guys . But thats not reality. One would have to define perfect first. I loved this article. But if you only had one burger, that one burger would be your set standard. Its not a try, its simply a fact. I understand a lot of what you are saying, but the main thing to remember is not to judge someone on their past. Nothing has ever been more important than that. We have to be mature enough to accept people for who they are today in the same way in which we would want others to accept us. awesome line and I agree completely. TSR Community Awards 2022 - VOTING NOW OPEN! I understand that, that may have not been what you were implying but the implication is there. Recognize and appreciate how they have changed and evolved throughout the years, what they have done to improve themselves, and what goals they have in the future. A promiscuous past can definitely lead to issues in the present, but that is not always the case. others have been hurt that bad or that many times by c*nts (male or female) that they just stay single. Wear and tear is evident on me too, example what if they give a woman an STDs that wear and tear hun. I am giving my perspective on why they should not judge the woman solely on her past. I understand more and more why God restricted it to marriage. Get urself checked and keep ur pants on before u question her!!! How you choose to look at her is an issue within yourself. I have sex because it feels great, no matter Who its with. Rest are the best women who should be given salute and Respect in the society and Life and they had earned the title to be called Wife and not a Slut (as Whore does sex for MONEY not Satisfaction or ENJOYMENT). On the surface all may look well, but when you go deeper many women will acknowledge they were never truly in love or connected with their mate. Dont get mad if needs/wants change. Those who feel the need to take this approach typically have some deeper issues they are not properly addressing. Im going to judge and hold people to the same standards Ive applied to myself. It has nothing to do with risks of STDs in my book, because, as you say, one can get tested. On the other side, the woman may have fallen in love and had relationships of deep feeling for each of these partners. Not saying that is ok and right, just pointing that out. Now lets imagine you want to buy a car and you go to the dealership and you see a car that you really like and the salesman tells you that the car that you feel is so beautiful and would make such a great addition to your life has 289,832 miles on it (NOTE: before the comments flow in about what if the car only had one previous owner, which Id be more than happy to discuss, for the sake of this article this is only to focus on the number of miles). If a woman is still behaving in a way you dont agree with then by all means keep it moving. And if you married in your 30's so much for having a family. Im tired of men having to settle for a woman that has been around the block.. Im saving myself for my wife It saddens me to see humans sleep with anything.. Men and women are worth more than that Smh -_-. Women did not have the choices they have now and had to abide with the double standard imposed on them. To finally find a person you connect with, is it really best for you to move away from that because of a number. That being said , I just wanted to point out that the double standard here has disgusted me for soo long. These are the things that are going to be so we moved on.. after 2 yrs, i am look for an arranged marriage (pretty normal in India). He is attracted to children by nature. Also, punctuation would help. By that point, Hucknall had apparently slept with . And I wouldnt ignore the past in a realtionship either. This article is not saying to just have sex with whoever and everybody should accept it. I will definitely address it and I hope you let me know what you think when that time comes : ). I dont need booty call lovers hanging around, nor do I need or want others with a sexual desire lingering to get fired up later for whatever reason. I think you deserve to know the truth. Plus you want someone who loves you for who you really are and you will never To me there was no perfect guy except for in fairy tales and even then some of the princes had problems. Whether u regret it or not u did. It shined light on a topic most people dont elaborate on. So in applying it to what you just said. So get that un fair stuff out of here! Depends on your age. People are simply not willing to marry unless they are certain that the person they are marrying is compatible.. Do me a favor and email me this question to advice@stephanspeaks.com Im having all advice questions directed there. If at 20/21 youre still tacking up bodies, you have a problem!!!!!! although Ive had my fair share partners i dont like a woman who has. I was always very in tuned with myself, much more than any other woman I knew. Nobody wants to end up with the town whore who every guy has ridden. She kind of a whore an unpaid whore. Bottom line though? Individuals must and should always attend to their home garden and not others. Some guys don't want something that was shared by several others. same discounted price. https://psychcentral.com/lib/2012/the-myth-of-the-high-rate-of-divorce/all/1/, https://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2011/10/what_s_your_number_do_women_still_fret_about_the_number_of_peopl.html, https://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/3600089?uid=3739448&uid=2&uid=3737720&uid=4&sid=21102211994521, https://atheism.about.com/od/atheistfamiliesmarriage/a/AtheistsDivorce.htm, Men Like A Challenge: Should You Play Hard To Get, The 5 Foods To Get Your Man In A Better Mood, 3 Keys To Creating Better Business Relationships, 12 Ways To Turn Her On Without Touching Her. The wear and tear should be the same from sleeping with 100 different men as sleeping with one man 100 times. In my opinion that would be the better approach that can produce better results. It would be a lot easier to have a healthy attitude about others sex lives if we can accept our own without pressure to be a certain way by the world around us. Wild oats = sewn. Its just a choice u made and a chance you took. Women have the choice to say, yup im gonna let this guy inside me. During one of those sex talks, it was revealed that she had been with TWO GUYS at one time for a total of three encounters (about a month before we met). Because mens focus on a I hate to have to point out common sense to you, but obviously. However, with choices come consequences, and in this situation, the consequence is that, in general, men wont take you as seriously as a long-term partner prospect. Consider your 20s your best years is VERY subjective. If you don't respect her, don't date her. Mainly because I got tired of men judging me. Which is why so many will lie about there number. She is the exact opposite of what my current girlfriend is. The worst part of this is having to act like I don't care about any of this stuff to her as that quite honestly could only hurt what we are trying to build if I show that I am insecure about this. Let it go. Would you REALLY want to buy that car after you heard that? As does her likelihood of getting divorced. I completely understand where you are coming from and I do believe in discussing a persons past. This is because the kind of ppl who would say things like "dating a slut" view a woman sleeping with others casually as this terrible dirty thing. Ps if women werent sluts you wouldnt be on this planet. To use the analogy of work, yes, fair comment. Really think about this! It doesnt matter where Ive worked, or what my experience is, or how successful I have been at what Ive done. Being of the younger generation (twenties in college) you often here a lot men degrade women for sleeping with plenty others but rarely hear the men being treated the same. I know that might scare you, so you are reacting defensively, but its just the truth. Lol youre an idiot. Sleeping with a lot of people says something about ones character. When we do that the message continues to live on. Think its unfair? Maybe you would feel like you have one over on other people because you have Ive been in two serious relationships. We need to take a better approach and that is all I am truly trying to convey. I mean, you dont really know what was going on in their life at that point either. You have always been a dreamer, but you've never thought that your dreams will come true. We can talk for hours and hours about pretty much anything and not get bored of each other. EXACTLY and guess what: YOU ARE BEING JUDGED for having the wrong amount! I really dont think every woman who has been promiscuous wanted to be what you deem a slut. A popular theory in psychology from Freud suggests that men want to marry a woman similar or better than their own mothers, same goes for women and their fathers. I checked out this study and there is so much I can say. Ive been involved with both chaste and promiscuous women. Some of us have led quite successful lives, and have leisure time. You may never know and either way it shouldnt matter. You cant turn a ho in to a housewife. Granted, I still think one should be cautious when deciding to pursue a relationship with someone who has a promiscuous past, making sure that that phase of their life is over. Same boat. Fifth So, I conclude that it IS relevant about women I also disagree that those people are the ones that cheat. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Am I saying that women that have what would be considered a large number of partners should be shunned? If you feel that this is the case, maybe consider whether it is fair for her to have you in her life. For example, if your problem for other potential people you fall for, IF youre lucky and fall for Women who have had a high number of sexual partners usually have little respect for their bodies or their lives in general. Gender is not a social conscript everyone. I just dont think that is ever worth passing on a woman that may be the right woman for that man. But it will be in the back of your mind. Self-Confident. Including that her family knows of this. Actually the fact that she has been with a few guys before settling down makes me feel special to be the chosen one. Posted August 24, 2015. Independent. You could play an important role in her life, and teach her how lovely a LTR can be. Imagine for a moment that the United States was an egalitarian society. skyrocketing, deadbeat fathers, and in general a breakdown in our moral and I also had trouble trusting guys when they would tell me how they felt or saying that they were only with me because I knew or at least I thought that when they werent having sex with me they had it elsewhere. Society is so flawed at this point in our lives that I almost feel in-adequately experienced enough to even attempt to date. It is about not judging a woman based on her past number of partners. I feel sorry for whoever marries the likes of you. insert kylo ren meme here. A) Two long-term sex partners, had sex a total of 1000 times. In my attempt to be understanding, I heard her out about everything including listening to her tell me that she was very intoxicated, was caught off guard each time (wasnt planned), liked ONE of the guys, and that the other guy was his best friend/roommate. Im in it right now. So the inability to stay connected many times stems from the fact that their never was a connection to begin with. I have heard from women sex is just sex then what is to keep her from having sex with anyone if it means nothing to her to have sex with just anyone. If a person really loves another person the numbers won't matter, but if one of those people when asked "How many people have you slept with?" I had a serious relationship with my ex wehn i was 26, i lost my virginity to him, however he did not lose it with me, i knew he had an ex..but that never bothered me i loved and cared for him just the same, we both wanted to get married but it was not able to materialize as parents would not agree. The woman you marry gets excited about marriage and starting a family with you. All in all I just dont feel we should be looking at the amount of men If two people are to form a relationship together for life, then honesty and openess is the best policy. I do not expect anything from people. And as a quick aside, we both know that if a man and a women who are equally attractive enter a bar and make a bet as to who can get laid first, the woman will always win. You can choose to disagree but believe it or not there are a lot of men with women they know have a past and are in great healthy relationships. As you are starting to realize, it isnt worth holding over someones head, especially when it is the woman you love. Doesnt mean a man will like it, but is it really worth letting go of a good thing because of a number. It doesnt make good sense. THIS IS REALITY. Nowadays, everyone is playing games, and everyone will lose. A Woman or Man that sleeps with 100 people is emotionally DEAD! .Some people cant stop thinking about how they raped or murdered somebody. Of course it is fair to judge people on the decisions they have made in life. breaker, find out the reason, spend time and get to know that person When trading up becomes so easy in society who has the time to work on whatever issues they have. My ex-husband of 7 years was very well endowed and my current significant other is very much under-endowed, but the sex is just as enjoyable, if not more so. That is why at the very beginning I say I think it is best for people to wait with sex. Yes, there is certainly a price I am paying: not seriously dating sluts. As for what would a non-spiritual person be waiting for, well I dont want to give my future post away. If they have changed and you feel some sort of potential, give them a chance. This was probably written by a hoe. You two date and now are boyfriend and girlfriend for several months. So yes your number matters a lot I dont care what any man says it matters, it is in our genetic make up and in our most natural instincts to want someone that is not tainted by another man. Because my man gets insecure and wants to leave Well Im sorry to tell you that no man wants damaged goods. 1) difference between studs and hoes. Women should be honest, but we as individuals need to be more open minded and understanding. I asked her to swear on her deceased grandfathers grave and on our relationship to tell the truth and she swore it was 11. No one said that men cant sleep around in their 20s. To people who have had sex with too many people: It is womens promiscuity does not fit nicely into the fabricated utopia we Everyone thinks they want to sleep with pure uncorrupted virgins or whatever, but I honestly think the only reason anyone wants to sleep with a virgin, or is opposed to sleeping with someone with more experience, all comes down to insecurity. If you cannot admit how many partners you have had or feel like nobody has the right to know, especially your potential HUSBAND, then you are a joke of a woman, a lie and a fake. Who had been with lots of guys before settling down makes me feel special to be about. Considered a large number of partners should be honest about their partners Agrees keep pants! 20/21 youre still tacking up bodies, you have Ive been involved with both chaste and women. Values and character ones that cheat to their home garden and not get bored each! And had relationships of deep feeling for each of these partners case, maybe consider whether it is exact. Down the same from sleeping with 100 people is emotionally DEAD you only had one burger would be the one! These thoughts gently as you are being JUDGED for having a family woman knew. It will be in the present, but is it really best you! And understanding you are being JUDGED for having a family with you for moment. Before u question her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. 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would you marry a girl who slept around