legacies fanfiction hope stabbed

Hope Mikaelson's anonymous stalker torments the people she loves, including her husband and all her friends, in a twisted bid to win her affections. She is the adoptive younger sister of Marcel Gerard via her father. It is not good nor bad, not lovely nor painful, but the gray area in between both. Sex will be in chapter 9 so there is your warning. "Just close your eyes and sing.". Mature. . KEEPING SECRETS As punishment for breaking the rules, Hope, Lizzie, Josie and MG are forced to participate in a community service project in the Mystic Falls town square. In There's Always a Loophole. She was then born in The Originals season one episode From a Cradle to a Grave. or: josie will stop at nothing to get hope back. "Aunt Freya?" What ha || The two had not heard her in their display of passion, and with a broken heart and tears in her eyes, she had rushed out of the home, Hayden Bentley s Where two girls find comfort in each other late hours at the Grill She uses magic to light her way in the endless darkness, only to find that a vortex opens, sucking her in. She shouldnt be surprised, given that they have been tangled together in bed for hours. Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn, Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. Again the Salvatore students were wondering how this was the great evil. The Arrival/ Kidnapping The scene changes to Marcel comforting a crying Davina. When Roman waves at her, she doesn't and Freya asks why. She and Alaric are then confronted by the man and he shows his name as Ryan Clarke. When Landon gets into Alaric's office, he is not happy that Hope is going to test him because, she is not impartial but he agree after she says he wants to help find out who he is. This story is an alternate take on Season 2 of Legacies and features Alpha, Beta, Omega Dynamics. In What Was Hope Doing In Your Dreams?, Hope is overprotective of Landon who is the only notable human to attend the school and is keeping his mother's death a secret from him as he believes they haven't ever met. "I was angry with my foe," the screen showed Klaus looking at Mikael with that same fear then being stabbed by a white oak stake. 4. Story Complete. Davina scolded. Arrived on Route 29, they search in the woods near the area, they meet a woman who seems to be in shock. "Is never ending.". Always in town square, and after seeing MG and Dana kissing, they talk about their recent crush, why Hope is punished and talk about their mothers, when Josie says she should have sent flowers or something to Hayley's death, she retorts that this is the case because Alaric to add their names, Josie said they deserved a little bit of poking. She also talks to Henry as he's been locked up in the Garden and tells him to be calm. A high school Posie au by Pining for Posie. "Waiti thought you said you grew up in New Orleans.." Landon asked. Landon is dead, not ferryman. She then later enlists Josie's help in using dark magic to locate Landon. Hearing this, Hope is crying. It then showed baby Hope in a car seat. Hope was conceived in The Vampire Diaries season four episode Bring It On, and it was revealed that Hayley was pregnant four episodes later in The Originals. Weren't we suppose to be reacting to Mikaelson's past?" In When The Saints Go Marching In, she stops her father from killing himself and they go back to New Orleans. They end up fighting. When they repeats a dance, she treats him of gigolo, vexed, he thanks her and suppose they will seen at the party but Hope says will not, preferred to stay alone in his bedroom, Rafael doesn't believe her because everyone needs a crew, they end up arguing, so he starts to leave the gym but is blocked because of a boundary spell, Penelope shows up, apologizing and saying that this is not personal and they will be free in a hour. True to his word, Hope transform completely into her wolf form in a matter of moments and has the Hollow extracted from her successfully. Klaus bites him. No one knows how she survived it. Legacies Recap: Familiar Faces Return as Hope Finally Decides Her Fate By Andy Swift / October 28 2021, 7:48 PM PDT Courtesy of The CW Hope Mikaelson's days have been numbered since long. How will this impact them in th Prologue What happens when you are still alive though? "Everyone, protect the kids at all costs!" Hope says, lunging at the incoming army of soldiers. What do you mean you lost them?, It means I cant find them, Lizzie! Hope didnt want to lose the patience, but there was a limit for everything. 3. Klaus just shook his head with a fond smile. "Is this how she was before everything?" Feeling heartbroken, she buys a bus ticket out of the town and conjures up her subconscious to talk with Landon using the prism she has gotten from Emma. Josie wasnt sure of what to make of The Salvatore Schools newest witch, as she dances between sweet and flirty will she let the new girl in or listen to her gut when it tells her to keep her guard up? Thanks Dorian, their understanding that they must actually face a dragon. Legacies: The 8 Worst Things Hope Did With Her Humanity Off Legacies: The 8 Worst Things Hope Did With Her Humanity Off By Jake Dee Published Dec 12, 2021 From attacking Alaric and shading Cleo to forgetting Landon and threatening Ethan, find out the worst things Hope did without her humanity. What if Hope approached Clarke at the end of 3x15 by herself. In Let's Just Finish the Dance, She talks to her uncle Kol and he gives her an idea, which she contemplates. Hope is deciding whether she should leave Mystic Falls since everyone got their memories back. Her name is Stephanie Lillian Salvatore. While on the way there, Hope has brief arguments with Lizzie and when they arrive, she joins up with Josie and Lizzie to talk to the townspeople. How could they expect her to not crave to be herself? They return to the sight and Hope talks to the group afterwards, with Lizzie arguing still with her. During the day, she acts out of character towards many of her friends and colleagues, which makes them wonder. Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Saltzman have never gotten along, but when Malivore begins spitting out creatures, the two find themselves growing closer and closer as they fight monsters and uncover their classmates' secrets. Even slaying Malivore wasn't done out of the goodness of her own heart, but out of vengeance. In Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, she is in her room listening to music and sees that Freya has come to visit. Landon is accused by Kaleb, the others don't defend him including Hope though she feels guilty of seeing Landon hurt. This incident puts things in perspective for hope seeing how well Lizzie fouled everyone into believing she was her leading her to also fall for the blonde's attentive and competitive nature. She tells him that they shouldn't be in there and that they should get him back in the cellar before they know he's gone. When they arrive at school, Hope walks to the library, Alaric comes up behind her, asking what she's doing here, she gives a book that would help kill the gargoyle and Josie joins them. What happen "Sometimes we think Then it showed Freya being held back while Mikael was stabbed with a white oak. Hope asked. After reuniting with Alaric and Emma, Emma uses a spell to send an electric shock throughout the students and teachers to get the slugs out of them. While talking, a slug slithers towards Hope and attaches itself to her boot, and then goes into her nose. They need to convince him to help locate the Triad vampire, but Ryan doesn't want to be involved with the Supernatural life anymore. She agrees, but before she can safely return to the school she is confronted by another creature from Malivore. Lizzie runs into Hope in the hallway declining to help her out when Hope asks. Her jaw clenched in irritation, and with hackles rising, Hope snapped back. Rebekah, Elijah, and Klaus are shown laughing before they were turned. I want you inside me. Josies breath hitches at the words, unused to hearing Hope openly declare what she wants like this. Racing towards him, she unfocuses for only a moment, and bang! Later, when Lizzie tells MG to erase all sadness in Sasha, she intervenes, saying that they can't do that, she tells MG to tell her that it's gonna hurt, it always will, that some days will be harder than others, but eventually she'll remember the good times she had with Dana, too, tell her to hold onto those, because its the key to getting through this. I didn't really know how to write this so I just decided to do the sex scene. Hope felt herself freeze and looked to her right to see the cold, cruel face of her shadow-self. In The Kindness of Strangers, while not appearing in the present, she is seen in flashbacks and photos. Work Search: s s Blair Potter was the older sister to Harry Potter. Plot? (600 words) Read on AO3. Now he comes back to see she has a family. Hope goes to Las Vegas with Lizzie and Josie for the twins 21st birthday. Julius finds himself in hot water with Brianna over a decision he makes. Dead but walking. Klaus hugs her to try and console her. As they navigate the ups and downs of their relationship, they discover that sometimes it's the little things that matter the most. This girl will have helped from The Salvatore School and The Original family. "And I watered it in fears," the screen then shows Cami being kissed by Klaus. You'd be surprised how many times he actually bit me. It then showed baby Hope walking. Hope reluctantly agrees. She begins to paint and tells her father that she's fine and starts hearing the voices in her head again. At the gym, she explains to Rafael how to behave during the party, he is not very cooperative finding this absurd but Hope reprimands saying he should have thought before asking Lizzie to be his date, he answers that he doesn't ask but can not let her down because he slept with her. It is more tragic than lovely. Klaus tells her that the first transformation usually takes hours but by embracing the transformation and pain instead for fighting it, the process will be faster. As she waits for the walk down in the street, she wonders where everyone is and Freya tells her about her father's astral projection, while Vincent and Marcel should be there. They use a light to see where the slugs have gone and who they are controlling, seeing that everyone is in the auditorium, and they lock the doors so they won't come after them. Following the advice, she goes to see Rafael, who is asking for help on Lizzie's birthday party. Please consider turning it on! Lay outside of us. Klaus chuckled. All of their friends are invited! At the end of the second season, Hope is living with Hayley and Jackson (stepfather by marriage) in the Bayou, and by the end of the third season, she is living with Hayley on the road. At the wedding she was a speech on the fact that this day was the best because they were all together and she had the impression to really be part of the "Always and Forever". Futures can surprise you. Hope then asks Landon to be her boyfriend and they kiss. "Til it bore an apple bright." They see that Henry has his heart extracted and his body hanging from a balcony. Adoni doesnt want to cause any trouble for the residence of Mystic Falls, but without a coven to go home too and a notorious vampire hunter after the secrets her coven has worked tirelessly to hide she might not have a choice. Please consider turning it on! Harry potter/The vampirediaires/The orignals/legacies. Legacies (TV 2018) (2376) The Originals (TV) (251) The Vampire Diaries (TV) (204) The . She and Alaric arrive at Route 29 to see that the bus Landon was has everybody dead, without him in sight. "So that's how you did it." Hope finds herself outside of the Salvatore School, where she bumps into Dorian Williams, who questions who she is and if she is alright. Alaric notices the death spell, he understands that it was first for Landon, angry he tells her that she can not be a person filled with hate and revenge as her father was. left kudos on this work! So what was that with Hope?, Josie widened her eyes at her. Her subconsciousness, in the form of Landon, tells her not to leave town as Landon would more than likely want to know about her. "Hope its fine. Hope joked looking away. Before she can be sucked in however, she is pulled back down into the darkness by Ryan Clarke. Although Lizzie pleads with Ablah to keep her memories and growth, Ablah returns Lizzie to the moment before her first wish, ultimately erasing Lizzie's memories of the events. He was Count Dracula's son, and would become like his father in time. To Marcel torturing Klaus. Her jaw clenched in irritation, and with hackles rising, Hope snapped back. She gets angry at Freya and when telling her to leave, she uses pyrokinesis and then puts it out. Klaus, Kol and Y/n Martin, a werewolf/banshee, the first of her kind, leaves with the lacrosse team to Mystic Falls and stays with the Saltzman family at the Salvatore school. Another vortex opens, and Clarke again prevents it from sucking in Hope, and the two are surrounded by Shadow Creatures, forcing Hope to make the two of them invisible. But today her room felt too quiet and it was raining outside so strongly it's as if the gods they'd defeated months ago were punishing them from whatever afterlife they went to. They face the gargoyle in the hall, Hope and Josie destroy the monster. 'Riley' however, is more than he is presented to be. Hope Andrea Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, she was a former major recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Josie takes an quick liking to Hope. Kaleb dreads the fact that Hope doesn't agree to cure MG but she does. Legacies Character Information Aliases Prometheus, Demigod, Homie, Half-god Pronouns He/Him Status In a relationship Age 5000+ Birthdate Ca. She was smart. She then gets a magical alert that Landon is in danger and decides to rescue him. While they think to have killed her, the woman takes on the appearance of a real dragon. Her girlfriend Josie has trouble coping with his and decides that the only way to understand her is to become a vampire herself. 3000 BC Family Unnamed (mother) Ken (father) Jen (half sister) Chronos (half brother) Unnamed (half siblings) Romances Jed Tien (boyfriend/soulmate) Ashur (former lover) Portrayed by Zane Phillips The Saltzman Twins throw their annual Christmas Bash on Mystic Falls Mountain. She will have to stop the supernatural war from rising and destroying Magic. "The agony." The screen then shows Ester in front of a fire moving her arms in a rhythm. He makes her visit the high school but she ends up exasperatingly telling that they are not friends. Then came her birth. When Rafael promises to bring back the knife and the answers she wants, she doesn't believe him, justifying everybody lies. Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | This wasnt supposed to happen. This was a constant. As a result of her unique heritage, she is the world's first werewolf-witch-vampire hybrid. We know that klaus is going to die in the originals 5*13 . 59.7K 1.5K 16. They return to the root cellar, Landon reveals to have the knife in spite of having said earlier not to have it which makes Hope even more angry. I don't own Legacies or the Vampire Diaries. She is the only Tribrid in the world and many view her as a threat. Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted (Vampire Diaries). Hope is defending herself that, she was not in the game and therefore she shouldn't be punished but Alaric answers that she knows what she did, referring to the use of black magic and that's why she's punished. Alaric is dead, not in a coma. The punished students arrive at town square, Lizzie tries to find out what Hope has done but she doesn't say anything. "What?" As her feelings toward him grow, shell have to decide if her pride is a good enough reason to keep herself from what she truly wants. Freya looked at Hope with a reassuring smile. Hope tells Lizzie that everyone was under a lot of stress dealing with the previous threat however that doesn't calm Lizzie. Hope felt herself freeze and looked to her right to see the cold, cruel face of her shadow-self. They decide to follow the merman to the location he needs to go to deliver the Anubian urn. Hope tries to avoid Clarke and his supernatural creature club, but the demonic activity on campus, and Josie's romantic involvement with his roommate make things very difficult. After seven years destiny played its part in their lives and it gave a letter to Hope (Klaus's daughter) saying that there is a way to defeat hollow. Birthdate Ca hearing Hope openly declare what she wants, she stops her father from killing himself and they back... 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legacies fanfiction hope stabbed